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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Yup. ALM is always enabled in the LL viewer, and will be in Firestorm. Some TPVs will continue to support non-ALM (forward-renderer) mode, like Cool VL Viewer, but the vast majority will be using ALM.
  2. Don't worry, phone batteries make sure that can't happen.
  3. That's a shame, your store is pretty well set up. How many times do your products show up in searches? The most important thing in the current MP situation is the product name - that holds the most priority when searching by "relevance." Keywords and the Features tab are secondary, and the description doesn't seem to matter at all. So for example, although your products have "LH" in the name, and "linden home" in the keywords, your products don't show up when I search for "linden home" because there are so many listings that actually contain "linden home" in the name. Basically, think of the most relevant things someone might search when likely to buy your products and work those into your product name, not just keywords. Longer names are also bad, because a product called just literally "linden home" is more relevant than a product called "something for your linden home."
  4. There's no substitute for it. The trick relies on type-punning the value with pointers. &i ; creates an integer pointer to the value of i. (float *) &i ; typecasts the integer pointer to a float pointer. * (float *) &i ; dereferences the float pointer into the value being pointed to. The "pun" here is that the integer value of "i" is now interpreted as if it was a float all along. And since LSL has no pointers...
  5. There are many things about the marketplace that need haven't been thought out very much or need improvement. There are also some significant things that actually affect most MP users and still get no attention. Whatever the MP team is doing, it's not visible nor communicated very much.
  6. The viewer source is no indication for LSL functionality, since scripts run server-side and there's no agent/viewer involvement required for string operations.
  7. The FS built-in AO uses the viewer itself to play animations. This is bad, because the viewer can be slow (or fail) to play animations fast enough while your computer or network is lagging. Scripts don't have this issue because all avatar movement is handled by the sim, where scripts also run. If the sim knows you're moving, scripts know too, and scripts aren't affected by your personal lag. And while it's true that scripts can lag kind of 'separately' from the sim, modern AOs use something called llSetAnimationOverride to literally replace your avatar's animations. This way you don't even need to have the AO attached -- it will continue to work even without scripts. It's fool-proof, costs no resources and is entirely unaffected by lag.
  8. NS is pretty impressive in its own right, even ignoring the notecards. It mimics an operating system in form and function - scripts are treated as programs, and program output can be "piped" as input to other programs like you'd expect from a CLI terminal. It's about as involved as you might expect. Even the LSL paradigm is replaced by heavy use of the LSL preprocessor. (No events.) Many open source scripts are offered in the SDK. /gush
  9. The "completed" reason is used for all closed tickets on LL's github. That ticket refers to an earlier (still open) ticket from 2016.
  10. I know exactly how that feels, I've had one regular self-admittedly (directly to me) spread lies about me in public threads while using some personal slight as their justification. I don't see how telling them "I'm ignoring you" is going to encourage them to stop replying? That doesn't prevent them from continuing their own malicious behavior now knowing it's even out of my sight.
  11. This is such a painfully good description.
  12. Why does it matter that they keep replying to you while you have them blocked? Why do they need to be informed that they're being ignored, isn't ignoring them enough?
  13. Nanite Systems is a robot roleplay system that makes very heavy use of notecards as a filesystem. They're used to load scripts for its custom script-engine, as well as switch between configurations.
  14. The root cause of the dreaded neck seam is mismatched vertex-normals at the edge where the two objects are joined. The normals of a mesh determine how light shading works, and a normal map can alter it per-pixel. Mesh bodies are made of dozens of separate objects, but you never see seams between the pieces. This is because there is no discrepancy between the normals where each piece is joined. The same could be done between a mesh head and body, but that would require devkits with accurate topology and normals (which are three things any creator is lucky to get legitimately).
  15. llGetNotecardLineSync should finally be grid-wide.
  16. The Maitreya body has 4 different necks built-in. You swap between them from the HUD, at the bottom of the "skin/base" tab. Type 1 and Type 2 have different normals which help hide the seam between the head and body, but both objects must have identical normals for the seam to properly disappear. The same goes for the Reborn body; you change the neck size from the HUD. The "standard/SL neck" is the LL system body's neck, but not everybody follows it, just like how most bodies don't/can't exactly follow the system body's UV mapping.
  17. The script works correctly for the most part... in the sense that it does what's written. One real problem in the script is that once you change to page 2, all touches are disabled, which is probably not what you intended. It's impossible to say whether the link/face numbers are correct without seeing how your object is constructed. As far as the main logic goes... When the correct link and face is clicked, the texture in the root prim will change just fine. And even though all the conditions are written as IFs, they function the same as if they were written as ELSE IFs. The only difference is that the current script will also continue to check for impossible conditions, but this won't cause errors.
  18. Select the object, and set the texture to BAKED_AUX3 from the edit tools window.
  19. Mesh heads can have different neck sizes (and neck adapters), just like bodies. Instead of testing that your body fits with this specific mesh head, you or your tester should check whether your mesh body's neck matches other mesh bodies. Sounds like you already did this, so it's unlikely that this is a fault with your mesh body. You could do what other mesh bodies (like Maitreya and Reborn) do and provide different neck sizes in your body.
  20. Yes, the caching is done per-sim.
  21. The avatar skeleton has two arms, four legs, two wings, and a tail.
  22. Created: https://feedback.secondlife.com/feature-requests/p/landmark-creation-management
  23. All models must be rigged to the SL's own avatar skeleton, custom bones are not supported.
  24. It's not possible to get a surface position, because of what Animats said: The physics shape of objects have no face numbers, and don't relate to the visible mesh at all. But since you're trying to create targets for a scoring system, you can fortunately do a bit of math to figure out how far away from the object's center the hit was.
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