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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. We can just agree to disagree on the effect of those sinks then, since neither of us can really prove anything one way or another. 😋 Almost all stipends are backed by a cash payment though, so it's not like LL is giving out free money or losing money from missed linden purchases. I'll let it go though, not really relevant to OP.
  2. They make their money in USD not in L$. They print the L$ themselves if needed remember? So the only commissions that make money for The Lab \ Tilia are the commissions on the money market. Marketplace commissions are only a L$ sink to stimulate L$ demand. To be fair, the 10% fee (and other sinks) do indirectly make money for LL because they do accelerate the need for people to buy more lindens. Many merchants don't ever cash out and just continue to spend their income within SL. If everybody did that on MP, eventually we'd run out of lindens and someone has to buy more. If everybody did that in-world, we could keep circulating the money forever.
  3. You're not gonna find any lawyers here, let alone one that specializes in this specific area of the law.
  4. 70-80 is absolutely nothing to worry about. 🙂 Reducing your maximum framerate is a sure way to reduce the amount of work your CPU/GPU will do.
  5. Legacy comes with an applier kit that allows you to set up asymmetric BOM textures.
  6. In short, installs from any platform are counted. The slightly longer answer is that the fee is specifically about the Unity Runtime (which to my understanding is "the game") which is downloaded either from Unity or from a distributor ("the developer"). If Unity Runtime is downloaded from a distributor, that distributor is responsible for paying the fee to Unity. You can read more about it here: https://unity.com/runtime-fee
  7. When it works, it's very stable. I haven't had any SL related crashes with the 7900 XTX. I can say the same about my previous RX 6600. The GPU doesn't really matter for texture loading speed, since that's done by the processor. It has more than enough memory to hold as many textures as you need, though. AMD's general driver stability isn't great though. I've had problems with most driver versions in random games, with both the 6600 and 7900. When the driver crashing starts in a specific game, it crashes reliably at the same spot. It's fine if you find a driver that is stable and stay on that version, like 23.7.2 (released 2023-07-20) is very stable. If you can afford the 7900 XTX, buy it. The value-for-money is really hard to compete with. That said, these cards have been more of an experiment and I'm not confident enough to buy AMD a third time. Nvidia's pricing is terrible now though, so pick your poison.
  8. I don't have a current-gen Nvidia card to directly compare with, but the XTX runs SL perfectly well. AMD just has a whole lot of other problems that are unrelated to SL or general performance.
  9. If you look at your avatar's neck and see a seam caused by light/shadow, there's no chance to have seamless materials there. Other than that, getting materials to match is the same thing as getting skin textures to match. 🙂
  10. This can happen if you reinstall the viewer and don't choose the "register this viewer for SL URLs" option.
  11. Just put up your own security orb, ideally one that works similarly to CasperSafe. Theirs isn't working and you've given your best effort to talk to them about getting it fixed. They're not checking your security system and they're not checking their support tickets, so they're probably not even going to notice you using another system in the first place. If they do, explain the above.
  12. Guilty as charged. 😋 About the comma-for-initializers thing, in other languages (like C, C++, C#) the comma is considered an operator that explicitly discards the result of an expression. It's not the same as the syntax for declaring multiple variables (like int a, b, c;) and not the same as function parameters/arguments (like llSay(0, "text");) https://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-c-manual/gnu-c-manual.html#The-Comma-Operator https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/comma-operator?view=msvc-170
  13. All of these viewer URIs (old and new) should work everywhere where where text can exist, so local chat, group chat, IMs, profiles (avatar and group), dialog popups, etc.
  14. Historically the phrase "10LI" would get a product unlisted, maybe fiddle with the phrases around "lol"?
  15. Those were added last week by @Atlas Linden, though I did not find references to those in the viewer source from a quick search.
  16. This is a thread from 2013. The error happens when a script calls llTakeControls before it has called llRequestPermissions. It's not a bug or a problem, that's just how you need to write your script.
  17. Well, at least the script has code to prevent it from unpacking itself. (The "name != script" part.) I don't see any issue with that part at a glance, and making it check for a specific animation name could be pretty simple. if (name != script && name != "my animation") There are some other quirks in the code but nothing major.
  18. Post the exact hardware you have so we can make sure! The type of sim (or sim performance) has no effect on your FPS. The stuff that's visible to your viewer does affect your FPS.
  19. Ram speeds are given in MHz, so this is a typo. The 13900K processor only supports up to 3200 MHz or 5600 MHz RAM anyway. 😋 (DDR4 and DDR5 respectively.)
  20. I don't know why you insist on this conclusion, even in your original Jira ticket. I mean, I kinda do, since were also fixating on Speedlight Gold. This (the quote) just seems very unlikely considering everything that has been said in this thread and by Lindens/Jira/support. What if it's literally just a bug in their backend systems (instead of anything LSL-related or flag fudging/re-use)? What if the account page is displaying the wrong value? Have you tried to change your scripted agent status yourself? I see a lot of very nitty-gritty technical speculation, but nothing that hints at the problem being... even in that direction.
  21. If by "avatar" you actually mean "outfit," those don't go to trash at all. And in that case the original items aren't deleted either, the outfit is just a collection of links to other items in your inventory. While you can't recover the outfit exactly as it was before, you might be able to rebuild it if you can remember the pieces you were wearing.
  22. @OptimoMaximo can probably explain it better than I can. The attachment point is "being told to move" by the animation. The book moves because it always exists relative to an attachment point. The "Right Hand" attachment point is basically a bone, but it's not the same one that controls the actual avatar's hand position.
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