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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. If you mean the emails - you can turn that off in the viewer settings at least. Just search for "email." It's not possible to disable the system completely as far as I know.
  2. Items from Marketplace should normally show up in your inventory while you're in-world. Sometimes there's hiccups where it takes (a lot) longer for the items to arrive, or all the items show up after you order something else. Moving to a different sim might help, or just wait for the problem to magically solve itself (within hours or days).
  3. As long as the demo isn't obnoxious, it's fine! Don't spam local chat with it. More than a couple times, the demos will post advertisements in local chat, so it can be seen by anybody nearby. Don't put a time limit on it. Unless we're talking about some kind of scripted functionality that you can't add "demo" markings on, the timer prevents us from trying on multiple demos. I'm often buying 10+ demos (multiple tops, multiple bottoms, multiple hairstyles) to try while making a new outfit, and I need to keep the pieces I like on me for a long time. Even 30 minutes wouldn't be enough! Don't cover it up. We need to be able to look at it, that's why we got it. You can add those "demo rings" around the avatar, just make them wide/thin enough that it's not a chore to cam around. You can write stuff on the textures, but don't add so much text that the whole texture is obscured. Basically, don't do this: Instead, do this: ...or this: You can even do this: ...as long as you don't do this:
  4. When your alt dragged the script into its inventory, the object was not modified. The script was copied from the contents. The script still exists in the object. If you want to prevent that, make the script no-copy. Naturally this means the whole object will become no-modify and no-copy, because of its contents.
  5. That's a significantly more expensive implementation, though. For each mirror, a new camera is used to re-render the whole world again (with even more stuff than usual, since objects behind the camera are generally not kept in memory). That example breaks on non-flat mirror surfaces. The implementation we have now is basically server-side reflections, with only a fraction of the performance cost, and works for any shape of object.
  6. Good Neighbor is one, and many combat groups go there during downtime.
  7. I imagine there will be some people upset by not having their expectations met. From what I recall of earlier discussion here on the forum (and especially in-world), many are expecting a high-quality "live" reflection. If you look at the mirror and raise your left hand, the same side of the mirror will raise its hand. (Your left, reflection's right.) You can tell if you really squint at Animats' hands in the first picture.
  8. That package setting is saved in this file: %APPDATA%\roaming\sublime text\packages\user\lsl_settings_style.tmPreferences For K&R style, you want the main part of the setting to look like this, with just a single space between the square-brackets of CDATA[] <dict> <key>name</key> <string>LSL_SPACE_OR_NEWLINE</string> <key>value</key> <string><![CDATA[ ]]></string> </dict> If you turn off K&R style, the file would have a newline there instead: <dict> <key>name</key> <string>LSL_SPACE_OR_NEWLINE</string> <key>value</key> <string><![CDATA[ ]]></string> </dict> The "use viewer style" option just selects a premade color scheme. That setting is also saved in a file: %APPDATA%\roaming\sublime text\packages\user\lsl.sublime-settings
  9. Variance in framerate is normal, even if "it was tighter before." Many things will affect it and your case doesn't seem very severe at all. At least you aren't having the issue where your frame timings are split into two distinct durations. 😋 Here's mine for reference, using an XTX and i5-13600 in a pretty empty sim. It's a constant variance of about 50 FPS. (No Limit Framerate enabled.) Or a club full of people, with all avatars + max graphics / LOD factor: (There will be occasional slow frames, even when people aren't loading in.)
  10. In the Advanced menu, under Rendering Types - turn off Surface Patch to derender the ground. You can do the same for Trees and Grass, and many other things including Clouds and Water.
  11. Most importantly, an external editor can give you a lot of shortcuts. If you know what you're about to write next, and the editor knows what you're about to write next, wouldn't it be so much nicer if the editor wrote it for you, so you can focus on the parts that matter? You don't have to remember the exact parameters needed for a function (everybody forgets sometimes) You can go to the next important spot with a single button press You can duplicate lines or move them up and down without having to highlight anything You can write code in multiple places at the same time Anytime you save the file in your editor, the script will automatically be saved in-world as well, no copypasting You don't lose your script if the viewer gets disconnected or crashes...
  12. Even if they get the idea, trading steady rent fees for a fluctuating payments from a store is a gamble, unless you already know the store does well. "If your store makes enough money, why can't you just pay the rent like everybody else?" - renter, probably It only becomes a more favorable gamble if the renter is struggling to find tenants to begin with.
  13. Yeah, the script itself needs to be smart enough to know when it shouldn't act. 🙂 Rivengate was talking about editing a script, though. Seems like they added Rolig's script alongside their own script at first, and then tried copypasting both scripts into the same file (which caused syntax errors).
  14. The above script is probably a lot more complicated than you need. Let's say you have a script like this, which does something on touch: default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { llWhisper(0, "Only my owner is supposed to hear this!"); } } To prevent others from touching/activating your code, you can check if the detected key (the toucher) is the same as the owner (you), and only then run your code: default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llWhisper(0, "Only my owner is supposed to hear this!"); } } } To learn more about llDetectedKey and what it does (or when it can be used), you can refer to the wiki page: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedKey
  15. I like doing commission splits in general. While I don't have an in-world store (got several MP stores though), most of of the products I've worked on have been done with no upfront payment, just the commission split. That way my clients don't have to pay a huge rate and risk losing money, and I'm incentivized to "do it right" so the product sells better. If a sim owner is renting space and nobody's coming, allowing a store to set up for a commission split is a no-brainer. At least they'll make something, maybe even more than the original rent.
  16. Add a separate prim to your HUD, and rename it to match the notecard name in the HUD's contents. That way you can feed the value from llGetLinkName directly to llGetNotecardLine and read the correct card.
  17. The main things you need are: llGetLinkName llGetNotecardLine llCSV2List To set a color, you need to use a vector that contains the correct RGB values, red for example: <1,0,0> (check the llSetColor wiki page) Reading from a notecard can be a bit tedious, especially if you need more than one line.
  18. Seems like it has not been rigged at all, or to any correctly named bones. Have you used a proper SL skeleton for your rig? Do you use any plugins like Avastar?
  19. You're just (un/)lucky with your avatar's proportions vs the ones used to create the animation. 🙂 (Excluding animations that weren't made with precise alignment to begin with!) There's been some threads talking about these issues, this one comes to mind: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/496509-why-cant-couple-animations-take-at-least-some-differences-among-avatars-into-account In short, there's not really much we can do about it until LL grants us the tools for it.
  20. One of these threads? https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/495793-any-lsl-extensions-for-external-editor-up-to-date (10 replies) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/32278-favorite-external-script-editors (33 replies) Sublime Text 4 with Makopo's LSL extension is still my go-to, and it gets updated. Visual Studio Code also has some extensions, but I can't say how good they are.
  21. Access can be restricted by age (you must be 18+ IRL) even if it's not an Adult region. Access can also be restricted to only those who have payment info on file, which is probably the case since you don't have that. Both of those cases will show the "Sorry, you do not have access to that teleport destination" message.
  22. Text vs icon with tooltip is a tradeoff in screen real estate. You can find the teleport button (with text) in any person's profile. The small button in an IM window is just a shortcut. Personally I wouldn't want the chat window to get even bigger because the icons got replaced with words. (Whether or not the genie lamp is intuitive for a teleport can be its own can of worms. 😋)
  23. Or just enable Media On A Prim on the phone and call it a day.
  24. Or apply the same color to objects owned by muted avatars. 🙂 The non-persistence of that setting is probably the best thing to have in any case.
  25. The simplest solution would be to call llListFindList in a loop, testing each element of list A against the entire list B.
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