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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. The root of the disagreement is different views on what is private information. Your public avatar name, your public profile picture, and the things you say in a public group chat is at stake. When people can't come to an agreement about that, the discussion moves to "well how are the rules enforced?" There is a written rule in the TOS. Large, high-profile groups are breaking the literal rule. Linden Lab does not enforce it, though they are aware of it. My question is, do all rules have to be enforced literally and in every case? That isn't how justice systems work. Many laws are ignored, not actively enforced (unless you do something worse related to it), or excused due to other circumstances. Rules should always have flexibility, or things get ridiculous. I don't think any part of your avatar's profile is private information, and I don't think the things you say in a public group chat should generally be considered private information. The rule in the TOS is good and purposeful. I don't think that rule is targeting this specific case.
  2. How are your materials named? Mesh faces are ordered by material name. If your materials have identical names, my guess is they'll be randomly ordered.
  3. You don't need permission, just make the report and carry on. That sounds like a pretty simple report.
  4. Here's a short(er) list of new-feature suggestions, some of which have been mentioned during the recent meetings. (I'm intentionally leaving out some of the more contentious suggestions.) I'd love to have all of these properly JIRA'd soon. Some of them already are, and some are planned by @Rider Linden Ability to change avatar health as an estate setting. Recovery rate per second (including 0) Total health (useful for more fine-grained damage values) Ability to change applied damage as an estate setting. Maximum limit to applied damage, throttling, etc. Scripts should be able to read avatar health. llGetHealth(key target) Avatar should optionally be sent to a landing zone on death, instead of home. Multiple landing zones would be ideal, for separate "teams." For example: land-group has one landing zone, everybody else has another. Scripts should be able to react to damage. New damage event. Optional damage "type" (numeric identifier, default 0) on_damage(integer damage, integer type, key rezzer, key owner) Damaging avatars/objects should be possible without physical collisions. llDamage(key target, integer amount, integer type) Damaging an object should trigger script events in the object. Damage is also passed to avatars, if any are sitting on the object. Damaging everything in a large area should be possible. Damage should optionally diminish over distance. (explosion vs gas/lava) Seated avatars should be optionally immune to damage. llSitTargetDamage(integer status) - TRUE or FALSE Rezzer should be able to know when its projectile hits something. (Needs fleshing out, if possible.) New event, or a flag to pass collisions from rezzed "child" object to "parent." llCastRay with travel time. (Needs fleshing out, may need a new event.) llCastRay's options could be extended. This would conceptually be implemented as several calls to llCastRay by the sim. Some kind of "deviation" over time/distance would be nice for bullet drop, fake wind, etc. vector velocity? Additions to llRezObjectWithParams: [REZ_SLEEP, float sec] - force the script to sleep for the specified time. Values less than 0.1 will sleep for 0.1 seconds. [REZ_DATA, string name, string value] - pass Linkset Data to the rezzed object. Can be specified multiple times. Better first-person animations. Games usually render first-person view separately from the "external" avatar. There has already been some work on this from TPV developers: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/502942-improving-mouselook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttaM7x14DBI https://gyazo.com/6964e720c1b02133d19976d3fa89f60c https://gyazo.com/663db8b4aea704a2ce5207301ea97f40
  5. In the SLMC, a standard bullet does 100 damage. Doing anything less is always some kind of special case - like barbed wire, gas, diminished damage from a distant explosion, etc. Yeah, this means that you die in one hit. I believe (unsubstantiated) that the main reason for this "meta" is the fact that healing hasn't really been a thing for 20 years. It's just way easier to moderate and balance weapons around the fact that any hit will kill your target. (Accuracy, magazine size, fire rate, velocity, type of projectile (bullet/explosion/homing/...), etc.) Many people are excited about "negative damage," so I'm hoping we'll shift toward more reasonable damage in weapons.
  6. To my knowledge, there's no official (or even unofficial) Blender-only setups that can be used to at least do a quick export/import to SL. While the wiki has files for the base avatar, they're not specifically made for Blender (it's a Collada, not a Blend file), which you have to import properly to Blender and then doesn't include any example rigged attachments.
  7. Remapping the UV of an existing model to another existing model is significantly less work than making a brand new head, though.
  8. Small update for now: llROWP is currently intended to have the same forced sleep as other rez functions. My earlier video is not representative. I've been talking to a bunch of different people (mostly devs) in the SLMC and gathering opinions/feedback/suggestions. I have pages of notes. There's gonna be a public meeting today (check: second.life/calendar) if you want to come listen or give your own feedback. I'll try to clean up my notes and post them here in pieces sometime soon, probably not today.
  9. It's not, the middle condition is required. Other languages often don't require it.
  10. This is an 11 year old thread. There are tons of possibilities now. Start a new thread with an explanation of what exactly you're trying to do and we'll help.
  11. In the touch_start event, use llDetectedKey(0) to check who touched the object. If the key isn't the one you want, don't give the item.
  12. It's the stuck Alt key. Why it gets stuck, I dunno, but it has started happening to other people in recent versions of Firestorm at least. For example it tends to happen when the viewer changes focus, like when you click to/from another window or when you alt-tab between windows. To fix it, just press the Alt key while the viewer is in focus. It's not a problem with your keyboard.
  13. The blue harness and the blue shorts are mesh, and they're separate attachments. The body's HUD doesn't control them. Can you show your full outfit, as in all of your items in the Appearance/Wearables window? It's possible that those attachments have become "ghosted" (as in, they're visible to you but they're not actually there), but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
  14. What more would you want to do?
  15. Yup. Friend of mine had cancer and was buried on 17th of May, 2011. Still have a blurb about it on my profile, probably will until SL disappears too.
  16. You can tell that's from an offline IM because the address is @im.agni.lindenlab.com You can turn off "forward offline IMs to email" in your viewer settings or dashboard. If you don't want to do that, block the person.
  17. Yeah! These can be toggled from Preferences > Move & View > Show Visual Hints. (Funny enough, I just happened to get the same "from behind" view in them. I don't use them normally.) Excuse the odd prim. I was doing science.
  18. It's documented on the wiki: "For Viewer 3.6.7 and up: If the object is not attached to the permission granter but is in the same region, then Me>Movement>Stop Animating Me will revoke both PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION and PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS (other permissions will remain)." You can only revoke permissions from objects within the same region as you, not objects grid-wide. An avatar's inventory is also not "an object in a region," so it kinda follows. We also don't necessarily want all scripts to lose permissions once taken to inventory. There are use-cases (like rezzing) where persistent permissions are necessary. Changing this would definitely be a breaking change.
  19. That is unfortunately how it works. A script keeps permissions forever (for one avatar at a time), unless they request new permissions. The "revoke permissions" option in our viewers works only for non-attached objects, but even then, any copies of the script in the griefer's inventory will still keep their permission to animate you.
  20. Once a script has permission to animate you, you can't really revoke it. The obvious solution in this situation is to stay away from that person (and file an abuse report on them). The person needs to be in the same sim as you to play animations on you.
  21. Let this thread stand as an example of why we don't let people name and shame.
  22. They are almost certainly these ones: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-rabbit-parts/11807043
  23. That's a pantyhose from a clothing layer.
  24. You don't have to create the group unless you want to make it harder for someone to squat on the land without your permission. You can totally leave rezzing available to everyone and just check the land every now and then. One benefit might be that the tenant won't need to contact you to get into the group after paying. (I don't remember how group-owned land works.)
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