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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Legacy comes with a "Styles" devkit included. If you unpack those, you'll find a configuration notecard that allows you to apply asymmetrical left arm/foot UUIDs. That's where you want to enter the BAKED_LEFTARM and BAKED_LEFTLEG texture UUIDs in order to use the BOM left arm/leg texture slots. The left arm UUID is: ff62763f-d60a-9855-890b-0c96f8f8cd98 The left leg UUID is: 8e915e25-31d1-cc95-ae08-d58a47488251 You don't need separate UVs for this to work, you just need the same skin texture on the left-side slot and whatever other layers you want to apply just to that side.
  2. Assuming you mean the blue dialog - no, there's no universal way to get that back. When it's closed, it's gone. If there is a way to get it back, you need to know what exactly it was and go from there. For example, it could've been an update notification from one of your attachments. In that case it might show up again later. It could've been something someone sent you while you were offline, in which case it'll be somewhere in your inventory regardless.
  3. It's a Linden Lab issue. Affects all viewers and the web dashboard. If you look at the incident report that was linked earlier, the latest update from 2 weeks ago is "we're still working on it."
  4. What am I missing? Couldn't you either get all keys with llLinksetDataListKeys(0,-1) and iterate through that (explicitly typecasting keys), or search for the valid UUID pattern which can be very simple? [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{12} Why would you need to search multiple times?
  5. Let's not forget that complexity values are completely arbitrary unlike measured render time. While the 'absolute values' (exact microseconds) don't have much meaning, you can still make relative comparisons between render times and complexity to conclude that there is no correlation between the two. When we look at our avatars, we should expect higher complexity items to take longer to render, but that's often not the case! Related reading: https://beqsother.blogspot.com/2021/11/i-dont-wanna-mesh-with-nobody.html https://beqsother.blogspot.com/2021/12/upgraders-of-lost-arc.html
  6. Complexity still has the problem of it being a useless, easy-to-manipulate number. Look at some of your attachments with the "performance tools" in Firestorm. The attachments that take a long time to render are often the ones with low complexity, and high complexity attachments are the opposite. It's not consistent at all.
  7. To get that specific custom function to work, you must copypaste it at the top of your script (before any state/event) before you can use it in your own code. If you want to use the built-in function llDeleteSubList, you just have to remember to assign the result of the function to something.
  8. llTargetedEmail was originally able to send emails to the creator of an object, which would've allowed anyone to send unblockable spam/scam or otherwise unsolicited emails to people without even needing to know the address. The creator part was disabled before it got to main grid.
  9. This is all well and good if there was any way to "merge" multiple listings of the same item (like color variations) as a single listing. 🙂 Searching for demo-only listings is a pretty good away to avoid duplicates. What about the Do Not Show checkbox?
  10. Oh yeah, that was the change. LL restricted adding things to attachment content based on permissions for... some reason. Full perm stuff works, and I think llGiveInventory works regardless of the sent-item permissions. It's just the "from inventory" part that's changed. It's also a problem for changing the texture on an attachment, since nowadays the texture gets added to the object's contents and gets blocked if the texture isn't full-perm.
  11. Weirdly enough we used to be able to move anything to attachment contents without any problems for years. At least for the first decade I spent on SL. I don't remember exactly when or why, but it did change at one point and made things incredibly tedious.
  12. All popups from llLoadUrl will have the "Go to page" and "Cancel" buttons. These can't be changed. The popup in the first image uses llDialog with an empty list of buttons. The "OK" button is shown by default when the list of buttons is empty. The "Ignore" button is always shown for llDialog popups. The three profile links are written in the "message" part of llDialog, something along the lines of: default { touch_start(integer total_number) { string message = "Firstname Lastname\nsecondlife:///app/agent/6614770b-0cc3-4c07-98a3-21e07d45fd4b/about\n\nFirstname Lastname\nsecondlife:///app/agent/6614770b-0cc3-4c07-98a3-21e07d45fd4b/about\n\nFirstname Lastname\nsecondlife:///app/agent/6614770b-0cc3-4c07-98a3-21e07d45fd4b/about"; llDialog(llGetOwner(), message, [], 0); } } If you want something that's a lot easier to maintain, you should make a function that writes each line based on a given name/UUID. You could also use lists. list stuff = [ "Jason", "secondlife:///app/agent/6614770b-0cc3-4c07-98a3-21e07d45fd4b/about", "Nina", "secondlife:///app/agent/779e1d56-5500-4e22-940a-cd7b5adddbe0/about" ]; string message = llDumpList2String(stuff, "\n"); llDialog(llGetOwner(), message, [], 0);
  13. You're going to need a lot of images, replicating the long-exposure look can't be done from a single image or any combination of viewer settings. Assuming your viewer can achieve a high framerate (the higher, the better), you'll want to record video of the movement you want to "blur." Then you'll turn every frame of that video into an image, and process all of them together (using each image as its own layer) in an image editor or maybe even your video editor if it has the appropriate functionality. Look up "video into long exposure photo" for specific tutorials.
  14. There's no magic formula for a good price. 🙂 You could spend 100 hours on a building, but that doesn't mean it's worth 100k. The pricing "rules" are the same as for prim/sculpt buildings -- make what the target audience wants, for a price they're willing to pay.
  15. Yeah, I understood and that's what I was referring to. It doesn't make you disappear from that person's friend list or dashboard. Edit: My mistake, I was thinking of something else. I found an old thread from a couple years ago where I was talking about the dashboard, so I should've known.
  16. Even if they're separate objects, they can be linked together as a linkset so they only use one attachment slot. Since the nails are rigged, they can be very far apart while rezzed on the ground (making them easy to click) and still look correct while attached. The Build Tools window in the viewer also has buttons/hotkeys to select each individual part (links or faces) without needing to click on the object at all. 🙂
  17. If you mean the emails - you can turn that off in the viewer settings at least. Just search for "email." It's not possible to disable the system completely as far as I know.
  18. Items from Marketplace should normally show up in your inventory while you're in-world. Sometimes there's hiccups where it takes (a lot) longer for the items to arrive, or all the items show up after you order something else. Moving to a different sim might help, or just wait for the problem to magically solve itself (within hours or days).
  19. As long as the demo isn't obnoxious, it's fine! Don't spam local chat with it. More than a couple times, the demos will post advertisements in local chat, so it can be seen by anybody nearby. Don't put a time limit on it. Unless we're talking about some kind of scripted functionality that you can't add "demo" markings on, the timer prevents us from trying on multiple demos. I'm often buying 10+ demos (multiple tops, multiple bottoms, multiple hairstyles) to try while making a new outfit, and I need to keep the pieces I like on me for a long time. Even 30 minutes wouldn't be enough! Don't cover it up. We need to be able to look at it, that's why we got it. You can add those "demo rings" around the avatar, just make them wide/thin enough that it's not a chore to cam around. You can write stuff on the textures, but don't add so much text that the whole texture is obscured. Basically, don't do this: Instead, do this: ...or this: You can even do this: ...as long as you don't do this:
  20. When your alt dragged the script into its inventory, the object was not modified. The script was copied from the contents. The script still exists in the object. If you want to prevent that, make the script no-copy. Naturally this means the whole object will become no-modify and no-copy, because of its contents.
  21. That's a significantly more expensive implementation, though. For each mirror, a new camera is used to re-render the whole world again (with even more stuff than usual, since objects behind the camera are generally not kept in memory). That example breaks on non-flat mirror surfaces. The implementation we have now is basically server-side reflections, with only a fraction of the performance cost, and works for any shape of object.
  22. Good Neighbor is one, and many combat groups go there during downtime.
  23. I imagine there will be some people upset by not having their expectations met. From what I recall of earlier discussion here on the forum (and especially in-world), many are expecting a high-quality "live" reflection. If you look at the mirror and raise your left hand, the same side of the mirror will raise its hand. (Your left, reflection's right.) You can tell if you really squint at Animats' hands in the first picture.
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