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Vicious Hollow

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Everything posted by Vicious Hollow

  1. That is something I've always kind of wondered about that - Why is there no specific "vehicle" section. There's a good many of us who travel around the grid in various forms of road/air/sea vehicles, including on horseback, and even on foot. I know we have as Rowan mentioned, the Destinations Section, but as also mentioned to find anything, one has to dig...so what a "SL Explorers" sub section - specifically targeting drivers, sailors, pilots etc?
  2. Broken people?....or broke people?..or both? 😛😆
  3. I just had 2 of 3 texture uploads work..on the 3rd one, i get this error (or similar ones)
  4. Sitting at my house in Sandbanks, just tp'ed to our shop and club without issue, though tp'ing back was a touch slow. I noticed things do seem a sluggish, but everything seems to be working, or is at least getting back to a state of nearly working. 😁
  5. I just got logged in... it told me my location wasn't available, and yet I'm standing at my home...it's a start at least i'd say!
  6. I'm calling it...Aliens have invaded, caused the log in issue, in order to infiltrate the grid!..I mean, look at the number. No group of humans could ever produce a number as exact as this...
  7. Just wondering if anyone is seeing any oddities, that may or may not include the following - Slow log in to log in fail No groups showing Scripts taking forever to save, or not saving at all Error messages saying the script is no longer or not in the data base Rezzing a vehicle such as a boat, which then doesn't "sit" in the water, and when you sit on the vehicle its like no scripts are in it When tping to another location, the original location stays in the top bar for an elongated period of time Owned land showing as buyable This is all happening this morning, in the last hour or so. Earlier today when my partner tried to tp to me, using my location on map, to a completely different sim. When she tried a second time it worked. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing any of this or anything similar?
  8. Not sure if this is related but dashboard seems to be a bit on the slow(er) side and we've seen some slow loading rezzing happening today, especially with huds.
  9. Read that wrong, was thinking "I'll take mine with onions".... (Donor)
  10. Thanks 🙂 and yes there is something to that without doubt! She has replied before, usually by offline, on the rare times I wasn't on when she was. She always says she's no good with words, which I think the way she expresses herself is nothing shy of brilliant. I asked her again recently, if she was getting bored with the notes, and she said to me "Mr. Hollow, you worry too much!"...and saying again I can count on that never happening. 😁
  11. I really hope they still happen, it's gotten might "bumpy" out there in the last couple of days, and especially this morning - bad crossings, missing sims etc. Seems like a lot of places could use well needed restart... 😬
  12. Totally can't help myself...just got this image in mind reading this, along with "so many head jokes, so little time..." 😬
  13. I hear you loud and clear on that, but something to try out (if you haven't already) is plot the course before heading out (using world map to set your waypoints) and use something like the USB by Uggo (Ultimate Sailing Buddy) the latest wind compass which also has a course feature. Once you've plotted the course, you won't need the main map, its just a matter of follow markers set by you. Plus if for example, you just want to set a start and finish point, it will show you the distance of how near or far you are. When I started out taking longer runs, I found that method really effective in learning where certain spots are, how far point a to point b was, and so forth. Even though I've spent a ton of time on the water (too much at times if that's possible lol) I'll still break out the USB for the longer trips, if for any reason to see how much paths have changed.
  14. I first came on SL in 2006, my net was too slow, and it just wasn't for me at the time, so I deleted my account (came back almost 11 years ago and obviously stayed the second time lol) If I remember correctly, when you delete your account, it takes about a month for it to officially close out.
  15. I can't say much as far as flying, since I do "some" but not near as much as I sail and drive. Sailing hasn't been a real problem outside the random bad crossing, and for the flying I've done it's been fine, smooth and clear. I don't bother with the world map, and not sure why other's do since it takes up too much screen (ok i know it can be shrunk but still..) also it doesn't show other boats or planes in real time. I use, what I've been using from the start, the mini map. It works great, does update in most places (though I've seen one or two spots where it shows old land configs, that's since changed) and most importantly it' shows other boats and planes around me in real time, and as a bonus. it's small and takes up little screen room. **a bit of a disclaimer - I'm using mini map in FS, I can't remember how it is in SLV, but I'm guessing not that much** When I go out to sail, or travel (otherwise done by heli ,car or even bicycle) I'm out for hours. Today for example, I sailed from Race Rock, up Bullring Bay, to the northern point of Blake and back in a Bandit IF..took around 2 hours or so, and didn't have an issue (beyond one slow crossing that's notorious for being as such) With my draw distance is set to 256, having mini map up. I can see all around me, and not just because I'm in a small boat. I sail the same way, at several locations, be it an IF or any of my other boats, and even in my N+K ships, and never have an issue seeing where I'm going or what's around me. You mention hang gliding, my wife and I have been out hang gliding using the same set up (mini map/draw distance at least at 256 to 320 ) and as for visibility and finding our way there wasn't any issues. One thing we always do is make sure neither of us have excess huds or heavy "bits and pieces" on keeping our script counts down. In fact I'm on a standard body which helps, and know several who will switch to one for sailing/driving/flying/etc. So I don't know if trying the mini map and using a larger draw distance will help or not, but I'd say its worth a try. I mean, it's been pretty crowded out on the waters, today especially, and I saw plenty of planes in the sky as well.
  16. Being a bit of an old fashioned fella, I've always liked the personal side of sending a hand written letter or even just leaving a note. As it's been mentioned, it's an art that has sadly faded in RL. In SL however, I can say, at least around our home, it's alive and well. My wife and I have known each other for over and around 5 years or so, and have been together for almost 3. Every day since we became "us", I've written her at least two notes a day - one in the morning, after I go through the normal morning routine and before logging off, and one in the evening before logging off for the night. I always write her even if we've been on for hours. I once asked her to tell me if she ever gets bored with them, since I have a tendency to be long winded, or to have the "old man in a row boat with one oar" syndrome (wandering around though eventually getting to port). She said that would never happen, because no one has ever taken the time to do something like that, and she loves each one of them. The notes sometimes are full of this and that, ramblings of the day and whatnot, or but can be short, depending on the day itself, in the either case it's just my way of letting her know I was thinking about her, and always make that know that I was. Even when my net's been down, I've sat here at my pc waiting for it to come up and written her on text file then as soon as I could log on, copied it to an NC and sent it her way. To date I think she has close to 2K of them, but again she loves to get them, and I always want her to know whether we've been on for hours or don't get to see each other that day, I was thinking about her. 🙂
  17. For my partner and I, we don't have an MP store, we just went with In-world instead. For us it seemed more fitting for the work we do (boat textures which in our thinking is better to be seen up close on displays and such). As for revenue, it seems that having both would raise the chance of larger sales, but I guess it really in the end, depends on how much you want to keep up with having one of each or both. I know it's not the most complicated process to keep up with both an MP and In-World shop, but you'd be surprised how quick burn out can come with some. As for rental free/premium - We started out renting here and there, and that adds up, especially when you count on sales to cover rent, and sales are slow (which happens to us all from time to time). My partner, who has a premium account (which comes with land allowances and so forth), bought the land for our shop, so now slow days or weeks don't hurt as much as when we had to pay rent for land or for a shop elsewhere. I'm sure others who have both/either a MP and In-world shop can add in better thoughts about that, but again to me, it really comes down to how much effort you want to put in to sell your product, as well as much time you have to do so.
  18. The fixes linked are great, and I highly recommend Uggo's, (the first link). However they, sadly, don't work in the Bandit 60, 55, and 25r as they use another sitter system. which is why I've pretty much docked those boats until a server fix or a fix for those is worked up. With that said, even with the fix, I have seen something similar to what Aishagain has mentioned. This was up the Bullring channel. I hit a crossing and lost full control, but not like the normal loss of control, in this case I came to a complete stop, all of the surrounding sims vanished and I was eventually disconnected. Sure that sounds familiar to problems in the past, thing is, it wasn't the same sequence as before, and when it's happened in the past I didn't come to a full stop, lose sound and basically be sitting in status, including "that" long delay before being disconnected. I've also seen, in the middle of Blake, another similar issue as the one mentioned, - as in delay or serious lag in controls, and a sudden stop, then movement suddenly resumes. This happened when several sailing groups were out on cruises, plus the CG was having a "parade". With the AVSitter fixes available, sailing has gotten so much more enjoyable again, but as I was saying even with the fix, and/or in boats that don't use AVSitter, there have been some really strange issues like mentioned. Still, have to say, in all, it's heaps better then the horrid "drop to the bottom of the sea without warning" crossing issues of the past ... 😛
  19. I've always liked the saying "be like water off of a ducks back", but then there's days like THIS...(which is a two part pet peeve) Firstly - Those who hop in boat/car/plane demo's and hop out without stopping them, letting them run free in the "wild"...seen a bit too much of that lately. Secondly - People who don't use any type of radar, or are too busy just not paying attention to what's around them.
  20. You beat me to it :)) ...along with switching streaming hosts, try to stream somewhere else. If you still run into issues, dial back your stream's bit rate (from the broadcaster's side) I've been djing on SL for over a decade now, and have run into similar issues. In most cases it ended up being my own personal connection strength, which struggled due to running a high bit rate. But there have been times when my net was fine, and the host was having issues.
  21. Just tired to edit an event and got a HTTP 500 error. Just wondering if anyone else having this issue?
  22. I can relate to the frustration for sure and have seen what you're talking about. Last Friday for example my partner and I came back from our club (after spending a few hours there) and I could see was the floors and a few walls of our home, but most everything else was missing, along with the majority of our furniture. The odd thing was, so it seemed, the heavier detailed, and heavier scripted objects around our land, loaded just fine. Another thing you can try that I can think of is lower your graphic settings, relog, if no change, put your settings back to what you originally had them, and try another relog. After that, adjust your bandwidth setting, try raising it or lowering (followed by a relog with each change). It could be something, as you mentioned more with LL then on your side. You could also check your script % for your area, also if you have neighbors, ask if they've run into any similar issues, and if so how often.
  23. Try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work, try clearing your inventory cache. If you don't know how too, or have tried and still get the same results, check this link - https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_cache_clear
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