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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. You may find at this point in time that most of second life's users, do not look at my.secondlife.com at all. Until that area is policed by LL it is best ignored.
  2. Our Steam involvement comes about because of Skyrim and Dungeon Siege 3. Speaking of top notch graphics, the last game my sister & I got was Alex Kidd in the enchanted castle. WHOAH WAIT! I didn't know you could punch the cars! omgod lol
  3. I particularly enjoy the musicality of non native english speakers type. The most colourful exponent of this was, of course, our Spanish friend, the W@sted one We see a little of it from current posters and it is most enjoyable.
  4. Second rate Steam. The single page at a time interface says it all really. Nevertheless, let's hope lots & lots of new people come in and give LL and an abundance of resources to keep improving SL. A new upgraded avatar mesh would be just superb. It should auger very well for SL in theory. Steam workshop is in its infancy compared to SL. Both companies should benefit and then get really really serious about top quality/tech, up to date offerings. That would be so cool. Edit: I wouldn't call Steam a leading edge technology by a longshot. Don't degrade or de-function SL in any way please LL. The new, (to SL), texture mapping shows LL are working really hard :smileyhappy:
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: In 'Merica, a flat is something you find on your car when you have something important to get to and you are already running late. *nods Yes like going to a McDonalds or something... About time we had a good old American English bash. There is no such thing of course :smileytongue: *laffs & runs...
  6. Lmaooooo! Hard to end it all when the onlookers give you 10 out of 10 for the perfect, swimmer HUD diving. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: Where's Michaelangelo Rossini, that's a darn good marketing ploy.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: How do we know that He is not a SHE? Or something in-between for that matter? Oh my g g ggGOD! you mean like... a m.m..martian or something? ^~.~^ :matte-motes-shocked:
  8. Here's something else... As wonderful Echo outed herself above, (first I've seen of it & lol that's way cool), an alt doesn't have to be something secretive or something/one to be ashamed of. So what if you're someone else's alt? That's precisely why mine all have the same last name and often I'll log in as one and to the very few people who don't know who they are, I'll pop up and go "boo!" in chat. Quickly followed by I am Maz/Aveline's alt :matte-motes-tongue: It's great fun and people enjoy it. Talking to someone they've never seen before and it's exactly the same persona makes for a good giggle.
  9. Do whatever you feel is best so long as you're not letting any one, group or vacuous horde hold sway over your SL. Two name avatars are precious. If she's led a good & decent virtual life, put her into hibernation for as long as you need to. Many genuine & gifted individuals are subject to the unrelenting machinations & fabrications of the herd mentality and that is SL's loss for evermore. LL obviously foresaw a wirtual vorld would attract a certain percentage of individuals who are incapable of any form of positive contribution and therefore created alt-ability. Certainly the morose abuse these too but alts can also be used for respite. Hopefully your alts don't all have the same last name as mine do lol. If that is the case and you are possibly sick of basement dwellers, you'll just have to mute & ignore the griefers. It's easy :matte-motes-bashful-cute: :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. Did you know that in real life that "poor bullied kid" has an agent? :smileyindifferent: ^~ True. Like all bully related facts, you never get to hear the other side.
  11. Fear not! there has been a solution for ages now. Developed long before modern technology, specifically to counter such an impost on your personal life -> THIS is your only hope :matte-motes-big-grin:. Practice often and be safe in the knowledge no fancy spy camera or facial recognition gizmo can recognise you.
  12. The simple answer is in the export/output resolution/size & quality. I'm not that familiar with premier and your output format, quality & dimensions will depend on the speed & power of your PC. Aim for something simple like 720 in .wmv for starters, or look on youtube for examples in quality.
  13. You're not addicted if you are posting in the forums. Just sayin
  14. I ♥ this thread, this in meant in fun Boudicca. adds: I have a beautiful antique sightglass not powerful enough for celestial observations
  15. I base my Hello's on the feeling you get from other Avis. If they are obviously watching you for example and dont seem to be any kind threat I suppose. Heavy stuff really :matte-motes-whistle:
  16. Hippie Bowman wrote: Some good venting going on here! Let it out! It is good for you! Peace! Ok... RL Altar boys farting in church when you were a kid :matte-motes-agape: and the whole school can't stop giggling Oh! SL you mean :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: ummm...
  17. The trick is not to say hello but make a smiley -> That way you haven't actually said anything so you can't feel bad if there's no reply. It extends courtesy without obligation of reply. The majority of people will reply with a smiley as well and that makes SL a better place for me. Friendly people will expand upon the smiley with a "hello" and sometimes pleasent chats ensue.
  18. You never know what time it is in SL. Just turn the world to midday and thats it Someone posts an event for SL PDT which is + or - 3.7hrs GMT unless its daylight savings or the winter solstice, but then it could be the summer solstice so you would subtract 2.456 minutes divided by a lunar eclipse depending on if the month has an R in it or not and then google a time conversion for your rl region, not your SL region which could be EST, ADT, possibly UTC or perhaps CST or maybe even AC/DC and.... pant pant pant... by the time you figure all that out you finally get there and everyone else has gone to bed :matte-motes-dont-cry: So just make stuff instead
  19. Lots of animaly requests so I'll join in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine Cute & cartoony. Google Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger for lots of pics. That's all that remains unfortunately. Apparently they made a "wooo wooo" eerie sounding howl according to probably the last remaining witness. I do reserve the right to make my own outside of SL. lol
  20. It couldnt possibly work unless the Lindens ran the whole thing. There was intended to be a kind of qwalyphying process in place via the Kudos system and look how it turned out. It is an excellent idea though.
  21. I will buy anything that isn't bustley or billowy. Preferably in deep rich darker colours but I have found some remarkable exceptions inworld. My fave styles are Medieval, Victorian & Steampunk influenced gowns or gowns that have a timeless design element to them. A hint of Celtic knotwork embroidery or needlework incorporated into the bodice/design is also what I always look for. (quite rare inworld though). Gothic / Victorian will allow you to have more modern elements into your work such as bustle & billow less, or showing a hint of calf & thigh for example. (my opinion only). Ultimately it would be a mix of all styles including Elizabethan/Renaissance/Tudor and demure but unintentionally/accidentally, slightly risque'. Eg: Tears Angel Xana with say 80 percent more black/darker colour would be absolutely superb. My take on Gothic Victorian would be a modern vampiress wearing her original & (human) ancestors clothing? I think you need to start your own fashion group inworld. I would love to be a member of your group please.
  22. I should clarify that although I concured with the Bored people are boring sentiment, I didn't mean to offend anyone. There's just so much to do in SL. Any topic you are interested in usually has tons of info & tutorials available on youtube. It's like real life in that you, (meaning anyone) are/is in control of how interesting it is. I was lost with what to do next, lo & behold we have another movie star thread to play with. Too cool
  23. Well we have to hang and dry them first, sooo about... 80 and we have to fix the stoopid truck any1nose how to fix a broken axle? in Axel?
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