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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. But hey look .... I mined almost 40 diamonds in the meantime. :robotlol: Diamonds? ^^ :smileysurprised::matte-motes-inlove: :smileytongue:
  2. He is bored because everyone knows who he really is. A person who keeps doing the same thing over & over, expecting a different result. And I picked this one from the get go, way back when he was still allowed here. Times must be desperate indeed. We want Mr Coffee, not Mr Chokito.
  3. I nuuu isn't it exciting? :smileysurprised: As you can see from one thread approximately 3 people actually care! :smileyvery-happy: Many more do tho. Its just that they are all alts or banned from SLF alltogether. So the identities of alts & griefers might get mixed up is that it? How confoozling for them :matte-motes-shocked: Maybe LL will accidentally "out" griefers alts? ohmaigawd that's hilarious! I'm due to go have a look in about 720 days. *wonders.........
  4. Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo?:smileysurprised: Vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur! :smileytongue: \0_
  5. Replication of the same post immediately after? You MUST be excited Venus! Wuhoooo! That is absolutely hilarious! I'm off to college now, have a productive day wont you. Bbye! xoxo
  6. Caitlin Tobias wrote: I do not play 'games' in the feed, I am sure you (as you are familiar with it) have seen my contributions and even you must see they are pretty clear and straight forward. I will leave the 'playing games' to others, like you, and will read it, then scroll and...smh..... Have a nice day! Lolliez! :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy:
  7. It could take all your staff members. Better assemble the lot. *winx Well... as many as are allowed. lol
  8. Oh its the pool cleaner! Yay! bout time you got here \o/ asap pls. Ty.
  9. Ty Kylie! :smileyvery-happy: Just cartoonified in PS
  10. But wait! :smileysurprised: Ave' there is no charade. There never has been. Just the angst of the semi & perma banned, the perpetual penniless prose of the failed psychopomp. Where the emperor has found their once new clothes cannot obscure their horribly disfigured persona, despite the never ending assurances of the knife weilding senate and the heavy depletion of the private purse. The select equites wail eternally in sympathy, however the plebs vacated the colosseum many moons ago. The emperors prized gift, the chokito floating in the public baths, is not quite as it appears. Still, the mournfull fiddling contiinues as the flames draw ever closer. Edited for singular typo and double checking the chokito. eeeew ^~ Such is the price of virtual immortality.
  11. Oh YES the feeds lol. *Ruled by failed business owners, self made imaginary *heros and *once were elite performers in rl dreamtime. No doubt neglecting their houshold obligations to their spouses. Prolly for about ten+ years lol. The last bastion of the entirely irrelevant. The hallowed basement of the truly elite. Where else can you go with a rolling pin heading for your noggin at light speed? The death rattle of the unloved beckons you.. home.. sweet home. My feed is still open, after all this time :smileyhappy: Do drop by and leave your mark once again dear rulers *lilcough As usual, I will check in in about another 2 years I suppose:matte-motes-inlove: <thats a "love" btw xoxoxo *edit: Will I put an e in household? nuu doesn't matter.
  12. Inworldz commerce? Well that's not very nice Porky :smileysad:
  13. nuuu nuu nuuu All the forum trolls are MINE! I had them first and I am the one able to coax them out from the feeds best of all. Leave my forum trolls ALONE!!! :matte-motes-crying: I mean how often is your attention drawn to some 100 page diatribe that no-one ever sees except the trolls themselves and its all about people who dont even know its happening?! and and... most of them are banned and dont even go inworld? o.0 Like how cool is THAT! *shrugs
  14. It's no big deal and no real inconvenience. LL viewer is pretty much ok these days sooo It's good they are always advancing SL - well done. I prefer firestorm for no real reason. Possibly because Jess is so approachable & friendly.
  15. Oh wow so thats what a griefer looks like in RL. kewl
  16. You have to be in SL to be considered. Therefore> Lucinda or Suspiria Most outrageous of all time was Mr Coffee, an absolute classic. It's only the ones the Labs worry about that have any weight as far as true SL celebs go. and yes there are RL celebs in here, they can be hard to spot tho. Some don't log in much.
  17. Whatdyaworkfor'emorwhat? LOL Well that's extremely informative ty so much 16. MS Server implementation sounds really good this time around. I only ever use my super android ported through my desktop to check device specific coding etc which is why the first I saw of it was.. eeeew yuk lol. The college system I do my courses in only has 7 & enterprise atmo but that's the governments fault for ripping 1.5+ billion out of the sector One step closer to a 3rd world country. *sighs Thank you for taking the time in writing such a detailed looksee! 8^D :smileyhappy:
  18. As soon as we have a choice of disabling the ridiculous childrens GUI permanently I'll get it. It doesn't lend itself well to programming or any type of digital media production. Even then I will only pay wholesale prices for it.
  19. 16 wrote: just say that when you buy a new shop-made laptop you get what you given as an OS. cost more to downgrade the OS and only if they let you. and in most cases thats like umm! no. bc of the oem licensing Not entirely so. 2 peeps I have spec'd PCs for in the last month have insisted on Win 7 64 or NO sale. One was with Dell. Providers KNOW Win 8 is a lemon, Stand your ground. Every 2nd Win is a lemon, it's been that way since XP. wait no! Win 98 for sure.
  20. Ok its >never< too late to pick up 2000L for very little effort.. Bodyparts, :matte-motes-agape: yes, don't laugh it's true! You have heard of SL vampires right? I am sure a desperate one would pay a measly 2000L for your soul. Give it a shot!
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: DuH? Wut? I somehow stumbled upon the feeds the other day, so this is your gratuitous rear shot heinous? It's showing DuhWut? you forgot>*hic
  22. Poor grieffin, you do try sooo hard. I'm having home grown tomatoes with my dinner :-) Superb! Edited to correct i before e except after c.
  23. Planet SL. Superb creativity. Ty Whuups tx Perrie & creator
  24. Gee that's a shame about the contests. It would have been nice to enter one one day. Oh well.
  25. Oh yes! On topic Qwalify, how amazing lmaoooo Griefers = 0 points, as always... Try creating something team G lol *yawns
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