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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Omg is this still going? Unbereaveable! Talk about hit a raw nerve.. The fact that it is seen as a competition by some is exactly my point. >Also that this behaviour is deliberately transferred from the forums to the feeds. Which demeans SL & LL's efforts entirely.. (> Dee's fact from below). Crystal clear points Dee & Ima "most" <lol, would agree. +3 Lurvs, 9 kudos ♫ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ Any alts want to add some too? erm alts ^^ .. helllooo? umm... banned peeps maybe?... pleeeeeese...? *looks about.... 8-/ Back in a couple of days *waves!
  2. Flashdancers is a wonderful group that I have no personal interest in other than having fun. Very friendly people and live music are the performances they attend. Search them if you are interested. More hip music such as techno/house and the like is the realm of credible DJ's. Clubs like Demonic are cool but watch out for vampires ;-o
  3. Thank you Dres, I do understand and your opinion is highly valued by most everyone incuding myself. If I am subject to criticism thats fine. Why can't questions like this be asked of the Linden Labs community?. <(statement not a question) The fora and the feeds are not the personal domain of a chosen few. For a love feature to be instantly siezed as a tool for self promotion > not business promotion Tari < speaks volumes of how the labs good intent is hijacked for.. well... public self loving. Shouldn't this activity be relocated to Zindra also? ^^ How is it that the majority, see such a tool as something to spread good cheer and warm feelings to others and a minority use it in an attempt to either grief/incite or mistakenly enhance their own standing? This is exactly how Kudos has, unfortunately, been abused from the beginning of the Lithium forum era. Both things are simply wonderful and beneficial for everyone if used as the Labs Intended.
  4. Your contributions are fun and interesting Caitlin, always. Don't forget self loving Canoro, organising your push to the top. Eg: stuff like... "If you want to turn your computer on, make sure to press the start button" +1 kudos, 3 lurvz *wowee i's famous and really helping LL. lol *hurlz
  5. Well the self loving in public is nothing really new. Especially for the mutual admiration society yes. Interesting how people banned from inworld can help the self lovers isnt it? Weird stuff indeed. There is a wonderful solution of course Skyrim! wewt! LOL. @Tari LMAO now that is hilarious. "Someones friends are more popular than others" wasnt it?, What a classic! Why the need for self loving then? < and thats forums & slums in a nutshell really. Thath all folks - Boomtish! Awww Dres. :matte-motes-crying:
  6. If you want SL to continue to wallow in negativity sure! Is that LL's plan?
  7. The feeds are just beginning to suffer from this issue, where say 3 people post, and the issue magically trends due to only 2 "loves" being required. Is it destined to become another haven for trolls and alts of the banned or should something be done about it, like increasing the number of loves before a topic trends?
  8. Try to increase my post count and pretend I am helping? :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  9. Thanks for all your hard work void! Shame you've left.
  10. Many issues still affect some people but overall I would definately say thank you also. Rodvik can be proud he's doing very well. Biggest month in four years? well that really is something!
  11. AU? Then try here. http://www.computeronline.com.au/index.php?PHPSESSID=d84c86d34dc5d38a29cdac16264daa95 Our fave comp shop for the last decade or so. Enfield, NSW. Great mail order or pick up. They also have a live chat feature as well. Prices are generally wholesale. In almost 15 years we have only ever had 1 memory stick fail, replaced under warranty. (sent back to manufacturer). i7 motherboard is your best current option. Any major brand is usually i5 compatible too. Any Quad above 2.8 will do you. 64 bit OS is a must. Minimum 8gb ram and prolly 2gb graphics card. Get external Esata connectivity too. Forget overclocking and all that stuff, just make it sizzle from the word go. We built i5' quads to above specs for around $1650 Aud. Including new monitors, speakers, 2 ramdrives etc. No PC will last ten years and be usable with current applications. Upgrade items every 6/12 months as new things come out. Oh and the time is right for large SSD hard drive/s.... 100gb for OS install. (that's where your money will go). Don't enquire about multi cpu motherboards like my US friends run, (custom alienware etc), or ACO will go> o.0 < They are latest tech wholesalers not future tech pixar suppliers. lol.
  12. Oops I added a bit more before (after sorry) you replied. Looks down, aww :-( too hard to answer hey?
  13. Storm Clarence wrote: The forums have not closed - the CTUG meeting has been closed. The residents get hurt, however your great contribution to the Breakfast club will continue. PS the CTUG meetings were not in voice - there was no shouting - but you would not know that because you have never attended, < which brings me back to my original point, no? or for that fact contributed to the welcoming of any new resident on this forum. < are your search skills failing you? You may feel it appropriate to provide some exact figures perhaps? Some do choose not to make a noise about such things. This mindset requires no effort Storm it is default for some. Lunch anyone? < Sure! Are you coming? Couldn't help it. your'e [sic] spelling is priceless. :-) Forum /on: Why would the Lindens allow banned people to participate Storm? Isn't that undermining the whole process and degrading the good intentions of the people who do contribute? Such as the noted and highly esteemed creator individuals who did attend? The transcript shows that issues of self interest were not welcomed or did I read it wrong? As a valued contributor shouldn't someone such as yourself have chaired the meeting from the start? It seemd that a rush of replies that is produced by text only formats, made the Linden representatives feel a little uncomfortable at times. Creating a feeling of temperatures rising so to speak. Don't you think?
  14. More emphasis: Shout down lindens - meetings closed. Couldn't help it. your'e priceless :-) Follows the big L example..... forum /off.
  15. Oh! Away doing inworld and rl and lol it's the same old forum tone. Funny that! It's ok Celestial let's just say I dissed all community group attendees as you suggest and leave it at that? I mean it doesn't make any difference or really matter anyway does it? Why did Void leave? No idea. Funny to see Eloise being dragged into the mire. But that's the forum tone that is accepted and we are used to, *puts a flower by its headstone. Lucky the thread isn't for newbies! pheweee! Wouldn't have a clue what a picard is myself and fortunately, never will. Shame about your treatment Storm but awww hey, nought to do with me and SL does have more than two users unfortunately. Broken record much? Try rapping, you'll earn more :-) I'll leave the territorians and mobbies to it, so any pent up venom can be delivered to the Serum laboritories and put to good use there oooook? :-) *waves...
  16. Not meant to be raisng anyones Ire Cinn. Just trying to fathom the negative aspects that endure by way of logical discussion.
  17. My personal groups? That I own you mean? Morganna accidentally posted once but she made that quite clear in the post itself. Feel free to look it up. Your vague assertions offer no insight as to your why you persist with your individual attacks. What can be gleaned from your content is that this did in fact happen to you. For that I am sorry, but I don't see that as a justification for attempting to invoke mob rule. If you did indeed clarify your experience you would have saved the community much angst by bearing witness to an ongoing and unsuccessful campaign and yourself around 500 posts of effort. We all come here to enjoy Storm and it behoves us to ensure that we minimise any unpleasantness we are subject to. I will add that any other type of behaviour rightly belongs on the third party blogs and should stay there.
  18. Once again Celestial you misunderstand the point completely. It must be my accent? . I am not going to look up exactly what I said, but from memory it was that "the majority of those who attended would have done so in good faith" correct? What is it you do not understand about that statement? It was made to draw attention to the fact that as we see constantly in the forums, people miss the main point of what the forum is for. Now that I have clarified that for the second time I feel my main points were quite clear regarding territorial behaviour and attacking individuals or groups. 1 user understood quite clearly so you might take a breath and some time to read what is written in black and white. My main objection is that a "mob rule" mentality, (which you seem to condone) IS the problem. Whereby those who see this as their own territory single out groups for reasons unclear to others and target them endlessly. Immediately followed by their cohorts, (or alts), who do exactly the same thing. That is a good thing and beneficial for SL? That does not happen in the most enjoyable and popular forums applicable to other genres of discussion. > I suggest that you refrain from making snide remarks about the group of SL residents that attended the community meetings, since it is clear to me, that you have no idea what you're talking about. < - Would you like to rephrase that so it has some relevance? Quite interesting that when the mob rule mentality is pointed out, those who exhibit this behaviour endlessly attempt to reverse the scenario and cry foul. Which is why Dresdens statement about not caring is entirely applicable. You don't think that this type of behaviour scares off newbies? I will draw another long bow for you. You could hold 307 community meetings which would make not one Iota of difference if mob rule prevails. Alternatively - is this behaviour not clearly the most damaging thing the community is subject to? Is that clear enough?
  19. Well who kicked you out of what group and why? What ims/pms are you talking of? This is all conjecture and spilt milk to those of us who have no idea what you talk of? Are you sayng you were a member of the group you detest so much? and someone booted you? Sure that would be unfortunate and explain the attitude you display publicly to some extent but would certainly be news to me. Still means diddly to new folk or those who are unaware of all this though. All that typing when only what, 2 or 3 people knew about it? I have never Im'd or Pm'd you? Or are you trying to tell us a little secret?
  20. Was it not you who was so mortified and inexplicably offended by others harmless socialising? Or were you just jumping on the third party blog shuttle bus to nowhere. Which is a shame because apparently that's what LL made Second Life for. Forming groups and socialising. How can SL expand and attract new users if they are maligned and shouted down at every turn? Experienced users have no problem whatsoever with such behaviours, but it must be pretty daunting and depressing for new folks to witness repeatedly. You are quite welcome to correct me if I am wrong on the intended use of this software. Apart from sniping you have never stated exactly what your issue is with second life groups? Why not enlighten us and give us an insight into exactly what issues you have with residents forming social groups? It may actually help the labs to perfect their strategies in attracting and keeping new residents. It is also interesting that you think I had posted that reply specifically to you. Why is that?
  21. Look if newbies fail at LR they could always become forum trolls There's room for everyone you know!
  22. I think it's certainly worth it. It's my only online subscription and very cheap entertainment. The reason you need Sharron is to have a look at your friends list, then make a decision. I know that hasnt a thing to do with it, but LL deserve support for the best 3d chat world. Just my opinion.
  23. I think its a great effort. Also that the artwork on the new page is very nice indeed. I will have a go of this new game sometime, can we sail there in our cool new boats? :smileywink:
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