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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Interesting to see someone willing to reveal their credentials for once. >Email me when someone replies: (to this thread). Why don't you log in and meet with people inworld? It's excellent fun and you will encounter the entire range of human emotion. From overwhelming elation to deepest despair, SL delivers like no other online experience. You can send me a private forum message questions if you want to.
  2. What a funny thread. I make my own and even though demure and superb household attire, they simply cannot be considered PG I am afraid.
  3. There are many beautiful romantic couples animations. Some much better than their real life ones. Have you posed on the bow of the Titanic? It certainly is a "must do" Safer than the RL one too, what with all the icebergs and stuff...
  4. Here is some input I have personally seen artists/photographers at your entry to virtual world/SL stage, (which says not one thing about their natural level of talent), deliver astounding results & creativity in a very short time frame. *winx at them Feel free to have a look at my profile pic inworld which is a 3d render. The aim from the outset was "art" and we absolutely adore the results, the theme of course was Mermaid/Siren/Celtic/midnight/seaside. Your work is astounding and can be applied to any area of mythology, your imagination being the only limit. Look up Squashy Beeswing who is the all time Faerie theme expert regarding SL for me. She's only really done a few but wow! amaaaazing.
  5. Farthington Whetmore wrote: And thank you to all for your suggestions and listings; even to the "Ball Buster" for a minor chuckle. B.Y.O - "Busting Your Own" in public... Quite gigglewurthy
  6. Oh maii gawd is this still going on *yawns Sorry I was doing other things. Shouldn't this be transferred to the feeds? My opinion is this: Thank you! & Goodnight!.
  7. Excellent stream information here. Very interesting listening. Thanks to all the contributors! \o_
  8. "Internet Nightmaree", apparently your new fan. She seems to focus on web users exactly like yourself. Not the first thing you've missed lol. I imagine she'll be back. Adds: No wonder the mods were so quick to silence her given her connexions. and here, I'll do it for you.. Wut? 0.o :smileytongue:
  9. Have you tried the next size larger jeans? It looks like the eyeballs are getting stressed in sympathy with.. erm.. well you know :matte-motes-bashful: Try that perhaps?
  10. Voice morphing playing up again ^^? Oooo Storm ric'd his latest fan.
  11. As always we will leave the refuse in place and see what the mods think. Feel free to fingerpoint and moan everywhere about your efforts Baiii \o_
  12. Ecuadorian embassy looking good for you ^~ *points & wags finger... Don't you love it. 22lbs = 9.97 kilograms.
  13. DQ Darwin wrote: Some people/governments get to bloody big for their britches, I like to see them called out to face the truth. Most definately. No Kumbaya here. It must be a particularly Australian trait, followed closely by some of our dear cousins, to confront those who hide behind the veil of credibility and just like the german stock exchanges performance of recent years, watch ze dax fall in public, exposing the underhanded tactics for all to see. Unfortunately the rest of the world is basically already privy to such manipulations and calls it for what it is. The self perpetuating machinations of relentless propoganda must continue however, In order to support the "machine" so the convulsions of self denial repeat ad infinitum. A sad state of affairs indeed. The cool aid of the afflicted is best consumed with a sizeable helping of fruit cake, in the company of like minded charlatans whilst spruiking from the lectern of self obsession. Eternal war anyone? It has to be financed somehow. Woe betide those prepared to call "it" for what it is.
  14. Aww the feeds only show 99+ messages unread, what a downer :smileysad: But wait! Where's the missing garbage? nothings fun anymore :smileyfrustrated: Assange's exile is akin to rejected SL users I suppose :matte-motes-asleep-2: But people actually listen to him.
  15. Not specifically english but what did you want to know?
  16. Lost? I don't think so. But I'm only mid 2009 or so. WaOh o! o! o! - O! O! O! We don't even have to try... It's always a good time!
  17. Bad move because he looked like an idiot, not a terrorist. Still amazing he didn't get popped though, must be a fairly laid back/relaxed area.
  18. And people ask "is it worth it to go premium". The lightning fast support of live chat is worth it alone. Welcome back Val and well done LL! Now if you and Nyll would only be a bit more careful both inworld & outworld we wont have to miss you at all! No one would ever guess from both your forum persona's you are such daredevils and risk takers! Like Woah! :matte-motes-agape:
  19. Thx to some of the nicest peeps in and related to SL that made me realise how awesome this tune actually is..
  20. Noobs> u2cudBaLinden UK Staffer> LondonLinden CountryMusic Staffer> LinedancinLinden
  21. I have ridden in one or two. I concluded they perform as well as SL allows them to. When walking, they do seem to make a bee line for you. Which I also figured getting out of the way was all part of the fun. That was long before I knew anything about them. But they did make my budgie eat the SL installation disc. :smileysad: I was VERY annoyed about that. :matte-motes-angry: Whuups general reply sorry Qie.
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