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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Yes that one is pretty cool Ceka thank you 10 out of 10 for the immersion factor in the spell naming and effect descriptions. Pretty cheap too relative to the excellent marketing of the staff's capabilities. Seen all that before but the combination of everything and the presentation makes it a winner lol! I was thinking of the groundshaking, lightning inducing, world is going to end type of stuff we see in best selling alternative world type rpg/adventure >games<. Fus-ro-dah shouts etc etc. One of many and no that's not my Avi shouting it. Great fun! A "force" ability that clears a path before you.
  2. Marigold Devin wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Edited to add: It looks like trending is based on number of views rather than number of "loves" looking at the number of loves the people who are trending have got. Based on a little test it can't take many loves or views to trend 'in-world' (if that makes sense) It does seem there's a several minute lag between cause and effect. Aye, it makes sense. It doesn't seem to many views to trend, but seems to be same people always trending.  It takes about 3 (self) loves to trend. The feeds are where all the griefers go when banned from Le Fora. Which is why it is always the same people trending.
  3. Oh cool I'll have to hit the MP then Tx erry1!
  4. Spells & Magic. With really cool graphic effects. What would they be used for? I have absolutely no idea lol. Possible spells might be.. umm.. Giving someone lindens maybe? Pulling a wabbit out of a hat? Partnering? Joining a group? Friending someone? I am thinking proper fireballs, lightning, vortexes etc etc... like in other games... whoops ^^... worlds. We have particle emitters but they don't really cut it. Are spells even possible? A popular 3d program is currently offering Street Clothing for modern magicians, which got me wondering...
  5. Hunter Stern wrote: I wish they would also open up the 'Premium Sandboxes' so that we can bring non-premium members to atleast visit , not be able to build, rez or script, but would be nice to atleast be able to have my friends come see what I'm working on sometimes. It would be an easy flag too imo. It's lonely at the top :matte-motes-not-entertained: That is an excellent idea. All too often you want to create something or share with someone and then you find they can't go there Surely it would encourage more premiums as well.
  6. Great link Del. LL could do no better than to use such a highly qualified, respected & somewhat neutral party like Jessica more often. She is fantastic to engage with. More of these combined efforts will go a long way to covering all the required bases. SL's biggest problem is endless talk & no positive action at all. People like Jessica have the credibility to empower people to make changes.
  7. Don't see anyone else posting anything interesting today. If it takes a pack of spammers to start a good topic, so be it. Ignore them and run with the topic anyway. Nah it is just a good topic. That what it is. Also please be more carefull when you're naming people as spammers. This topic is of public interest and you too are taking part in it. If you don't like the topic or people who made it then you have a liberal choice not to engage in it or read another topic. But do not offend people with calling them spammers falsely. This word has a very negative meaning in todays world. Its offensive. definition: Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unsolicited e-mail. Your definition of spamming is from around 1996.
  8. ROB34466IIIa wrote: Was the guitarist wearing this hat ? No Rob, Slash is meh , nothing but a copycat. Jimmy Page & Marc Bolan both wore a tophat around the same time from what I can tell.
  9. This doesn't make a lot of sense because it was a dream. It relates more to people already existing somehow and what they needed to survive. An amazing rock guitarist atop a worlds tallest mountain, (no snow for some reason lol), played astonishing and seemingly impossible combinations of notes, (to gut wrenching drum and bass performed by unseen but equally gifted individuals), as he sounded them, each note also took on its written form and cascaded slowly down to the assembled worlds population, where they caught and consumed the amaaazing sounds/notes 8^0 Connecting with the music was what they needed to sustain themselves and ensure their continued and happy existance. There was no pushing, shoving or fighting as there were more than enough for every single person. The scene was not one of desperation, just pure joy. The cycle continued endlessly. It was, the meaning of life ^^ I dreamt I heard the unbelievable music, saw the beautiful notes and woke breathless, ecstatic and incredibly happy.
  10. It took me more than six months to get my last names x 3 to be identical. Which would have been at least 400 attempts that were cancelled until the right one came up. No wonder people are sickened by this result. I would be too.
  11. Randall Ahren wrote: If a link to the music selection was provided, I had a listen. I liked your selection best. I have an aneurhythm now. It is not unwelcome though. It's . I've been listening to the different versions. I guess I most like Katie Voegele's version. It’s not a cry you can hear at night It’s not somebody who has seen the light It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah Thank you Randall, I have never read nor listened to, the words to Hallelujah. I listen to the music and voice, not the words. It always had me quite perplexed why it has become so popular. Now I know Katie certainly brings her own style to the song. A little countryish? but not painfull at all. She's great! For the Kottke fans, I met him first in his dressing room at the Sydney Opera House. I had travelled some 80+ kilometres, (50 miles), to see his show and was simply astounded when a concierge asked if I wanted to meet him in person. I was dressed rural/hippyish and when I walked into the room there was at least 7 models in there dressed to the nines. (evening gowns/heels/bling/etc). I was soooo nervous, being a teenager at the time, but he cracked jokes and seemed genuinely interested in my questions. The second time I met him he remembered me. Awesome! 8^)
  12. Rolig Loon wrote: Anything Leo Kottke or Tommy Emmanuel play. I have met Leo twice! He's awesome and well.. everyone knows Tommy (ok I haven't met him but I've been 3 feet away and smiled, he smiled back! 8^0 \o/ I have met Phil - his brother - just as good a player). 1. Describe yourself in two words? Emo Hellfire. 2. What surprised you last? The price of a custom Cittern. 3. What is your current favorite song or album - one you are obsessing over? Any mandocello by rivieredom or cittern by Citternalia on youtube. 4. What is your mood or feeling today? Ecstatic - day off work 5. What do you most hope for this year? The delivery of my custom D Scale Ovation Longneck with >idea< onboard electronics, (not the current elite TX with OP 1 Pre-amp), with custom carved gum leaf sound hole epaulettes. why is the video all the way over there ^~ have a listen to this guy and his one off Cittern, Jimmy O' Hendrix lol
  13. 16 wrote: is all good (: sometimes when we read stuff we not sure if is funny haha or funny strange either way its still funny (: or cringeworthily sad lol
  14. Yvw Valerie Your Hippiestock outfit was superb btw. \o_
  15. You're not used to that yet Pussycat? /me purrs out a little laugh =^.^=
  16. Til har en annen liv, en trenger å ha et liv første By me.
  17. You do realise if you go to see actual musicians perform they are too busy performing and too involved in their craft to have the time to make such careless remarks? Quality control is the key to enjoying music in SL. Talent helps as well.
  18. Wonderful Ceka! We feel some new builds coming on too. Brother needs a new racing rig and that means the wheel turns once more \o/ To old i7 or new i7.. that is the question.. *_* LGA/Socket 2011 possibilities have expanded somewhat since you started this thread. Well... with motherboards anyway lol $1291 for I7 3960X ;o as opposed to paying peanuts> $400 or so for best Socket 1155
  19. Hoorah Alazarin! Superb post. Do you think LL knows this? and is just biding their time? I do.
  20. A massive blow to the griefers, confused trolls, whiners, pretenders and banned, (perma or otherwise), of SL. Volume does not equate to quality, a hard equation for some to fathom certainly. Kind of like when some want-to-be griefer TP's into your public shop with "temp" at the end of their full display name, thinking no one is there and your welcome mat records their details and you happen to log in at the same time lol! Someone lock that basement door will you pls? Oh LL did! YAY! Congrats SL~! & Ty LL~!
  21. Rufus Darkfold wrote: Why is everybody running Windoze on all this awesome hardware? Linux is so much faster, and SL clients run fine under LInux. I increase my frame rate by about 70% by running Linux instead of Windoze. Cost $0. Of course you probably need Windoze some of the time, but you can dual-boot. But they scream anyway Rufus lol. Whats the latest build? It may well be time.. Have only ever dual booted 32 & 64 bit MS.
  22. The group Flashdancers rampage en masse into most live music events. Join them if you want to dance with lots & lots of others at the drop of a hat. It's awesome fun! The biggest Flashies crowds assemble at some incredibly popular venues. It can get terribly laggy so get in and on the group HUD early!
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