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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Riiiight! silly pics it is then :smileytongue: So I set out for Axel. I'm going to show these fakes a thing or two! :smileymad: There's only room for one Brokli 'round these ere parts. and... this :smileysad: I am SO going to throttle those pretenders
  2. Marigold Devin wrote: I still believe only boring people are truly bored. I like that. It's true. I am not bored atmo but flustered with what to do next, such is the wide & varied pallette of creative things to do that SL presents.
  3. + mesh deformer then we are really getting somewhere for a total shopping experience. Well done LL, (keep up the good work) & Ty Jo! Huh better.. Qie? lol I cant even begin to think how that would work :smileyindifferent: /me needs a few more years in Sl for that one.
  4. What the... Pffft! (spits coffee @ screen) IMPOSTER movie star bot! grrrrrrr! She doesn't even look like ♥ Brokli ♥ ʘ¿ʘ Some people will do anything to be pixel famous ^¿^ :matte-motes-sour: and the male movie star? the living breathing one? is absolute proof these latest ones are copycats. Wannabes for sure. Hmmmpphh! :smileyindifferent: not impressed. umm... where is she located again? :smileytongue:
  5. I watched some. I dont think I'll vote in the USA elections this year, Thanks anyway! Ooops that was to OP sorry.
  6. Make sure it has good warranty. You didn't indicate how much they are going to charge you for it? (vs an upgradeable desktop for example).
  7. You have to play the SL Model game I am afraid... Unless.... you make your own clothes
  8. It does look nice thank you so much Tiffy. I hadn't imagined the cheek thing would happen but it makes sense I suppose. (I'm pretty new to mesh making so any examples are excellent thank you). My area will be clothes not hair. A bit easier I think Thank you!!!
  9. Haven't heard the original audio, but it's seamless and turned out perfect for me. I didn't listen with super duper headphones on or anything Cool!
  10. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Machinima-Forum/Want-to-make-amatuer-Machinima-Then-watch-this-D-1m14s/m-p/1092655#M824
  11. I only active music or any media at all when going to live music venues, then & only then these days. There are a small, (maybe 2?) minority of DJ's who's personal playlists of 60's 70's music can be a real education. Some of the Euro based dance clubs in SL used to be awesome for E.D.M sometimes not heard outside Europe, I don't think they exist anymore.
  12. I have the exquisite cover of our beautiful antique family bible on some of my clothes inworld. It is a nice way to express your belief/s without having to be too concerned about religion/s, Actually I have many beautiful crosses on clothing, but that one is the best. This method of display/personal expression can apply to most religions and doesn't seem to raise anyones ire.
  13. Umm have the sound turned down and listening to E.D.M/Trance while SL'ing? :catsurprised: Solves everything :matte-motes-tongue: Me wuvs doof doof
  14. Hello I am aware that Ricelli? (Riccelli?), has what seems to be a standardised sizing system. Free demos of different size dresses/skirts & tops too. Maybe those comply to the system you refer to? Or the maker knows more about the system? Great clothes but they don't fit my shape unfortunately. Until a mesh/size deformer is availabe I'll just make stuff for myself.
  15. Thank you Poenald That clarifies it perfectly. I think hexagon is really easy to use :catvery-happy:
  16. Remember we are only talking mono sound files here as well :smileysad: so everything Maddy says x 2. I wish there were a Premium Elite membership version where you could run a stand alone sim on your own PC with such luxuries as 7.1 surround for your own entertainment & development purposes. Eg: Export avatar to software for anims, easy importing of mesh clothes & stuff for test fitting, machinima making and so much more. Whuups sorry that is intended as a general reply Maddy.
  17. The Future makes me smile. As did the past, but the future holds even more promise than the ample smiles that the past delivered. :smileyhappy::smileyvery-happy:
  18. Ceka Cianci wrote: So love in an elevator isn't so good for you after all huh? Or did the wind change? Nice one Charo
  19. Do we get to see a pic of your new mesh hair Tiffy? Be great if you could show it. I agree that the whole event should be presented via a flash catalogue or something. Opening it in-world would count as being a visitor to the event itself.
  20. Hexagon is excellent for straight forward mesh making. But it does not output collada correct. Personally I save to .3ds then import to Blender. I find it more intuitive to use than blender but it does depend on what you are used to of course. Blender really does cover all the bases though. A friend says blender was developed specifically by and for film pros? so that explains the different style of interface.
  21. Seems to be working ok now I closed the upload window then retried, after completing all three tabs of info it worked ok.
  22. Free 512. It gives you the opportunity to have a small taste of what it would be like if you could afford/or wanted to spend lots of rl money on large plots of land. Ooops that was to the OP
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