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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Low blow to us Americans.......specifically us Americans who happen to live in the area of Hollywood, CA (I assume that's the "Hollywood" you at talking about). Stirring up some drama? No not attempting to. If i was trying to do that it would be about American distortionsof the English language. That works every time :matte-motes-bashful-cute: It is not intended to be a low blow as the majority of my SL friends are Americans and always have been. I am stating loudly and clearly that people in the USA are more used to "entertainment & culture" that people of other nationalities might find boring, tedious or possibly even offensive. But that is what free speech and democracy is all about. My American friends are well aware of my personal view on these issues, which is why they are my closest friends. They are tolerant, caring, considerate & fun individuals.
  2. Granted the inworld search function is, well... meh 8-/ I suppose I just found the shortcut that actually works first time, every time.
  3. Many many international communities have a small presence in SL. At some of their sims you can expect quite a few of these individuals to gather and welcome someone who arrives from another country. At some of the Latin culture sims I have visited in the years past you were treated like absolute royalty if you take the time to use a translator. Then you can speak with the folk in their native tongue as well as the greeters who mostly speak english as well. These folk are understandably proud of their sensational efforts at sim building and are extremely enthusiastic to show strangers around. It's fantastic fun and SL is the only place I know where you can interact in this fashion.
  4. I only ever go to the destination guide itself and use the menu on the left to select sandboxes and I can't recall ever choosing a non premium sandbox. Aren't they clearly indicated in that drop down/expandable menu rather than a general search? Respectfully Qwalyphi, as your posts are extremely entertaining, always interesting and respectful to all... .. might it simply be a case of sour gripes in this one instance?
  5. Jo Yardley wrote:. Berlin, like almost all sims, has its peak hours and quiet time, so it is always possible to vind it deserted. Typing with a German accent Jo? That is realism for you lol My fave fun saying is Wirtual Vorld. Berlin is a great sim. Only been there the once so far, but I was in 1920's attire. Must go again.
  6. Hollywood & therapists belong in America. That is as complicated as it gets really.
  7. Suki Hirano wrote: My skin's from Jomo. Already contacted the owner a month ago and just got a reply back yesterday. Absolutely terrible attitude, not only did it take him a month to reply, but the only thing he said was "you're a weirdo for wanting lighter color eyebrows". What, the, f... That's the last thing I buy from that store. Wow that's terrible! We should all just have eyebrows like this then>
  8. Recently I met a noob with the movie star tag. I was amazed and he claimed no knowledge of the groups notoriety. He seemed quite innocent about it all. But if you were instrumental in their creation, you'd also be pretty crafty in feigning complete ignorance too I am sure.
  9. The fact that the combination of all that creativity can give avatars different auras is what amazes me. You know, the feeling you get from a certain avatar/s when you first see, meet or are attracted to them? Or else you encounter an avi who's presence is comforting and they turn out to be wonderful people in real life? That's just truly amazing.
  10. Pixel people do not have souls to begin with. The vamps are the only ones who think we have souls, because they pay lindens to believe that :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I was extremely annoyed and a trifle offended when I found out that mine was lost forever. But you do get over it. Just remember it's all in fun and it can be very good fun .
  11. Tiny Empires is a good fun inworld game. Being a Vampire is also good fun. Live Music events are good places to make friends as well. Don't worry about losing your soul as a vampire because avatars dont actually have a pixel soul. This certainly raised my ire when I found out that soul count is what the game is based on lol. Most games get boring after say 6 months or so especially when you realise they are linden hoovers to a certain extent. Be aware that the majority of inworld games or solicitations/ads for venues are mostly profit oriented and you can make up your own mind about that type of thing. You are not a failure by any means. "Flashdancers" costs absolutely nothing and members flock to live music events dancing en masse which is really good fun and there is NO obligation to attend every event. Highly recommended and lots of fun people in that group.
  12. Yay to new Laptop! Yay to Purple Moon gowns!
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: in RL i am chiricahua Didn't know anything about the Chiricahua peeps until I googled for more info. No doubt google is THE authority on Native American peoples matters. :matte-motes-impatient: Your avi & persona is one of the coolest this forums ever seen. Sooo.. chief Cochise, is who Audio Slaves song was named after or about? (haven't read the words to Cochise so apologies/sorry if horribly wrong). Didn't know Goyaałé was known by another name either. Wow :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:. Thanks for the education & info Ceka
  14. Yes. An ongoing difference of opinion about SL made me return home from my travels (& other stuff) and complete formal study. Continuing on with more studies now which is detrimental to my SL time allowance :-( Can't have everything unfortunately.
  15. LL can only try and do helpful things for SL'ers. Can't fault them for trying to be nice about these things.
  16. Went and had a look at the new Premium Wilderness which really reminded me of living back in the tropics Visit creator friends? One lives on the edge of Chakryn forest which is really cool. Stuff like that
  17. Can't believe all the fuss over this soft drinks/pop/soda, they are all disgusting and sooo unhealthy. There's nothing better than an ice cold plain sparkling mineral water or a freeeeezing Lime & Lemon cordial (on the weak side of strength). How did we get on to the topic of soft drinks? *looks up @ thread title.. ^^ :smileyindifferent: o rite... figures.
  18. Why don't you create your own storyboard and produce it? It can be as simple as being based on a feeling or as complex as a drama. Go on be bold Ooops that was to OP Chic, sorry.
  19. Live support? I used it yesterday for account related issues. I don't have a sim or anything but I've seen people say this before.
  20. :catsurprised: Excellent thread thank you Valerie.
  21. Yes there is always the proper game makers forum for each title too it would seem. BillyTheKidResident908325795 lol.
  22. Has changed from trending? well that IS a change then. lol This was three months ago. Wonder what it's up to now?
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