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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. "Not even worth a post" but continually attempt to grief people and gang up on them >is< the point Qwal. You are witnessing endless repetition of the same task hoping for a different result o.0 which first started well over 12 months ago. "The same result" usually amounts to yet another small holiday for the griefing afflicted. We could copy and paste the exact same replies to the same nosensical & vexacious questions as in the past, but public exposure of such sad activites is more than enough for the non creators. Ooops "helpers" lol
  2. Well if it is true that you are a lovely person now as you used to be, you can certainly disregard that comment. L0.0ks down.. O yay! V Hi Syl! Got your own blog yet? That's the next step after the Wut? Or you could take DJ lessons perhaps? lmaooo
  3. Horseback? o.0 Target? towards the end, definately and oh so well earnt. He who once was a truly eloquent & masterful wordsmith. The best Le Fora in its many guises has ever seen perhaps? But aligned himself with the bullying & disgraceful nastiness of the tawdry and afflicted, (which he did not start), ensuring his rapid demise and rejection from all but the most irrelevant of domains. His minions tried to carry the flame, but only succeeded in hastening his persona's total & complete destruction. Where once the entire audience was spellbound, now a pure laughing stock. Ultimately deserving of no mention of his name. If you hold an empty can of (insert brand name here)> cola to your ear, you can still hear the vicious whining to this very day I am told.
  4. The only person to ever put one over the mods was our incredibly amusing and offensive friend ωαşţ€d. There was one other who was extremely entertaining, but he cooked his own goose and was shunned to a miniscule audience, which is a shame, but make your own bed.... etc etc
  5. Clear a space beside the very :matte-motes-sick: Vista 64 Ultimate you wasted money on and wait for Windows 9. If all Vista users put their discarded discs end to end the curiosity rover could drive home. The addition of Win 8 discs will mean we can have a 2 lane highway to mars & back lol.
  6. The mods do, and always have done, an excellent job Well done and three cheers for the mods I say.. hip hip.. HOORAY!
  7. Hey u! 0.0 No pushing in! :smileytongue: At least we are first at the doors of the huge announcement! :catvery-happy: *looks over shoulder as a huge stampede noise begins to become clearer... uh oh
  8. Yes a very Happy Birthday, (for your friday), to you Quinn! Spreads some lovely fresh nuts at the last post of this thread in order to coax Qwal out... and waits... 10 minutes to go according to the coundown clock @12:50pm SLT.
  9. Well its been friday now for quite some time.. *lil cough 4:28pm, Friday the 9/11/12 I take it the announcement must be that the "Friday Threads" are back. That explains everything :smileytongue: O wait! You mean SL on Steam? There's no sight or mention of it there yet so it is well overdue.
  10. Oh wow yes of course thank you Perrie. I was too excited about my new card to think it through thoroughly. I ended up with a HD Radeon 7890 which just is supreme. Almost $300 AUD though. But that's ok cause its better than my little sisters one now lol. Minimum power supply we use for our builds is 650 watts these days.
  11. I Dont use nvidia cards but this ATI has Open GL latest support @4.2 or something if Im not wrong. Saw it somewhere. It seems to be the most advanced card in this price range having all the latest bells & whistles, (PCIE 3.0) and is 256bit. This isn't an ad and I don't even know if they do online sales but its what I have chosen after weeks of research and might get it today if I'm in that area perhaps. Just some info to consider? http://www.zipcomputers.com.au/store/view_product.php?product=vga-pcx-sa-hd7850 If you happen to live in Sydney could be worth a look and as they say on the website "We open seven days" aah sooo glasshopper.
  12. A live scoreboard that keeps a running tally of how many times griefers.. O whuuups! I do mean helpers soz .. are temp banned from Le Fora? So we can keep track of the fruitcake factor?.. Would be lots of fun :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: oops general reply sorry.
  13. Interesting to have a recorder going for an hour or so whilst browsing the net, net banking or doing anything on PC. You might think that you don't say a thing when you are alone and thinking you are as quiet as a mouse. I bet you will be shocked at the results of your recording Oops sorry that was a general reply to the OP.
  14. That is quite common. LL don't have millions of staff members to keep things immediately up to date. Dont worry about it and in due course it will dissapear. I've had this issue and no harm is ever done.
  15. If there is a place where Kookaburras laugh riotously at sunrise everyday, where Jasmine & Ginger Lily aromas waft in to your bedroom which overlooks beautiful Eucalypt & Callistemon trees and where black cockatoos glide overhead silently in SL.....? Then yes, count me in
  16. Apparently you >can< use normal mode, but you keep getting thrown back to the "new" interface. Not a chance in SL-hell I'll be tolerating that junk. MS rule #1 still applies, every second release is a lemon.
  17. Everyone reads your posts Val. When your name appears in any thread, we know there is a standing invitation to partake in a kind, considerate and knowledgeable commentary, whatever the topic may be. Have a rest if you need to, but do make sure you come back pls
  18. Melita Magic wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: blah blah blah... Doesn't seem like the OP is very interested in me though so. Shrug. Lol Well that's a shame. Your ideas are some of the most original in the history of SL from what I have seen. *clears throat & waves arm... *OPINION GATHERER!?!? ^.^ Questionnaire over here please
  19. You can submit them for inclusion apparently. Some of the less helpful "helpers" knew all about it. They are due to resurface, hopefully they might pass the info on. *winx
  20. http://www.flickr.com/photos/63786008@N05/8107632692/in/photostream/lightbox/ :matte-motes-big-grin:
  21. The new login page background pics are simply awesome. Congrats to all those who participated. There is nothing like SL, those pics say it all.
  22. Yes I agree. You is that person We mightn't be around all the time to know it's your birthday but.. well... you know.. And Perrie, thank you so much for the reminder of the ultimate explanation of what SL can mean. World Builder.
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