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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Same happened to me. It was a plea for charity by one particular user. I finally deleted it and the problem went away for me.
  2. JeanneAnne wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Boss Nazi lol, that is about right. I don't think I am banned but who cares Some really experienced and nice folks there, but you know you are on a winner when the whiners write comments like "well I don't even log in to Sl any more but ...rah rah rah" o.0 I did pop in to catch up on the Rodvik post and it was the same old "look at me! look at me!" tripe. Apart from the awesome creators & helpers it's just made up of disgruntled ex Zindra folk, people who got rorted and erm.. priests It's much more fun watching & ignoring the SLU wanna be's closer to home. Whuups that was meant to be a general reply sorry. LoL @ least you know who the Boss Nazi is over @ SLU .. here theyre these anonymous "moderators" who strike apparently @ random w/ lightning from the sky .. i really do think that theyre temps LL hires sometimes @ minimum wage .. Jeanne Sure, but I can say what I want without ever fearing the lightning bolt from above in my posts. Or at least I know which one or two will most likely get zapped cause you are responding in same to fruitcakes. Also here there's the hilarious finger pointing and moaning when a mod zaps offensive posts, but people insist it is *someone (they hate), ric-ing their posts which is just sooo funny. (not referring to you of course). I DO Ric a couple of times a week infact and I am not shy about telling people this. It's a 2003 4003 Fireglo Rickenbacker to be precise, highly recommended.:matte-motes-bashful-cute: All in all it's quite ok here and no need for the hyper emo of some of the SL rejects found all over the web. I certainly do acknowledge the majority of SLU members and genuine participants are quite legendary. But you will always get the "look at me" agony groupies hanging off any successful community of people.
  3. Hey your Chibis on DA are sooo cute! Especially the welcome one
  4. Ceka Cianci wrote: Boudicca Littlebird wrote: LOL, your eyes say it all, you picked the picture, we have spared before, Lucinda, to you I feel benevolent, you will be fine, just follow your heart, those that want guns will not be so happy, the world must change and only those that can change will survive, you will, so don't feel bad, understand that tomorrow needs those that survive today. *starts with hand signals as she speaks* You (points to you) are so wise(looks up opening her arms to the sky). We(pointing to herself ) are not so wise (looks to the sky closing her arms) We(pointing to herself) are kidding(grabs the card from her back pocket that reads) LOL YOU (points to you) won't be happy( pointing to her frown) until (closing her arms as impatiant) this happens (clicks the button on the video) ME (points to herself) WE (reaches under her horses necks hugging and petting as they rub back) will be fine when you have no more gas (winks) Absolute all time classic post. The only way to improve upon this would be to have pictures of you performing those actions with the text on them. This would give your words the appropriate reverence they truly deserve be they in jest or meant seriously. The images you paint combined with your astounding delivery Ceka are truly etheral. This delivery may well be, (theoretically) *traditional for you, but it is amaaaazing
  5. I see you are online now apparently. Respond and lets go!
  6. The amazing American Bluegrass band Hot Rize, play as their own support act. Well they did when I saw them years ago. They don't mention it, but the audience soon twigs to the fact by the use of particular melodies and musical passages and double entendre' comedy. When realised, the paying audience was visibly enthused and amazed that this was the case. It was yet another highlight to an excellent performance and ensured a standing ovation or three. I would pay to see them again if they are still around. *edited to remove the double instance of the word amazing/replaced with excellent.
  7. Anti aliasing and only anti aliasing is the problem. But thank you as that colour is perfect for me and hopefully will match my other hairstyles.
  8. Theresa Tennyson wrote: "This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago: **********"A TRUE STORY"******** Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer had passed away. This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of Djduerer Zou. Treacle Darlandes." :smileysurprised::smileyindifferent::smileysad: Wow just wow. I need a break after reading that. So moving. Thank you for posting.
  9. Boss Nazi lol, that is about right. I don't think I am banned but who cares Some really experienced and nice folks there, but you know you are on a winner when the whiners write comments like "well I don't even log in to Sl any more but ...rah rah rah" o.0 I did pop in to catch up on the Rodvik post and it was the same old "look at me! look at me!" tripe. Apart from the awesome creators & helpers it's just made up of disgruntled ex Zindra folk, people who got rorted and erm.. priests It's much more fun watching & ignoring the SLU wanna be's closer to home. Whuups that was meant to be a general reply sorry.
  10. I was merrily minding my own business in RL and someone told me there is this Virtual World... and I'm like "a what" o.0? where you can fly and play games and make clothes... "WAIT! you can make clothes?" yuss.. "O M G can you! what and you wear them too?!?!" yuss and you can also sell them.. "Sell them?" yup "but how?" well people pay money for them.. "*faints - you can't be serious" :smileysurprised: I was a regular visitor to Green Island in North Queensland where they had funny money for the tourists so the linden thing made perfect sense and that was it for me. I joined on dial-up lol. Can't remember much about my beginning other than at that time, most Australians were introduced to SL via our national telco where you could play & join for free as part of your contract but you were restricted to only those sims owned by the Telco. I wasn't with them for my internet so I was alone and didn't meet another Aussie apart from my friend for at least 6 months. The best thing to this day is to "pay forward" and pass on the goodwill of others as was the case with myself. Even if you never see the noobs again it's still great fun to share in their excitement at joining SL.
  11. Despite the loss of this wonderful & thoroughly enjoyable resource, will the group remain, for historical & emotional purposes?
  12. Wow! war in the Blake Sea, that is fascinating. I would have to say this is good in a way that, that many people go to the Blake Sea and use it. I wasn't aware of the history, groups and individuals involved with it. I am also glad that it isn't necessarily an issue of deliberate stalking or harassment and amazed that someone is attempting to address the scurge of gpu crashers. (which I haven't experienced yet). Good information for everyone here.
  13. He obviously has some major problem with the situation. Don't reports take some time to be assessed and acted upon? From memory it seems like weeks from what I have read of others comments here in the forum. Do crashes caused by the GPU overload leave a system trace text file of evidence that you could use in reporting?
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Now a postive update after my previous post: I've never been so happy since today when my love came back from hospital in RL. I'm feeling blessed tonight. YAY Val! Just finished breakfast and read this. omg this forum software is weird lol That's a lovely start to another beautiful day which apart from a few hours work, will be mostly spent gardening in mild sunshine listening to birds singing and me smiling even more now. Thank you Oh and never had appendix out, never read Harry Potter, never seen a Star Wars movie. ps: The Jasmine & Lavender hedges here are in full bloom it's just heaven!
  15. I saw it on Twitter courtesy of Daniel Voyager. Creatorverse is interesting. Kind of like Automatic adobe Flash animating/creating for kids. Well the imagery/content was drawn to appeal to much younger folk in the example video that I saw. I don't see how this can be negative for SL in any way and It has enough appeal and wow factor to do well for LL I think. It will be nice to see some quite complicated works created with it. It's new, it's interesting, it looks easy to create with, well done LL I would say. Usefulness factor? around the same as SL But that's ok, It too is just for fun.
  16. :smileysurprised: what a nice thing to say.
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: I have never felt so lonely in SL so far. Sorry for putting a sad note in here. :smileysad: :smileysurprised::smileysad: You of all people Val? Wow that makes me sad. xxxx ps: -> Ditch the snails hon :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  18. Greys anatomy is/was? a television show that in this country, had trailers that reeked of mystery and intrigue. They led you to think that it was actual forensic pathology shown which had extremely interesting stories behind the umm... dissections? Turns out it was just some sad series that I never ended up seeing anyway. Same old same old. I have never: eaten tinned peas since I was about 5 and vomited instantly, not been scared by a moth, eaten turkey, eaten fish yuuuuuk since father was an abalone diver at one stage had a mobile phone contract, owned a Crapple MacInsplosh or any product of that brand, for starters
  19. Well that must be Dr Phil~th no? ^^ He specialises in SL dramas apparently. Dr Who tried to join SL but he didn't like the name "DrWho.resident" I read about it in an SL magazine and LL said: "Your name will be DrWho.resident is that ok?" and he said "Cor blimey guvna No!" So LL said "ahhh Dr No! yes?" DrWho> "No not No yes you are correct" LL> "erm.. ?" DrWho> "ummm forget it ok" Talk about drama! :matte-motes-mad: ps: I'm sorry I dont know any of her music at all. You are 16 so that's how come you know about her I suppose
  20. There are free translators/HUDs inworld. I can't recall the name of my excellent one atmo. I wont be inworld until about 35 hours or so but I will have a look then and see what it is called. You could try searching the marketplace in the meantime
  21. Last time I went to a cinema was Four Weddings and a Funeral or something? I only went because the deal was I didn't have to pay for admission or the choc top ice cream
  22. *spits coffee.. Britney Spears o.0? Upskirt 0.o? Piercing eeeewwwww! I don't even watch television let alone know about Britneys new piercing lol.
  23. I'll tell you something about drama! *holds hand up to mouth.. "Moviestar.resident was seen with pssst, whisper, gossip gossip.. and then they both went to pssst, gossip, then groupie.resident showed up and they all stayed overnight! Yes truly! :matte-motes-agape: OMGawd Can you believe that!?!? *edited to enhance the drama potential :-) *no avatars fictional or real were intentionally dissed in this post.
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