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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. 19-7-2012: A distant , faint signal was detected in the outerverse which when deciphered, heralded a tiny little rumour that superbly illustrated & scripted fun cartoons and amaaaazing stories might make a long awaited return to Le Fora.
  2. Thank you Hippie! Love your on this day thread! :smileyhappy:
  3. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Hi Hippie :smileyhappy: Favoritism Discrimination Racial and ethnic slurs Rank manipulation Kudo and solution gaming People in authority doing nothing about the above. 8^) Wb!! All listed above. Especially the last 3. + SLU wannabe's. Oh and feed dwellers who have nothing to do with SL I haven't read them for at least 6 months, I just pop in to say hi every now and then :smileytongue: 99+ unread mssgs. Anyone got higher?
  4. All mine have worked the first time, without a problem. Send LL a request to look into it via support or live chat if that's still working. That is very strange indeed.
  5. Fortunately at least 1 clothing video exists made by Eloise. I won't Oh no! but I will say thank you. Thank you Eloise and have fun! Your participation in SL will surely be missed. (just got back from 6 months away).
  6. The only way to protect consumers and educate shop owners is to have compulsory submission forms where all the information fields are mandatory before the item can be listed. That's not going to happen unfortunately. This is the topical issue in all worlds where users make stuffs the only difference being here you have to pay real money for it. Thousands upon thousands of poorly paid factory workers on forgotten sims are struggling just to afford enough food inworld let alone knowing about things like land impact of the goods they are churning out. It's really up to business owners to make sure their products are as efficient as possible and provide the relevant & correct information to the public who can't be expected to be experts on these issues and the labs to put strict quality control measures in place.
  7. Sadly -> http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/surfer-taken-by-shark-north-of-perth/story-fndo486p-1226425990874 Poor Ben We will miss him.
  8. Sensational Jo! Just like any other of the massively popular >game< virtual worlds. 1. Skyrim? Create avatar, Sims? Create avatar. 2. Use controls. 3. Up and running, caring for your original avatar and your awesome new world, that you PAID for. Sl already has a massive advantage over the games, it's free to use for the casual avi. SL not a game? Of course it isn't! But the introduction can be exactly the same. Rodvik would have to agree with your logic here Jo lol. Ex Sims & all LL needs to ensure the message of how cool this world/product is, isn't detracted from with third partry comment or opinion. What you propose is surely the only way to guarantee success. Leia36> granted, Dedicated people for sure. Not so as a rule of thumb for all SL. Adds: Lol Jo it wasn't until after the original Hippiestock that I realised that Hippie had helped me inworld when I was still pretty much a noob.
  9. Jo has the right idea. How many people enter this world with someone else? Mostly no-one? Again who wants to be directed by strangers? If all could be as welcoming and friendly inworld as say Hippie or maybe Charolotte here on the forums for example, we would be in safe hands. Unfortunately that isn't the case. It's is most amusing to witness the shock factor *cough of the griefers at the welcome areas or on the feeds, pity the poor soul who is a newbie and encounters that stuffs. Quality, self guided multimedia tutorials are the way to go. A flash movie presentation with chapters that could integrate with the viewer would be sensational. It could be coded to auto update as LL introduced new features perhaps. It could also be built one step at a time by a competent staff member of the labs.
  10. I think they just like to keep every single eye-handi handy aye? They must have a teeny barcode on each of them :smileytongue:
  11. Well old lindens don't die you know. They are virtually immortal. They just retire to something less demanding & simply repetitive like.. Diablo3 or something True ^^
  12. Euro: 1.00 - AUD: 1:282 USD: 1.00 - AUD: 1:024 The trick will be waiting until best return before booking holidays. Euro skiing sounds nice How low will they go? Strange days indeed.
  13. If there enough open house events/tea parties, think of how much we'll save on food shopping! Awesome idea!
  14. 16 wrote: Honeysuckle Humby wrote: She hasn't asked any more about sl sex or babies so maybe she was just being inquisitive because of what she had heard outside of SL. She was happily trying on new clothes in her new home when we parted company and I am pleased that she now has a base of some sort in PG land and seems happy enough with her lot as it is in SL at the moment. \o/ Well that's turned out well! Teens are ok if you give them the facts regarding creativity, shopping, live music and all the other normal stuffs. Help them out a bit if you can and most of the time you'll be rewarded with ocassional contact and fun yaks about how its all going for them. Well done
  15. Eduard Hendrassen wrote: This question may be off topic but is for curiousity purposes only, I was wondering if the Lindens are related to the von Lindens in Europe. idk.. As much as Led Zeppelin were related to the Von Zeppelins in Europe 8^)
  16. Reports here say she revisited religion later in life and was dissapointed about her earlier, sexy image. When you look at her career she may have been viewed as sexy but it was certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Not a big fan of hers but she certainly was a supreme artist and groundbreaker. A true role model for many many people. A true superstar. RIP Donna Summer
  17. Been away from SL and playing with mesh. Getting quite OK at it and cant wait to make some clothes and stuff with it. Looking forward to having a peek at the premium wilderness which I got an e-mail about a little while ago. 8^)
  18. Mi amore vole fe yah.. Baby I was born this way.. lmaoooo The only famous Avi in the whole world is none other than Hatsune Miku.
  19. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Yes, Strawberry describes in her post how anyone can submit their photo to be used as SL's Facebook profile pic http://strawberrysingh.com/2012/04/23/second-life-facebook-page/ It is a great way to get everyone's face out there. Oh great! I have never seen the SL facebook page. I'll have to have a look sometime soon. Ty Charolotte.
  20. Oh cool! Anyone can get on there then? Did you happen to mean DJ Venus by chance? *snorts Must be different pics for different regions. I haven't seen that one before. It's the composition of the image, not the individual pictured that has been the topic of recent discussion. Isn't a singing DJ karaoke? :catlol:
  21. Is excellent. Well done Harlow :D
  22. Zork Nemesis :smileysurprised: my first ever comp game. It used to stutter badly on my friends PC but we didnt know any better and played it all the way through lol. The beautiful haunting violin and differing worlds is what fascinated me the most.
  23. Well that's a bit of a shame :smileysad: My only contribution is that I am a premium member and not a massive land holder like some. Even if more became premium it might go a ways to helping level the situation :matte-motes-bored: At what point does the wheel stop turning? That would be a very sad day indeed.
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