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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Pfff... Yeah, like I'm going to buy any clothing listed as "limited quantities available." Not.
  2. Favorite dresses?.. Let me explain.... ...No, there is too much, let me sum up..... ....................... *gives up*
  3. This looks like a texture UV problem. Those two areas under the chin and in the throat area are directly adjacent to the UV islands for the top of the head. What color are those lines, and do they change to a pale color if you apply a very light (blonde) hairbase?
  4. I had to do a little bit of research, after which I can tell you, regrettably, I've never read any of the Foundation series. When I was the same age you were when you picked up those books and opened your mind, my dad took us all out to the cinema to see Star Wars. At that time in my young life, it was the longest line I had ever stood in. I remember looking around at all the people, lined up from the ticket booth and past the bank and around the corner. I really had no idea what the big deal was. I was just idly noticing other things and thinking to myself "Hey this is the bank I opened that savings account in. I wonder how much there is now?" "And over there is the dentist with the nice lady, Joyce, who tries to paint our teeth purple." Shortly thereafter, I had stopped thinking about the bank, and Joyce. Just a few short days later, we were back at that cinema, in line again. He took us all with him to see the movie again, for his own part just so he could see the hyperspace effect again. Maybe Carrie Fisher had something to do with it as well. That movie made a big impact on me and got me curious about a lot of things. Then I watched Cosmos when it started airing, and The Martian Chronicles, with my mom, in the evenings before dad got home from school. She and I would also watch Monte Python and SNL together (my sister wasn't old enough yet). Somewhere during that time, my mother also began subscribing to OMNI magazine, which I loved reading, cover to cover. I look back now and wonder if she subscribed for herself or for me. I'll have to ask her. So yeah, you could say there were some influences.
  5. 1. Is there intelligent life out there in other solar systems in our galaxy? Is any of it able to live in harmony? 2. You're the best female driver here. 3. My brain has recently been trying to make me buy a sim. But I still can't justify the expense.
  6. Snoutsville? Sorry snout that. At times, my attention to detail, and my ability to resist poking things seem to be inversely proportional.
  7. How do you compose your comments on mobile? I typed the first part up there, added the image, and then typed this part. [EDIT] I should add that I'm using Safari on iPhone.
  8. I've placed images in between blocks of text before. It always.... ... for me
  9. We certainly hope you can make it sometime during that twelve hour period.
  10. This afternoon I'm hanging with Go, and writing. I mean like, literally (pun unintended) I'm actually doing some work on my own story idea, with which a few of you might be familiar.
  11. Actually this is what many people do. You can create as many copies of your body and bits you want with the alpha settings you need for a particular outfit. I also recommend you use the outfits gallery with an uploaded thumbnail of how gorgeous you look. It can make it so easy to organize it all. If you are going to be saving all these outfits and have no particular plans to change them, you can skip saving a copy of the HUD(s) unless you feel strongly that you will use them. And also, when you simply "Save as.." to create an outfit, many components you are wearing will simply be saved as links, which are like shortcuts and not the actual objects. You can manually create folders and copy the various things you want into it using "paste" and not "paste as link". Of course, if there are any no-copy items you are trying to put there, "paste as link" will be the only option.
  12. I have an old friend who is an audio transcriptionist for doctors. For a long time she had to deal with mumbling doctors who for some reason had as much trouble speaking intelligibly as they had trouble writing intelligibly. She freelances now, which has made things easier. She does good work and gets to pick her clients.
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