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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I want the things people sell in SL to be their own original creations, or, I want them to have the actual creator's permission to port them into SL for whatever purpose. I agree that event organizers, setting rules for admission, should be expected to enforce those rules proactively, investigating and vetting each submission. That this isn't happening is neither an outrage, nor a surprise, but a disappointment. After all, with the exception of a few, possibly exemplary individuals, the only oversight that exists for this type of thing is public opinion, which requires public awareness. I want to add that my faith in humanity is constant, eroded by some, and bolstered by others. People still surprise me.
  2. Yep... that's Portland. His name might even be Kirk, assuming that's a kilt. Ahh, no. Brian is his name, Never mind. He's a got a cool last name though. Kidd.
  3. Since it's you, I'd crank it up. Just let me get my supercooler ready.
  4. I admit I didn't use the display name feature for some time after it was introduced. I must have missed that particular brouhaha. I'm quite sure I'd have been upset too.
  5. Anyone who has had a last name that wasn't "Resident" has kept their last name, regardless of chosen display name(s). LL just removed the option for new accounts to choose a last name, assigning the default "Resident" to everyone henceforth.
  6. I remember how the set of names from which to choose would change depending on the chosen first name. I think, looking back through the fog of time, I discovered that if I wanted a different set, given the same first name, I had to wait a few hours and try again. I always wondered how , from the periodic name batches, those subsets were generated.
  7. Choosing from a list of last names was fun. Whatever you ended up choosing, you got something that has always been better than the ubiquitous "Resident". Maybe some people bailed during that process because of disappointment they couldn't just make up a surname, or enter one favored from aliases past. Though I think I can appreciate the possible reasons for providing lists from which to choose.
  8. The SL sun cannot be reached by any means we here possess. Therefore, it is infinitely far away, and may well be a figment of our imaginations.
  9. Hi there. I want to work for your company. What are you paying for someone of my experience and expertise? Ok. Not as much as I hoped. B pays more but their benefits aren't as good. A pays more but it's a two hour drive for me and the schools are better here. C also has a better wage but my friends tell me it's a toxic work environment. I have rent due and other bills. When can I interview?
  10. This would be akin to someone in real space having some device that could tell them, whatever distance separated us, whether or not I am alive at any given moment. Wait.... there's a joke in there... somewhere.
  11. I have purchased a few homes from other creators, ones that looked interesting. I was never able to find something I really liked. So I built my own. I've never wanted a big house in SL. It's sometimes hard to find places to put them. I don't need a lot of rooms, and in any case I wouldn't really feel like filling them all up. Skyboxes haven't appealed to me as I like having a front door and a back door that opens into a yard. I like having a street too. I guess this is what it boils down to: I want a house, on a yard, with a yard, on a street that actually goes somewhere, not just to the edge of a sim, but somewhere else. And I want a driveway, with space for a car. I want to be able to drive that car to different places on the grid. So yeah... that's what I want. But, I think perhaps there's a small chance this may be outside the scope of your plans.
  12. I think I participated in three months worth. After that I sort of lost interest.
  13. You can try to put me into a box. But one or two sides may tear, the bottom may bulge a little, threatening the tape and making it sit tilted. And the lid won't fit.
  14. I don't believe eating animals is the only thing future generations, such as they may be, might be cursing us for.
  15. Oregon's Rogue Ales and Spirits makes a chocolate stout that is a wonderful base for a black bean chili. I chop up chipotle chili peppers for it and add a little cinnamon.
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