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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Thank you for your replies. It turns out to have been a brain malfunction on my part. I have a hug and animation hud on which the "lift" feature was enabled. A process of eliminating attachments one by one revealed my bass ackwards user error.
  2. I have recently been experiencing strange symptoms while using viewer 2. I find it difficult to move around and and stepping off the slightest edge, such as going down stairs, cause the falling animation to play. Also, clicking on folders in my inventory cause a one second delay before their content is displayed. After noticing these , I progressed through a number of attempts to solve this. I have cleared my cache. I have uninstalled all LL viewers, and tried new, clean installs on both a PC and an iMac. The symptoms persist when using either machine. My inventory has exceeded 18,000 items in size. Can a large inventory count adversely affect viewer 2 performance?
  3. I am looking for a Machinima I saw at least two years ago. It was a playfully made parody of SL. In it, a man and a woman were getting ready for a night out dancing, maybe at a party. I have tried to find it off and on for a while now with no luck. I remember the woman taking a long time deciding what to wear and considering wearing wings. The man complained about the wings because "it feels so weird when they move through my body like that." And she gave him the admonishment "And no particle effects!" I always found that video to be cute and endearing. If anyone has information about it I would appreciate it.
  4. I too would prefer to have skins without painted on eyelashes be a vendor option. Painted on eyelashes can look quite strange during an avatar eyeblink caught in a snapshot, or during emotes that attempt to close the avatar's eyes. Prim eyelashes aren't for everyone. They look best when used with a skin with no painted eyelashes, with a proper fit, and with completely derendered system lashes. They can be difficult to fit properly. The only way I found to completely derender system lashes is through the use of an avatar Alpha layer. Keep in mind that not all skin designers might be able to place enough vendors to cover all the options a customer might want.
  5. I had a similar situation, though not for as long as you had. The only thing was, after muting the resident, which stopped all the Notices and offers of objects, I still will get notices that are sent to me while I am offline. These show up in my email. They used to anyway, A quick message filter took care of that.
  6. Are you using Viewer 2 exclusively? If so, try logging in using the 1.23xxx viewer and see if your items mysteriously reappear. I noticed missing items as well while using Viewer 2. At first I tried clearing my cache and relogging but they were still gone. Then I logged in with 1.23 and there they were. The relief was palpable. A bit of research revealed others were having this problem too. I think I have read that it has something to do with using the outfits abililty of Viewer 2 and the associated links to items. In my experience a folder containing an item referenced by a link in an outfit (a skin in my case) appeared to contain only that skin while the other six or so skins were missing. Again, logging in with 1.23 showed me that the items are still in my inventory but were just not showing up using Viewer 2.
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