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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Is there interpolation between altitude layer settings and appearances? Can a blue sky darken gradually through the ascending layers, as in real space?
  2. I like to think I use the same voice all the time and that I don't tailor it differently for different people or situations. Maybe I'm wrong. I've never really thought about it actually. Certainly I don't feel I consciously try project a different person at different times. That seems like too much work. I sometimes feel I lack the ability to really see myself, to objectively describe myself. I believe there is a distinction between the voice used for just talking to people about whatever, the weather, favorite Pringle, stars; and the voice used for describing non-verbal action, reaction, emotion etc... That second one isn't something I share with everyone. So, in a way, I suppose it could be considered a different voice. But as I get to know someone, and likewise as they get to know me, that distinction breaks down and blurs until there is only one voice.
  3. Amusingly, I've been getting messages from "item server" about sales on TMP bodies and clothing. I'm not the least bit interested.
  4. You yourself seem fairly stable and unruffled, more experienced and wise, than your age might suggest.
  5. I'm like you. I like a lot of different things. I Like what I like and ignore popular culture if it doesn't please me. I like Satie. He was sad and he told the world about it. I said like a lot. Like.
  6. I have taken a few short breaks here and there. But I have been fairly active since 2007. I think we have two join dates, the first when we create our SL accounts, and the second when we start participating in the forums.
  7. @EmpereurNapoleonBonaparte, this is what happens when you go off to Elba for too long. A lot of stuff happens and you have to catch up upon your return. Actually, honestly, you're doing fine. Asking questions is a good way to find things out.
  8. Je me souviens certainement de vous! How could I forget inviting you to my home and gleefully tossing around a physical cube upon which you were sitting?
  9. Late though my reply may be, I loved this more than you can see.
  10. I have a few parcels on a Zindra region. I share some of it with a friend. Very recently we had movement problems, rubber-banding, and slow or dropped script event response times in things like huds, furniture, and rezzed shopping bags. A look at the lag meter revealed frequent low sim fps and high ping times. We submitted a support ticket describing the problems. A Linden made an investigation and noted where the problems were and reached out to our neighbors with requests to help alleviate them. It's all better now.
  11. Backward, forward.... I don't think it really matters.
  12. I prefer copy for everything, clothing, buildings, furniture... whatever. If I bought a copier, I want it copy. If I buy a coffee maker, I want my coffee copy. Copy floppies, copy poppies, a copy jalopy.... You get the picture.
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