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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: A question of passing curiosity then. If you have multiple layers, do you not find z order transparency flipping issues? This would happen a lot with the likes of mesh breasts so with a little camera work, the breasts would flip from covered in a bra or top to then flip to nude. I would expect the same z order transparency sorting issue to affect mesh layered avatars. Most mesh bodies have an option to have the layers either use alpha blending or alpha masking for any given clothing layer. Alpha masking doesn't have issues with transparency sorting so you can go: 1) Mesh body "skin" layer (non-alpha texture) 2) Tattoo or underwear on alpha blending layer 3) Outer clothing on alpha masking layer. A stack lilke this won't have transparency sorting issues.
  2. Velk Kerang wrote: The reality is SL is slowly dying and alot of people don't want to admit it. I took a 2 year break and came back and just in those 2 years the game is deader now. Half my landmarks of places that have been in SL for years are gone and no longer there. I run searches that used to pull 10 or more pages end up with 1 to 2 pages now. Best bet on finding people is clubs, rp sims and stuff. Ya really have to sim hop based on your own interest really and hope you get lucky. Sims never used to be this bare, but seems alot of people have left. RIP VAN WINKLE: "What's going on - why isn't anyone buying anything? I woke up from my 20-year nap and went down to where the Montgomery Ward and Circuit City were and they're gone!" BYSTANDER: "Everyone's buying things on Amazon now." RIP VAN WINKLE: "Seriously? Who goes to a muddy river full of piranhas to buy things?" Things in Second LIfe change very quickly. Two years ago the big fashion in avatars was wearing Lola Tango fake boobs and Phat Azz butts. Now they're all but obsolete and many of the people who bought them back then are using fitted mesh bodies that didn't exist two years ago. This is not to say that Second Life isn't less busy than it was, but comparing the same places two years apart isn't necessarily a good benchmark.
  3. HarleyRainn wrote: Where I have been over the ages space of 40 meters below ground, better yet, visit Rouse look underground....................... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rouse/10/241/33 If you zoomed your camera out when there you'd see that the entire build is on top of Linden ground and the only reason it looks "underground" is there are tall textured walls around it making it look like it's in a pit.
  4. hallebarde wrote: ...very hungry. Must I be in a rez aerea and own a barbecue grill too? Tks everybody... With Second Life, there are very few "universal qualities" - everything was custom made by an individual creator and most things work differently. For instance, there's no way for your "meats" to recognize the campfire is a "fire" because there isn't a a "fire" system hard-coded into SL. If the meats are wearable, you can stand in front of the fire and imagine they're cooking, but if there's a specific thing they're supposed to do you'll need something compatible, probably by the same creator.
  5. Deltango Vale wrote: My first thoughts on Project Sansar (poorly named, in my opinion because of the confusion with Sansara, SL's first continent) are as follows: 1) I believe the business model is wrong A taxation-based model is difficult to implement and awkward to manage. It creates disincentives to economic activity and smacks of RL politics. How much tax, on whom, under what circumstances, with what exceptions, under what conditions, across what time frame, subject to what future changes, decided by whom, influenced by whom? We suffer enough of this crap in RL. Do we really want it in a virtual world - a world that is voluntary, where we can choose to participate or not with the click of a mouse? It makes far more sense, in my opinion, for Sansar to follow the SL business model of charging rent for land. Not only is land LL's primary source of revenue in SL, but it would separate LL (the owner of the world) from the residents (the economic agents of the world). One of the key lessons LL should have learned by now is that owners should not be players. Many of SL's problems over the past seven years were the result of LL's political intervention in the society/economy. This was exacerbated by lack of vision, poor strategy, underinvestment in infrastructure, inadequate communication with customers (residents), incompetent management and amateurish PR. The price of land need not be high if the world is managed properly. Okay, let's start using words properly. For some time there's been a freakout over the word "tax" among a few forum posters. Either Linden Lab can be thought of being a government, in which all funds going to them would be a tax, or they could be a business, in which case they wouldn't charge taxes. Either Second Life relies on property tax and Sansar will theoretically be based on sales/income tax -- Or Second LIfe relies on rent and Sansar will theoretically be based on collecting commissions. In either event, nothing will really change. There are issues with both types of "taxes/fees."
  6. Ninjadanana525 wrote: Hi! I already subscribe to premium last year. If I subscribe again, then I will get 300L$ weekly and, I will have an 1000L$ signup bonus too? I know there is an 1000L$ bonus after 45 days but after that, if I renew I will have that, what this guy said in that post? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/I-subscribed-when-do-I-get-my-bonus-linden-dollars/qaq-p/685939 Somebody wrote that: "the way it states it on the subscribe page, it sounds like you get 1000 to start and 1000 later *L$1,000 sign up bonus will be deposited 45 days after premium membership sign up. **L$1,000 deposited directly into your Second Life account. ***L$300 deposited to your account weekly to shop. " You only get the L$1000 once; the person saying that was mistaken. Subscriptions are renewed automatically unless you specifically cancel them.
  7. KeistasZmogelis wrote: Hi, I am completely new to SL, so bare with me. I am trying to connect to beta grid to test uploading models. In the viewer, next to the password, I type in "Aditi" (That's how you get there, right?) and that transports me to a random town with the error "Your desired location is not currently available, You have been moved into a nearby region" and I can't test any models there. How to do this correctly? 1) Within the viewer, go to the "Me" menu and select "Preferences." When that dialog comes up, select "Advanced." 2) Select "Show grid selection at login" and hit "OK." 3) The next time you log in you should see a button below where you type in the region you want labled "Second Life Main Grid." Click that button and change it to say "Second Life Beta Grid (Aditi)" You can then log into the beta grid. The splash screen looks quite a bit different depending on whether you're logging into the main grid or the Aditi testing grid.
  8. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Isadora Corral wrote: Are mesh clothing items without appliers even a thing anymore? Actually it's appliers that are becoming obsolete. The current fashion is mesh clothing in fitted mesh designed for a particular mesh body. Seeing as Slink did what most thought unthinkable and agreed to making an update that was Omega compatible, I don't think appliers are going anywhere. They'll still be used for skins and tattoos but the same product that introduced Omega compatibility for Slink also came with fitted mesh underwear. Yes, the slink male mesh body came with a pair of no mod fitted boxers... Big whoop. The female body comes with skirts and dresses. People still clamored everyday in the Omega group about Slink not being compatible. Now that they are everyone in that group has been talking about it. So, apparently people do want Slink clothing appliers. You could always make clothing appliers for the Slink body, you just needed to apply for a separate kit. The only change Omega compatibility creates is that the same applier can be used for the Slink body as any other Omega application.
  9. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Isadora Corral wrote: Are mesh clothing items without appliers even a thing anymore? Actually it's appliers that are becoming obsolete. The current fashion is mesh clothing in fitted mesh designed for a particular mesh body. Seeing as Slink did what most thought unthinkable and agreed to making an update that was Omega compatible, I don't think appliers are going anywhere. They'll still be used for skins and tattoos but the same product that introduced Omega compatibility for Slink also came with fitted mesh underwear.
  10. Benson Gravois wrote: I looking to buy a bicycle to explore SL on, any ideas on which is the best one to get? If you want a vehicle you have to rezz I'm partial to the Primtastic Creations bicycles - they require some size adjustment at first and the animations feel slightly stuttery but they are probably the closest thing to a real bicycle you can get in SL. They cross sims reasonably well. What Next makes nice wearable bicycles, but you're basically limited to walking/running speeds using them.
  11. mysticaldarksorceress wrote: I understand what you are saying about Linden doing whatever they want and that being banning ageplay, but if it is legal in the United States, then that does not make sense and leads many to believe that Linden decided to bann it so they can scam thousands of users out of their money and land, which has happened to several whom I know in SL that were using a small avatar and got accused of ageplay when they did nothing wrong. I have found plenty of information that is from 2008 that says it is legal, but none from the present time. So is it legal in the United States or not? What is illegal is the transmission of images of what appear to be minors in sexual situations, and that's what Second Life will do in any sexual ageplay situation because of the nature of the beast. Even non-photographic artwork will be illegal in many of the places Second Life ends up transmitting images to.
  12. MaurizioFurverti wrote: Last night I went inworld and visited a strip club. I like a bit of the pole action, y'know? I don't have any money but I thought I'd try to persuade one of the girls to get her baps out anyway. I was chatting to the two girls dancing when suddenly the manager got in my IM grill, saying I couldn't request the girls to whip 'em out without any money . I told her that I was a top SL football commentator, owned several islands and that I could buy her club if I wanted. She replied, 'Nope, I have a HUD that can detect if people have money, and you have 0L in your balance!" Anyway, I've heard all sorts of jive on SL, from people knowing the Lindens to being able to hack my computer, but I thought I'd ask the GD experts: 1) Does such a HUD - capable of detecting whether nearby people have any money or not - exist? 2) If so, does it fall foul of TOS? It's called a BS detector and it's usually pretty accurate.
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Wow. What a massively unpleasant and uninformed person you are. Linden Lab makes the rules. The people on this and other forums are just residents of SL, like you.They neither make nor enforce anything other than their own personal rules. I do have to say (and I've never said this to anyone before) I don't think you're a good fit here (meaning Second Life). It's obvious to even the most casual observer that you're a poor fit for this forum, since you are so vehement with your comments but at the same time so clearly lacking in understanding. But beyond that, I don't think you'll do well in Second Life. I think you should go somewhere else. On the contrary -- vehement and lacking in understanding? I think Jed'll fit right in
  14. Isadora Corral wrote: Are mesh clothing items without appliers even a thing anymore? Actually it's appliers that are becoming obsolete. The current fashion is mesh clothing in fitted mesh designed for a particular mesh body.
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: I filed a ticket last week because my 248 limit order was not filled after 10 hours,,whereas until then it was filled in less than an hour. I wanted to know why the change. LL helpfully explained to me how a limit order worked. :matte-motes-bored: Yeah, LL processes around 70 million to 100 million lindens a day. So, if you aren't within that reach, your lindens won't get sold in a day. These numbers are also down, which is what I would expect if the linden value is dropping. Something is up. It's obviously not catastrophic, or they would not still be selling even the number they are now. It's almost like 1 decent size group of people, just stopped buying lindens. If that is what happened, and everyone else is fine, then I would expect to see the numbers level off within the month. Right now, it seems to be climbing still, but we'll see when another week passes. Years ago, I also remember hearing about some person or team was responsible for keeping the linden exchange rate stable. I really have no idea what those people would do. There are also sinks that destroy lindens. Heck, I'm not sure how these new LL experiences work, but if they are giving away lindens, even that could have this kind of result. The newest just opened up a couple weeks ago. Bear in mind that the third-party Linden exchanges are no longer in operation, and at least some of their former customers have been saying they won't buy Lindens.
  16. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: She claims to be an Angel of God.. That would be Christian, wouldn't it? I have yet to know of another religion that calls their diety God and has angels. And the Christian faith says all other gods are false. Oh, where shall I begin... "God" is used for the name of the supreme deity by most monotheistic religions when they're using the English langage. For instance, Orthodox Jews write "G-d" instead of "God" because they believe the name of the Supreme Deity shouldn't be written on anything that could be destroyed, despite the fact that the name given to Moses was in Hebrew. Also, many Muslims translate their basic statement of belief -- ā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh in Arabic -- to "There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God". "Allah" isn't a "name" like Bob or Skippy, it's simply the exact Arabic equivalent of the word "god" being capitalized. "Angel" is another generic term meaning a messenger of the Divine. It's also used in Islam and Judaism, and Zoroastrianism had the equivalent of "guardian angels" long before even modern Judaism, much less Christianity. Nor do angels need to be completely supernatural - Mormons believe they're flesh and blood. Meanwhile, you can't generically say what "Christian faith" believes any more than you can say what a Second Life resident looks like. There's no central authority and not all Christian sects, much less Christians individually, take the Bible literally. I think of many of the commentators in religious threads here as "Sunday-school athiests" but I doubt some of them even made it that far.
  17. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote: GENERAL STATEMENT ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF ANGELS There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be... fill in the blank. The truth is that you don't. AND, it's not important anyway. It IS important that you believe in God. That he loves you and that he always will listen to you if you take the time to have a conversation. Neither do you. No one believes that REAL angels are using SL. Let's get real for a minute here. Where ever we go there are always some that are determined to prove that we are not real. I could never figure out why it is so important to them. Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not. If you do not believe in us, we have absolutely no influence in your life. We give blessings to all, How presumptuous of you. Your religion says that all other religions are false and yet you want to bless them? Keep your blessings to yourself and those that ask for one. Angel Cher PS: Angels are not dumb. We will not usually respond to posts that obviously are made to mock us, question our existence or attack God. These posters may need to look inside themselves first before they can even find their own answers in life. Ah, so other religious believers of a different faith have issues and need to seek help? Again, listen to yourself. Does that sound helpful or even nice? "You don't believe in us or our God so you must have issues that need fixing." Ever think you might be the one with issues? Your God has a severe inferiority complex. Where did MidnightDawn say what their specific religion was, and its belief in the truth or falsehood of other religions? Aren't you being presumptive yourself?
  18. Alwin Alcott wrote: Jennifer Boyle wrote: Wrong. Under U.S. law, the buyer of a copyrighted work has unlimited rights to resell it. Look up "Right of First Sale." sorry to inform you we're not all in the US Not to mention that even in the US the "Right of First Sale" doesn't apply to electronic goods that are endlessly copiable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Records,_LLC_v._ReDigi_Inc.
  19. Real Burger wrote: This person acts without hiding and with great cynicism, by the way his avatar was born in 2010. That means nothing; the account may be stolen.
  20. Tiffanyallenbates wrote: I REGISTERED MY RIGHT AGE BUT THE KEYHOLE CLUB SAYS THAT I AM UNDERAGE! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN! AND HOW TO I COMPLAIN AND GET THAT FIXED! If you were able to enter the region at all your RL age is in correct. What they're probably referring to is your "age" in days since joining SL. Some places restrict entry to accounts that have been around for some time to cut down on throwaway accounts created to make trouble.
  21. Christhiana wrote: As far as I know LL has nothing to do with it. The credits go to the firestorm team. LL doesn't even have a 64bit viewer... It's more likely the change originally came from Niran Dean (Black Dragon) and/or Alchemy. They've both been working on the cap.
  22. Chance Acoustic wrote: Alwin - these are vendors ! the items inside are (no copy) the transactions are in lindens. There was no region restart when the items "disaapeared" I am not sure why that is a problem Many Intan dance balls are set up a very similar way - a scripted object full of no-copy innards. Intans occasionally disappear without a trace and have been doing so for years. It's a problem, certainly. But it has nothing to do with "copybotting." A true "copybot" client takes the OpenGL graphics communication necessary to draw anything in SL and "reverse-engineers" it to make a copy of the original object. Scripts are separate from the OpenGL graphics communication so there's nothing a copybot client can do with it.
  23. It's from Zigana and called "My hidden place." I think it was a Fifty Linden Friday object from the end of 2013 but it may still be available at the store.
  24. ChinRey wrote: Arwen Serpente wrote: Since the MP is now pulling from our inventories directly, does this mean that there are going to be delays and failures of delivery again? Especially when there are inventory asset server issues? Yes. It happened two days ago and will happen again every time the asset servers break down. Would have happened before. Marketplace has used inventory servers ever since Direct Delivery. With Magic Boxes, they could fail whenever the region the box was on had issues.
  25. BernardtheOtter wrote: Hi everyone, I am new to Second Life and my avatar is my very own fursona Bernard (he's an otter). I have this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Otter-Starter-Pack/7044383 but the problem is I have no idea on how to recolor him to look like my otter with his actual colors: http://img08.deviantart.net/f56a/i/2015/220/f/4/bernard_on_a_rock_by_thefurrycosplayer-d8n2ufw.png I also have a sailor shirt and shorts and would love to recolor those, but I have no idea on how to do that, I don't even have the File tab in my SL, I only have Me, Communicate, World. Build and Help. I would like to know how I can fix my avatar to look the way I want him to; I also have a sailor scarf that I'd like to recolor too and I can't seem to get it on my otter's neck or shirt, no matter what I attach it to, it floats on the side and that makes it look weird, I attached photos. Thank you to anyone that can help me out :cathappy: *I did stretch and move the scarf to look as good as I could The pics: https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/l/t31.0-8/s720x720/11894461_879511518764259_8944469025023780268_o.jpg https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/t31.0-8/s720x720/11875029_879511548764256_2745435035674528144_o.jpg https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/s720x720/11845209_879511572097587_1804227958106901456_o.jpg The description says that the maker provides PSD (Photoshop format) files for modification. These can't be used within Second Life or be included in its inventory structure. The maker of your otter probably included a notecard in the folder containing the otter explaining how to get these files. After you get them you can edit them in a program like Photoshop or GIMP, upload the modified versions and apply them to your avatar and clothes.
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