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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Hermione Lefevre wrote: if I would start SL today i give up quickly..its confusing with the official viewer. Thats why i suggest to all beginners to learn with a third party viewer like Singularity..much more logical and easy Yeah, yeah, "Viewer 1 was so logical it was like it was condensed from the breath of angels." I started with Viewer 2. I found it logical. When I tried Phoenix because I was told it was better, I found it to be a bizarre, illogical piece of crap. You'll always find what you learned first to be the most logical way of doing things. I recently heard a Chinese gentleman say that "Chinese is much easier than English" - most of the readers of the forum may disagree.
  2. Penny Patton wrote: You know what needs to go away? Sculpts and multiple versions of mesh. How many people are going to join SL and understand the difference between rigged mesh or fitted mesh? This is a case of LL making SL needlessly complex because of short sightedness which lead them to implement of much needed feature poorly the first time, then scramble to try and fix their mistake later. Again, poorly. Sculpts versus mesh? Sculpts were a terrible idea from the start. You want to know something else that needless confuses new users? The new starter avatars! So a new user logs into SL and is forced into a rigged mesh avatar. A no-mod rigged mesh avatar. The only thing moddable is the shape, and since the avatar is entirely rigged with no fitmesh, the shape sliders are more or less useless. So any of the new user tutorials about avatar customization do not apply whatsoever to these avatars. Buy a new skin? It will not apply to this avatar. Bought system clothing? It will not apply to this avatar. Want to change your shape? Good luck! What was LL thinking? The new starter avatars ARE fitted mesh. Badly done fitted mesh but fitted mesh nonetheless.
  3. Muletta wrote: When someone sends me an object, LM or notecard, and I ignore (neither accept or decline) and just close the IM-window (or I crash)....the item is to be found in my inventory afterwards. I have UN-checked 'Preferences > privacy > generel: Automatically accept new inventory items' so what do I need to do more, to avoid unwanted things ending up in my inventory, please? It would generally be a greater problem to have people NOT get items sent to them that they may want than to get items that they may not want - unwanted items can be deleted but rejected items can't usually be brought back. Therefore, the behavior is set to accept them unless you specifically reject them - all the unticked "Automatically accept..." does is suppress the accept/reject dialog. If you want to decline them - well, decline them.
  4. KarraSue wrote: I did that and the "sort by name" was already checked, so what do I do nowt? In Firestorm, I believe you can either sort alphabetically by display name or by username. Pick whichever one isn't selected currently. The option may be in Preferences instead of the Contacts panel.
  5. Sheleaf wrote: when can i call myself a builder, i can create 2 cubes and link them. Am i a builder ? Yep. Doesn't mean you're a great builder, but it's a start.
  6. Riodan wrote: Ok here's my situation: I have (3) accounts, my main (which is what I'm logged into now), and 2 alts. On my main account: The S and D keys do not move the avatar at all, they just quit working one day and haven't worked since. I can still use arrow keys, but it's driving me nuts, I build bikes and vehicles in SL and can't drive them properly with just arrow keys. On both my ALT accounts, the WASD keys work as intended with no issues at all. Here's what I've tried: 1. Complete reinstalls of Firestorm: including cleaning out the proper directories (full cleanses). - Turns out, it wasn't just Firestorm, it does the same thing and has the same results as mentioned above, main account can't use the S and D, the alts can both move around happily. This makes me think that this is the avatar itself or something ON the avatar which is somehow disabling my movement keys. 2. Completely resetting the Avatar (ie, Preferences, Avatar Health, Reset Avatar to Default Male). - No change, still cannot move using S and D. 3. Recreate LSL Bridge. - Noc change. The only thing I can possibly think of that could be causing this, is some sort of local setting, something "hidden" that affects just the account in question, but I can't figure out where it is or what I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated because I'm definitely at my wit's end on this. Rio Take a look at your attached gestures - some may be capturing those keys.
  7. Cayleen Linette wrote: I'm doing standard 'old fashioned' terraforming - while I do use a land leveler at times to establish a specific land height the majority of what I do is using the viewer land tools. The work I did last night (which was not extensive) was done using only the land tools in the viewer. I've done entire sims in the past without this happening so am curious as to what is broken and how soon it will be fixed. See this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-772
  8. DJxPurity wrote: So I have a security orb for my home. The problem I'm having is that I'm actually looking for a security system that will essentially allow you to press a switch from friends to admins can only access the parcel? I have added a bunch of friends to my security system, the problem is anytime my partner and I are trying to have some alone time, they just barge in. And I should not have to remove them and then add them again, it just gets annoying, I would like to just be able to switch my security system to a private mode in which only my partner and I can be in the house. So back to my original question, does anyone know of a security system that will easily allow me to do that without having to continuously add and subtract? Because there is an awful lot of people that just let themselves in whenever they please. So I'm looking for something simple such as a security system I'm describing. Thanks! TEC's LandProtector systems have an "intimate mode" which does exactly what you want. They're available in-world but apparently not on the Marketplace. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fears%20Trebled/151/72/296
  9. KarraSue wrote: Why didn't they inform users running 4.6.9 40478 that it was going to be blocked today? I'm guessing that was the original version of 4.6.9 before it was patched a few days later. They probably didn't think anyone was actually using it any more -- they certainly don't want anyone to use it. It's no longer available for download. You should update to the current version of 4.6.9.
  10. TashaLerat1a wrote: my upper half, excluding hands and head, is all white. clothes can be worn normally. changing skins or viewers does not fix this. Go to the "Appearance" panel and click the "Wearing" tab. See if you're wearing an item called "New Shirt." If you are, take it off. Sometimes inventory glitches will cause the system to create a new clothing item and put it on your avatar, and these items are all white and called "New [type of wearable]."
  11. Cayleen Linette wrote: Over the past month or so I've had problems with both my sim and the homestead where I live after doing even a small amount of terraforming. I get an error messages that I can't rez objects that have previously caused problems in the region. If I log out and come back it gives me that error message for everything I'm wearing. A restart corrects it but we shouldn't have to resort to that. Is anyone else having this problem and/or do you know if LL is doing anything to address it? Are you just using the viewer to terraform or are you using a specialized terraformer object/script? What you're seeing is a symptom of the region running out of memory and terraforming objects can cause that. Since the new physics system that was installed when Pathfinding rolled out, the way the land is modeled is quite a bit different than how it was when terraforming objects were made.
  12. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: And this thread is a perfect example of why Lindens don't bother with the forums. Article on the obsolesence of Internet fora from 2011... http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/10/remembrance-of-message-boards-past/?_r=0 If that is the case, It would be sad, and not a good sign. I'm not talking about people having lively, or actually interesting opinions and honest criticisms. I'm talking about a company filled with grown adults but child like sensitivities. When someone gives you criticism, or even says what you made sucks, it's not a reason to curl up in a ball in the corner. I'm not saying honest criticism isn't useful; just that forums aren't. For every piece of useful information you'll have to filter out a huge pile of sidetracks, personal conflicts, utter ignorance and Rick Astley videos. It's like straining a litterbox, only the proportion of reusable material to crap is reversed. Maybe that's why there are so many cat pictures... And after all of that you won't see what your customers think; you'll see what the users of your forum think. Look at any news article - say there are three hundred comments on it. That will represent one-one-millionth of the population of the United States, and in fact a self-selected one-one-millionth that is almost entirely made up of trolls and idiots.
  13. SedonaOnidene wrote: When trying to wear a sweater with the alpha layer [plus wearing mesh hair]; parts of the back of my avatar become transparent - especially where the strands of hair fall. I can actually see through to the other side. I don't know what is causing this nor how to fix it. I tried not using the alpha layer but even taking the avatar size down, skin still pokes thru at the arms. This is a favorite sweater and would hate to not be able to wear it. Any suggestions? The problem doesn't have to do with the alpha layer, but the texture of the sweater itself - it has transparency set, and your hair also has transparency set and that will conflict. Transparency can be set even if it doesn't look transparent or translucent. If the sweater doesn't need transparency (i.e. if it doesn't have a "fuzzy layer") you can try this if its modifiable: Drag the sweater onto the ground and edit it. Under "Textures" change the "Alpha Mode" (or something with a similar name) from "Alpha Blending" to "Alpha Masking." That should fix it. If you can't modify it you can try contacting the maker and asking if they'll change that setting for you.
  14. Dora Gustafson wrote: It seems the number is still low and I guess it will stay that way as long creators don't embrace advanced lighting. The question is: why do you create? To make pretty things for a pretty world or to make a pretty income? :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: There's a certain amount of "tomatoes are poisonous" thinking around Advanced Lighting - it's quite a bit faster than it was at first and more machines are capable of running it than some think. In particular, Firestorm doesn't turn it on by default with a number of setups that could run it quite well.
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Ebbe, are you awake? How about filling us in on what is going on at the lab? You do understand that almost every game company does weekly, and some even daily podcasts or Youtube videos. Most don't even have a reason to do this, like LL does. Unity is the closest thing to the SL platform, and they have videos almost everyday. Go onto their forums, they have actual Unity workers there answering questions and engaging. Seriously LL, you tell us how complex SL is, yet nobody at LL answers anything, EVER. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an answer here, Medhue. It took Ebbe NINE MONTHS to respond to a Missing Persons Forum callout. Apparently, he's been "busy" . . . That is like the perfect example of what I'm talking about. Not only does Ebbe not come to his own forums, but no lindens do either. Even the so called moderators can't bother themselves long enough to let Ebbe know about a thread, with his name in the title. Oh, I know I'm not going to get any answers. I've done numerous threads with his name in them. I'm not saying he has to be here all the time, but a few minutes every once in awhile would do wonders. Being busy is not really an excuse. We are all busy, and I bet quite a few of us are much more busy and work many more hours than he does, but here we are. If nothing else, I'm evaluating the numerous options I have to spend my time at. What I see from other platforms, are people engaging as much as they possibly can, even CEOs. What I have seen from LL over the past 5 or so years could barely fill a 3 page notebook. To me, this just doesn't look good. Seriously, I'm looking for a reason to keep promoting this platform, when I could be promoting others. Supposedly, they have this new platform coming, which we have heard nothing at all about, and that really worries me. I know the history of the company pretty intimately and seen bad decision after bad decision. It's almost like they have no clue what they are doing. Just look at Fitted Mesh, or releasing mesh avatars who's eyes aren't even rigged. Fixing any bug is a year long process, if it ever gets fixed. Yeah, Ok, It might seem like all I'm doing is bash them, but it's because I love the concept of the platform. It's because I know personally, and work together with creators in this world, whether here or on other platforms. I'm criticizing them because I give a crap. Heck, for whatever reason, I keep paying for my sim. And this thread is a perfect example of why Lindens don't bother with the forums. Article on the obsolesence of Internet fora from 2011... http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/10/remembrance-of-message-boards-past/?_r=0
  16. Clayevo wrote: Hello, I'm new on here, and I'm having problem on wearing outfits. When I was wearing a new shirt, my new hair disappeared. However, when I was wearing my new hear, my new shirt dissapear.ed. Is there anything I can do to fix it? It sounds like you're wearing mesh items and sometimes two items can default to being attached to the same point. At this point in your Second LIfe it will be simpler for you to just select "add" instead of "wear" for situations like this.
  17. kaity Ametza wrote: Hello, i've been playing secondlife for a good 5 years now and I don't want to stop now. Recently a couple months ago my computer started to slow down and thus, crashed a lot . So I did a complete reboot on it, either times Secondlife was incredibly slow and laggy but it never crashed. It still doesn't, it's just awfully laggy. My computer info: Computer Viewer: Firestorm w. Havok x32 I'm not sure if that's enough information to identify the source of the problem. But I have one graphics card in right now, as the other three have died on me. I've read a lot online about it could be the CPU usage, and I need to buy a new CPU or new graphics cards, but i'm not sure if I should. I don't want to waste money on something that wouldn't help. I've also tried doing step by step tutorials on reducing lag in Secondlife, and none of it worked. I don't have much of anything downloaded onto my computer but Skype, Sai and a tablet driver (of course Firestorm). It has never done this to me before, but i've been without Secondlife for a couple months now and I can't handle it anymore. Looking for answers but not finding any, so I need help and advice on what can I do, to make my game not lag as bad! The lag is so bad, to even move the game freezes for 2 minutes then resumes. It's not the region, because I managed to go to several other's with less particals+scripts and to no avail. Advice please?? Okay, from the description it sounds like what you're calling "graphics cards" are actually memory modules and they seem to be failing. Usually computers need to have memory modules set up in a specific configuration and the one you still have in may not be in the right slot and if they were all installed when you got your computer in the first place the one you still have in may be failing too - in any event they shouldn't be failing at all. You may need to take it in for service.
  18. greek Wingtips wrote: I am a custom tattoo artist in sl and been asked by many of my customers about placing a tattoo on a mesh body, if this possiable and how would I go about it any help would be great Most of the popular mesh bodies have a system of layers that textures like tattoos can be added to without needing to modify the skin itself. Since many of them use the same mapping that the default avatar does you can use the same textures and templates you'd use for a regular body - you'd then need to make an "applier", which is a scripted object that sends the texture to the mesh body layer. The mesh body makers put out developer's kits for just such things. The exact methods and kits vary from body to body.
  19. daneadian wrote: I just bought a loft and having trouble getting land where I can unpack it. One link showed land for $10,000 US? Another showed an auction. Can't I just buy a plot? ANd not for thousands of dollars? Bring up the "World Map" and turn on the option labeled "Land Sales." The lots for sale anywhere in SL will be highlighted in yellow. There will be a wide variety of prices on them, from very cheap to very expensive. The lots on the places that are made up of many connected regions are called "Mainland" and you have to be a Premium member to buy them. Other lots are on islands/groups of regions owned by others within Second Life and you won't need to be a premium member to buy them. No matter whether you buy a lot on Mainland or on a private region you'll need to pay something regularly as an upkeep fee - there's no land that you can buy once and then have for free afterwards.
  20. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Seriously, Theresa? I thought you were better than this. ...Dres Oh, I try... I try... but some days the temptation is just too great. It was just sitting there...
  21. Whirly Fizzle wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Also, in Firestorm it may help to recreate the "bridge" - it is a Firestorm/Phoenix only scripted add-on that can sometimes cause issues if it gets corrupted. To fix this: "Avatar" menu --> "Avatar Health" --> "Recreate LSL Bridge." Theresa, if you have seen any cases where the Firestorm bridge appeared to cause inventory loading issues, can you point me to them? This shouldn't happen & I'd be interested to see them. It is not a known problem to the Firestorm team. She had inventory loading fail on the Linden viewer too after using it for a while - if you are wearing the bridge while on another viewer, it will drop off after the first teleport (it is scripted to drop off on region change if the user isnt on Firestorm) and while on any other viewer it just behaves like any other worn scripted attachment, there is nothing magical about the bridge attachment. It turned up a couple of times back when Firestorm 4.4 was released, according to Lette's blog: http://letteponnier.blogspot.com/2013/05/fasqmay1.html
  22. Pamela Galli wrote: When we are very little, we report each and every little bad thing that happens to us -- because our Mom cares about every little thing. Because we are her little darling. When MOST of us grow up, we discover that not even our mothers are very interested in hearing about each and every time we stub our toe or get a splinter. But there are some who never make this discovery, whose sense of importance to the world remains greatly exaggerated, and they go on reporting every time they drop a dime down a gutter -- mostly to some forum somewhere. People with an exaggerated sense of their own importance are always going to be the target of others' humor. Like what happens when someone gets told by someone else that their toys are too expensive so they report them to Mommy, tattletale them to everyone and don't let them come to the house anymore?
  24. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Conspiracy theories abound...please explain to me how sploders added to LL coffers, exactly? Because: LINDEN LAB IS TEH DEBBIL!!!!!!! In Hoshi's mind, at least.
  25. Dondy Carling wrote: Let me try to explain this. I had Firestorm viewer and this happen When I try to change clothes I look in my inventory and I see all my folders that cantain like skirts paints and everything to wear I can;t open them, nothing there. So I try a dtfferent viewer and then they show up everything where it should be. About two week that worked then it happen again. Then I try Second life viewer and it works again doing that now. I have looked all over the place for answers but no one seems to know anything. My friend says that all the files are stored on the severs, So every time it happens I change viewers but after awhile I will run out viewers if this keeps happening then what will I do, I guess just stop doing SL.But if this happens to every one on SL no one will stay here. This is such a common problem with common solutions that I'm surprised you haven't at least heard of it before. The file on your computer that has a snapshot of your inventory is out-of-sync with the actual inventory on the servers and needs to be rebuilt: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear Also, in Firestorm it may help to recreate the "bridge" - it is a Firestorm/Phoenix only scripted add-on that can sometimes cause issues if it gets corrupted. To fix this: "Avatar" menu --> "Avatar Health" --> "Recreate LSL Bridge."
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