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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. jonhnnyroleplay wrote: Numbers are like opinions....everybody has them; especially Micro$oft. IF that were true why would IBM, DELL, and HP offer pcs with Ubuntu 14.04 pre-loaded to public?? This means ALL three of these BIG pc players are losing money by doing this?? I guess that means Google, Amazon (bought advertisent space on Ubuntu 14.04 OS),etc are too??? This is why I rarely reference any of Microsoft's "charts and graphs." I love to use the word "approximate" when I do. The numbers I used were a quote off an interview with FORMER Microsoft CEO: Mr. Balmer. do I have to post a link for each and every number I spit out, so as to validate it..I can I say to you think about of ALL the companies backing Linux now....Balmer's statements backed up what ALL these companies are doing supporting Linux, but if you wish you contact them ALL tell them they are sooo wrong in doing so..LOL....I used that article to show people Windows 9 is dead in water and I never once said I got percentages I used from that link. I do not know what post you are reading I never referenced that article as to numbers I used. Now, if you will excuse me, I only reply to "stuff" like this once. Have fun!! ~~~ http://www.cnet.com/news/windows-8-1-continues-to-inch-along/ You can find figures showing much higher use of "Linux kernel browsers", however, that number includes Android. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems
  2. AliciaMarieJames wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: I don’t know of any group or region specifically designed to make its visitors feel lonely; a few may be moody in nature, but I haven’t seen any who’d keep sending to every visiting resident messages like “you’re alone in the world... nobody cares about you... other people around you are just illusions...”; not for anything, it’d just defeat the purpose of creating it in the first place, because few -if any- would stay long enough to bother. Now, yes, the previous paragraph was a bit ironic, but it was also to point out a fact: groups and sims really aren’t designed to make anyone feel lonely, so if you do feel that way, why do you think that is? What happens when you go there? When you engage in the conversations taking place there, are you somehow ignored even if your contributions are just as relevant as those of the rest? Or, if no one is talking at the moment, do you begin a conversation (either in open chat or with someone in IM) and, when you do that, you are consistently ignored without any discernible reason? If you do all those things and are, in fact, ignored, do try telling us a few examples of how you try to engage in conversation, perhaps we can help you pointing out possible reasons for the apparent lack of reaction of others. And if you do none of those things and are one of those who essentially wait passively for others to talk to them, maybe it’s time for you to realize that that “feelig of loneliness” is far more the result of your own choices than the nature of the world around you. I do talk, however... you forget one vital element of a group which is inclusiveness. There are people in active groups who stick to those they know and keep everyone else at arms length. Take me for instance, I'm shy and quiet... I get that. I don't do over-the-top in anything. I'm a wallflower and a home body most of the time in SL. I've joined groups in the past and for some reason or another, I don't feel apart of the group. Right now, I feel the way I do because I can't do squat in SL but shop and make outfits and the feeling of loneliness I get when I join a group... only to leave seconds later due to it being quiet, non-inclusive or dead. So, basically... that leaves me without any groups to join or friends to make. How do you expect anyone to get to know you if you "leave seconds later" because you don't get what you want immediately?
  3. jonhnnyroleplay wrote: Uncertain future for Linux viewer....hmm...let us take a close look @ current (3/8/15) situation. Let us assume SL drops their own Linux 32 bit viewer & let us speculate amongst ourselves maybe "new" SL that LL is working on will not support Linux distros at all. I am going to break it down like this Microsoft first : 1- Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 has turned out to be a total trainwreck 2- Microsoft has admitted since dropping support for XP only approx. 23% of planet went with 8/8.1 3- Microsoft has cancelled release of Windows 9 & instead is quickly working on Windows 10 (according to MS anyone who bought/buys a pc pre-loaded with 8/8.1 gets free upgrade to Windows 10...whenever it is realeased!) http://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-jumps-to-windows-10/ 4- Windows 8/8.1 support will cease soon ala ME/Vista 5- Leaves Windows 7 users, Mac users (make up approx. 12% of global populace)....whenever Windows 10 (MS great white hope) is released Linux: 1- Take a wild guess where most disgruntled former XP- disgruntled Windows users went : Linux 2- DELL, IBM, HP all offering pcs off their sites pre-loaded with Ubuntu 14.04 ready to ship to your front door 3- BIG companies now supporting Linux: GOOGLE, AMAZON, Intel-Nvidia, AMD-Radeon, Netflix, IBM, DELL, STEAM and HP among others now The big question is: will SL drop their own Linux viewer? I can not speak for LL/SL, BUT if they do just add it to the pile of poor business decisions they have made in the past. Will there still be 3rd party Linux viewers for the "new" Sl that is supposed to be coming? Who knows, but this is one Linux user that will NOT go back to Windows, even if it means walking away from SL. According to the chart referenced in the article you linked to, as of September 2014 Vista had more users than Linux - over 50% more to be precise. Vista. Not even I'm running Vista anymore.
  4. CherryBommb wrote: I took over the Sim Baitoushan, by taking over the group as owner. But I don't know if I own it or not because it is not showing up on land owned. Can you let me know what to do next really appreciate it, thank you. cherrybommb That region is actually owned by the group itself, not by any one individual. The "payment" for the region is from "tier allowances" the members have donated. As long as enough tier has been donated by the various members to cover the necessary size in square meters that should be fine. If not enough has been donated the group will have to eventually get enough members to donate enough tier to maintain it. In theory you can be the owner of the group and not donate any tier at all if enough others have donated enough. However, it is not your land and if it is sold the purchase price will be distributed to the group members instead of automatically going to you.
  5. burstofnerg wrote: When I click to open the avatar from my Inventory by clicking "Add," the message "Your object named nolink>Body & Soul - Beauty Boutique - Babette - Bag has given you this folder: nolink>'Body & Soul - Beauty Boutique - Babette - Bag'" appears and I hit keep, the bag self-destruct in 5 but never goes away. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong... can someone help? I'd greatly appreciate it! What you are doing is only to copy the avatar files into your inventory, not to wear the avatar itself. You should go to the folder that the bag gave you and "wear" the items in it to make changes to your avatar. You may now have multiple copies of this folder in your inventory - its safe to delete all but one of these folders.
  6. Lustey wrote: the astronomical sim pricing, note LL, it's better to sell 1000 of something at 10 dollars than only 10 at 100 dollars...that's just simple math... Not if the things you're selling cost $11 to make...
  7. keyliikkin wrote: I bought a set of barbell piercings for my avi's nipples, and when attached they show up above and to the side of her nipples. Her breasts are somewhat above-average in size, and the skin I use does create some cleavage (maybe that's it?). Thank you for any suggestions you might have. If you're brand new you may not yet realize that an attachment like that doesn't automatically know where your nipples ARE - it will be attached to a generic "attachment point" and then needs to be edited using the "Edit..." command to move it to its actual location. Apologies if you already knew that...
  8. happyskunky wrote: So here I am trying Second life out and it MAKES NO sense that the left and right mouse scroll are A' backwards from every other MMO out there! Why would I want to scroll my mouse left to look right? Why would I want to scroll my mouse right to look left . God this makes so so flipping annoyed ! Why the hell for such a popular "game" do the programmers do something so asinine! Jesus Christ I would have thought the stigmata would make it hard to use a mouse no matter how the buttons were mapped.
  9. LlazarusLlong wrote: KarenMichelle Lane wrote: We could relaunch the movie title "The Magnificent 7" with a new twist on the story. That title is at least marketable. ~~~~ The poor minions of secondlife are invaded by the needy and demanding hordes wanting to steal their hard works rather than learn and fend for themselves......The call for gunmen to defend [and ultimately teach the minions how to stand tall for themselves] goes out goes out.... Oh dear, now everybody's going to be posting demanding to be Steve McQueen - and NOT Yul Brynner. [i'll be Robert Vaughn; I shared a plane with him once.] Interesting choice... Oh yeah, you still think of him as an actor in the UK, don't you? Here in the Colonies we mostly think of him as the guy who does the personal-injury lawyer commercials on television these days.
  10. Caitlin Tobias wrote: In (virtual) reality this is of course not how it works, but perhaps the definitions of the words 'friend' and 'social' need to be re-defined? Or maybe we, the.. ahem...older ones - who grew up without internet, whatsapp, instagram and whatnot - need to adapt? Not saying we must, but I doubt we can actually change the way how communication is shifting from just hopping on your bicycle and go to see if your friend is home to nowadays conveniently just 'whatsapp' them with random chat and by doing so maintaining some sort of relationship. Or multiple even. friend n.noun A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement. friends of the clean air movement. A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker. Perhaps you're simply freighting the word "friend" with more significance than others do. As you can see, the word has always been usable for the most casual of relationships. An IFF ("Identity Friend or Foe") transponder in a military aircraft only tells you whether or not any given aircraft is likely to shove an air-to-air missle up your tailpipe or not. Facebook was originally meant for networks of people who already knew each other or were part of the same group. A "friend" in that sense is only someone who you might be interested in keeping tabs on. It doesn't mean that they've touched your soul; neither does it mean that you think they have simply because they're on your friend list.
  11. Gaia Ashdene wrote: They are there, because I can select them, but it's like they're invisible. It didn't happen until I messed with my graphics settings a little and then it was all poof. It's not just for me, but for all avies. Though, I can see mesh that isn't on avatars just fine. It's been like this since last night. I've tried alternate viewers. Clearing cache. etc Assuming you could see mesh before, you didn't make any changes to your video drivers in the meantime and you were satisfied with your performance before; try going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and turning off "Hardware Skinning." It sounds like you have an AMD video system and their recent drivers don't play nicely with mesh. If turning off "Hardware Skinning" makes things too slow there are other slightly more complicated workarounds but the hardware skinning toggle is the quickest and easiest.
  12. Kelli May wrote: If retention drops to zero, then surely everyone has quit? If everything that people said "would cause a massive numbers of people to leave" actually did, by sometime in mid-2013 the number of humans in SL would actually have become negative, meaning that there are humans in RL being controlled by SL avatars. Actually, that would explain a lot...
  13. Zsigmond Alcott wrote: Try Fogbound...incredible blues sounds and DJ's that rotate all the time. The folks are friendly too. Yes just dont use gestures and make sure you confrom to act exactly like them and all will be fine. Tell hi to Sa***** & Ya***. If the Freedom of Speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. ~ George Washington ~ Yeah, because George Washington shivered through the winter at Valley Forge for the freedom to hit a button that would spam out "RUUUUUGGGGBBBBAAAA!!!!!"
  14. Samuel Meiyo wrote: So, I am thinking of starting a business. A movie from 2000, that came from the UK. I know copyright/trademark laws are different from USA, to the UK, to different places throughout the world.. But does anyone know? Or where would i go to acquire such infomation? This shouldn't be taken as expert advice but this is my general understanding... Titles don't fall under automatic copyright because they're too short, especially if they're made up of everyday words. For instance, if you were selling trains and named your store "Trainspotting" that shouldn't be an issue because the phrase "trainspotting" existed before the movie and it would be a reasonable name for your store whether or not there was a movie by that name. What might get you in trouble is if your store is named after the movie and so full of things from that movie that it appears to be some sort of official representation of that movie. Also, if the title is a made-up word that's only associated with the movie that could also be trouble.
  15. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Yawn. Yeah, isn't it boring when people just say the same thing over and over again?
  16. Conifer Dada wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Conifer Dada wrote: The attack has been going on for a few hours and I posted about it on here because, as I said, I couldn't get the name of the perpetrator. Just hoping that someone from LL gets to hear bout this so they can take action. Hi Conifer. What exactly did you hope to achieve in posting this sensationalist journalism here in GD? I would have thought this is the last place you would expect to find a Linden - except for Xiola, and I wouldn't expect a PR assistant to be much good in a firefight. Or do you know something we don't? Hi Lazarus - I'll hand the question back to you - what exactly did you hope to achieve with your response to my query? :smileyvery-happy: PS I could write a you full account of my reasons for attempting to report a griefer by unorthodox methods but it might use up several notecards. He hoped that you'd reply, especially hoping you'd become overly dramatic.
  17. Leeanna041903 wrote: YESBUTNOBUTYESSPARLIFEHELP OUT these are the codes that i need to input! Can someone tell me how to enter them though? PLZZZZZZZZ? i would appreciate it thx!! <3 From: Leeanna041903 So, what did they tell you the codes would do? Someone may have been playing with your head -- no cheat codes in Second Life, at least not ones that work anywhere. There may be some regions where someone has written a script so that these codes will do something, but we'd need more information to know where they might be.
  18. Auhgra wrote: I do have land I pay on weekly, but love having my small free Linden home, just in case I don't have lindens to pay rent. I want to try the SL-GO, but am affraid I will loose my small Linden home ? I guess I would be asking of the Premium account and SL-GO accounts are two differnt things, but a clse friend in SL said she no longer had her Premium accunt when she got her SL-GO accunt ? ? ? Can anyone knowledgable please give me an answer? Thank you for your time, and help ! They're completely different things provided by different companies. You can have both, either or neither; you'll have to pay separately either way.
  19. chesterburnett wrote: This ruling is for non-payment of royalties. Will this affect LindenLabs or the hundreds of live artists,disc jockeys,and music clubs in SL? We are talking virtually all of the music now playing or used on SL. Actually the ruling only deals with music from before 1972, not "virtually all the music now playing or used on SL." DJ's and live artists were always responsible for getting rights for what they play; this doesn't change that. Shouldn't affect Linden Lab because all music in SL is handled by streams provided by others and the servers are only a conduit.
  20. LlazarusLlong wrote: It's not English language that's the problem here. It's arcane jargon invented by those who apparently are semi-literate, and have a vested interest in maintaining a position of seeming technical superiority over those who have not scaled the barriers to entry erected by those who feel comfortable with historical errors of misdirection and FUD. Which in a circular way brings us back to the op's complaint. Yes, clear standard language is vital for a quality argument. FUD - is that Anglo-Saxon?
  21. Penny Patton wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: And frogs should have been born with wings so they wouldn't bump their butts when they jump. But those indisputable facts don't do either the newbie or the frog any good because they didn't happen. So, what do you do about it? The point I weas making was that the justifications of SL's difficult learning curve was somehow necessary for the creative possibilities to exist is a fallacy. But how would I deal with this situation? I'd disable invisiprims consistently, for everyone. This would not "change the world" in any meaningful way because the way invisiprims were disabled they wind up simply being invisible, and there are a plethora of freely available avatar masks available so that no one could claim any existing content was broken. At least no more than it already is. That way, new and casual users don't need to learn about invisiprims at all. It's not like they're used in new content. There - you've actually made a decision to do something instead of just saying, "Well, you should have done this back then." And you've just broken boats - nice ones, costing multiple thousands of Lindens and worth it - that use invisiprims to hide the water that would appear inside their hulls below their waterlines. Masks won't work to do that. Que sera, sera... Now you should outline your plans for either removing all invisiprim-using clothing from the market or seamlessly providing alpha masks for them.
  22. Penny Patton wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Okay - let's give a concrete example. Invisiprims. How much tutelage should a new person get in them? If you explain them it's one more thing they need to keep their head; if you don't they'll run into them somewhere and be mystified. If you ban and remove all invisiprims you'll change the world. GOOD EXAMPLE! LL broke invisiprims years ago. Anyone who has deferred rendering enabled does not see invisiprims. And yet, in defiance of LL's own "shared experience" policy, people who do not have deferred rendering enabled still see invisiprims as they always (sort of) worked. That is an example of a needlessly complicated situation LL has created. My argument is that we should have never had invisiprims in the first place. (Or rather, we should not have been forced to use them how we would later end up using avataar masking.) We should have gotten avatar masking right from the beginning. Since we didn't, LL should have been consistent in how they addressed invisiprims. When they disabled invisiprims for people with deferred rendering active, they should have disabled it for everyone. Alternately, they should not have disabled it at all. One or the other. But they most certainly should not have created a situation where some people are wandering around still using invisiprims that are disabled for many other SL users. And frogs should have been born with wings so they wouldn't bump their butts when they jump. But those indisputable facts don't do either the newbie or the frog any good because they didn't happen. So, what do you do about it?
  23. Penny Patton wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Completely missed my point. My point is that learning how to play a non-broken violin won't do you any good when you encounter music that can only be played properly on a broken violin. Except, the music you're referring to cannot only be played on a broken violin. I'm telling you that music would be much easier to play on a non-broken violin. And you'd be able to play it better. Thge broken violin adds nothing, but limits things quite a bit. There is no justification for it. Okay - let's give a concrete example. Invisiprims. How much tutelage should a new person get in them? If you explain them it's one more thing they need to keep their head; if you don't they'll run into them somewhere and be mystified. If you ban and remove all invisiprims you'll change the world.
  24. Penny Patton wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: There's a real limit to how much you can "simplify" or "improve" SL while keeping the present "world". That limit is further away than you think, The comparison with learning to play a violin is disingenous. A better comparison would be learning to play a broken violin while being instructed by a teacher who did not know how to play a violin themselves or have any experience teaching anything whatsoever. There are plenty of tools in SL that are broken. They do not do what they were designed to do. Like the height display in the appearance editor which gives you incorrect information. Or how Land Impact is designed to manage rendering resources and yet leaves out one of the most important parts making it entirely incapable of achieving its purpose. Many other tools suffer from horrendously bad design. Fun fact, LL decided from the beginning not to hire professional artists. They belived such professionals were only good for creating content, and since LL is not in the business of content creation they did not need them. The problem is, to design proper content creation tools, you absolutely NEED content creators who know what they're doing as a part of your development team. That huge post of examples just from the appearance editor alone? That was just the tip of the ice berg. I guarantee you it is more than possible to create better tools than SL provides, without constraining the creative possibilities of SL. In fact, better tools would, without a doubt, increase creative potential in SL for all users. That is why this horribly mistaken idea that SL cannot be made easier without sacrificing what SL is capable of needs to be called out for the fallacy it is. It is not only wrong, it is entirely indefensible. Completely missed my point. My point is that learning how to play a non-broken violin won't do you any good when you encounter music that can only be played properly on a broken violin.
  25. Penny Patton wrote: I see a lot of people defending SL's difficult learning curve, but the sad fact is, SL's interface and tools suffer from exceptionally poor design. Difficulty stemming from such design issues does not enrigh the SL experience in any way and is, in fact, the root of most of the common complaints shared even by SL's staunchest supporters. Maybe, rather than shouting down criticism of SL's problems, understanding those issues and putting pressure on LL to actually address the problems, might be more beneficial to everyone. There's a real limit to how much you can "simplify" or "improve" SL while keeping the present "world". Think of it this way: A violin is diabolically difficult for a beginner, especially someone looking for a casual pastime. A fair amount of the difficulty is in its design - the curved neck without frets, the bow, the "busy-Sixties-housewife-on-the-phone" way you need to hold it. You can make a four-stringed musical instrument the size of a violin much easier to play for a beginner - give it a flat neck with frets, hold it in a more natural way and pluck or strum it. Basically, turn it into a ukelele, the easiest of all stringed instruments for a beginner to play. However, if you give someone this ukelelefied violin they will find that there are many pieces written for a violin that they simply can't play because they were written with the traditional violin structure and technique in mind. You can start someone in a "simplified", "improved" Second Life environment but once they get into the "wild" they'll almost instantly run into something bizarre and arcane that they aren't prepared for because its a mishmash of ideas that made sense three years ago, made sense nine years ago, or never made sense at all but that was just how someone decided to do it. Poseballs? Crotch flaps? Seriously? Even before the "new world" was a rumor I had come to the conclusion that the only way Second Life would become a true mass-market application was if some sort of controlled, modernized, streamlined layer was put on top of it that would effectively shut new people out of a lot of the older things until they decided to delve deeper into it. Once you start doing that you might as well just rebuild it from scratch.
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