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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. AnaisAigner wrote: No, still incorrect, I really recommend getting proper legal advise not what you think you may know. The original image files she has in photoshop are protected by copyright from the date she created them (subject to the usual caveats as such they are original, her designs etc.). Go search the copyright office for those who have registered such copyrights historically in the US. The reason I am so adamant on this is, I had to pay a serious amount of money for my RL graphic work legal advice and copyright filing which extended from the original file through to the licencing deal (totally separate) when I was published last year. I used some of the published images that were not in that deal for Second Life and the same IP lawyer registered my copyright. Those images were used to texture specific assets within SL, this did not dilute or remove my copyright. The fact she applied her artwork to an avatar does not negate her original copyright. She has only provided a licence to Linden Research Inc per the TOS to display that work etc within the platform. It also does not provide any rights to third parties to replicate nor create a derivative work from it. I really find it disengious when people give false advice to people on forums without a clear citation or rationale. You have not helped the OP, only provided them off subject information (including mistaking the item as "clothing"). There are many other bondage harnesses and images of same all over both Second Life and real life. The OP almost certainly based her creation on one of these pre-existing harnesses. Isn't her harness a derivative work in itself then by your logic? It isn't by the United States Copyright Office's logic: "Copyright in a work that portrays a useful article extends only to the artistic expression of the author of the pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work. It does not extend to the design of the article that is portrayed. For example, a drawing or photograph of an automobile or a dress design may be copy- righted, but that does not give the artist or photographer the exclusive right to make automobiles or dresses of the same design." http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ40.pdf The OP never said that her artwork was stolen, but that her design was. Clear enough for you?
  2. AnaisAigner wrote: That's technically a false premise. It's not clothing (a common mistake people make when they think about what the art or asset is versus the medium it is in). The first is an image that can be defined as an artwork applied to an avatar (artwork can be protected by copyright). The second is a 3d Model of that artwork (making it a derivative work). That makes it "applied art", which isn't protected by copyright but by design patents. The original graphic file containing the OP's work is protected, but you can't copyright an idea. If you draw a picture of someone wearing a blue shirt that drawing is protected, but if someone else sees it and makes another work of art with someone wearing a similar blue shirt you don't have a valid copyright claim.
  3. Stephanie Spellhunter wrote: Hi, I need some help. My design was stolen from me, I made a texture based clothing mod for a solarian avatar. However this design was bought from me by a certain person and re-made into mesh and sold as their own. I have talked to them to negotiate, as in profit sharing as it is my design, but they refused to co-operate. Now I have no more sales on my item. I've tried contacting LL and they told me to write a DMCA but I have no idea how to do this, can someone please help me out? My item: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NNP-HUD-Box-Bodysuit-H435/8259074 My design being stolen by this person: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EAS-Solarian-Bondage-Harness/8335975 I know hers is mesh, but that does not change the fact that they stole my design. She even bought mine in order to make the allignment almost perfect to mine. Has anyone ever read or done a DMCA, and can help me out with this? I would very much appreciate your help. There's very little chance that you'll win that DMCA. Second Life uses the laws of the United States of America. In the USA only decorative elements can be copyrighted and not the designs of "useful objects" themselves, and a piece of clothing is considered a useful object. There are other bondage harnesses in SL that all look quite similar to yours because of what they're intended to do, and anyone making a bondage harness is probably going to come up with something similar so the design of any one isn't protected. DMCA is mostly intended to take down things that are exact pixel-for-pixel, polygon-for-polygon copies of other people's work and the other harness is obviously not that because it uses completely different technology.
  4. Assuming you got the update direct from Linden Lab, it's a false positive. SL viewers do fairly unusual things communication-wise and Norton isn't as bright as it thinks it is.
  5. sashacouture1992 wrote: hi there, So i just bought a new 27inch imac with 5k display and for no reason out of the blue, sl keeps crashing on me. i was using a late 2012 macbook pro for about 2 years and never had this problem. I love my mew imac because now i can finally watch videos in sl, render shadows and put my graphics on high without dying lol but for whatever reason, and i noticed this on my old mac book after a recent update in december, sl has been crashing on me way more than normal and i'm unable to enjoy crowded sims like collab88 and fameshed without crashing.I can't even stand around in my house for extended periods of time without crashing. Is there anything i can do to check this problem and find out how i can stop this? it's really made my play experience dwindle in quality. thanks for the help OSX El Capitan, which would have been pre-loaded on a new Mac, is known to make Second Life viewers very crashy. Did you also update your Macbook to El Capitan? Some people have been having better luck using 64-bit viewers like the 64-bit versions of Firestorm or Alchemy; other than that you might try using an older version of OSX for now but I don't know if Macs even allow that on new hardware.
  6. Bree Giffen wrote: We seem to agree that SL is not a democracy. What type of government does SL actually have? A one party state system like China? The closest equivalent I know of is feudalism - the Crown has infinite powers but various lords and barons have a large degree of control over their personal demesnes, including the ability to make money from them, as rewards for sending the Crown money.
  7. Tailmon1 wrote: Ok I have a pretty good computer and even my back up computer is fairly hefty in the graphics department. Both are AMD machines with a GTX 960 in the back up and a Sapphire R-9 270X card. Just reciently the mesh on avaters have become bazzar at best. My avatar shows up with pieces sticking out of it. And other mesh avatars are also showing up borked. Some times areas do not show up either. Can someone help me with this issue. It's driving me bonkers.... If you're seeing this with new viewers but not old ones the stretching may be caused by the meshes having certain points that aren't weighted to any avatar "bones." This was something the mesh maker shouldn't have done but with viewers prior to the latest version of Firestorm or very recent versions of the Linden Lab viewer it wouldn't have been noticeable. The viewers were recently changed so that unweighted mesh vertices will stretch out like you're seeing. FIrestorm attempted to back out the change but backing it out causes viewer crashes with any avatars using the new extended skeleton that's being tested. If this is indeed the problem the only real fix is for the avatar makers to be sure every point is weighted to a bone (they'll understand what this means.)
  8. sunshine Rassir wrote: i try to find a way to buy lindens but all i see is the dollars cant find fore europ the euro s If you could buy Lindens with more than one real-world currency they could be used as a system of real-world financial exchange and speculation and that's the last thing Linden Lab wants to have to deal with.
  9. Gator Peterman wrote: This is my question about land and prim usage. If a private region (a home stead) has a number of parcels, lets say 3, then these parcels automatically get the prim allowance that goes with the size of the parcel. The remaining prims which are not connected to any or these parcels remain free for general use. Suppose this region is largely water and can be used to sail with boats, then any boat arriving in this region will consume a certain amount of prims depending on the size of the boat. My question is this. When will the region run out of prims for arriving boats, or in other words, when do you get a 'region full' message. There are two possibilities. The not used prims in the parcels are still available for any arriving boats, or arriving boats are limited to the remaining prims after subtracting the total amount of prims the parcel support.. To illustrate this lets take an example. A Home stead has 3750 prims. Suppose there are 3 parcels in this home stead each holding 1000 prims and each of them is filled with 600 prims, so 400 in every parcel is free, 1200 in total. The HS region has 750 prims left (3750-3000) for general use. How many prims are available for arriving boats, 750 or 750 plus the 3 times 400 remaining prims in these parcels which would amount to 1200+750=1950 prims. In other words, do we have 1950 prims or 750 prims available for arriving boats until the 'sim full' message appears? Note: The 3 parcels are all set to a different groups and are owned by different owners. My guess would be 750 prims, because if arriving boats would be able to "loan" prims from owned parcels, the owner of that parcel might suddenly discover that his prim allotment has declined because it was pinched by a boat. (In reality the parcels have a bonus factor of 4, but for simplicity reasons, I left that out of the question) Anyone? A boat or any other vehicle with an avatar sitting on it has a special status and the prims that make it up don't count against the region's standard prim allowance. As soon as the avatar stands up it becomes a conventional object and will be returned to the owner unless the region is specifically set to allow that owner to rezz objects - i.e. they're a member of that group or "object entry" is set to 'Everyone."
  10. mikka Luik wrote: The only one off the top of my head would be the CDS so would be interesting to hear of others. That was the one I had in mind.
  11. IWantToJoinAgain wrote: Hey guys, I was banned from Second Life a pretty long while ago. . . . UPDATE! Here is what I sent Linden Labs: Hey there people of Linden Labs. Listen, I know none of you really want to talk to me but my depression has gotten pretty bad. Without Second Life, my actual life has been rather horrible! A few weeks back I was banned for being rather idiotic. People will be more inclined to trust you if you're consistent.
  12. m4cm34t5cr4p5 wrote: Imagine, for a moment, that Ebbe Linden takes some strong substances and comes up with a radical plan for SL - he will create the first truly inworld democratic system. From now on, LL will simply concentrate on server / sim maintenance. In all other affairs, the residents will govern themselves. A government will be set up, which will determine policy for SL, right down to the wording of the TOS. As the run-up to the handover begins, residents band together and form their own parties, to jostle for power. Two weeks before the election, four parties have emerged - due to size of numbers and support, these are the ONLY credible contenders for power. The parties can be summarised as follows: 1) Election promises: to relax the restrictions on gambling and third party $L exchange. Strong on landowners' / creators' rights. Promises an extensive crackdown on copybotters and griefers. Will ban any freebie centre owners (and seize their land) if copybotted items are discovered on the premises. Will also restrict NPIOF residents to a small cluster of sims until they either a) go PIOF b) age 180 days. Not keen on free / public sandboxes. 2) Election promises: to lower the age of entry to SL to 12; to increase MP seller fees & use the extra revenue to revamp the infohubs with paid SL mentors; to impose an upper limit on land sales. Will reclaim abandoned land and hand it over to educators / non-profit orgs. Promises to investigate ban lines encroaching on public space and will fine owners deemed guilty of this. Will also remove TOS covering harrassment/abuse, reasoning that that's what the block button's for. 3) Election promises: to ban all child AVs; to heavily tax sex clubs and to remove them from search, even within the adult category; will ban any avatar found having sex or swearing in a G/M-rated area. Has no comment on MP issues, but rumour has it that their leader - who is a Christian minister - once attacked a diaper-wearing furry nightclub with viewer crashers. However: he has pledged to bring back SL last names. 4) Election promises: to fill SL with bot NPCs.Believes that this will create an upsurge of interest in SL and will also enable residents to let off steam by shooting/shagging robots without TOS consequences. Will also establish a weekly lottery for all residents and promises to fix the vehicle lag issue by 2019. Who would you vote for? One of the reasons for the developing of Project Sansar is to allow groups to create their own large spaces that can have separate rules. All these parties could form a confederation with the rules they favor being in place in their own sub-worlds. Meanwhile, there's already a group of democratically-run private regions in SL.
  13. LordHappycat wrote: Of all the gripes that are minor with Second Life and it's potential. Do you think we could see maybe with Project Sansar that you could DO more than Second Life? I mean, when I think about it, there's six core things you can do in SL. Six...those six are: Dancing Wandering Having Sex Dress Up Play Mini-Games Lounging I mean, it's 2016 right now and you'd think there'd be more things to do. And I know someone could say "Well, you can do x thing at a particular sim..." I'm aware of that and I know of those places. But I'm speaking in the sense where you can readily and easily do it. Like, going into water, any water, and just automatically swim in it. How about mountains? Climb mountains. How about play an actual game of Basketball? That'd be awesome! But, no, Second Life is not capable of this and from the sounds of Sansar (based off of a few months ago), I don't think there's really going to be anything drastic. In addition to the things pointed out that you can do now, I should point out that having sex and playing mini-games aren't part of the core structure of Second Life and dancing is internal only in the form of very limited default gestures almost nobody uses. Like almost everything else, most of the functions you cite were developed by users.
  14. PersistentDigger wrote: Yesterday I was given useful info here when I asked about the wisdom (or otherwise) of clearing Cache - link Rolig gave a link to a Firestorm Support page. On there, I read the following .. "We get asked a lot about what to set cache size to; the simple answer is to set it to the maximum possible in the viewer, as long as you have room on your hard drive. In Firestorm, the cache size can be increased to 9,984 MB." As it happens, I use the LL Viewer; out of curiosity, I took a look at my Cache size in Preferences. It is set at 512 MB - which must either be a default or a judgement as to what is appropriate for my PC (similar to the Graphics settings they give you). That 512 MB seems quite low to me and I am planning to increase it. Beyond the considerations of what else one uses the computer for (ie.files and programs other than SL), is there any downside to increasing Cache? [if it is relevant to my query, these are my machine's specs:- Processor: Intel® Core i3-4150 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50GHz RAM: 8 GB Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 OS: Windows7 ] Recently the process of fetching things from an area that isn't cached have been made far more efficient, and the cache system itself is pretty inefficient as caching systems go. The recommendation on the Firestorm page was written before the changes to the fetching system were made. You might want to do some experimenting and comparison tests before you commit to the large cache; you may be surprised.
  15. PersistentDigger wrote: I often hear (in Local Chat) other avatars saying they are going to log off, clear cache and log back in again. Now, if I TP to a different sim/parcel, it can often take a little while for the textures and meshes (especially avatar bodies) to either change from grey or become visible. I am thinking that this must be my cache getting re-populated. Myself, I just wait. Can anyone give me an Idiot's guide to this matter? OR pass on a Link to an imformative page. Clearing cache was a recommended cure-all a few years ago when the system for sending information back and forth was less reliable. It's seldom necessary now and actually slow things down most of the time. Some people still do it out of habit but it is only useful in limited circumstances. There are actually two separate caches - one for textures and one for the local index of your inventory. Clearing the texture cache is only useful if some of the textures in it are somehow corrupt or incorrect - i.e. radically different from how they should look. This happens sometimes but it's quite seldom and you'll see when it happens. Clearing your inventory cache can be useful if some of your items appear to be missing from your inventory, but clearing it out of habit will just make it more likely that the complete index won't arrive in the first place.
  16. Tenly wrote: I set my environment settings to custom. yet every single time I log in I have to set it AGAIN. is there someplace in preferences I didnt think of where I can set it and leave it so its not something I have to do every single time I log in? You need to use a debug setting to make the settings stick now - pull up the debug settings window from the Advanced menu and set "EnvironmentPersistAcrossLogin" to TRUE.
  17. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: You say that as if there could only be one fee system. One of the big changes they talked about with Sansar will be accounts with varying levels of "trust" and more robust tying of accounts to real-world people, at least with "highly trusted" ones. It should be very possible to have some accounts paying very little up-front with higher commissions (better for small hobbyist creators) and others paying more up-front in exchange for lower commissions (better for those whose virtual business is their real-world job.) I think you are reading into that way too much. Nowhere was this even remotely hinted at, that different merchants would pay different rates. What I think you are talking about has to do with who has more abilities. 1 of those abilities is selling items. Every single person selling items will need to have information about themselves available. I'm pretty sure that was the point of the "trust" convo. They also never said they wouldn't have different merchants pay different rates and they'd be foolish not to. In fact, they already do just that - you can either have a Marketplace store and pay 5% commission, or an inworld store and pay 0% commission while paying a certain fixed amount each week/month/whatever that will eventually make its way back to the Lab.
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: Spica Inventor wrote: Sounds like sales tax about 30% and improved land in the form of size and maybe increased pixels at a cost of probably $100 a month instead of $295. 50% and $10 respectively would be much better. 1 free relatively small plot of land per account would be best as another option. 30% sales tax! That is outrageous! If Ebbe takes that line, then you will see me publicly telling every creator I know to avoid Sansar, on my Youtube page. Laughably, my last video, about Bento, got more views than anyone else on the topic. My suggestion to LL would be a 15% sales tax, and sims at $50/month. Anything more than those numbers, and I will not be advocating for Sansar. You say that as if there could only be one fee system. One of the big changes they talked about with Sansar will be accounts with varying levels of "trust" and more robust tying of accounts to real-world people, at least with "highly trusted" ones. It should be very possible to have some accounts paying very little up-front with higher commissions (better for small hobbyist creators) and others paying more up-front in exchange for lower commissions (better for those whose virtual business is their real-world job.)
  19. examining wrote: ...myself. It shows now Merry Christmas! Quittance examining while in mysecondlife/profile/display name shows alright Quittance as I set it myself. It shows Merry Christmas! Quittance in both Firestorm and Sl viewer. How can this happen and what can I do? Tks If the "Merry Christmas!" is on the line above "Quittance" and in slightly smaller type it means that you're using a group tag that is displaying those words. You may have visited a region and joined a group, which will automatically change your group tag. If you go to the "Groups" panel you can change your active group to another one or select "None" and the text should change or go away. If you also see "examining" below "Quittance" in smaller type it means you're using a viewer setting that shows account names when someone's display name is different from their account name. This is an option that can be turned off in "Preferences." In both cases, your actual display name still is simply "Quittance" as it says in your profile.
  20. HarlleenQ wrote: Hello.I have a question .I couldnt google it so i better ask here.So the problem is i used same shape in two different outfits...i saved them.I made firt one with this shape and i changed appearance of shape as well to make it look more like the actual character i was building...i sved it...then made another one-different tho.Changed appearance of shape again and sved as different outfit..Now all my saved outfits with this kind of shape changed...Why so? How to save changes to prevent of changing this one shape in all outfits? Thank you The shape is an individual wearable object and you can create many separate ones. Saving the outfit doesn't save the parameters of that shape, it only sets a pointer to the shape you were wearing and if you change that shape it will be changed in all the outfits you make using it. Instead of using "Save", use "Save as..." and give the new shape a different name. This will allow you to use the changed shape in a new outfit while keeping the previous shape for the other outfits it was used for. If you know you're going to change the shape radically it is often a good idea to copy the shape first and work on the copy so you don't accidentally save changes for the original shape.
  21. Laika Ravikumar wrote: Which jacket was that if you don't mind me asking/ Thanks It's the "Revival" military jacket: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Addams-Revival-Military-Jacket-Green/8225677
  22. Jennifer Boyle wrote: I would like to have some layered fitmesh clothes. I am thinking of, for example, a jacket and shirt that woirk together, so I can wear the jacket over the shirt and can take the jacket off. It seems like that it would be possible for a designer to make two garments, one just slightly larger than the other, and make this work, but I have not seen it. Surely I am not the only person who wants such clothing. Addams just came out with a jacket specifically designed to layer over three of their tops.
  23. Trinity888 wrote: Good morning... An automatic upgrade on my Win10 has resulted in my SL viewer fonts all being reduced. It is VERY hard to see and wondering if there is any way of enlarging the font/view size. Thanks for any help with this. This JIRA report deals with that problem and has a workaround in the comments - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-11024
  24. Naiman Broome wrote: What I would really like and what I am waiting for since decade now its larger sims and better terrain tools .... hOw hard wuld be for them to provide that and of course without charging us double for it . Very. Simon Linden looked into it and enlarging regions in SL would be a nightmare because of how it was written.
  25. davidventer wrote: My system was running SL just fine before the Viewer 4 update, and now once again it's fine on Firestorm X64... This is NOT a hardware issue. And FYI, I play other games just fine, too, with great performance, not to mention my system specs far exceeds SL's system requirements. This is not about hardware; it's about software issues with the default SL Viewer 4 on the latest Mac OS X. So it was some other davidventer who wrote this on the Firestorm JIRA? davidventer added a comment - 11/Nov/15, 11:12 AM +0100 - edited I'm running OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 Beta (15C31f) and ALL SL viewers are extremely slow and crashy. I never ever see more than 8FPS no matter which viewer or graphic settings I use. This is not a Firestorm issue. Linden Lab needs to start using Metal instead of OpenGL in the main viewer codebase! We all need to **bleep** in the official Second Life Jira about this! Macs have been having issues with SL for quite a while. Many have been having issues since the viewer was updated to use Cocoa. Others with Nvidia graphics have been having problems since El Capitan. If using a 64 bit 3rd party viewer works? Use the 64 bit 3rd party viewer. Yes, it'll take them a while to update to CEF. MAAAYYYBEEE it would have been a good idea to not update your OS to a new version containing extensive graphics updates until it was shaken out for a while. Mac users are a niche market within the niche market of SL and it isn't realistic to expect a lot of Mac-specific attention. However, the source code is right here; have at it. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Get_source_and_compile
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