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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. M0rdresh wrote: Just installed this game today and could'nt believe my eyes on the level of performance my system gets. I have a i7-4470k@4,8Ghz, 16GB Ram and a Geforce GTX Titan and Samsung 840 Pro SSD. This rig runs about any game I can find it's sleep. However in second life I get between 40fps and 80fps, depending what I'm looking at, etc. Doesnt matter all that much if set it on mid or ultra. Now that is very concerning on that level of hardware, plus when in full game looking around and walking my Nvidia GPU has a usage of 12% and my CPU usage goes between 12% and 20%. Clearly this game is not using my hardware. Either I'm missing some game tweaking or this game has just about the worst optimised 3D engine I encountered in ahwile. What am I missing ? (I dont want to be arrogant, but Im 21 years active as an IT engineer and system builder, don't bother with the usual 'drivers', etc issue, I go that covered) It's the worst optimized 3D environment you've ever seen. SL was built by its residents - for every object in SL made by someone with a 3D game background, there are five made by artsy housewives, eighteen by teenagers with Asperger's syndrome and twenty-seven by middle-aged closet queens. All of these objects have to be crammed sideways through a 12-year old system architecture designed for a completely different world where some of the initial users accessed it by dial-up. No changes can be made to the rendering engine that might possibly break decade-old amateur-built environments that now look embarassing without a banshee-like wail coming from the users. That's not an attack on SL - I like it fine. That's just the way it is. The openness and history are major reasons why it's survived - other "better" virtual worlds have died without a trace or gone to quiet retirements in Muncie, Indiana. But it's just not going to blow the doors off applications made by professionals. Which may have their own issues: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?3822-UE-4-and-Oculus-Rift-Framerate-Optimization
  2. Jackson Redstar wrote: was wondering anybody know how to combat this issue - when viewing ocean from high above, like flying in a plane, with all the shaders on and deferred rendering on, the simes "blink" i tried turning off deferred, post prosses glow, reflections... but once the atmosphere shaders are on, it's blink city any suggestions to fix this? "Develop" menu --> "Rendering", then de-select "Object-Object Occlusion." It will slightly reduce your theoretical maximum framerate but I've been operating with it turned off for ages.
  3. AlexandriteGem wrote: My friend and I are freaked aout about a pop up saying "Congrstulations, you're pregnant and the father is..." or something like that. Went to that clinic and the pregnancy was confirmed. Don't like the thought of an abortion even in fantasy. So, I am supposedly on my second day. Do not have plans to buy any bellies or anything. What happens on the 9th day, really? Will I end up with a baby without havng to buy one? Will I have to buy a crib and all for him/her? Please explain this to me. Thank you On the ninth day ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will happen to you. You're on a list somewhere and you may get pop-up messages which will have utterly no effect on your Second Life. There is no "pregnancy" hard-wired into Second Life; anything having to do pregnancy is done with add-ons and roleplaying. If the pop-ups annoy you you can probably block them.
  4. Penny Patton wrote: Speaking of, I just noticed that Draw Weight doesn't discern between Masked and Blended alpha. That's a huge oversight if LL is planning to introduce a feature specifically designed to encourage less resource intensive avatars. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8427 What are you basing this statement on? I just put on a badly optimized hairstyle which gave my avatar a draw weight of over 80,000, changed the hairstyle to alpha masking, detached and reattached it, and my draw weight dropped to 25,000 with no other changes.
  5. Mion Aquila wrote: Absolutely none of my AO's are working. I've tried every one in several different areas, so it's not the issue of the area not being scripted. I've tried every one of my AO's, so it isn't a problem with any of the AO's themselves. I don't have to go into them and edit them. Nothing I look up is helping as everyone seems to be in an unscripted area or in need of editing their AO. Something else is wrong and I can't figure it out. I've tried logging on and off. I've tried turning my computer on and off again. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling my viewer. I've tried installing a different viewer. What on earth is wrong? Are you wearing anything (besides an AO) that contains an animation? Examples would be shoes with ankle locks, holdable bags, etc. A high-priority animation in a worn object could defeat a lower-priority AO.
  6. WanderleiMMA wrote: I was under the impression that changing an objects physic shape type from prim to convex hull would reduce the number of prims in an object thus reduce the land impact. That was until just a few minutes ago when I linked all the objects in my building together. I changed the buildings physic shape type from prim to convex hull right before linking all the peices, yet when I view it's prim count, it reads 24.... Shouldn't the prim count be reduced to zero? Prim counts will never be reduced to zero. "Prim" is used as shorthand for an object that can't be broken down into smaller objects - if the linkset was made from 24 sub-objects it will always say that as the prim count. However, the land impact score can be lower (or higher) than the prim count, and the land impact score is now used instead of prim count to determine the number and complexity of objects a lot can hold. Depending on the build, setting the physics type to convex hull can reduce the land impact, but there are other factors that can occur as well - for instance, with the new accounting that came in with convex hulls, conventional solid shapes (the legacy "prims") usually score lower but a sculpt usually scores higher.
  7. Alexandrea Fride wrote: Hi, I am creating a bus route using Pathfinding Already got half way in making it it now issue i am havin is Whenever i rez the so called bus that has the character for pathfinding in it sim would drop down to 40FPS+- Continue if the bus stops (on ceretan bus stops it calls llDeleteCharacter()) sim go back to 45fps when it moves again drop back to 40fps Now at first i thought this is cause of Pathfinding BUT when i rez the bus or bus cross sims over to next door sim that sim is FINE and has its max of 45fps and no issues whatsoever I have try'd restarting the sim it had no luck, checked sim for other characters there is non Anyone knows this issue? When the sim calculates a pathfinding character it has to assume that any objects in the sim may be movable unless it's told otherwise. If you have a lot of objects that means a lot of calculating because it has to check every object's position every frame. However, you can edit your region in the "Pathfinding" - "Linksets" menu and tell it that certain objects aren't movable so they won't have to be calculated. That will reduce the load considerably and should bring your framerate back up.
  8. Sassy Romano wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: I think what really needs to happen, besides LL putting some kind of limit in, is that consumers need to demand that all avatars sold on the Marketplace have draw weights.. Anything that does not stay super high detail when zoomed in is considered blocky trash, just like the SL avatar and while it may not be the most super smooth optimised geometry, instead, in the pursuit of smoothing out a few places, people prefer to resort to replacement mesh bodies which themselves have lots of higher geometry scripted faces and in some cases, to cover multiple clothing layers, they have multiple versions of the same thing. Oh how we've progressed! There are people on the forum who keep saying that as far as draw weights, "MESH IS TEH DEBBIL! WAU!" Could someone please point me to some actual numbers to say that mesh is the culprit? When I compare mesh items to their equivalent sculpty items most mesh items have lower draw weights. Sure, there are some bad meshes but they just aren't the norm as far as I can tell. I remember sitting in a meeting watching people with draw weights over 200,000 while wearing no mesh at all saying what you're saying.
  9. Amethyst Damour wrote: hi all i'm looking for hair that goes with the lolas boobs as a lot of my old hairs kinda sink in the boobs now any suggestions of shops that do this would be great ty Amethyst Alice Project offers multiple sizes for just about all of their hairstyles that reach bust level and Mina generally offers "regular" and "boobs" styles within each hairstyle.
  10. Charli Infinity wrote: don't be touchy i wonder sometime how people can be on sl everday all the time. like here or the other forum, flickr and on blogs literally on everyday how many hours a day you spend on sl on average? Charli Infinity's average daily post count for February: somewhat over two.
  11. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I've been seeing the disconnect-on-TP problem for what seems like a long time, certainly since the CDN went active. Would sim-crossing failures be related? There's been a tendency for people to say to me "It's your connection!", and the possible coincidence of CDN did have me checking with my ISP, but they were not slowing down data packets from CDN nodes. There used to be a lot of warnings about the bad effects of UDP and TCP/IP running in parallel. In the end I gave up on trying to figure it out. Nothing in my control seemed to be misbehaving, yet other people would always blame my systems, not their own. I can appreciate the temptation: I see the mirror of that, and it always looks like your fault. I'm not sure what "capabilities" means, but there's enough similarity in the problems that I wonder if we have all been buried in a large and stinking pile of red herrings. 1) You've been mentioning frequent sim-crossing issues for years. 2) UDP and TCP/IP have also been running parallel for years (i.e. HTTP textures and inventory.) 3.) And yet, not everybody has the same problems. In fact what seems like the lion's share of problems on this particular forum are brought up by the same handful of people, who are mostly in the UK.
  12. Charli Infinity wrote: are mesh head and body now the standard does nearly everyone wear them Not even close.
  13. RyoSaeba Bourne wrote: i buyed a weeding ring, the title says set of rings, the details says the are 4 rings in the set, wedding rings and engagement rings but soon as i open the box it only came whit one. now i contact the merchant and says im drunk. that is not a 4 set ring is just one! but in the title or product details says a totally different story. If you bought it on the Marketplace you can place a review and also flag it as "not as advertised." However, you should check your reciept to make sure you actually bought what you thought.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Vulpinus wrote: Wow... just, wow! Talk about rubbing people up the wrong way. Sorry I pushed your buttons - not! Bottom line: the way groups are *now* being used makes them a perfect spam-list maker, should anyone want to do that. What's wrong with saying that? Or, should we all just accept what LL feeds us and not make anything other than positive oh-thank-you comments? Just because you (or I) have an opinion does not make it right for everyone else. No, it's actually not why I asked the question. It was more about personal privacy matters (not even mine) and using a group is essential to the purpose. So, get off you aggressive high horses folks - you don't impress me. Try to discuss matters with at least a little decorum. Ok, I'm going to put the onus on you. How exactly does having the names listed make them "perfect spam-list makers?" If you walk through the steps necesary to convert them into a "spam list," and then spam everyone, you'd find that in fact it would be extremely cludgy to do. Think it through. And it would certainly be more work then sending out a spam notice in group chat, which you could do whether you knew the names of the group members or not.
  15. 99HarleyRider wrote: Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it. You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!! REMOVE IMMEDIATELY or further action will be taken!!! Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure: http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.
  16. I bet you've got an AMD video card and updated the drivers about when this started happening. New AMD video card drivers don't support the OpenGL calls Second Life uses; their older drivers do, however. If you have an AMD video card the best solution is to install the OpenGL information from an older driver version into the Second Life directory. More info and techniques listed here: https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/latest-amd-catalyst14-12-drivers-continue-sl-rigged-mesh...
  17. Horatio Scholessinger wrote: hi looking at land auctions and ive seen a plot of land wondering how much the monnthley tier would be the plot is Inspire (74,20) Moderate 1536m hope u can help me If you aren't using the 512 square meter allowance of your premium membership and don't own a Linden house, it will be $8 per month (512 from membership plus the 1024 sm tier level.)
  18. VirtuallyUntamed wrote: I think there is a vilation of TOS, there had been seen man(i have his name for Linden to know who) doing sexual activities with a child avitar. Who do i report this to? From the viewer: "Help" menu -> "Report Abuse" Then when the dialog comes up hit "Select Category" and select "Age > Ageplay" Fill in all the information then. It will simplify things if you are on the region where you saw the violation occur. In addition to the name, you should include the date and time if its after the fact.
  19. Lexbot Sinister wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Lexbot Sinister wrote: I don't get why they can't just remove the offending picture and send a warning. A ban for a picture is pretty excessive. The message goes through just as well with a warning, that if you do it again, then ban. Alienates fewer paying customers, too. Because you really don't want to ban out your moneycows for a minor transgression. Well, just like RL, if you walk around with a picture of your junk on your shirt the authorities will arrest you if someone reports you. Having a dikpic on your profile is essentially the same thing. I would say thats very doubtful, that a cgi image of a dick would get you arrested, without prior warning, like "cover it up or you are coming with us". Do anatomically correct statues get arrested? Also, as far as i understand, it wasn't a profile picture but a pick picture. That requires an active action of clicking on the profile and going through the picks to see it, which is not correct with the shirt analogy. It's definitely stupid to ban customers for minor things that they could receive a warning for. Same effect (picture removed and action not repeated) but a lot, lot less badwill. We don't know what actually happened - judging from the tone of the OP, it may well be that multiple toes were stepped on over time, resulting in a series of AR's for various incidents. It's interesting that the ban's length increased, for instance.
  20. The basic unit of property is a square 4 meters by 4 meters - all lots are made up of various numbers of squares of land this size. You can either count these squares or rezz a cube and stretch it until it hits the property lines, taking note of its dimensions. There are also probably scripted items to make this automatic as well.
  21. Loralinda wrote: So I logged in the first time today with Singularity, and I'm transported to never never land that is all Second Life viewer and not Singularity. The log in is different, the menus are the SL viewer and I'm lost. I assumed it was some new jumped up version of Singularity, but then I noticed the SL hand in the upper left corner. So I logged out and logged in using Singularity again. And again I was stuck in a Second Life viewer. I tell you, I came close to ending it all (not really) but reason won out and I decided to uninstall Singularity and reinstall it from the website again. Voila! It's back to good old Singularity as I know it. Can anyone explain what the hell happened?!! It's Wednesday today which means LL did restarts yesterday. Could that have screwed it up? Did you by chance log in from a map link/SLURL rather than doing it directly from a shortcut, etc.? Map links and SLURL's often load from the last viewer installed. Did you try a LL viewer beta or something similar in the interim?
  22. VillaDiVerona wrote: Thanks Daisy for your reply, my parcel is in mainland and has 16128 sqm on this island where the attacks are occurring. My parcel is neighbor to a river of LINDEN LABS, and by default the areas of LINDEN allow execution of scripts, and objects. But I'm going to buy the script that I suggested, a "limiter script" but I don't think that will have permissions to eject who's in the area that belongs to LINDEN. I will try. Thank you all. Worn scripts shouldn't be able to slow down a region significantly with the way script time is assigned. If this is what's happening, take out a JIRA under the "Security" topic and give them details about how this is happening - it will get more attention.
  23. Vulpinus wrote: Thanks for the confirmation. I really think that's atrociously poor security on the part of LL. It's akin to an advertising email shot being CC'd, revealing all the recipients to everyone, instead of BCC'd. I'm surprised it's not been said before... it probably has, but my seaches haven't found it. Anyway, such is (second) life. There are other ways of doing what it sounds like you want - subscriber lists instead of group membership for those only getting information, separate groups for some functions, etc. What would be poor security is having people you don't trust in a group in the first place.
  24. Assuming your outfits are in your "My Outfits" folder or are otherwise set up using links, you can: 1) Set up one outfit with the head correctly positioned, etc. and save it. 2) Open your inventory and go to "My Outfits." 3) Open the folder with the outfit you just saved and select the link for the head. 4) Drag and drop that link into each outfit folder you want to use the head with. Do the same with any necessary alphas, etc. You can drag-and-drop multiple files at once. Doing that will mean you don't need to metaphysically "wear" each outfit to add the head. Next time you put on the other outfits the head will automatically be attached
  25. goodgirl769 wrote: whae can be done to stop this? With recent viewers you can right-click on one of the floating images and select "Block owner."
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