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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Otavien Aquila wrote: I sold a very large portion of my land just 3 days ago leaving me with 512m which is minimum for a premium account holder, although the other portion is still showing up in my current landholdings and my tier fee hasn't changed? Can someone tell me the issue? Also I sold the land to my friend for 0L$ I don't know if that makes a difference or not... Did your friend actually buy the land or did you just put it on sale and reserve it in their name? Your friend will need to go to the land, right click on it and select "buy" or it will still be in your name.
  2. Laurent Bechir wrote: Hello, I've seen around several mesh bodies (Mesh Project, Maitreya, Belleza), each one with its own developer kit. You have also Sli nk appliers, ... How do clothes designer manage to create clothing for all those bodies, appliers, ... without getting head aches ? On top of that each one of those bodies is quite expensive. I'd like to know the experience of designers doing clothes for mesh bodies on how they manage their creations to fit with these bodies. Are they doing appliers for all of them ? Are they choosing one mesh body brand for all their creations ? I hope I'm clear with my question, but don't hesitate to ask for precisions if my question is not clear enough Thank you Almost all mesh bodies/body parts use texture maps that are laid out the same way that the old system clothing textures are, so you can use very similar or identical textures to what you use for system clothing. The big thing an applier does is allow the texture to "talk" to the body without needing to give away too much proprietary information about either the body part or the clothing texture to the other party or the consumer. Each applier is therefore very similar to all of the others and can generally use the same textures. Some clothing makers use one HUD that can apply textures to many different bodies. Fitted rigged mesh has to be properly rigged for each individual body though because they all use somewhat different weights and base meshes. Some of the mesh body makers have development kits for mesh clothing makers and some don't.
  3. Tattorack wrote: First off, wanna say "Hi"! Despite knowing about it for a long time... basically when it first came out, I never joined Second Life till now. So I'me very new and quite curious as to what all the hubbub is about with this thing ^^ Right, now to my problem. Now my laptop isn't very high end to begin with. It has a 1.4Ghz AMD processor with an integrated graphics card. The most impressive on the thing is its 4GBs of avaible RAM. Also, I'm running Ubuntu, lates avaible (14.04 I believe). When I looked up the minimum requirements for this game it said this: 512Ghz Processor 1GB RAM ATI HD 4000 (or something like that, not sure what it said for the gpu). Game Debate gives me a Golden Tick for RAM and CPU power and a Grey Tick for GPU power, I should be able to easily run this at full speed in the lowest settings at least. But I'm getting major lag. As in 5-10 fps lag! Also, when I start up the game the player says I'm way below minimum requirements. I did a bit of reading and found out that there are different players out there for the same game, perhaps there's one thats a little less demanding for Ubuntu? Thanks in advance for any help ^^ The minimum requirements basically allow you to log in and sit quietly in a not-very-elaborate area, which you are able to do. Also, I'm not sure where you got those minimum requirements - there are updated ones under "help" on this web page. With a 1.4 mhz processor you're not going to have an acceptable experience. Period. If your Internet is fast you may be able to use a service called OnLive that does the processing remotely and streams to you; however, I don't know if they have a Unix client.
  4. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Annie Rubanis wrote: I'd love to put the creator's initials here but actually like their work. I've purchased TONS of items from her but am now banned because maybe her feelings were hurt. This is pathetic. We already know who it is, sugar - she's even quicker on the rant than you. That thread get deleted or something? Or am I just not looking in the right places? The thread is gone; names were named. So we have an incident that resulted in two people giving their opinions. Both have been silenced because of how they chose to do it. Both have started forum threads to make some sort of point. Both have only managed to make themselves look worse. Yep.
  5. Canoro Philipp wrote: the customer shared a drawback she found about the item, that by not having that security feature, she have the problem that is having now, if that feature would have been added, in her perspective the value of the product would be justified, the fact that the product is exposed to this kind of problems, its a drawback of the item, and therefore, her review is compatible with the purpose of the review system. The purpose of reviews is twofold: first, to inform other buyers or potential buyers about the merits, drawbacks, and uses of the item; and second, to provide feedback on the seller's customer service. if the purpose of deleting the review is because the creator dont agree about the value with the reviewer, than deleting the review was wrong from Linden Lab, it should delete only comments that are not compatible with the purpose of the review system. it is also wrong to ban someone for writing a negative perspective that is compatible with the purpose of the review system, only because the creator disagree about the price. im sure many who visit the store may disagree about prices, the OP got banned because she dare to express it in a way that Linden Lab finds acceptable. What would you think of a one-star review of a real-world electric iron that said, "This iron is dangerous! I ironed my shirt while I was wearing it and I burned myself really badly?"
  6. SaraCarena wrote: Thanks for the tip :smileyhappy: , not sure I can use the minimap in the way you describe coz I`m on sl viewer atm. I banged my head against that crossing for a while including using the kart in inventory library, some of the results were hillarious but 100% fail. Anyway I added it to this jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7964#comment-458586 Not sure if I`m just being unlucky recently in the number of bad crossings or there are actually more of them, shrugs. I've seen some regions get to a point that vehicle travel in and out of them is impossible - I took out a ticket on one and the support staffer said that it had gotten "out of sync" with its neighbors but it was fixable with region restarts - the fix possibly included coordinated restarts for multiple regions.
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: it seems that the customer admired the quality of the products, and brought them frequently, it seems it found fault on the characteristics of that product alone, thats the hardship, the customer will not have access to the quality s/he admires. the loss of benefits to the merchant, is that it will lose a frequent customer that probably invest a good amount of lindens, if the price of the products were high due to the quality, and was probably thinking in investing much more. The customer left a one star review based only on the fact that the item was 1) costly and 2) no-copy, both of which were clearly spelled out in the item description. The review was actually posted here on the forums for a while.
  8. Canoro Philipp wrote: as the results of the information i gathered, the merchant, when it noticed that a customer wrote a bad review, took revenge against the unpleased customer by banning it from their store. that doesn't sound ethic. when a merchant sell its products in the marketplace, it has to accept the fact that many people may find the products unfavorable, and as a result, they are going to use the review system to express it, that is a fact that may be unavoidable. the merchant has to accept that the risk is there. Linden Lab grants the customer the right to express its inconformity, by doing business in the marketplace, the merchant should accept the risks. if the customer was banned for another reason that it was not because of the review, than i think i dont have that part of the information to have a more clear judgement of the situation. If the customer found the merchant's products unfavorable, why would their not being able to go there be a hardship? Wouldn't it actually a benefit, so they wouldn't run the risk of buying something else unfavorable accidentally?
  9. Suki Hirano wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Edit shape doesn't work on all mesh bodies, and even when it does, only some of the sliders work. False. Every single slider works. Unless you're using an old non-fitted mesh body which I'm unsure even exists. False false. Almost all face sliders won't work.
  10. Qie Niangao wrote: Yeah that sign is offensive, but it's less directly-targeted harassment than the tower was, so you may be back to ARs for Encroachment, which may or may not get any attention. Presumably, they intend to libel you as anti-Semitic, but I can't imagine any Jew looking at that without being revolted by its equating the Holocaust with some insignificant SL spat. For whatever it's worth, I found it offensive enough to file an AR in the "Intolerance" category. Right about now it sure would be handy if there were a way to auto-return objects that merely encroach (as you asked about recently). It would be handy if llReturnObjectsByOwner() would work on encroaching objects -- and I've never tried it, but I suspect it's based on object origin, as is auto-return. If it were my property, I'd give it a try anyway, and if it didn't work, I might file a Jira. I filed a (private) JIRA about the inability to return/stop these objects and it has just been accepted as an internal LL issue.
  11. sooooora wrote: I recently IMed someone using a smartphone application named Lumyia. But when I loged in on computer, the chat log has disappeared. Can you please restore again the chat log I had with 77moon on Feb 11, 2015? Chat logs are stored by the viewer you were using at the time and not by the servers. If Lumiya didn't keep a copy of the log you can try to get one from the other person in the conversation.
  12. Annie Rubanis wrote: I left a negative review of a very popular home and furniture designer's creation (wicker outdoor furniture set) and stated it was because they charged entirely too much for a no copy item. My review was removed and I was banned from the sim. I find this outrageous and petty. I'd love to put the creator's initials here but actually like their work. I've purchased TONS of items from her but am now banned because maybe her feelings were hurt. This is pathetic. We already know who it is, sugar - she's even quicker on the rant than you.
  13. Perrie Juran wrote: /me sighs. All this work on a panacea for a cure and not one ounce of work spent by LL on teaching basic health habits. Why is LL so afraid to tell people it's a good idea to wash your hands before you eat? Preventative medicine is always so much cheaper than a hospital stay. Any education initiative will only reach those: 1) Capable of understanding it. 2) Interested enough to pay attention aaannnnddd.... 3) Not convinced that they know better already. Everything I've seen suggests that the percentage of SL users who meet these three criteria is teensy-weensy-bobeensy - in other words, the same percentage as those in RL who meet those criteria and are old enough to access SL.
  14. The permission to allow other users to "edit your objects" only applies to objects rezzed in world. It won't allow them to edit things in your inventory or (I think) ones you're wearing.
  15. M0rdresh wrote: It's quite arrogant to state that, I have respect for those that are in any business for that long and I think twice before lecturing them on very basic elements such as rendering frames. I don’t go by the notion you can properly asses my knowledge so no offense taken, I enjoy this debate and written words sound harsh and often lack the appropriate connotation. I didn't say that you didn't know what you're talking about, did I? Now here's the source code; make yourself useful. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Get_source_and_compile
  16. M0rdresh wrote: I'm not going to spoil anymore words on the notion whether the 3D engine of Second Life is optimized for today's (and even yesterdays) hardware or not, that seems clearly not the case to me and many others having read up on several forums. Furthermore I think my 21 years of professional experience in IT and development is sufficient to judge that, without some lesson on how a frame is rendered but thanks anyway. Nobody said it was. And I'm no expert in computers, but in my years of using computers I've heard plenty of "experts" say things that are flat-out wrong because they think they know more than they really do.
  17. AirekSlayton wrote: I've been a member of SL for over a year and am familiar with groups, but for some reason for the past couple of days I can't seem to activate any group tag, even for groups I've created. Is there something up with SL or even Firestorm? I need certain group tags for certain activities (of course) but for now i'm just stuck on the sidelines... Do you have the display of group tags turned off? It's a setting in Preferences.
  18. Aeriabella wrote: Where is the Fantasy Carnival being held, and can anyone go? For weeks I have been hearing about this, and when I tried to teleport to a location, it said I didn't have access to it. Really? Nobody wants my Lindens? Can someone please fill me in one these kind of events and how we can attend them? Thank you. It looks like a gacha event. If the region says you don't have access that means the people running the event haven't finished setting things up so it isn't open to the public yet. If it's a really popular event it's likely that you'll find the region full most of the time the first few days at least; however, you can keep trying and also try to find the gacha items at various "yard sales" elsewhere in-world.
  19. gamesreporter wrote: Almost any of the skill games are games of chance according the LL definitions. All those games have been approved to be skill games by LL. There are grid-wide 10000s of those machines in operation. There are operators who have invested up to 100000 USD into the gaming business. A business based by approval on 10000fold violations of the approval rules in bold print. So probably by far the biggest case of rule violation in all of SL. All year round. Forever and ever. Report LL to LL? Report to LL a business with profit to LL? Business based on 10000fold violations against guidelines in bold print. Someone has to bring that up. This matter needs people, not a single AR or email to LL ending up in a trash folder. People with backbone. People who dont look away when community rules are violated. People who know what to do. Hopefully one day someone will know what to do. And hopefully will be in the position to do it. The people you are trying to "protect" do not want to be protected. They're crying because it's more difficult for them to use these blatant money pits. Dulcinea laughs at you, at least behind your back and probably to your face. Rocinante tolerates your adventures because he's reached the point that it just doesn't matter anymore. And I know that you won't listen to this, any more than those you're trying to reach will listen to you. I'm only writing this to look witty.
  20. M0rdresh wrote: My post is not about Rift bugs, going by my experience with a lot existing games that are adapting this technology they have done a very good job at GUI remoddeling (best I've seen) and whatnot, credit where credit is due for sure. My post is about severe under par performance compared to the hardware capability, in short the 3D engine limits a Ferrari to maximum speed of 40km/uur while it capable of 100x that. That is what my thead is about, nothing to do with Rift bugs. But very good to know they seem to be working on resource usage, thanks for that info. I'll give it a shot and email them with my story, maybe they can help me and I can help them with a little feedback. You seem to be under the impression that your "percentages" are simple linear things. Rendering a frame is a complex chain of operations done by many non-interchangeable processes and once any of those processes hits its limit any theoretical excess capacity in the rest of the chain is useless as teats on a boar hog for practical purposes. For instance, your Ferrari will blow the doors off of a Kenworth W900 when both are unloaded; however, when you connect a loaded trailer to both the Kenworth will embarass you because the Ferrari can't produce the necessary torque and never will whether or not its being run up to its RPM limit. The total load on your CPU and video card are low but that doesn't mean that they aren't running as hard as they can at any one point in the chain.
  21. Clyde Tyles wrote: How do I lower my avatar closer to the floor? Sometimes you can lower yourself by either wearing a different shoe base or editing the one you're wearing as well - "platform height" is usually a useful value to edit for this.
  22. Deahdii wrote: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AC-Floral-SeamLicoriceFor-Classic-Avatars-Slink-Physique-Belleza-Venus-Maitreya-Lara-and-Omega/6308845?id=6308845&slug=AC-Floral-SeamLicoriceFor-Classic-Avatars-Slink-Physique-Belleza-Venus-Maitreya-Lara-and-Omega This is the link of pantyhose. The problem is that it was completely black, not transparent as pictured. It is for the body phisyque or a mistake? Help me please? The pantyhose is beautiful! If the clothing layer you're applying it on offers a "1 bit" or "alpha masking" option, you should NOT use it with a product like this. That option will make some types of things render more reliably but it will prevent something like a pair of stockings from being transparent.
  23. Sarphy wrote: http://puu.sh/fJSl1/bcb6fe92e6.jpg I don't know what the issue is, it works perfectly fine on my laptop and work computer. But for some reason whenever I close it on my main machine it just distorts the colour on my screen. Is this a common issue? GPU: GTX 660 OC CPU: AMD 6350 6 core. Do you use "f.lux" or a similar screen-color-controlling program? Custom f.lux color profiles can cause problems like you're seeing.
  24. Freya Mokusei wrote: I also disagree with the general premise - mentioned a few times in this thread - that relying on user generated content means having to settle for poor optimisation of the output and lower performance. That's just an excuse to save LL from difficult maths and conversations they don't want to have with the userbase (at this point, I think the SL economy is based entirely on denying there are limitations to inventory size and rendering complexity). It's more than possible to create an environment that runs quickly and doesn't punish observers for the mistakes of inept creators, SL just isn't that place. Gee, maybe they should just make a new place. Oh wait, they are...
  25. namssab1nad Piers wrote: In case you do not know. The Super Bowl Shark design is protected under intellectual property (copyright) laws. Katy Perry's lawyer recently issued a cease and desist letter (DMCA) to a person on Shapeways website making a 3D model of the shark. It was removed immedietly. If anybody in SL does make one and Katy Perry's company finds out about it, they can have it removed from SL completely. That includes not just the one in the creators inventory, but from everyones inventory that bought one. I doubt you will ever see one in SL. If one does appear, I doubt it will be around long. It wasn't a proper DMCA and there are those calling BS. She can probably control her name being used but not the idea of a blue shark costume itself: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150209/11373729960/left-shark-bites-back-3d-printer-sculptor-hires-lawyer-to-respond-to-katy-perrys-bogus-takedown.shtml
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