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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Customer buys an item in world and pays $200L Customer gets the product Merchant receives $200L MERCHANT PAYS TIER/RENT ON IN-WORLD STORE Customer buys an item on MP and pays $200L Customer gets the product Merchant receives $190L MERCHANT DOESN'T NEED TO PAY ANYTHING ELSE And there are those of us that do both... What is your point? I edited my previous post to clarify that.
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Customer buys an item in world and pays $200L Customer gets the product Merchant receives $200L MERCHANT PAYS TIER/RENT ON IN-WORLD STORE Customer buys an item on MP and pays $200L Customer gets the product Merchant receives $190L MERCHANT DOESN'T NEED TO PAY ANYTHING ELSE Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It is the Merchant who paid the fee, not the customer. The only way the customer would have paid would be if they paid $210L for the item which is not allowed by the LL terms which forbid pricing the dress higher than the inworld price. If LL wanted the customer to pay the fee they would allow merchants to increase the cost by an amount equal to the fee. The fee is overhead for the merchant in the same way any other cost of doing business is, such as upload fees, and the costs of anything the merchant buys to make the item which all come out of gross profit. A merchant doesn't make any money (net profit) unless the gross profit exceeds the overhead. Many merchants don't make enough gross profit to cover their expenses and have to pay out of their own pocket for any losses. The "fee" isn't "overhead," because they don't "pay" it. Any money that comes in from a Marketplace sale is net profit. You can't assume that the same item would have ever sold in-world in the first place. I had my eye on a SL bicycle, but I couldn't really justify paying the list price so I didn't buy it. This weekend that merchant had a half-off sale and I decided that I would buy it. Did the merchant "pay a fee" to get me to buy it? They theoretically didn't get the money I would have spent if it had stayed at full price, but they made a sale they wouldn't otherwise have made.
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: irihapeti wrote: pay as in pay for the service when nobody buys anything from the shopkeeper then is no fee to pay if shopkeeper had to pay rent or a product listing fee then can say the shopkeeper pays (for the service). But they dont so customers pays You really don't understand how things work.. The customer BUYS things from merchants.. The merchants PAY fees to LL. Many merchants do PAY for product listings. The customer is not PAYING anything to LL. Okay, let's see here... Marketplace transaction - Customer pays Linden Labs, who then take a cut and then give the rest to the putative "merchant". Afterwards - customer has FEWER Lindens. Linden Lab has MORE Lindens. Merchant has MORE Lindens. So, who's "paying" again? You must have missed the beginning where they said the merchant pays nothing to LL the customer pays for everything. They customer is buying something, they are getting a product for their $L. The merchant is paying LL a 5% cut of each sale for? a poorly set up and maintained Marketplace? one filled with freebies and spam? where you have to use Boolean filters to get rid of DEMOS? a MP where listing enhancements are random? Yeah.. totally worth it. Then don't use it.
  4. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: irihapeti wrote: pay as in pay for the service when nobody buys anything from the shopkeeper then is no fee to pay if shopkeeper had to pay rent or a product listing fee then can say the shopkeeper pays (for the service). But they dont so customers pays You really don't understand how things work.. The customer BUYS things from merchants.. The merchants PAY fees to LL. Many merchants do PAY for product listings. The customer is not PAYING anything to LL. Okay, let's see here... Marketplace transaction - Customer pays Linden Labs, who then take a cut and then give the rest to the putative "merchant". Afterwards - customer has FEWER Lindens. Linden Lab has MORE Lindens. Merchant has MORE Lindens. So, who's "paying" again?
  5. Pamela Galli wrote: Thanks Coby -- at this point my best guess is that there is no viewer setting the equivalent of the old Fast Alpha, but then I dont know why I rarely see the alpha bug and my customer does. And I still dont know why Alpha Masking would not be effective for her. If the customer wears mesh hair and you don't that would make a big difference in their perception. With the way most mesh hair is made it will have an alpha sorting issue in front of transparent textures fairly often.
  6. "Derendering" as is used in Second Life only means that something isn't drawn in one person's viewer. If someone derenders you they can't see you but it doesn't affect anyone else or do anything to the actual representation of your avatar on the servers.
  7. TimeofSand wrote: Like it says above in the title. Is there a button I can press or something where only the people in my friends list can comment or message me and not random people not on my friends list? Under "Preferences" - "Chat" you can select "Only friends and groups can call/IM me." That will control IM's. For your web profile you can call it up and click the bottom "gear" button, then go to the "Privacy" tab. That will control what goes on with your profile feed.
  8. Aethelwine wrote: I would have thought a sensible company would contact their customer, explain what was wrong and support them making the necessary changes rather than just banning them. And then being cryptic, superior and unhelpful on support channels when he is trying to find out what the problem is. It sounds like the Lab did contact them but the E-mail was probably eaten by a hyperactive spam filter. And it's interesting to note that the OP previously posted that he found the user support from Caspervend (one of the largest vendor/rental system makers in SL) "more than lacking" too. There seems to be a pattern forming...
  9. It looks like the land was deeded to a group instead of being owned in your name. When deeded land is sold the purchase price is sent to the group - go to the "Groups" panel for that group and look at "Land/Assets." It should show the amount paid as a "credit." It will then be distributed to everyone listed as having the power to "Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends." If you DON'T want others in the group to get a distribution edit their roles and uncheck the box next to that option. I believe the next payout day is today (January 31).
  10. The ban almost certainly had nothing to do with where you were at the time. It takes quite a while for LL to act on abuse reports and the report was probably sent in days earlier. As far as the E-mails, some ISP's have been known to auto-block Second Life's auto-emailer account so the E-mails wouldn't even reach your spam box.
  11. Michaelatv Destiny wrote: Ok, installed firestorm latest 64 bit version, the video plug in works ok, but every avatar is missing many if not all its clothes, legs or heads, My avatar is fully rendered, but the others i see have completely missing bodies or holes you can see through. next step? haha Sounds like an issue with the current video drivers for AMD video cards. Fix described here: https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/latest-amd-catalyst14-12-drivers-continue-sl-rigged-mesh-woes/#comment-40190 Meanwhile, weren't you the one who was saying that owning regions was far too expensive for someone on a fixed income like yourself? Why are we bothering giving you advice? You don't even listen to yourself.
  12. babbalooba wrote: I'm still having problems with unpacking boxes. When I want to click and drag the item to the ground, it won't let me if I just click on its closed folder. Instead I have to first open its folder, then drag the revealed contents to the ground. That's ok if the contents is one item, but I recently bought a pair of pants, which, when I opened the folder had about seven boxes within it. I then had to drag each of these to the ground and open them separately, then copy each to the inventory, which had the effect of creating seven different folders in inventory. So, to wear these pants I would have to click on each of these folders, and it's just too crazy. I can't believe this is right...help? Also, once things are copied into inventory, is it usual to delete them from Received items? The multiple boxes were probably either: 1) Different sizes for the same pants Or... 2) Different colors for the same pants. In either case you only need to open the boxes that are appropriate for what you want to wear at that time. To actually put the pants on (assuming they're mesh pants, which is what they sound like), you just need to wear the single object that represents the size and color you want and then (usually) wear an alpha layer under them.
  13. zippidy Serendipity wrote: I have had this mysteriouse tag in my profile for over a year but all the time is totally undeletable and if its default why wouldnt others I know have it in thier profile tags as well? Is this a taboo? Its my premium acct,like a taboo. what can I do about this now? That tag is perfectly ordinary code that's part of the SL "address" of a sim. My guess is that you tried teleporting or clicking on a location link when you had the "interests" dialog box open and it got put in there accidentally. I don't think it's removable because you can't currently delete interests with special characters in them and the "%20"'s may count as special characters, but it should be completely harmless.
  14. Sunna Gears wrote: Why are the land prices at the Linden waters so insane expensive? It's simply impossible to buy a simple parcel without paying 100k or 200k (if not more)! Retorical question of course, because it's because of that there is only a limited amount of waterfront regions in SL that are connected to the Linden waters. So That made me think of why Lindenlab does not create a a whole new see area with more land around it? Second life should be about "your world, your imagination", but those prices and the limited amound of land (and sea/Linden waters) makes that sort of impossible. I love sailing in SL and love to own a nice waterfront parcel that is connected to for example the Blake Sea, but thats just impossible because it costs hundreds of dollars just to buy like a 4096 parcel. Dear Lindenlab, add much much more water regions and new land around it for sailors like me to buy! Try looking at the seas of Sansara (the oldest continent, separated from the Blake Sea/Nautilus/Satori area you've been looking at. You can get waterfront property for far less than the Blake Sea area but still have fairly large areas to sail in.
  15. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: LL does not accept Skrill as an acceptable form of payment. Problems with payment services and resellers may have different causes that result in the same message. If you are using an authorized third party reseller to buy your $Ls with Skrill, you should contact them for assistance as several of them accept it and it could be a problem with just the one you are using, or try another reseller that accepts it. If you've tried it with more than one reseller and get this same result, you should contact Skrill for assistance. If you are trying to sell $L then you can only do that if you do it on the official LL website and you have a verified PayPal account. Skrill was added as a payment option a couple of weeks ago - see the blog post... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Additional-Payment-Options-for-Second-Life/ba-p/2885029
  16. GedaliahTobiah wrote: I would like to pass out notecards with philosophical/religious information written in them. I intend to send one tract per person that I come near, although I expect that over time some people may receive it again if I come across them again without realizing it. The notecards will not contain any anything profane, sexual, abusive, or related to business, such as advertisements. The notecards will contain information relating to religion or philosophy and often goes by the term 'tract'. I see this as similar to standing on a public sidewalk and handing out such tracts, one at a time, as people are welcome to take them or reject them and those that receive them can simply throw them away or otherwise ignore them. The information would otherwise be copied into local chat except that it would be too long, the purpose of notecards from what I understand. All people I send a tract to are able to respond by nature of knowing who sent it as well as it instructs all those who read it to contact the creator, me, for questions, comments, and complaints. That all being said, I am curious at what scenario below (or any other not listed), if any, would it be considered spamming? I enter a place, especially a popular one, and send a tract notecard to everyone near me unsolicited at the same time and then field any responses to the notecard while I am there. I do the same as number 1 except that I leave after I send the notecard but still field responses from the next place, perhaps sending the tracts while there. I repeat number 1 except that I limit the number of people I give to at one time to about a dozen or so. I go to a place and go through the list of people there one at a time and send the tract unsolicited, also fielding all responses. I do a search for people with a given string in their name and send it to all or many of them at once, fielding all responses. Repeat number 5 but sending to one person at a time. Using a script to send the tract to people in batches (perhaps dozens or hundreds) at a time, prompting me before every batch is run, as always, with me personally fielding all responses to the tracts. If all such scenarios are not necessarily considered spam, please provide a scenario that would be a minimum to be considered spam. Also, the converse: if all are considered spam, please provide a scenario that would be the maximum that would not be considered spam. In addition, are there limits to the number of people to whom a notecard can be sent at the same time? In a single logged in session? In a minute, hour, day, etc.? I know this question is somewhat elaborate, but the Linden terms of use did not seem to include what I wanted to do (mostly scenarios 1 through 4) under the definition of spamming. I would like to share the information in my tracts with as many people as possible while still following the terms of service and community guidelines both in the letter and in spirit, as well as trying to respect people and their wishes wherever reasonable. I appreciate all real answers and hope I would receive the sources of the reasoning behind your answers cited as well in the answer, if possible. Thank you, kindly. Have a great day. Many of those in Second Life are non-religious or even anti religious, often for good reasons. Also many are angered by unsolicited notecards/IM's of any kind. Your plan will almost guarantee many who you meet will actively dislike you and treat your message negatively even if they would otherwise be receptive to it. There's a significant difference between your "streetcorner" analogy and what you're proposing. On the streetcorner the passers-by must take action to take the handout instead of having it physically forced into their hand, while you are "forcing" the notecard on them and they need to take action to reject it if its unwelcome. I should also point out that there are malicious acts such as phishing that are done by similar means to what you're proposing so many won't even open the notecard. You might consider wearing a "titler" with a brief message inviting people to ask you for information and/or wearing an object that they can click to get the notecard themselves. Even at that you may find yourself unwelcome in many places.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: GingerHenderson wrote: Now all we need is Twenty Seven 8 x 10 Color Glossy Photographs with circles and arrows............... I had in mind something closer to this: http://breathedbrain.tumblr.com/image/412204164
  18. raine3211 wrote: My head is set on 50 what is the average head size ? Most hats in SL are oversized because the typical SL hairstyle doesn't compress under a hat the way real hair does. You can resize most hats by editing them; unfortunately some older hats can't be made much smaller without fussy editing of individual prims. The best-looking hats are usually the ones built into hairstyles. You can also edit some hairstyles to look better under a hat.
  19. raymmis1 wrote: what are the standard partial land dimensions ? Parcels can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The basic unit is a 4 meter by 4 meter square and a lot can be made of any number of these in any configuration. Lot sizes are often multiples of 512. A common size for 512 square meter parcels is 16 by 32 square meters and a common size for 1024 square meters is a 32 meter by 32 meter square, but there's no real "standard."
  20. GingerHenderson wrote: I see some say it is not clear so here is simplified... A = Person who has banned all group B B = A few people who want to cross on A parcel (sail) C = Other neighbors with no issue with either. 3 in total including myself. B did the notecard to C in a sign saying 'Blocked by A' that is near all of C property lines for us to tell A to change the ban on B or A "will set up all kind of materials to make living unpleasant Then I will leave this soil as it is...." If they abandoned the land with it "materials to make living unpleasant" then no worries as i can do off sim nice skyscraper until LL puts it in Auction. If they keep paying tier for keeping it they are surrounded on all sides so walls are going up to make a nice walls. Only time will tell... More information after I decided to do some investigation instead of RL laundry: 1) The region in question is directly adjacent to the Blake Sea and is about half water and half land. 2) A is a lower-level land baron who specializes in Mainland in sailing areas. I have seen this person intentionally block out neighboring lots from sea access on other regions but through means that are technically within their rights (erecting walls, etc.) 3 )The main lot in question is a completely empty all-water rental lot owned by A in the middle of the region and does not in itself have unblockable Blake Sea access. 3) B has a small sailing club-type lot in the center of the lot but has Blake Sea access by crossing other lots. 4) A's rental lot is public access but the members of B's group have been banned by name. 5) Even with A's lot being blocked to them, the members of B's group still have open-water access by going through a neighbor's lot which is set up for public boat travel (and which is quite nice, by the way.) This is a rather awkward route, however. 6) B's signs are currently small and inconspicuous; however, I didn't see them when they first went up. 7) B's lot isn't a travel factor for anyone else in the region, being in the center. 8) Neither A nor B appear to be long-established residents of the area and together only own a small portion of the region. 9) B has seen fit to not only ban A by name, but also the neighbor whose lot they can use for the alternate access route. This neighbor hasn't reciprocated in the banning.
  21. Tallulah Bilavio wrote: I have the Maitreya Lara Mesh Body and I love it. My only real gripe is with clothing designers/makers who make outfits with appliers that will make them work with the Lara Body but include shoes that only work with Slink feet! The Lara Body has perfectly lovely feet so why would I want to buy another pair? This means of course that all the shoes in these outfits are useless to me. Some shoes are wearable with Slink and Belleza but not the Lara Body. Why cant they be made wearable for all or certainly the ones for which the outfit is wearable? This is all rather annoying since I'm paying the same price for the outfit but can only wear half of it. I would just like to know the thinking behind this because I am not going to be sheep herded into buying every foot on the market! "Appliers" only send a texture to "paint" a body/body part and they all work the same way; it isn't difficult to make a new applier. Shoes, on the other hand, have to be built and rigged to the foot - they can't change shape automagically. Different feet require different meshes. A lot of clothes makers don't have the skills and software necessary to make their own meshes. Most outfits I've seen that include shoes do so with shoes made from full-perm templates and Slink templates are by far the most common.
  22. Karma73 wrote: I have dubdivided a small peice of my land to put up my store and im trying to figure out how to allocate a portion of prims to it ... HELPPPP!! :matte-motes-big-grin: As long as all the land you own on the region is assigned to the same group you don't need to worry about it - you can have a tiny lot with lots of prims and a large lot that's empty if the total you own IN THAT REGION is high enough to support the total number of prims.
  23. CrossedChaos wrote: When I open Second Life Viewer, my character doesn't show up. Only the username. Objects and other people's characters are very glitched out. and sometimes do the same thing. I got a brand new custom made gaming computer and it nhasn't had problems with anything else except for this. Help? New AMD video card drivers don't support the OpenGL calls Second Life uses; their older drivers do, however. If you have an AMD video card the best solution is to install the OpenGL information from an older driver version into the Second Life directory. More info and techniques listed here: https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/latest-amd-catalyst14-12-drivers-continue-sl-rigged-mesh-woes/#comment-40190
  24. Kelli May wrote: GingerHenderson wrote: Hi Perrie, yes banning certain peeps from his parcel only that belong to the neighbor's group. It is Mainland. Mr Accused can ban whomever he likes from his parcel, assuming he doesn't use any kind of security orb that extends beyond his borders. Assuming that, the author of the note doesn't have any kind of complaint to base his threats on. Even assuming he had a valid complaint, he should be ARing Mr Accused, not making threats to 'set up all kind of materials to make living unpleasant here'. Mr. Accusor would also be entirely within HIS rights to put up an obnoxious eyesore on his property, though. Also, many people who live on the Mainland do so to operate vehicles. Banning by name creates an impenetrable wall and the implication is that Mr. Accused is doing this only to inconvenience the members of Mr. Accusor's group, and not because of anything they've done. It sounds like this is either a case of "blockbreaking" by Mr. Accused or "extortion" by Mr. Accusor. Of course, we don't know the actual facts of this case. AAANNNDDD this is why Linden Lab doesn't get involved in resident-resident disputes.
  25. FataMorgania wrote: I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but from Jan 1st a new EU law came into place that effects all digital sales worldwide. You can read more about how it effects you here: http://euvataction.org/ This effects us as sellers on Second Life in a large way. This is not just a EU problem. This a a worldwide problem. I'm interested to know if Linden labs actually know about it because as a legal marketplace and digital provider they are the ones responsible for it. Yet we've heard nothing (that i know) about it from them. Digital goods now have a threshold of 0, thus pretty much killing free trade. This also effects virtual currency like Linden Dollars, Bitcoin, IMVU credits etc. As a precaution before Jan 1st I had to set every item in my store to free incase any EU customers purchased something from me. I don't want to have to register for VATMOSS when I am thousands of pounds under the 81k threshold of my own country. As sellers we have to safeguard ourselves about this incase LL decides to not take responsibility for location tracking and tax handling on all digital items we sell to eachother. If you want to know more on digital tax then do a quick google for EUVAT or VATMOSS and you'll find a bunch of resources. Also there's a group on Facebook fighting this tax directly called Digital VAT 2015. They have the best links for anyone who is concerned and doesn't want to get chased by some random countries tax authorities over a $0.09 sale profit. Linden Lab will argue that in a Second Life "sale" - 1.) Nothing actually changes hands - it all stays on the servers and generally has no use outside of Second Life and 2.) No actual money changes hands, only "game tokens" (Lindens). Therefore, Second Life "merchants" don't actually HAVE "customers" in a real-world sense. Tax law only applies to things of real-world value or else you'd have to declare your winnings in a game of Monopoly. It's true that right now, you can exchange Lindens for real-world money but Linden Lab will maintain that's only because they choose to, and those who cash out are already subject to taxes. If a court somewhere determined that "things" in Second Life had real-world value I'm sure the entire grid would be shut down almost instantly because the administration necessary to handle all of that would be unsustainable.
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