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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. steph Arnott wrote: You two have a lot of faith in sensar even tho neither of you or anyone else public have even seen it in action. There is also the issue that everyones inventories will not be transferable to the new platform, so we will be starting from scratch all over again, ok for a newcomer a kick in the teeth for most of us that have spent real monies. I simply can not understand how people can post opinions on Sensar without even a test of the platform. Or even being able to spell it.
  2. steph Arnott wrote: Thats not why LL are building a new platform at all, Also "it is extremely high-maintenance and inefficient" where on Earth did you get that idea from? As for laggy, 99% of that is on the users end with cheap comps, cheap broad band and wifi, who then shout SL is laggy. If people think that and if the new platform goes online will be smooth and bug free then they are deluding themselves. There is also a muttering from LL that the new platform will be subscription based. EDITED for grammer. Let's see - let's say I want to change my socks. In Second Life this means... 1) I first log into an account server, which will connect me to a simulator. 2) Now I have a constant two-way connection to a separate server in Arizona as it simulates a 256 x 256 square meter patch of land 45 times a second. These simulations run 24 hours a day, every day at a minimum of 8 simulations per second even if nobody is actually accessing it. 3) Now that I'm connected to a simulator, let's talk socks. Now I have to connect to a completely separate asset server to retrieve my socks. The asset server sends the sock info to the simulator, which then sends it back to me and anyone else in that 256 x 256 square meter area. Does this... sound efficient... to you? Bear in mind that every 256 x 256 square meter section of Second Life requires a separate simulation with a fixed location. These simulations are usually restarted at least once a week, taking them offline for unpredictable amounts of time. Each simulation runs constantly even when completely empty and can't hold more than 100 avatars at a time at the very most. You'll probably reply with things like, "Oh, OpenSim has bigger regions! High Fidelity can handle 200 avatars in a region!" La - di - dah. 200 people is only impressive compared to Second Life now - if your high-school football game only drew 200 attendees you'd be living in a pretty sad little town.
  3. Nyisis Narcissus wrote: I've been an Online Users since it's Inception: GEnie / Sierra / delphi / CompuServe / Prodigy / Aol. That brings back memories, Right!!! I remember brilliant & innovated individual's who created these online worlds that help connect people from all walks of life. Places Like: INmagination Online / Active World / Fandom / Sims Online / SL. Most of these Worlds except for a few have come and gone. I do realize as technology advances it creates glitches and lag leaving these platforms virtually obsolete . Why haven't SL capitalized on Online Learning, Seminars, and Gaming? Why haven't some of the companies vested in SL offer Computer Programming and Design Classes? Why haven't we seen Online Conference / Seminars of people who can't take time off work to travel but want to receive the information. Don't get me started with Online Gaming....Why aren't Game Developers not creating online games for SL Users??? What are your thoughts and ideas on this topic? Thanks - Because as technology has advanced it created glitches aggravated unsolveable existing glitches and lag leaving the platform virtually obsolete. The basic architecture of Second Life wasn't designed for large scale and/or mission critical purposes and is extremely high-maintenance and inefficient. Making major changes to the architecture will cause disruption in much of the existing world which Linden Lab can't directly fix because they didn't make the vast majority of items in-world in the first place. That's why they're building an entirely new platform now.
  4. ChinRey wrote: . But in an interview Ebbe Linden let it slip that LL paid out 65 million dollars to users in 2014. There has been some discussion here what that figure actually included and the conclusion was that it must have been total merchants' income for the Marketplace. We don't really know how much is sold through in-world stores of course but it has to be much less than MP, does 15 millions sound about right? Where did this "conclusion" come from? The logical definition of the amount Linden Lab pays out in dollars would be the amount cashed out through the Lindex.
  5. knicki119 wrote: Probably a simple answer but if i created outfits with one particular Avatar & then use another skin can i port over the outfits and settings of the first to the new look or do i need to go through all original outfits and wear and save all over or can i wear the old outfits over thr top of the new one and then just delete the old body etc. Thanks You can edit outfits from the Inventory view and add or delete links to items - these changes are saved automatically and you don't have to wear each outfit. Firestorm has some tools to make this process easier.
  6. AbigailKD wrote: Selling them I can agree with. Because people got them for free. But how can I know if the ones I have are copybotted? Is there a site? A place in SL? I Googled it, but can't find anything really usefull If it's the collection of hair I'm thinking of (or fairly similar), some of it will have the name of the original designer's company as part of the object name even though it was copybotted. Go to "Object Profile" or edit it - if the creator isn't the avatar name associated with that store it's almost certainly copybotted. Most of the avatar names listed as creators on commonly circulated copybotted hair will have blank profiles saying "This profile is not available" as they have been kicked out of Second Life by now.
  7. SirLeighBastard wrote: As a solipsist, I made you do so. So, the only thing capable of proving yourself right is you? (Psst! Look at my first post in this thread.)
  8. Benson Gravois wrote: Question: In your opinion and experience, do you feel that you can make as intimate and as strong a conection with someone in sl as you canin rl? Second Life is only a subset of real life and any connections you are making in Second Life are actually real-life connections, however weak and artificial many of them are. I'd say that it would be possible to form a connection through Second LIfe that is as strong or stronger than some non-Second Life connections but you can't generalize.
  9. SirLeighBastard wrote: Make up your mind! The human who joined SL was not the same as the human who typed the original post in this thread, and a different human is now typing this response. In addition, SirLeighBastard does not exist, except as a label to attach to what you seem to perceive, incorrectly, as a coherent single individual. The Many Worlds Implementation applies, of course, although this is only tangentially of relevance in refuting your misconceptions. No, I picked up on the incoherence quite a while ago. Your reply died aborning, as I had already stated that I was addressing a person, which I specifically said could also be a partnership or corporation -- i.e. multiple humans acting collectively -- and in English "you" is both the second-person singular and second person plural pronoun. SirLeighBastard most certainly does exist -- as a Second LIfe account. How could I reply to it otherwise?
  10. Jack Allandale wrote: i want to rent a land about 4096 sqm. and i see many place which r divied into parcels. total land size is 64000 sqm or something like that. that makes 64000/4000 = 16 parcels. so lets say i decided to rent such a place. and that landlord rented all those parcels. which means there r 16 individual avatars who rented that whole sim. as far as i read, homestead sims have 20 avatar limit. lets say all of 16 renters r online and r doing something on their lands. thats very possible.. and lets say one of those renters have friends and he invited them to his land. lets say maybe 5 people.. it s also very possible. or lets say all those 16 renters r couples and they wont invite anybody to their land. due to avatar limits there is a very possible chance that half of the couples wont be able to log into their land if they come online at the same time. so in such a case, due to the avatar limits on homesteads, i may not be able to log into my parcel which i rented. because total people on that sim will be 20, except me.. is this mathematic right? or is avatar limit per parcel, not per sim? (such as max people can come to my parcel is 20... and the capacity of whole sim is 16 parcels x 20 people..) i m very confused . and it seems ridicilous to me to pay real money to a place whih i may not be able to use. "Homestead" doesn't mean any region used for "homes" - it's a specific term for a region that's the size of a full region but has lower limits for allowable land impact and number of avatars. Most "homestead" regions are rented as a single unit or at most in about 4 pieces. Regions that have 16 small parcels for rent are usually "full" regions and can support from 40 to 80 avatars at once depending on how the owner set the limits.
  11. SirLeighBastard wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: SirLeighBastard wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You just did. Your reply makes no sense at all. Thank you for participating. ***Call me when you have learned the lyrics to The Logical Song 1.) In creating this account, you joined Second Life. 2.) Strong circumstantial evidence indicates that the account that you created and which posted this is a Second Life account created primarily/only to post on the forums. 3.) Many of the posts of this avatar appear to be demonstrations of your self-impression of your intellect as compared to others. 4.) "Demonstrating how stupid one is" doesn't mean one is stupid (i.e. possessing a high level of stupidity) - it's very possible to demonstrate that one isn't very stupid at all, which would be a level of stupidity and therefore a "demonstration of how stupid they are." Of course, if you didn't understand that... Who is this "you" that is referred to in the post? It reminds me of the Welsh Cocktail chat up line. What's a Welsh Cocktail? A pint of bitter and a piece of ewe. ***Call me when TT has worked out what identity does or does not mean here The person (human, partnership or corporation; singular of people) who actually typed your hypothesis. By using the phrase "people joined SL" you acknowledged the existence of humans as opposed to avatars; in fact, it can be about nothing but humans instead of avatars, based on both "people" and "joined." SirLeighBastard couldn't have joined SL as he was created in the moment the account was registered. Joining is the act of connecting two existing things. If you disagree with Sartre (which is usually pretty sensible) and maintain that SirLeighBastard had a pre-existing essence you'll have to explain how an essence can perform an action.
  12. FloraMami wrote: When I try to go to a lot of places it kicks me out because of that. A different simulator version shouldn't cause anything bad to happen and it's not "fixable" because that's just how the Second LIfe server system works. It's probably a coincidence and that you're getting kicked out for another reason. Possibilities are - 1) You're trying to go places your maturity rating settings don't allow. Go to "Preferences" - "General" and make sure your settings say, "I want to access content rated: General, Moderate, Adult." If it doesn't say that click the button saying "General" and change it to say "General, Moderate, Adult." You can only do that if the birthday you entered when you registered shows you're over 18. 2) You're trying to go places that want accounts to be over a certain number of days old. You have a brand new account and some places restrict entry to new accounts because they're sometimes used to cause trouble. 3) You're trying to go to Skilled Gaming regions. They require you to have payment information on file and don't allow you to enter them if you're living in certain US states because of legal issues.
  13. Moni Duettmann wrote: I've got a Mac Mini with a 2.3 GHz quad core Intel i7 processor, 8 GB RAM and an Intel HD 4000 graphic card with 1.5 GB memory. So not bad at all. It's running super-smooth as long as I don't enable shadows (advanced lighting model). I know, that for every graphics feature you add, there will be a certain slow-down of the framerate. But this is insane: without shadows I have a framerate 5 times (5x) (!) higher than with shadows. So, if I go with 30 fps, which is perfect, I drop to 6 fps, when enabling shadows. Can it be THAT dramatic? I can't believe it! Why is that? A friend who plays SL on a Windows PC has less CPU and less graphic memory than I have, still his SL runs much better. What's wrong? Is it my graphic card? Or is the Mac viewer not programmed properly to address the graphic card? Nobody could yet explain to me, why there is such a tremendous difference in performance, when it comes to the advanced lighting setting. Graphics and shadows are largely a function of the GPU itself - the Intel graphics chips aren't really intended to run heavy 3D graphics and even a mid-range dedicated Nvidia/AMD graphics card will outperform them. Is the difference still there with advanced lighting on but shadows off? (You can turn shadows on and off separately inside of Advanced Lighting.) If shadows are being cast, one big factor will be how many avatars are there and how they're dressed. It takes a lot of calculation to cast a shadow of an avatar wearing mesh clothing and/or a mesh body because the shadow needs to be changed every time the rigged mesh items change shape, which is constantly with an avatar that is being animated. Some third-party viewers have a setting that simplifies avatar shadows while leaving the rest of the shadows the same.
  14. Tosibu Robonaught wrote: long story short......i was drunk in a sim, and messaged pretty much person to person...........these IMs were shared with people that ran the sim and i was banned...from what i've read, IMs aren't allowed to be shared with anyone under any circumstance, no matter the content correct? if im mistaken, please correct me 1) You are correct that IM's can't be shared without consent. 2) However, that makes no bearing on whether or not you can be banned. There's no legal process, nor "inadmissable evidence." Someone with the power to ban someone from a region can ban anyone for any or no reason at all and there's no outside authority you can appeal to.
  15. Max Pitre wrote: I can get some decently low prim meshes but I am seeing whole bed room sets as only one prim. Bed, head and foot boards, end table with lamp and carpet all as one prim. The detail seems to be decent and the objects seem to have decent LODs. What is the secret with this? I use Cinema4D for my meshes. It may be that those aren't "true" meshes but sculpted prims, which were the common way of making complex low-prim objects before the Viewer 3-technology mesh viewers (and are still usable today). They used special textures to manipulate the vertex locations of a standard SL primitive, and with the prim accounting of the time each one was only considered a single prim for land impact purposes even though they could be very complex. When Second Life started allowing meshes from outside 3D modeling programs they introduced a different system for assigning objects "land impact" which was a more accurate way of describing the actual load an object put on the system, but sculpted prims could still use the old accounting so existing content wouldn't suddenly balloon in land impact.
  16. Lexbot Sinister wrote: To me it sounds lot like you are stepping into someones sandbox and want to kick their sandcastle over because you don't like it. Consider that maybe that sandcastle wasn't built to amuse you, but the occupants of the sandbox. And the sand is full of broken glass and cat turds too - lots of them. Oh, and SEX! Forbidden, scary, tantalizing SEX! Kick at your own risk.
  17. Stephanie Spellhunter wrote: Hi, I need some help. My design was stolen from me, I made a texture based clothing mod for a solarian avatar. However this design was bought from me by a certain person and re-made into mesh and sold as their own. I have talked to them to negotiate, as in profit sharing as it is my design, but they refused to co-operate. Now I have no more sales on my item. I've tried contacting LL and they told me to write a DMCA but I have no idea how to do this, can someone please help me out? My item: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NNP-HUD-Box-Bodysuit-H435/8259074 My design being stolen by this person: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EAS-Solarian-Bondage-Harness/8335975 I know hers is mesh, but that does not change the fact that they stole my design. She even bought mine in order to make the allignment almost perfect to mine. Has anyone ever read or done a DMCA, and can help me out with this? I would very much appreciate your help. Are they sure they didn't "copy" this one, which appears to be older than either of the ones you posted? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Frios-Solarian-Amazing-Restraint-Harness-Mod/8032223
  18. SirLeighBastard wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You just did. Your reply makes no sense at all. Thank you for participating. ***Call me when you have learned the lyrics to The Logical Song 1.) In creating this account, you joined Second Life. 2.) Strong circumstantial evidence indicates that the account that you created and which posted this is a Second Life account created primarily/only to post on the forums. 3.) Many of the posts of this avatar appear to be demonstrations of your self-impression of your intellect as compared to others. 4.) "Demonstrating how stupid one is" doesn't mean one is stupid (i.e. possessing a high level of stupidity) - it's very possible to demonstrate that one isn't very stupid at all, which would be a level of stupidity and therefore a "demonstration of how stupid they are." Of course, if you didn't understand that...
  19. maximikun wrote: When I Own land being a Premium threw Linden Homes, I have to play 5$ monthly fee? The Linden Home or first 512 square meters of land you owned is included in the fee you pay for premium membership. You have to pay that fee however you selected (annually, monthly, etc.) but the land/house doesn't cost anything extra. The next purchase of land you make and hold up to an additional 512 square meters of land will cost the $5 a month - for instance, if you owned a Linden Home and up to 512 sqare meters of additional land, or if you owned up to 1024 square meters of land without a Linden Home.
  20. Darkwingz99 wrote: The sandbox I tried to visit said that I had to have premium membership to enter. If there is a free to play aspect, then it just is not promoted enough to be noticed. Why would a for-profit company emphasize that you could use their products for free?
  21. SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You just did.
  22. AnaisAigner wrote: I think you may want to raise a ticket to LL. Your tag has been messed up. It says Helper. Obviously an error :smileytongue: So sad - and I don't even know what "disengeious" means either - and neither does a dictionary. Might it mean, "Not really knowing what one thinks they know?" (I DO know what scènes à faire are in copyright law though.)
  23. ScarlettSabina wrote: I presently have two premium accounts, one with slightly older and with higher status than the other. I have found I don't really need them both but don't want to lose the investment I have meade into the second avatar and all of her clothing. Is there a way to bring the second avatar and her things into my main avi's account and save them in her inventory before I shut down the second account? Thanks. You can always downgrade the second account to Basic (abandon all land it holds and/or take back any "tier" it is donating to a group first) and then you'll still have the use of it without having to pay anything to maintain it.
  24. thickness Lexington wrote: im very pissed at this point and need some real good advice on how to approach this matter in a business way As far as I can tell, it sounds like you're confusing two different things. Tier is a payment directly to Linden Lab, the company owning Second Life, for the use of land "bought" directly from the Lab - that would be for "Mainland" or a private island that you are the official owner of. It always goes to the company and not a particular employee. Rent is a payment to use land that another user has licensed from Linden Lab and who is considered the "owner" by the Lab. These users don't work for Linden Lab or Second Life. It sounds like you paid rent to someone who is no longer on Second Life or whose account is closed or otherwise unavailable. Unfortunately this is considered a "resident-to-resident" transaction and there isn't much you can do about it within the environment of Second Life.
  25. AnaisAigner wrote:k. She was asking for simple steps on how to take her complaint forward. Not to be told, what you gave her, which is mis-information from somebody who clearly isn't legally qualified. You wrote here, making a bunch of assumptions, and trying to state as fact (badly) copyright law and intent which was not accurate nor fair to the OP. Trust me even lawyers have trouble with it, so please don't play an e-lawyer online. It's disengeious to those who are asking for valid advice here. You got derivative and transformative works also confused in above posts further muddling the water for the anybody with similiar questions. You gave her poor and incorrect advice including flinging terms around like "winning a DMCA" when there is no such thing. Isn't it funny how pots and kettles are usually the same color?
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