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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Ahhh, so in the interests of freedom, sounds like you're calling for a dictatorship? Once a group of humans reaches a not-particularly-substantial size they'll form some sort of hierarchy or government. A pack of dogs will do the same thing. The group may then decide to do things that are detrimental to some of the group if the naturally-evolved power system wants and there isn't much the less powerful will be able to do about it unless they join forces to become more powerful themselves. In other words, there's only one way your "free market" will ever be formed... By regulations - enforceable ones - that prevent it from being "regulated." Humans and dogs not only both form governments, they also both chase their tails. How exactly can a dictator dictate if he can't use force? Did you read anything I've typed, or do you just forget easily? Unlike dogs, humans can learn from their mistakes. It's sad to see you have so little faith in humanity. Plus, if you have read anything I've written here, you will see that the distinction is the use of force, not whether people form a hierarchy. Businesses are examples of hierarchies that don't use force. How can a dictator be stopped from using force? How can anyone be stopped from using force if they decide to, other than by using greater force? And what is "force" anyway? "Businesses don't use force." Is firing someone force? Is cornering a market force? (Incidentally, dogs can learn from their mistakes, and humans often don't.) And I've been reading everything you've written - over, under, sideways, down, backwards, forwards, square and round. It wasn't me that said over half of the people who vote are "morons" (if they vote for something you don't like.) Yet you trust the exact same people to make good choices in an unregulated free market? Why can't they be influenced to make a bad decision just as easily? Will a new "pure" economic system change people? That's basically the same thinking that the Bolsheviks used when they talked about the "New Soviet Man." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Soviet_man
  2. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: When the government acts in a state with elections, it is acting as a group of people delegated with that power by the PEOPLE, who are participants in the market and decided to put those people in power. Just because you don't like the decisions other people make doesn't mean the decisions themselves weren't made freely. So, what you are telling me, is if we vote on something, that makes it legitimate? So, if we vote and the result is that all abortions are illegal, then that must be correct, and moral, cause we voted? Definitions of words do not change because you voted. Theft has a definition. If everyone voted to steal from me, that doesn't make it right, nor does it change the definition of theft. It is still theft. Voting is a totalitarian tool, because if you can get 50% of the morons in society to fear something irrationally, then you can steal from them and abuse them as much as you want. Voting is simply using the irrational fears of ignorant people to do whatever the government wants. How do you think the US got into Vietnam, which was based on a lie? How do you think the US got the people to agree to bomb Iraq? All lies again. Seriously, does it make any sense at all to allow irrational morons to dictate the direction of a whole nation of people? Ahhh, so in the interests of freedom, sounds like you're calling for a dictatorship? Once a group of humans reaches a not-particularly-substantial size they'll form some sort of hierarchy or government. A pack of dogs will do the same thing. The group may then decide to do things that are detrimental to some of the group if the naturally-evolved power system wants and there isn't much the less powerful will be able to do about it unless they join forces to become more powerful themselves. In other words, there's only one way your "free market" will ever be formed... By regulations - enforceable ones - that prevent it from being "regulated." Humans and dogs not only both form governments, they also both chase their tails.
  3. Medhue Simoni wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Most of that is distraction by talking about issues that don't contradict anything I said. Yes, Government can be oppressive. And yes, a cause was indeed oppressive Government. But my point was that one cause was unlike the famine in 1780 the absence of an export ban. Had there been an export ban the rate of emigration would not have been so high and a million people would not have died. The free market doesn't act on moral principles, it is amoral. It is only by regulation that it can be controlled for the public good. You are conflating 2 things, as if your definition is not clear. When the government acts, then you aren't dealing with free markets. And, free markets are moral, because PEOPLE make decisions in a free market, not corporations or government. Corporations are sanctioned by governments. As long as corporations and governments are in bed together, then there is no free market. All the things you want to blame on the free market, have nothing at all to do with free markets. When the government acts in a state with elections, it is acting as a group of people delegated with that power by the PEOPLE, who are participants in the market and decided to put those people in power. Just because you don't like the decisions other people make doesn't mean the decisions themselves weren't made freely.
  4. Ianardo Bazar wrote: A few residents and I* are planning an event on a mainland sim and we would like to make it a region wide thing, celebrating the best of SL. It's essentially a street party where there will be music and shopping but also, hopefully basic workshops in building and noobie help, parades, displays of vintage cars and the like. We'd want it to run for over 12 hours to catch time zones and we would love it if we could (somehow) stream audio beyond the parcel boundaries for the day That is why we ned some Linden help. We're having a street party and they own the streets. So a name or a contact back from the right person at SL/LL would be perfect. TIA Ian * The residents include 3 venue owners, a bunch of builders and a loose consortium of helpful friends and landowners There's a cluster of regions just north of the "Boardroom" infohub that are rented out - the Hair Fair was held on them last year. The owner is listed as "Patch Linden." Info from his profile: "I am the Senior Product Operations Manager for Land and Accounts for Second Life. I am usually only in world for meetings, sorry if I miss your IM and do not respond. Please feel free to contact me via email or the support case system. Thanks!"
  5. sickofbeingreported wrote: today i tried to log in, and suddenly noticed that I'm a cloud, when i tried to change my body shape and clothing i noticed that my inventory is not complete, can't find my land marks, in my friends list all the names are still (loading) and I can't IM anyone, I can't teleport out of my last location and if i try, the system crashes, what could it be? and what can i do? thanks for your time Many regions had their server software updated today and a number of them appear to be having issues with what are called "capabilities" - a set of connections that have to do with friend list names, mesh, teleporting, etc. They usually clear up if you request a region restart.
  6. 0zymandi wrote: I know this is not the typical tech question posted in this part of the SL forum but I have spent the past few days looking for a deserted tropical beach with palm trees and hills or mountains in the background. I have found one or two places that fit the terrain I am looking for but they are cluttered with man made objects. (yes I realize everything in SL is man made) If you read this and know of the kind of location I am looking for but are reluctant to reveal its whereabouts for fear that a lot of people might flock to the beach and ruin its isolated beauty, let me assure you, my intention is to spend an hour photographing the beach then using the snapshots as a backgrounds for models that I will photograph using my greenscreen studio, so if you wish to keep the location of the beach a secret I promise that I will go to the beach by myself, take the snapshots and leave and I will not reveal the location to anyone. Included in this message is a photo of what I am looking for, minus the boats, hammocks, deck chairs ect. I need the beach to look like it has never been touched by humans. Thanks for any reponses. Thank you to the Senior Helper who responded and sent me the link. The very first thing I tried (four days ago) was doing a search for "beaches" , "tropical beaches" , "deserted beaches" , beaches with mountains" and what I got was exactly what your link reveals, beaches with boardwalks, lighthouses and other signs of modern day civilizations which is precisely what I am not looking for, this is why I posted this question, so people who have actually visited the sims they recommend can assure me that these areas are indeed isolated. First let me thank all those who responded : Amethyst, Valerie and Rolig. Also I apologize to Valerie for jumping to conclusions about your response. When I first teleported to Baja Norte the first thing I saw where New England Cottages and a light house, when I teleported to Las Arenas I was standing on a boardwalk so I assumed that you had dismissed my question with a thoughtless answer, after exploring Las Arenas I realize it is a very beautiful sim and, from certain angles, I can work around the boardwalk. Crossing Currents also provided some great images although I had to work around some lawn chairs and bamboo bungalows to create the illusion of being a deserted area. Thanks everyone. If you look at the World Map in the area of the Blake Sea there are a number of islands that were made by Linden Lab that have little or no "man-made" building. One example would be "Blake Sea - Kraken." There are a variety of similar islands in the same general area.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: Not that secret: it is SL creators and landlords and volunteers as in this forum. I, for example, am not just selling models like Turbosquid. I also provide extensive support services, most of which is about How SL Works, not specific to my products, or even having anything to do with my products. I am talking basics like opening a box, or resetting a script, but also a variety of more arcane JIRA issues I keep up with. I have a whole website page devoted to editing a linked prim. I spend huge amounts of time helping people find things they have lost inworld or in inventory. (People have no idea that they can use a keyword to search inventory, much less use filters, and they know nothing about coalesced objects.) People don't know there is a Wiki, or a Forum, or even Google. This is support that LL does not have to handle because I do. I doubt they have any idea how large a tsunami of support requests they would have if creators and landlords and volunteers were not providing this service. I am wondering if this will still be true in the New World. From what I've read of Ebbe Altberg interviews, one of the major reasons for the new platform (not "world", which suggests a unified thing) is to allow things to be simplified for new users, with many different possible ways to access part of the platform and "creators" being able to tailor the experience to the audience. An example he used was an architect giving clients a walkthrough of a building, which would require visitors to have only the very most basic knowledge. I get the impression that the new platform is intended to be what the hype barons of 2007 thought Second Life was, which is quite different from what Second Life actually was and could ever be.
  8. Medhue Simoni wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Or, as happened in Russia, people eventually get fed up with the chaos and the oligarchs and vote in someone like Vladimir Putin (whose role in the St Petersburg oblast was to try to bring some kind of order to Russian companies' dealings with foreign businesses) to bring things under control. Are you forgetting their past? They were full out communist for decades. The reason they fell into anarchy was because their system collapsed. It didn't have any areas of the economy that had any freedom at all. It was all controlled, which is why it collapsed. You had a whole nation that were reliant on that system. Almost nobody had any saving, or way to take care of themselves without the help of the government. Then, you want to say, LOOK here, it didn't automatically become a capitalist paradise over night. Sorry, I don't see the logic there. Of course it was bad. The people were basically treated like children all their lives, and then lost their parents that took care of them. Right now, as we speak, this is happening in the US. More and more people are dependent on the state. There is no stopping it. Once the people feel like they are owed something for nothing, you can only ride the wave of ignorance to the collapse. Hopefully, when it does happen, people stand up for themselves and reject the state, at least when it comes to commerce. Speaking of forgetting the past: http://www.history.com/topics/articles-of-confederation
  9. DejaHo wrote: One can not be naive and skeptical. They are mutually exclusive. Skepticism is founded on knowledge and reasoning. Most cynics are skeptical of everything; why? Again, because they know! PS I am neither. I once worked with a woman who listened to a co-worker say that there are people who need to live in homeless shelters despite having three minimum wage jobs. The first woman didn't believe this; she was skeptical. Her "reasoning"? - 'Three minimum wage jobs?! That's fifteen dollars an hour!' In other words, she was naive as to the laws of time and space making it impossible to be at three minimum wage jobs simultaneously, making her both skeptical and naive at the same time.
  10. Medhue Simoni wrote: irihapeti wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: A true capitalist knows that only voluntary exchange can produce wealth. is not quite true this. I can produce wealth by enslaving you you the slave just dont get any share of it other than enough food to get you thru the day. Except for when slaves are cheaper to obtain than the cost of the food needed to sustain them Maybe I should have said, "wealth for all people involved". Plus, you are only maginally right. Slaves don't have much of an incentive to work, and the only way you can have slaves, is if it is support by the state. The extra cost to catch runaways, diminishes any profit. If government catches the slaves for you, and the slave have no hope for escape, then there can be marginal wealth creation. Please define "government" as you're using it. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was routine for large companies to run their own communities around their factories/companies - they had their own company stores, security forces, etc. They could function largely independently of the legal government of the areas they were located in. Were these companies simply highly successful in the market (good), or were they controlling, oppressive governments (bad)?
  11. EdmundPendragon wrote: I am currently experiencing a problem with a SPAM noise attached to my account. I have contacted Linden Lab for help but they are classifying it as a Resident to Resident dispute so they have declined to help. I have the Spam Protection box checked. PROBLEM Whenever I TP from one Sim to another, I receive a SPAM noise message from this particular resident. But as far as my friends and I have determined that is all it is (just a message). We hear no sound and the sound explorer detects no sound either. So I don't think there is actually a noise being generated. ACTIONS I deleted all my Second Life viewer and avatar files and did a clean install of my viewer. (NO CHANGE) I unchecked the SPAM protection box and no longer received the SPAM noise message (of course) but as I stated earlier, my friends did not detect any noise when I tped in and my own sound explorer did not detect any noise generated. This is unacceptable to me because of all the silly sounds in Second Life. So, I rechecked the SPAM Protection box and blocked the Russian vampire, The messages stopped but I am concerned that there is still something attached to my account. This was the question I had hoped that Linden Lab could answer but they have chosen to protect the guilty at the expense of the innocent. So much for the "benefits" of being a Premium member. I would simply restart with a new avatar except I cannot afford to lose my inventory. Nothing can be attached to your avatar itself without being your granting permission to attach it and your having the ability to see that you're "wearing" it and detach it. However, it's possible for someone to create an object known as a "follower" that will find you and move with you so that it's so close to you that it seems like it's attached. The "follower" can only follow you within the region that it's deployed in but it can go back to tracking you every time you enter that region. Do you always get the messages when you go to a specific region? That would be a sign that it's a "follower." It also sounds like something broke it because it doesn't actually make the sound it's trying to make, and in any case blocking it will make it completely impotent. There should be nothing wrong with your account itself and there's no reason to create a new one.
  12. Ayesha Askham wrote: Qie has it right. The main culprit here is how the server handles the project interesting code actions. It is becoming clear that many (though not all) Mainland servers, which are the oldest in SL, simply cannot handle to workload they are being asked to do. LL are uncomfortably aware of this and are replacing old servers as fast as finance permits but it is a problem for many on Mainland. A simple sim restart might solve the issue but it is quite probably that it will be just as bad. The "Spare Time" reading is quite diagnostic here. If the server has little of no spare time it is not processing information efficiently and texture-related issues WILL ensue. Lots of hi-rez textures make the matter worse. Theresa Tennyson sighs... Okay, I'd love to hear what you're basing this statement on, because it's the complete opposite of my understanding, which is... Since switching textures and meshes to the CDN very little texture information goes through the servers themselves - they arrive to your viewer via an end-run through up to 8 separate HTTP connection that bypass the servers. The lack of "spare time" is directly related to the less than 100% figure for "scripts run." There's a sort of walled time-garden in the server routines that allocates a certain amount of time for scripts to run. If all the scripts can be run in less than the allotted time then the remaining time from this block is considered "spare time." If all the scripts can't then only a certain number of them are run in any given "frame" (1/45 second), with the remaining scripts deferred to the next frame. If less than 100% of scripts are running per frame in this region then there can't be any "spare time."
  13. ChinRey wrote: I think that JIRA was closed simply because it is incorrect. The SL Viewer does not revert to default windlight settings after relog. It keeps the windlight you had before you logged off. If you have problems with windlight reverting, it's either a corrupted preferences file or you may have accidentally changed the debug setting for it at some point. The JIRA was about the current Maintenance viewer where that behavior has been changed from the current release viewer - also, the current release viewer doesn't have a debug setting at all for that attribute. Thank you for playing though...
  14. Pussycat Catnap wrote: This issue comes back every few weeks... The SL viewer will crash on any attempt to upload an image. This is NOT the Microsoft Skydrive issue, as I am on a Macbook Pro, OSX, and have no Microsoft products installed. Present hardware and SL version: Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 16:12:24 (Second Life Release) Release Notes You are at 236.0, 206.0, 26.6 in Sandbox Cordova located at nolink>sim10499.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sandbox%20Cordova/236/206/27 (global coordinates 254956.0, 255694.0, 26.6) Second Life RC Magnum Retrieving... CPU: Intel® Core i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz (2300 MHz) Memory: 16384 MB OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 Darwin 14.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Thu Feb 26 19:26:47 PST 2015; root:xnu-2782.10.73~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-10.2.1 310.41.15f01 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with GCC version 40201 Packets Lost: 0/5308 (0.0%) I have tried deleting my install of Second Life, deleting both my cache folder, preferences, and the all app data even all of my chat logs, etc... Wiping every reference to 'secondlife' or 'second life' off of my hard drive... and then doing a fresh download and install - and it didn't help... On Macs this usually has to do with how Finder's file display was set when you logged in - info here: (from the Firestorm site but the LL viewer has the same issues.) http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/mac_crash_upload
  15. VenumusVortex wrote: yup. the [XP] Diesel Passenger Train. i figured since i was bored i would test that sim with that train, rezzed it at the rez zone just north of the sim you say only holds 98 prims, grabbed some speed down that little hill into that sim going at Speed: 9 and even though the double sim crossing was abit rough i still go through it with no problems. A vehicle with a rider is supposed to be able to enter a parcel that doesn't have enough prims to support its rezzing because occupied vehicles are handled differently by the simulator. Doesn't mean that it always works though, especially when a region crossing is involved, although I've been noticing fewer "full parcel" errors lately.
  16. Jean Horten wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Jean Horten wrote: Oh, wow, it even supports openGL 2.1 introduced in 2006. J. All iMacs produced since 2010 support OpenGL 4.1. All iMacs produced since 2007 support OpenGL 3.3. Are you confusing Apple's support of OpenGL on Macs with LL's use of OpenGL on Macs? I am not confusing anything, I am referring to the specs the op gave in the initial post. I am including these here again, in case you forgot to scroll up to the first posting in this thread: CPU: Intel® Core i5-2500S CPU @ 2.70GHz (2700 MHz) Memory: 4096 MB OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 Darwin 14.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Mon Dec 22 23:10:38 PST 2014; root:xnu-2782.10.72~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-1.30.5 Must be a pre 2007 machine J. I don't think even the most dedicated Apple fanboy/girl would think that Apple had the ability to go three years into the future to build a computer with a processor that wasn't introduced until after 2010. For whatever reason, the way SL viewers are built means that Macs report their OpenGL version as 2.1 regardless of the theoretical support of the hardware/OS.
  17. greek Wingtips wrote: 5: As to your last question , again you either have statistics or your guessing, from what I be told private regions have fallen drastically people are not spending as what they used to be in SL and I can see there vast amounts of empty land and what I hear many folks are not really happy , now I cannot fool proof say they are facts as I dont have that as factual infomation only by what I been told by many if you have actual facts please feel free to mention it here. For years, Tyche Shepherd has been doing a survey of the number of regions in Second Life. This link has charts showing the number of regions over time. The "new grid" was announced around June of 2014. If you look at the charts the rate of regions leaving SL after that announcement is almost identical to the rate leaving SL over the previous two years. http://gridsurvey.com/
  18. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: Hello again In the server Sandbox Weapon Testing and others public server I found that, With my time and my experience I have found a series of irregularities from many people to make illegal money and embezzle to Linden Labs making use of illegal acts to obtain benefits and money by exploiting the resources of our world of second life so they do I'll give you a real example ""lela"" ,last time that i explain the reasons and btw who is dench- who is nigras and who is laGondola Pirma? we are those clusters guys and we earn money with trarffic! you guys log in and you are forced to log off again" log in ... log off again! we are using players just to make traffic! that is all! nothing more guys! did you get that now?""'Lela´ you know, the funny thing is that i do not play the game sir. other real example sin_nombre-- I am controlling it while using you and your alts, sir. sin_nombre-- just for money - sir that is the game here sin_nombre---some of us are not playing sl. you know? sin-nombre-- we are making profits with traffic sin-nombre-- that is the game - that is sl. sir. sin-nombre--everytime the cluster sims are crashing or someone is using attacks we earn money - linden want that traffic. you do not know why - right?. sin-nombre-- it is not good if the cluster sims are filled or unscripted. that stop the behaviors of the players. that is a problem to us, sir sin-nombre--every Poop i let go on your avi is a little bit of traffic. you see? it is not good if WT is filled nor unscripted. sir the players has people crash Weapon Test server to make money from people having to login all the time at the same time to much inescrupulos people has making money from making people log all the time. some objects created due an error, to test the client in navigator. because of this not play peacefully and enjoy many places in Second Life because of this problem, whenever if you see a crash sever thats is because somebody are doing with this for to make a illegal money and this affects the world note i dont mention a names because is ilegal post a names in the forums, but if somebody ask to me i can tell the names of this horrible group. one of the servers most vulnerable are the sandbox especially weapon test sanbox. So, what you're saying is, "These are horrible evil people but when they tell me a completely illogical story it must be true"? Linden Lab hasn't paid for "dwell" in many, many years; they've never paid for "traffic." What benefit would Linden Lab get for people to need to relog into a region? It only increases the load on their system without bring money into the Lab.
  19. Rivernaut Piers wrote: How do you drive a car? Every one that I've tried has only stop and fast, plus they're impossible to keep on the road. The only operation that is normal is when you drive into a ditch, you're stuck. Then all you can do is delete it and find another rez zone. You're probably driving old, freebie cars. Most better cars have multiple speed setting "gears" that can be changed by using the "Page Up" and "Page Down". Second LIfe isn't really great as a vehicle simulator but some cars are better than others. I'd suggest that you go to the Haru Motors sim (I think it's just called "HaruMotors") and try out the demos available there. Three very good car makers have shops there with driveable demos and there's a "test track." You can get a feel for the handling of various cars and might find a maker you like.
  20. irihapeti wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Tari Landar wrote: LL doesn't even know why they changed the original default to something else, how are new residents supposed to know? The change wasn't necessary, in the least, so I'm not sure exactly who they are accommodating by making it, or who will benefit that is. They changed it because someone asked for it, probably some time ago: "MAINT-2477 Feature Request - Sun position override should not persist across logins" yes. Is not accessible to public that maint request. So dunno what arguments moved LL to act on it is still a persistent setting in the official viewer release 3.7.25 Feb 15 that is downloaded from the main webpage by default has been changed in the 3.7.26 Mar 15 Maintenance viewer which is in the release channel + i think I might put in a Feature Request to have the other quick menu options made temporary as well. Like Hide Banlines, Show Parcel Boundaries, Properties, etc that way will be better. Like we can change them all back to our own settings each time we log in. Will be way better this. Is terrible how red boundary lines mess up the view that I made for you my awesome visitor. And Hiding banlines that I made for you. You should have to see them everytime you log in, then can them off turn off each time you login. bc is awesome + and them LMs on your nav bar. They should be temporary as well even. Like dunno what is the point of them not being temporary to each login. I mean like they persist in Places window anyways. So pfft to that as well + dunno why anyone would care if we did this. Is not like e.v.e.r.y.b.o.d.y would even notice or care even I didn't realize the change was only in new maintenance viewer - upon testing that viewer it turns out that they also made the Environment Settings toggle temporary. SO.... I created a JIRA to tell them about it and to ask for behavior change in this viewer before it becomes the default viewer.. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8739 In other words, I told people who could actually do something about it.
  21. Make sure you're rezzing it somewhere that allows scripts to run, and to give it time to fully load its scripts before you "sit."
  22. Tari Landar wrote: LL doesn't even know why they changed the original default to something else, how are new residents supposed to know? The change wasn't necessary, in the least, so I'm not sure exactly who they are accommodating by making it, or who will benefit that is. They changed it because someone asked for it, probably some time ago: "MAINT-2477 Feature Request - Sun position override should not persist across logins"
  23. irihapeti wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: irihapeti wrote: LL are changing a viewer behaviour for an edge case. The edge case being experience builders who want murky bc is awesome + ps. I just add something I get it if a experience sim reverted the viewer to Use Region Settings when a person went to that sim but to have it revert everytime on login? Is nuts And not wanting to have to click a button to cheat in Linden Realms isn't an edge case? read the other stories ok. I got heaps of them about new people stumbling round in the dark all over Those people can turn on the sun. Temporarily. When they need it. I change it all the time for testing purposes. And I used to wonder, "Why can't I see the kewl lighting here" until I remembered I changed the daylight toggle on another account and forgot to set it back. Meanwhile, for your use case, just go to "Environment Editor", change the option to "Customize" or whatever it is, select "Fixed Sky" and pick whatever look you want - it's persistent; I just checked it. Wala! You're usually pretty reasonable here, but hey, things happen. Welcome to the BAWWWWbary Coast...
  24. irihapeti wrote: LL are changing a viewer behaviour for an edge case. The edge case being experience builders who want murky bc is awesome + ps. I just add something I get it if a experience sim reverted the viewer to Use Region Settings when a person went to that sim but to have it revert everytime on login? Is nuts And not wanting to have to click a button to cheat in Linden Realms isn't an edge case?
  25. irihapeti wrote: why is it always dark when I login? this is a question that new people often ask so what you tell them is can change the Sun to Midday so they can see. So they do that and go: woooo!!! I can see now lol. I like !! + then in the latest viewer LL changed it so that if new person changes it to light then when they login the next time then is dark again seems this was a Feature Request to change the default viewer behaviour. Which was that what Sun you choose for yourself was sticky between logins not anymore. Has been changed in the latest viewer to be unsticky now. Is now always: Use Region Settings when login + is so awesome this. What does it matter to make people who cant see, not see ??? Like who cares that they now have to change their sun everytime now. is apparently way more important that "experience" owners get to impose their awesome dark by default on people who cant seeeeee !!!! every. single. time dont LL even know what is actual important anymore. s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y If you want people to always see things looking like crap you can just have them use the "Environment Editor" and click a few buttons.
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