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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. PlayfulDead wrote: Darn, any ideas if there are plans to have Chrome run it in the future? I may just get a newer Acer Aspire as they can be similar in price, but thanks for the tips! I thought the Tigra was a high performance card? Everything I found on it makes it sound newer and better thant the NVIDIA 9000 series recommended here? The Tegra is an all-in-one processor/graphics chip for low power mobile devices - basically, it's a big phone chip. The Nvidia 9000 series were dedicated graphics cards from several years ago.
  2. Doombot14 wrote: Hey all, I guess it's curiosity my concerns, but things have really changed in sl. When I started second life two years ago, it was a really different place for me. It was this bustling busy place, and it was easy to make friends. Over the years I have begun to see the people have really changed. I don't log in as much because I have a busy real life, but I try to as much as I can. I recently have been logging in to visit different places, and it seems like a ghost town. A few locations there were seas of silent avatars that don't say a word. I used to frequent breedable, and shops however they are all gone. Am I visiting the wrog areas? Is there places I should check out to see active talking people? It's really sad to see how closed off people are nowadays. Thanks community Two years ago people were saying exactly the same thing, and what you're seeing is a common dynamic in SL. Unless you have a specific activity to keep you here it becomes less compelling over time. I've been here for five years and most of my friends are ones I've made in the first few months I was here. Breedables tend to be a "bubble" interest, especially for each individual breedable as the market saturates. There are probably small remnants in each breed if one of them was really enjoyable for you. Right now the big buzz is around mesh bodies and clothing. As far as meeting people, try getting involved with areas for new people like NCI or The Shelter. You'll literally meet "new" people who could use your experience.
  3. Blaze Nielsen wrote: Consider all the fees associated with a resident purchase of $100 USD converted into lindens and spent in marketplace: Fee to buy items in the marketplace (5%), Add extra fee for merchants to convert lindens into USD (either for tier payments or to cash out to paypal), Linden lab makes $12.28 USD. Bottom line, Linden Lab earns over $12% on most marketplace transactions. So, if you assume marketplace sales to be $75 million, Linden Lab would be making in the vicinity of $9.2 million USD per year. Throw in the fact that if that $100 is spent on the Marketplace and not in an in-world store, they not only make the commission, they also don't have to spool up a possibly idling region or pay for the data transmission of all of the graphics.
  4. CaitlinCornsilk wrote: Thank you for replying ladies, I'm going to show my noobiness here. What's the difference betweenn an applier and an alpha? Is there one? However, I don't really wear long sleeved tops, so don't think so. I can tell you when it started though. I'd been terraforming and suddenly my parcel was under a few metres of water. The whole parcel. Not just the corner I'd been working in. I logged out in the hopes that would rectifiy it (it didn't but has subsequently been rectified) and a while later I realised my wrists were black. My eyesight isn't the best lol, so it took a while to realise hahah. Don't know if this answers your questions really. Thanks Have you cleared your cache since this has happened? If you haven't, go to "Preferences" - "Advanced" and select "Clear cache", and then re-log. Clearing cache used to be thought of as an all-purpose fix-all, which it wasn't and isn't, but it IS useful if your viewer somehow gets a wrong idea about how to display a texture and that's what might have happened, especially after a major glitch like the water thing.
  5. CaitlinCornsilk wrote: Hi all, This is a strange one.....or maybe it isn't...;-) About a week ago my Slink Elegant hands developed black wrists. Has anyone ever had this happen before? I've been back to land had a redelivery and am now going through the process of amending ALL of my saved outfits to enter the new, redelivered Slink hands, but has anyone ever heard of this before? Thanks Caitlin Did you use any appliers for long-sleeved tops before this happened?
  6. Pamela Galli wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: The stores in this campaign did make me want to find out what the deals would be. Yes, we know. That is what supporters of the free market economy object to: LL is redirecting customers to this "select" group of merchants. I think we get it, you don't value the free market and prefer to have LL promote certain groups. And if you are not a merchant in what is already an extremely competitive market, there is no reason you should care. I have never said that the promotion is good; I've merely said that it's defensible, and if it is to be countered it should not be by factual and logical errors. And realistically, Second Life's market has never been truly "free", because money can be brought in from outside, search engines can be gamed, etc. Any attempt to make it truly a reflection of only "hard work and talent" would require regulation up the wazoo, which is hardly "free."
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: If LL offered this opportunity to ALL merchants, most likely only those merchants that sell a lot of products could afford such an ad campaign. So LL wouldn't be out anything. In fact they may have been better off because someone they didn't pick may have sold more than the ones that did get picked plus they would have generated more good will among merchants. It is the unfairness of playing favorites that stinks here, and is the latest in a long line of such moves. Merchants who sell a lot of products wouldn't need to drop money on an ad campaign, especially one that would also reduce their income per item. Take a look at the classifieds in web search - they're not generally the prestige names in their fields, and they probably wouldn't make great "clickbait" for a campaign. The stores in this campaign did make me want to find out what the deals would be.
  8. DartAgain wrote: True, this doesn't fly in RL business. And sometimes there are lawsuits. Nonsense. Linden Lab is a private company, and private companies invite bidders for projects all the time rather than having open bids. As far as Amethyst's advertisement, what do you think would have been the result if it had been between her and Macy's for the same limited fixed-price slot?
  9. mircealove wrote: I would like to have my alt and my main avatar in the same room at the same time. Is this possible and are there any risks in doing so? Thanks for the help!! It's possible - you can either set your main viewer to allow you to run more than one session simultaneously, run two different viewers simultaneously (you can get very low-overhead text based viewers) or you can use two different computers. Depending on your computer, it can place quite a load on it and your internet connection if you try running two full-graphical instances at once on the same machine and the performance in both sessions will suffer but otherwise there shouldn't be any problems.
  10. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: And how do you know who is or isn't a mole and how much they get paid by LL? Perhaps they are actual employees. Either way, not discrimination nor pertenaint to this discussion. Guide to Moles. Note that it states they're paid hourly and "In order to hit the ground running, the LDPW has approached a number of content creators whose credentials are well-established..." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works Another good one: The 2008 and 2010 vintage starter avatars were not only made by residents chosen by the Lab, in the some of them there were/are notecards in the folders promoting their stores, with landmarks. The Lab also selects various regions from the Destination Guide and features them on the splash page of the standard viewer.
  11. Jaeslynn wrote: If you buy coastal mainland property can other people block your access to the open sea? The only way you're assured of unblockable water access is your lot borders Linden-owned "protected" water (it will say so in the About Land description of the protected water lot.) If you have water on your lot but there's another buyable lot between you and "protected water", you can ask that landowner to give you access through their lot but they don't have to do so and can even deliberately put up a wall to block you.
  12. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: anniepany wrote: I'm not a merchant, just a simple avie and I received the email and I don't know you, but I read your other response and now this, perhaps someone is just a bit jealous because they didn't get picked....just sayin'.....have a great day. Linden Lab decides to give 'select' (ie favorite) avatars $10,000L a month, financed by fees paid by you and all the other avatars in SL. You not only don't get picked this round, you will NEVER be picked because you aren't one of their favorites. That's fair isn't it? That is essentially what LL has done here. ....just sayin'.....have a great day. They already do and have been doing so for years. Early accounts have higher stipends, pay lower tier and some have lifetime free land. Large landowners get land at a discount. "Moles" are residents that are paid by the Lab.
  13. DartAgain wrote: It isn't Walmart. It isn't Walmart competing with Target for sales. SL has no outside competition. It is LL talking some merchants into selling for less, while causing other merchants to make less. The Marketplace does have competition, with in-world sales. Right now there's a long list of in-world "Black Friday" sales that are undercutting the Marketplace. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just as I'm not saying whether this Marketplace promotion is good or bad. It's business. We also don't know anything about the specific deals that were cut to give these stores the exposure. They may have had to pay through the nose to get these slots, or they may be paying an increased commission on these items.
  14. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: anniepany wrote: I'm not a merchant, just a simple avie and I received the email and I don't know you, but I read your other response and now this, perhaps someone is just a bit jealous because they didn't get picked....just sayin'.....have a great day. Wow.. Just.. Really? When merchants pay LL tens if not hundreds of thousands of $L for advertising and only to have LL turn around and send an advertising email out for free for some merchants, that is a huge slap in the face. Perhaps you shouldn't comment if you dont' understand simple economics. How is this different from Wal-Mart or Best Buy offering (and advertising) Samsung televisions in a Black Friday flyer as opposed to Sony or Lucky-Goldstar? Retailers pick who to feature based on the foot traffic they think it will generate. In bricks-and-mortar grocery stores suppliers often have to pay "slotting fees" for their things to be in prime locations or to be carried at all. Speaking of simple economics, the "merchant" of the Marketplace is Linden Lab itself, because the technical definition of "merchant" is a reseller. Most of the "merchants" of Second Life... aren't. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/merchant
  15. Monti Messmer wrote: Whats about the picture before you login - the jeep with names of the creators for car and clothes. Does LL check if the creator has the official right to create a copy of the RL jeep for SL ? Or do they promote copyright infringement ... Just a few thoughts. Fairness is dead. It´s all about help the bigger to get bigger. Monti You can't copyright the shape of a useful object in the United States, only a name or a non-useful decorative element. That vehicle is sold as a WB Rockhamer and has a six-slot grille instead of the seven-slot grille that the Jeep division has a copyright on. (Incidentally, most WW2 Jeeps had a nine-slot grille that was originally designed by Ford.)
  16. SkyDarko1 wrote: My Mac keeps on crashing on SL viewer or firestorm after i did that update to EL Capitan pls help me out to fix it That's usually a problem with Macs using Nvidia graphics. Go to the Nvidia website and get the Nvidia web/Cuda drivers for your machine.
  17. cassandra Ushimawa wrote: I'm having similar problems to other contributors. I'm using a late 2012 iMac. 27 with the standard specs. SL worked fine on all versions up to and including Yosemite. The minute I upgraded I ran into this crash problem. I can run SL viewer for maybe 20 mins. FS loads but then crashes immediately. I tried most of the suggestions made here but none of them have worked. Hopefully LL and Apple can get together and fix the problem soon. Meanwhile would reverting to an earlier version of OS be feasible. Or am I just going to have to dig out my old windows laptop? I really look forward to any update on progress with this problem Thanks Cass The problem with El Capitan mostly seems to be hitting Macs with Nvidia video systems. One thing that seems to be helping people is to install the Nvidia "web drivers" for Macs.
  18. Shalgarni wrote: Sometimes I can be walking along, (or flying or falling) and I suddenly find myself inside a rock or some such object. Then I'm trapped and I can't get out except by teleporting somewhere else. Why does this happen and is there anything I can do to fix it? (Not my land) It's really weird and can get rather frustrating. Especially when you're trying to explore things. Everything is represented in Second Life two different ways - in the viewer, which is concerned with what you see, and on the server, which is concerned with the "physics" of that object and how it reacts with things like avatars that might bump into it. For various reasons, many objects don't have a "physics shape" that matches what you see so the server will think you're trapped in it when it doesn't look like that should be the case. A quicker way of getting out without going somewhere else is to go to "Preferences" - "Move and View" and change "Double click on land" to "Teleport to clicked point." Then you can double-click outside the rock, etc. and you can usually escape from it.
  19. Prokofy Neva wrote: Just because Tweetie Bird has the generic naming convention doesn't mean that it's an accident or default and "not a thing". It's not about users being lazy; it's about coders being lazy. They should submit names and descriptions to a registry which the Lab keeps. Now why is that so hard??? Q: How did you know that the Tweetie Bird experience existed? A: You looked it up. In a listing that's automatically created whenever someone creates an Experience. AKA - the registry. Q: How do you know what it does? A: You don't, because the owner didn't put in a description. Q: How could you be sure what does even if there was a description? A: You can't, because the humans behind our avatars are capable of both telling untruths and committing errors.
  20. MitskuniChan wrote: Ayo second life forums. So my avtar has clothes on n stuff but the skin of the avatar is sticking out of the jeans. So is there any way to make my legs invisible? (im a bit of a noob ) In the folder with the jeans there will be somethign called an "alpha" - the icon will be a white T-shirt with lines through it. Wear that along with the jeans. That will blank out the skin on your avatar under the jeans.
  21. Qie Niangao wrote: Prokofy Neva wrote: Eventually, some urban lore may form around this, who knows. I'm all ears when someone wants to tell me what Tweetie Bird's gizmo does. lalalalalalal. Okay, finally, after all those tangents (talk of "overly complexifying" things: The Two Cultures -- really?) maybe I understand what you're on about: A landlord could be presented by a tenant with an Experience they want to have available on their parcel, and that landlord will face the Experiences tab of About Land and have no idea whether to allow their tenant to run that Experience, and no practical means of finding out. I honestly don't know how a landlord would decide that, if they want to decide which Experiences to permit. I'm not sure this is different from deciding what scripts a tenant can run on their parcel, but maybe it is. That's legitimately a policy question. Otherwise, landowners would rarely need to administer any Experiences they didn't buy nor commission to be used on their own land. It may not be easy to figure out what those do from, say, a Marketplace description, but again, that seems the same as scripts in general. Also, querying for an Experience may return a scary long list (try all matches for a single vowel) when 99.9% of those will only ever run on (at most) one parcel -- the Experience owner's own. Certainly, the vast, vast majority of Experences will never be documented by anybody, and nobody (ordinarily) needs to see all those, but there's no way for the Experience owner to prevent it showing up on that list (and that's a good thing if it ever needs to be blocked). Maybe that user experience could be refined somehow. I'd be more willing to say that 99.8% of them will never run at all... every Premium member gets their own Experience key which allows them to create an experience, which is easily done from the menu. However, there's no way to undo this which means that every premium member who decided to experiment with the New Thing will now have an "experience" that will be appear in the list whether or not any scripting was ever done to take advantage of it. Given that Tweetie Bird's experience has the default naming structure this is probably exactly what happened. The only way anyone else will ever have any sort of encounter with an "experience" like this is if they go all terrier and look for random experiences, which will cause it to appear in a listing (or "be loaded into the viewer" by a certain type of logic)(or be loaded into our BRAINS!!! ZOMG!!!!111 by the logical extension of this "logic.") Meanwhile, functional experiences have profiles that can be filled in and which can be accessed from the menu - for example, the AvSitter experience itself, created by Code Violet of AvSitter and running on their land. Information is available if the creator isn't being a slackabones. Any experience has a limited number of things it can possibly do to you, not including making you bow to anyone because it doesn't involve animation permissions. A "wayward scripter" can do far more with an invisible prim set to "sit on click" than they could ever do with an experience.
  22. Prokofy Neva wrote: You buy a product that the maker in fact hasn't even told you is experience enabled in some cases; in some cases, they've provided a helpful notecard that tells you that your item is "experience enabled" and that you must select "AvSitter," an "experience" created by someone named "Colin" to make that cup of cocoa work. "Experience" sounds like some big vaunted thing (like Jimi Hendrix, "Are You Experienced") but in fact it's just some little thing, like being able to get a cup of cocoa in your hand without first having to accept it into inventory, then fish it out of inventory, then drag it on yourself. You can see what has driven more rapid adaption of Experience at least for AvSitter: accepting an item can now often remove your mesh outfit and leave you blank or naked. So people will stop using things that do that as it's a chore to put your clothes back on. Okay, I see part of the problem. You're using the term "experience" for something it isn't. The furniture you're seeing uses a common poseball-free sit system called AvSitter. One of the things that AvSitter furniture can do is temporarily attach things like cocoa cups to you using a comparatively new script command called llTempAttachToAvatar. If a piece of furniture uses llTempAttachToAvatar it has to ask your permission every time. This command was put into LSL in order to be used in Experiences, but its use doesn't mean that the use of it makes a furniture item part of an Experience. AvSitter has "hooks" to allow owners to use the furniture in their Experiences, which are tied to a specific piece of land and allow multiple permissions to be granted at once by users, but the furniture itself isn't an "experience." I have one of these benches on my land but that doesn't mean it's an "experience" or that I'm "loaded into the viewer", and it's going to ask permission every time to attach that cocoa cup. Oh, and the "taking off mesh" issue? Use "Add," not "Wear."
  23. Jay680 wrote: someone is saying my account is saying male and i'm not how do i change it? Someone is guessing - however, between the username starting with "Jay" and the "real world" picture that's on dozens of web sites around the world as generic "beautiful girl" wallpaper, the guess is pretty logical.
  24. Prokofy Neva wrote: It's always instructive to see the inability of people to tolerate the slightest criticism on the forums. Trigger alert! Indeed, forum behavior can tell you a lot about a person, I imagine.
  25. ChinRey wrote: As for the 30% transaction fee, I assume that's not for Lindex - that would only open for an uncontrollable black market. Nor can it be for all in-world transactions - that would be sheer lunacy. So it has to be all about the Marketplace and that can be disastrous or it can actually be really good news. Ebbe mentions a maker of mesh hands and feet (who that can be is still a complete mystery) who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars. What he doesn't mention, and possibly is unaware of, is that none of the other three top earners in the mesh body market sell on MP at all. You have to go to their inworld store to buy their products. Why? Because MP isn't worth it for them. B2B is never about price, it's about price-to-quality ratio and even today's 5% commission fee is not really justifiable by the quality of service MP offers to merchants. 30% is completely unrealistic . My understanding is the 30% figure would be used in a new product, not Second Life. The Second Life architecture makes land very expensive and inefficient for the Lab so they don't want the grid to grow any bigger than it is now. The high tier and "inexplicable" region-creation fees are there so that people won't buy a region on a whim and abandon it a couple of months later. (That's what Mainland is for.) People who want tier lowered always say, "If tier was lower I'd buy more land." What they don't say is "If tier was lower I'd give Linden Lab more money." With a more efficient way to simulate land it would be possible to literally give small pieces of land away for free and pay for them from the commission on the tschotchkes bought to put on the land. With single-instance fixed-location land simulated 24/7 at the Lab, though, that pricing system will never, ever happen. A car parking garage and a livery stable are very similar in theory - they are both used to store other people's means of transportation. However, if you try to use the pricing structure from one for the other you'll go out of business pretty quickly because of the different needs of storing cars versus storing horses.
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