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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Oh I am a great believer in gut instinct. I don't think it's psychic power but there is definitely something we have that alerts to us to danger.
  2. Hmm...I think Bree makes a good point! Perhaps residents should get 100L for every year since their rezday. So if you've been here 10 years, you get 1,000L a week And just to make it even more fair, the amount doubles if your name begins with 'R' 💲
  3. His house looks amazing! ❤️ Might have to check that out. Have also been to Hatfield House in RL
  4. Very specific moderation for me, personally! If one person starts trashing a thread or abusing others, I don't understand why the whole thread has to be locked...just remove their posts, IMO. But I suppose if someone is working late moderating and has other things to deal with, they might think "Oh, sod this!" and just lock a thread to save time? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have been on the other side, hosting SL clubs. Although problems were very rare, you had to be accurate and fair when trying to sort them out. Someone in a club I hosted at lost her job because she thought four people who TP'd in at the last minute of a club contest and voted on the board were a scammer and his alts, so she ejected all four - one was actually the owner's boyfriend
  5. Yes! I think the OP complaint is really about the tone. We're all human, nobody likes being snapped at or told off for something that's quite trivial, when it's easier to say "Just to let you know, your feet have detached!"
  6. Just followed Eddy too We should start a fan club! I LOVED that site but used to feel physically sick before blogging in case I only got a few likes
  7. I keep thinking "We're in Spring!"... we're having bright sunshine most days, and I was warm for a few nights in February...but here we are, nearly in April, and I am FREEZING tonight 😓
  8. I know, it just winds me up Have enough worries about vulnerable relatives without thinking of the possibility of con artists scamming them too.
  9. Also, for the Lindens - can you please remove the cartoon conspiracy post and not lock the thread? Everyone else here has been civil, please don't let one troll wreck it for us - thanks
  10. Sadly we have problems with scammers too https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/01/docs-and-cops-warn-on-covid-19-cons/
  11. Now it's shooting up in Europe again ☹️ Will this ever end?
  12. I keep forgetting other countries have venomous spiders They're harmless in the UK. Though there was a story about a family who bought some bananas that had been shipped from Brazil, where a spider had laid some eggs, and their house got infested by baby spiders and they had to stay in a hotel while pest control sprayed their house down! But maybe it was rubbish.
  13. I've been listening to a compilation called "New York Noise Volume 3" - this is one of my favourite songs on it. I think it's amazing! The vocals sound like a depressed robot who's into Joy Division, and there are all these noisy bits that really sound like a car engine speeding up (maybe they're a hoover?)...but just when the song's getting really grim and intense, suddenly this happy saxophone kicks in and I feel cheered up! What a bonkers record...but I love it and am so glad they made it!
  14. Nooo!! Don't kill the spiders...they eat flies and all sorts of nasties in your home. And bring you money luck Though last summer I had a big spider in my bedroom and it made me jump when it ran around...but I thought "Oh well, at least it's eating the other bugs!" Then I got bitten by a mosquito and wanted to yell "Where were you??" Hiding behind the wardrobe I bet!
  15. Inspired by the day, and Ceka's kid jokes
  16. 🙈 I get This site can’t be reached xn--https-rfa’s server IP address could not be found.
  17. Happy Mother's Day to all UK mums! ❤️
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