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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I think there are far more regular looking guys on SL now, compared to what it was like in the early 2010s, when quite a few went for the Dog the Bounty Hunter look If you like the music, indie/alternative clubs might be worth trying?
  2. I also visited Manoji's new exhibition 😀 I also liked the cat light...and there are plenty of sofas to chill out on, and hot drinks available too...
  3. I knew someone who used to tell everyone she lived in North Korea A few of us paid to start a group for her called Friends of North Korea, and had the flag as the profile. Sometimes people would get angry, "BS! How can you access the internet?" and my friend would say, "Oh, Kim uses SL, we're allowed to as long as we don't visit American sims"! What made it funnier was she was always using UK slang, lol.
  4. It gets dark, especially in Part 3..but does have funny bits and is a great story. And features telepathic rats 😵 Would definitely recommend it! No! But I'll check it out 😊 One of those classics I should get round to.
  5. Me too...it does my nut in, thinking about planets a billion years away...and when they say that most of the stars you see in the sky died thousands of years ago... It would probably be horrible living on Mars if you had to live inside a bubble and wear a spacesuit every time you went outside, because the air and viruses would kill you...I would also miss avocados
  6. Oh, they're beautiful! ❤️ So stunning. It freaks me out a bit...I keep thinking, can it be real? It looks familiar but so magical and mysterious at the same time. I saw something a year ago on YT about another planet in a similar system to ours, with water, which might be populated...it does my head in imagining there might be actual people on that planet, doing things...I wonder if they spotted Earth and if someone there now is wondering whether we exist 😵
  7. I must admit...when the camera came on...I thought, "Oh, it would be nice if they had attached a colour camera"...I was hoping to see the surface in red! But I know nothing about NASA rovers or space science, so maybe the camera has to be in black and white for the light? Especially impressive if some of the team were working from home!
  8. I wonder if the guy who landed a drone on a comet is watching this, thinking "Pfft...Mars is easy..."
  9. Will it be live streamed later? I feel like having a Mars party, to also celebrate the good UK weather this week
  10. You hadn't been out since March last year? Wow...did it feel weird going out again? I had my windows open last night and today...was actually quite warm yesterday evening! Spring is coming! 🎆 And it was really nice still having fairly bright sunlight at 4.30pm. Yes, seems to be a pattern - media report that cases are dropping, everyone goes straight back to normal...then a panic and another lockdown...
  11. Ugh...just woke up with a dry throat, back ache and a sore arm...here I go. But good to hear you're feeling better now
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