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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Queuing for my second now, wish me luck! 🤞 ETA: Done
  2. Maybe some don't...I made some good friends from doing it, both guests and staff.
  3. I meant more that I've seen a few people in the Make Friends section saying they find it hard to speak to people and feel more comfortable if others say hi first, so it's just a way of opening up an opportunity. But sure, everyone has their preferences Actually, that's my peeve - the rez point being miles away from the main area And then if you see all the green dots are in the sky...I can't be bothered to fly up and find the dancefloor, unless the place looks amazing...
  4. This is really long and should warn you it contains swearing...but is one of the funniest troll videos I've seen
  5. I have a question for people who got the second jab and had a reaction... I am trying to plan my second jab around work, do you think I would be able to work (from home) if I do come down with the temporary symptoms? Or are they so bad I'll need time in bed? I hope I can work through it as I'm quite busy the next week...
  6. Really? I would have felt rude when I was hosting if I didn't say hello to anyone who TPd in. Especially if they were new, or might be shy. Though I never worked anywhere using one of those shouters...
  7. I remember that 'Oodles' used to be a SL surname...I knew somebody who created an alt called Crispin Oodles But this is very useful, thank you!
  8. I honestly don't know if you're joking! 😮
  9. The bassline on this is AMAZING! 🎆 Anything released by Underground Resistance is usually high quality...
  10. We already have threads for laughs and peeves...but what about a thread for awesome things that make you think "Wow...I didn't have a clue about that"?!? I saw this earlier: NASA says all planets in the solar system would fit between Earth and the Moon! I don't have a scooby about space science..can this be true?
  11. Oh sorry @Coffee Pancake I edited it out just before you posted
  12. They're just reminders for people - you don't need them to book or attend the second jab
  13. Was free, has free fuel and you can drive it off a building or into the sea Actually, I don't have a RL driving licence... Some very nice RL cars in this thread though!
  14. Thanks I'm glad your second shot symptoms were mild. I also only got the card...hmm...will ask if they have a sticker too when I get Jab #2!
  15. Meanwhile, Carmen King is still getting thousands of likes and tens of thousands of views doing SL videos...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ETA: HUNDREDS of thousands of views. Why isn't LL talking to her, instead of making expensive cosplay videos?
  16. SPOILER ALERT! Dracula has a white moustache
  17. OK, really not looking forward to this now, lol.
  18. We're at 9 degrees C in London tonight... I want to write SPRING IS HERE! but if I do I bet it'll go freezing cold again by midnight
  19. It'd be good for lawyers. "My client wasn't breaking and entering! Just exploring"
  20. Same here - and now I've been asked to book my second shot, so guess I will soon find out.
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