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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Happy Mother's Day to all UK mums! ❤️
  2. I don't normally make a big deal of it either, lol. I feel like it this year though, just to break up lockdown... Oh, you mean like the green doughnuts?
  3. Try this...best Irish rock band EVER 😎 Has anyone made one of these? Looks insane!
  4. Oh just on the off chance this wasn't a joke... if they're transfer and any premium member doesn't want theirs, IM me!
  5. Second St Patrick's Day in lockdown But are you going to celebrate it anyway? Official thread for any SL events or RL plans! (I'm half-Irish so that helps make it 'official' )
  6. I don't think content like that IMVU video will get you banned, it's quite tame. Have heard much worse in SL clubs, and by people who were being serious and not pranking, lol. But it was totally cringey to watch ETA: Actually that video's sort of endearing how he thinks he's being really naughty and getting so excited about it
  7. Don't have a scooby what this thread's about but luv that song and album
  8. Oh no It's what my avatar looks like as an AI-generated human. I used the site that Rolig linked to www.artbreeder.com It's good fun, you can totally change your features and 'crossbreed' with other people's uploads and see what your AI children will look like
  9. No, not at all, it's just when people start kicking lumps out of each other the Lindens get their padlocks out That is very disturbing and I'm sure it goes on a lot with big pharma companies
  10. I agree! I've IM'd people and complimented them on their outfits, sims or builds, or asked where they got something - and can't think of one person who was rude or narky back. I once even got given a few free store outfits after doing it. Maybe I'm just lucky, but can't think of anyone on the friends list who IM'd me to death or suddenly got angry about me not replying fast enough or being busy.
  11. When they send the request, type "OMG...LAG!" and hit power off
  12. Do you have a link, please? I was looking for something like that a while ago but couldn't find any good free ones.
  13. I agree! I think everyone's so sick of it now, tempers are rising... but there's no need for people to insult each other. It's strange to think the UK had its last normal week exactly a year ago. You too! ❤️
  14. LOL, you would have all hated me in 2010. ____ ___ _ ______ / __ \/ | | / / __ \ / /_/ / /| | | /| / / /_/ / / _, _/ ___ | |/ |/ / _, _/ /_/ |_/_/ |_|__/|__/_/ |_|
  15. If you hung around with builders and scripters, it was hard to find anyone who DID look 'normal' I was taught random change scripts by someone with a TV set for a head, and one of the best builders I remember was a zombie Statue of Liberty. Not 'ugly' but unconventional: I've also been SL clubbing as a little old lady and gone to punk and goth clubs in a bling tiara and ballgown (from Freebie Galaxy, lol). Have had some mean comments about my avatar though - "good name, you look like a Rat" was one! And when I was into neko fashion, I was in a club and somebody typed "I'd hate to be one of those idiots with a tail hanging out of their butt"
  16. Have been watching "I'm Alan Partridge"...am crying laughing
  17. Yes, what is that about? I can't even think of a film or cartoon where kid characters talk like that, never mind in RL. For authentic 8-year old RP, tell everyone you meet you're going to hack their IP
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