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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I never had any problems online banking, and then my bank introduced 2FA and told us it was the ultimate security check. Then a while later I got a text at 4am, asking if I was happy to proceed with a payment of £300 to someone in Queens in New York So I sat there until 5am, totally shattered, talking to the fraud team and had to go without my debit card for a week. And then I cleared my cookies and had to go through the 2FA process again
  2. Glad this thread got revived 😍 I really got into Muriel Spark last year and am still going through all her books. I read this one in February It's about three survivors of a plane crash being stranded on a strange island owned by a mysterious and very grumpy man. And black magic, and a cat that learns to play ping pong I also ordered Dracula after @Amina Sopwith recommended it, so that will be next!
  3. Oh wow...I would be too scared to go into any lakes or rivers in London..full of shopping trolleys and plastic bags ETA https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/apr/08/the-river-lea-is-plagued-by-pollution-it-is-no-place-for-a-swim
  4. The experts agree! Splish splash, I was taking a bath
  5. Oh you can have a budget jacuzzi 💨 😄 I think people are worrying too much about germs, lol. The soap must cancel them out? There is nothing nicer than on a cold winter afternoon if you get caught in the rain, coming home and running a hot bath and having a soak and listening to music ❤️ But I eat food if I drop it on the floor, so I am probably immune to most germs by now anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. That is depressing I find the US system really scary and confusing. Surely there must be lots of legal compensation claims when doctors mess things up?
  7. Yes fair enough, and I am not good at maths. We also pay taxes and national insurance for the NHS. But that's still nowhere near 900 a month, or 30,000 to deliver a baby...
  8. Same here 🙂 I don't understand the fear about sitting in your own dirt? Unless you work at a sewage plant it's not that bad 🤣
  9. Move to the UK...we have cr@p weather but at least you don't have to pay thousands to stay alive 😧 So if somebody in the US needs Covid treatment and gets put on a ventilator, they have to pay after??
  10. $100 a week?? This is one reason why I couldn't live in America...no offence...but the idea that you could trip or have a fall and need emergency treatment, and then get a bill for 10,000, just seems completely bonkers. Think the stress of trying to AVOID an accident would do me in first!
  11. It could be like camping Imagine the complaints over crypto-mining bot farms
  12. Well LL released DOGE as a last name option last year...maybe they were trying to tell us something
  13. I didn't mean to make light of animal abuse 😟 It was one of the first pics that came up, and I probably shouldn't have used it. I just meant the UK ripoff winter wonderland scams where families pay £50 to visit a place that looks like Lapland on the advertising, but is actually just a car park with a barbie doll nativity scene and a Santa smoking a cigarette 🤔
  14. @Nalates Urriah But does Twix do apple pie flavour???
  15. I think I know what you mean, but I don't want to say in case I'm wrong, lol.
  16. Reminds me of "winter wonderland" shock stories in the UK every Xmas We didn't get so many last year because of Covid, but usually there's some media outrage over a rip-off "wonderland" every Xmas with some member of the public saying their kids were in tears and they want to sue...
  17. Japanese KitKats I bought four on eBay, they're like baby KitKats. I liked the wasabi and matcha ones, but the apple pie one is INCREDIBLE! It actually smells and tastes like apple pie. And it's purple! Not sure about the yoghurt and sake one though Don't think I'll be trying that one again!
  18. I still do sometimes I'm not sure people can get more than your IP that way, though? And isn't that just landowners? I agree though, I discovered some great music through SL. I also heard enough of "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga, "Alcohol" by Millionaires and that "Wanna be an avatar" song to last me a lifetime
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