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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. (Just a polite reminder...please don't turn it into a right vs left thing or call people names like 'dumb'...I don't want to be thread police but you know they will lock the thread if it becomes political and turns into insults. Also, there will be loads of vaccinations rolled out in the next few months so this thread might be a neat place for people to talk about them as they get them...peace )
  2. I'm not really pro-royal (I don't care, really). But I'm not sure I'd like a president instead...look how much politicans swindle and cheat! At least the Queen is open about spending a zillion on refurbishing her yacht...not fiddling expenses so she can put another jacuzzi in her house, and then yelling on TV about corruption
  3. It's mixed, IMO. Some are really proud of the royal family...others don't notice they're there, apart from when they're in the news. Or when the Queen talks to us on TV at Xmas The UK media loves some of them (the Queen, Kate, William) and others not so much (Andrew, Camilla, Meghan)
  4. Here you go https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/599Ls-Elite-Elegant-RunWay-boxed/1058776 ETA: I'm sure that's a resell item so have a hunt around, you might be able to find one cheaper.
  5. This is an important scientific one for @Madelaine McMasters
  6. Very sad to see all the violence in Northern Ireland this week
  7. To be fair, dozens of SL clubs included 'VIP' in their member tags. It didn't mean those people had access to a roped off skybox and special treatment I would say it's mostly on the hosts to greet - the DJ might be lining up tunes.
  8. Not so much laughing at others but at your secret self...I LOVE Limmy's Show. This was me at school
  9. @Gopi Passiflora I think I do too! I think the thing that's made me laugh more than anything is Alan Partridge...and that's laughing at the most cringe, terrible person ever Maybe you have to be from the UK to get it. What do you mean by 'cute' humour, though? I don't know if it counts, but I think Mean Girls is a classic
  10. I forgot プ = pu, not bu (not that I'd have got it right anyway!) I should probably make the most of this free time and go back to this, instead of messing around on SL...
  11. This really varies! I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, just personal preference. It can be cheesy, like a wedding DJ, if they talk too much. Though if a DJ's funny or creative, and NOT just saying "Don't forget to show my host some Linden loving" it can work. There used to be a soul place where the DJ would talk and tell us a bit about the history of the songs, which was great. And I used to work late night shifts with an American vampire DJ who was so grumpy it was hilarious...he would just say "Going out for a cigarette, so here's a long one" or "Contest board's broken, you can all TP out now" I loved it and so did our little audience But I think it's great when people spend time creating sets with a theme and not taking requests...I have heard some AMAZING dreampop, shoegaze and alternative sets and they would have been ruined if the DJ did shout outs every two or three songs...
  12. Proper posh people like me and Garnet drop the 'shire' The UK law says - Heinz tomato for bacon, HP brown for sausages and Worcester for cheese on toast
  13. If it's anything like Marmite I'll happily chicken out of that too! 😵
  14. Gopi, if I got chased by a flipping tiger I would run..if that make me a chicken...bwuck bwuck 🐔😅
  15. "Foreign cash bureau"? (Sorry, am bored and trying to see if I remember Katakana! ☺️)
  16. I used to host and speaking personally, it creates problems when people have a dispute in local chat...it would be better to IM the host and say "This guy is being creepy", or just mute him. Otherwise, it becomes a public issue and people who come to hang out and relax are suddenly watching a load of drama unfold, and decide to leave. Less traffic = less club tips = fed-up owner I would personally have handled it differently, but I don't think the staff were picking on you...you also have to consider that some people make fake claims about being abused on IM to get others in trouble, so it can be hard to tell sometimes. But it's good you left on good terms
  17. Spooky! I like it I like listening to this stuff while I'm reading...I can't concentrate if it's music with vocals, but this kind of thing works really well. There are quite a few Dark Ambient channels on Youtube with music similar to this - some of the Dark Jazz ones are also worth a listen. Adding this one to my playlist
  18. Yes, I had mine in February. The advice I saw about Vitamin D was back in April or May last year, before the vaccines had been produced - I'd have to watch the videos again but I think the main benefits are boosted immune system and greater resistance to respiratory infections. There was also a video about a trial in Vietnam (I think?) where patients were given a massive dose of Vitamin D and made quick recoveries. But I'm not an expert and I think someone in the previous Covid thread mentioned that it's best to check with your doctor before taking doses. ETA vid
  19. I agree - I've been taking a Vitamin D3 with K2 supplement since the middle of last year (Dr John Campbell did a few interesting videos on this) and also Vitamin C and Zinc and Magnesium. I usually take 2,000UI a day too - though I did pick up one bottle by mistake with 20,000UI capsules...which I'm too scared to take, lol.
  20. She'd probably say - "Is that as far as you got??" And I'd say - "This will save you a lot of time" and IM Noob Rat a link to X-Street
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