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Everything posted by AdminGirl

  1. Thank you so so much for your help @KT Kingsley and @Rolig Loon ! (sorry for my delayed thanks, didn't realize this had replies 😅)
  2. Many online accounts (or most? I dunno) require a unique username. It does suck if someone has taken a name you really want and they don't even use SL anymore. But imagine the mess if we were allowed to have the same names or reuse names and the search function would require you to then pay attention to unique details like UUID, start date etc. I think it would also be alot easier to scam others. I mean, people get scammed enough now as it is.
  3. If you see anyone with one of the last names on the available list (like Pancake, Takeda, etc), then you know they've changed it. Whenever I see one of those names inworld or whatever, they stand out to me. Surprisingly there are many.
  4. I was at a store when an av who was 6 days old IMs me "Hi, I'm new to this game. I've been saving up lindens through contests and camping. I've got 490 and I want a body and skins for 700. I'm so sorry to do this but would you be able to spare any lindens for me?" I just don't get that. Like.. why do that!?
  5. I would have thought bank documents linking to the payment information on your account would have been considered as some form of evidence. For lack of a better idea, maybe keep trying to remember the answers to those security questions. Anyway, so sorry to hear what you're going through
  6. While you have a point that consumers are entitled to leave a review even for free stuff, I feel leaving negative reviews for freebies is so petty. One of the main points of the review system is to help other consumers avoid paying for something that's not worthwhile. Freebies cost you nothing, so your negative reviews aren't really helping anyone. It's just a complaint over something you got for free so yes you are entitled but it's petty. I mean, how unhappy must you be over a freebie that you have to go back onto mp and write some bad stuff? It also discourages people's generosity. People are offering items for free and asking for nothing in return, and this is what they get. Sometimes people just make it so hard for others to do nice things. If anyone is ever unhappy with a free item, they should just treat it as a demo. We try demos before we decide whether to buy. These freebies can be demos for you to decide whether or not to keep.
  7. An mp inbox would be a great way around capped IMs. Plus some people may not go inworld often to read notecards, etc. It'd just be so much easier.
  8. The Ebay feedback system would have been a lot better than the current mp review system, since you can get an overall rating on a store. Sadly, there's always going to be the risk of false reviews from people who like to complain about nothing, or people who didn't look at the product properly.
  9. The way I organize my furniture/decor is similar to Beth's method. Within my Decor folder, I'll try to subcategorize into subfolders like: books, plants, paintings, etc. If something is a set of various items, it'll just sit in the Decor folder outside of any subfolder. I do the same with my Furniture folder. I also have a Furniture & Decor folder for sets that have a mixture of furniture and decor pieces. Subfolders here include: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. For poses, most are in subfolders by creator, but what helps me is keeping the ad picture saved on my PC so I can visually browse through poses. Not sure if that's a bit OTT though 😞
  10. I think it'd be so helpful to have reviews on stores and sellers, similar to google reviews or something. Since LL doesn't intervene when it comes to seller-consumer transactions, it'd be good if the consumer had some form of reference before dealing with a new store. It could also be a good source of feedback for sellers. Mp reviews are limited since they're on a per item basis, and gacha sellers can get away with getting no reviews after their no-copy items are sold.
  11. Your av is gorgeous. I rarely browse the threads where all the pics are but I just looked at yours. For what its worth, I'm impressed at what you've produced with your pics when you're using a lower end laptop. So much admiration for that
  12. Nothing wrong with wanting likes. But I think competing or comparing with others on the number of likes might not be a good idea for two reasons that I can think of. One, like LittleMe said, these posts have a lot to do with community so the likes are not really a measure of how great the pictures are. So comparing your numbers to others is pointless if you're looking for appreciation for your art. Two, if you're too caught up with comparisons, you might end up feeling down over other people getting 20 likes and forget to even notice that you're actually getting so many likes yourself. We often forget to appreciate good things happening in our own lives when we're too caught up on looking at other people and comparing ourselves to others. There's no way to know exactly what drives the number of likes on posts, but my guess is that it's largely to do with friendships that have formed here - friends are always happy to see posts made by each other and so they'll "like". So just keep posting, be patient and be positive, and just have fun with it ❤️
  13. Ok so I was decorating on a sky platform on my parcel. I accidentally flown a bit passed the border and I was immediately banned from my neighbour's parcel. To immediately put someone on your ban list for crossing borders in the sky (in addition to ejecting), without even so much as a one second warning to get out of there? That's a bit much.
  14. Unresponsive creators. I mean, how do you get a response without resorting to excessive persistence and becoming completely annoying, sending one notecard a week 🤐
  15. If you're keen on getting started on an account with the name you actually want to use (and assuming you're not interested in having a last name), you can just create a new account, while you wait on support to resolve the payment issues you are having on this account. That is unless you've already started buying things using this account. If that's the case, submit another support ticket. There should be a ticket number once it's submitted. ETA: What I'm trying to say is, if you're ok with not having a last name, you can pick the name of your choice for free when you sign up, so it might be cheaper for you to just create a new one instead of paying USD 40 to change a name. In terms of the premium account you currently have, you can just transfer the lindens you get as stipend to your new account. However, starting a new account might not be a good idea if you've already bought stuff like clothes and other gear that are non-transferrable.
  16. I'm surprised support didn't give you examples of what they would consider as acceptable forms of evidence. Maybe you could ask them. If it's your credit card that's linked to this sl account, then you could show them a form of ID to prove that you are the credit card holder. Or something to that effect. The email address can be changed once you're logged in so not sure if email would prove anything. But I'm just guessing here.
  17. You can put a short blurb in your profile that you're not into socializing or no IMs or something like that. That has worked for me most of the times.
  18. Hi I've been trying to incorporate bits into a texture change script (from wiki) so that I can set the parameters of the texture application via a notecard, but after adding the notecard bits into the script, the texture doesn't apply at all. The lines in my notecard are: gFace: ALL_SIDES gRepeats:<1.0,1.0,1.0> gOffsets:<1.0,1.0,1.0> gRotationInDegrees: 0.0 Anyone able to point out which part I got wrong please? Thanks so much. string notecardName; integer notecardLine; key query; list MENU1 = []; list MENU2 = []; integer listener; integer MENU_CHANNEL = 1000; integer gFace; vector gRepeats; vector gOffsets; float gRotationInDegrees; Dialog(key id, list menu) { llListenRemove(listener); listener = llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llDialog(id, "Select texture below: ", menu, MENU_CHANNEL); } default { state_entry() { notecardLine = 0; notecardName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0); if (notecardName != "") { llOwnerSay("Getting configuration data..."); query = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName,notecardLine); } else { llOwnerSay("There is no notecard in object's inventory, please add a config notecard."); } } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) // If notecard changes script is resetted. { llOwnerSay("Resetting script"); llResetScript(); } } on_rez(integer number) { llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "Touched: "+(string)total_number); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == query) { if (data != EOF) { //ignore lines that start with # and blank lines if ( (llGetSubString(data,0,0) != "#") && (data != "") ) { list tempData = llParseString2List(data,[":"],[]); string command = llToLower(llList2String(tempData,0)); if (command == "gFace") { gFace = llList2Integer(tempData,1); llOwnerSay(command + ": " + (string)gFace); } else if (command == "gRepeats") { gRepeats = (vector)llList2String(tempData,1); // This converts a string to a vector // Set up the vector properly// gRepeats.x = gRepeats.x; gRepeats.y = gRepeats.y; gRepeats.z = gRepeats.z; llOwnerSay(command + ": " + (string)gRepeats); } else if (command == "gOffsets") { gOffsets = (vector)llList2String(tempData,1); // This converts a string to a vector // Set up the vector properly// gOffsets.x = gOffsets.x; gOffsets.y = gOffsets.y; gOffsets.z = gOffsets.z; llOwnerSay(command + ": " + (string)gOffsets); } else if (command == "gRotationInDegrees") { gRotationInDegrees = llList2Float(tempData,1); llOwnerSay(command + ": " + (string)gRotationInDegrees); } } notecardLine++; query = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName,notecardLine); } else { //End of notecard reached, we go to the ready state. state ready; } } } } state ready { on_rez(integer num) { // reset scripts on rez llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i = 0; MENU1 = []; MENU2 = []; // count the textures in the prim to see if we need pages integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (c <= 12) { for (; i < c; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); } else { for (; i < 11; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); if(c > 22) c = 22; for (; i < c; ++i) MENU2 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); MENU1 += ">>"; MENU2 += "<<"; } // display the dialog Dialog(llDetectedKey(0), MENU1); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == MENU_CHANNEL) { llListenRemove(listener); if (message == ">>") { Dialog(id, MENU2); } else if (message == "<<") { Dialog(id, MENU1); } else { // display the texture from menu selection llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE, gFace, message, gRepeats, gOffsets, gRotationInDegrees*DEG_TO_RAD] ); } } } timer() { llListenRemove(listener); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } }
  19. Totally understand Personally it's way too expensive for me too, especially during this time.
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