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Everything posted by AdminGirl

  1. I did read your posts. I just misunderstood based on your tone that's all.
  2. Whoa what? If I'm one of those allmodfans, I was actually referring to building/decor items. And I think there are at least a few others here who don't care about having mod perms on everything.
  3. Might have said this before but I hate when I've never subscribed to a store but keep getting marketing stuff from them. Sometimes it's a store I've never even dealt with before. Ughhh.
  4. Ah thanks Cindy, that makes sense.
  5. Hiya I'm wanting to create a new account but some of the names trigger an error message that says "username fragment is blocked." What does this mean? I'm only using characters and not using any phrases or words that are disallowed. I know when a username is taken, the error message will be "username exists." Any ideas?
  6. True, and you raise good points. Admittedly I don't know too much about copybotting in SL. But my thoughts were more on detecting or disabling the use of copybot viewers rather than banning based on DMCAs. Sort of like how streaming sites get taken down based on infringement.
  7. And those stores that make themselves busy with fifty plus lucky boards and flash sale items etc. And as a result, way too laggy to shop at.
  8. My view is that those who paid for that something should be the only ones who can enjoy the benefit of owning it. As for practical impact on seller. I think in a way it does have one. I think if a seller is outright ok with copybotting by those who wouldnt have paid, then it sends a message to some customers that maybe they can get their stuff for free too. I mean, the seller obviously doesn't care so why not start copybotting like the others?I know you're not that kind of customer but not everyone's the same. I think it should be made a big deal and creators should get hung up on it to send a message. The more taboo something is, the more we discourage and shame people from doing it. I was never that aware of this issue until a popular creator had to deal with a copybot. Seeing the trouble it caused him having a thief keep visiting the store, it made me more aware of the issue and now if I ever notice any copybotted stuff I would contact the creator. But if I had thought that creators don't care either way, I wouldn't bother. And if that was the case maybe copybotting would become popular. And the idea that people would only copybot things they wouldn't have paid for is a bit questionable. I don't think they go around stealing junk. It's more likely that they steal things they'd like to have but want to get away with not paying or have the perms to sell and profit off someone else's work. But yes, I've wondered the same thing - why LL can't do more about it. Copybotting doesn't affect LL's bottom line. Maybe there's a connection.
  9. My pet peeve is how easily a thread can be locked. There were a few peeve posts thrown in there just before it got locked. It's more a confusion than a peeve but just to keep it on topic 😒
  10. So the people who wouldn't have paid for something should just get it for free? That logic is a bit strange. Plus, if they can get it for free, then how would that be fair to the paying customers?
  11. My inworld profile says I don't friend add. Despite that, sometimes people talk to me and shortly after, offer friendship. If it was an ok conversation, I feel badly about declining so I accept. They usually then ask to meet up every time I log on so I end up turning my status to invisible before eventually deleting them. I don't log on to hang out so... yeh. I almost always bump into them afterwards somewhere. Something's probably wrong with me 😞
  12. At 17, I still don't get it.. 😞
  13. Or you could position your poseballs for 2 avatars for example (could be more than 2 if you like), but take one picture of your main account sitting on poseball 1, then take another picture of your main account sitting on poseball 2. Then do some post production editing to make it look like there are 2 different avatars in the picture, when in fact it's just one avatar in different shots.
  14. Thank you Fairre, that's a great idea about the name
  15. Thank you so much for offering to show me - that's really kind of you, but all good, totally understood re: full perm and gacha. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't "policing". I wasn't going out seeking to catch people doing stuff. I just happened to come across it. I guess my thinking was that as long as no names are mentioned, it doesn't hurt to just ask. And as everyone else has mentioned, it's not my place to do anything else about it.
  16. Ok so both items are created by the furniture creator. Let's just say the furniture creator's brand is Toasty, and the item name is "Toasty - Cereal Bowl". Made up names for the sake of example. "Toasty - Cereal Bowl" comes with a furniture set sold by Toasty, and is also used as a prop via the scripts in said furniture. The prop has copy and transfer permissions once purchased. An mp seller listed that exact same item, with the exact same name "Toasty - Cereal Bowl", claiming it to be a gacha item by the furniture creator Toasty, but it's not actually a gacha item. The mp seller is just selling the props that came with the furniture set. I guess it's clear that if a creator doesn't set the appropriate permissions, then they leave themselves vulnerable to this kind of thing. However, based on my very limited tinkering with the AVsitter script, I've read that some props require copy and transfer perms to be granted for the script to work (at least in the case of temp attachments). So it's just very unfortunate that people would then try to profit off of that, since it's clear at least to me that the intention of the creator is for the customer to use the item and not sell it. Even if I'm not seeing it from the creator's POV, it's also dishonest to people who might potentially buy that misrepresented gacha item since that's deceptive. It makes me think though.. if LL doesn't officially act on situations like this, then what technically makes this "wrong"? Our personal moral code or sense of good faith? I mean, what actually is stopping anyone from either selling other people's stuff, or deceiving potential customers on mp?
  17. @Extrude Ragu @Cindy Evanier @Mollymews Okiez thanks everyone
  18. Heya I saw an item being sold as a gacha on mp, but I actually recognize it as a prop from another creator's furniture. I know some props used as part of AVsitter need to allow copy and transfer permissions, so I'm guessing this person may be taking advantage of that and selling the items to others. My question is, who should be the one reporting this? Does it have to be the creator or can anyone report? (in addition to letting the original creator know, of course) Thanks in advance!
  19. Yes please! I mainly decorate and what annoys me the most is when things can't be resized. If an item is no-mod and if I were to use it, I'd have to scale everything else to be in proportion to that one thing. So annoying and sometimes impractical.
  20. Also remember to be polite and non-accusational. This will just give you better chances at receiving help. Good luck
  21. I understand the eagerness of wanting to hear back from a seller right away after paying them a large sum, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of such things as fraud that quickly. I'd keep trying to make contact beyond one week. There are other explanations for no response: some people don't log on as often, IMs get capped, not all notecards make it through to the recipient. I had a quick look on mp and if I've guessed the correct seller, then there is a group inworld that you can join and perhaps raise your queries in group chat (as Sylvia suggested). Also, again if I've got the right seller, then based on the group info, that seller hasn't been online since early May so you can at least have comfort that you're not being ignored. My suggestion, since this has worked for me in similar situations, is to send a notecard and IM once a week. Some, although very few, have taken up to two months to respond so just know that sometimes it just takes a bit of patience.
  22. @LittleBittieOne I think what you had in mind is better suited for a blog. I've never seen anyone use forums as a means to write a journal about themselves. You're free to do so but since forums support open discussion, I don't see how it would be very effective. With all the back and forth chatter, it's unlikely you'll ever get to the end of your story. This reception you're having has nothing to do with you being new.
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