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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. Linden do provide a visual clue in the viewer as you are showing. The yellow banline tape a question for Linden is could this be done in another less visually obtrusive way, How I dunno yet setting this to one side for the moment the viewer does provide an alternative - Show parcel boundaries in the view. A issue with this is that often the parcel boundaries don't show thru the water, or show on land where the lines can be obscured by rezzed objects i wonder whether parcel boundaries (when enabled) could be rendered last, so that in the scene above the parcel boundaries are drawn on top of the water, and drawn over rezzed objects
  2. is good that Linden have updated the covenant. Shows that Linden listened and have made changes in response to what they were hearing individually not everybody might have got everything they wanted in the covenant changes, but I think today's Listening Linden is way better than olden days StonySilence Linden
  3. a interesting thing about the scripted camera is that if we put one on a region and then teleport to another region then until we press ESC the camera view keeps displaying on our screen the region on which we were on. And we can still pan the camera on the other region. We can't see any avatars tho on that region, just the terrain/water/sky/rezzed objects i think this should be seen as a bug, is just an interesting effect
  4. this ToS change came in quite a few years ago now, so is not a recent thing at the time the license did come in, it raised a bit of angst amongst the then creative community it resulted in a number of 3rd party digital shops changing their own Terms of Service, prohibiting their store customers from uploading sold assets to Linden Lab (Second Life) servers it also resulted in a number of creatives removing their inventories and closing their Second Life accounts as well, it resulted in some estate owners closing down their estates. In other cases transferring control of the estate to another person who would accept the terms so that the community of users of the estate could continue yet despite all of this happening back then, Second Life just kept puttering along as it does Second Life users in general are a pretty sticky bunch, they don't quit easy. And as you are becoming aware (from the exchanges you are having just on this forum alone) a significant number of Second Life users are vastly experienced internet users - they have seen a lot of things come and go over a long period of time - seen ideas/stuff here today gone tomorrow, and watch as the worlds around them jump to the next shiny. And to be fair some of those shinies work out great, other times not so much and sink without a trace during all of this time, these people keep on logging in to Second Life. Paying for the experience they have, and have had all down thru these last 18 or so years. And because they are not overly distracted by whatever the latest shiny is (even tho many of us do like shiny) they keep on logging in and paying for the experience they have
  5. you will also need to specify that Linden Lab also has a Service Content License on any content asset uploaded to their servers, applicable on any platform of Linden's choosing as determined solely by them. A Service Content License granted by its users, which the Lab does not have to provide payment compensation for this is defined in Section 2.3 of the Linden Lab Terms of Service. Para 5 extract: this Service Content License needs to thought about carefully when considering what you are hoping/wanting to do
  6. like here https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/127916789/waikato-20yearolds-103m-nft-scheme-causes-controversy-in-gaming-world these young people sold $US70 million worth of texture-on-a-prim, and not very good ones either as their leader Cobie said: "$70 MILLION LOOOOOOOOL". tbf tho Cobie was also a bit embarrassed about it all they were trying/hoping to raise some dev money for a game they are wanting to make. Stuck NFT in front of their fundraising effort, and voila $US70 million got dropped on them from random people on the internets so yes agree, is plenty of places other than SL on the internet to do not very good texture-on-a-prim
  7. there is nothing to stop you as a creator from doing this now you can make your yatch. Register it on a blockchain of your choice. When you sell it then give the buyer all of the yatch's digital assets. The buyer can then upload them into SL full permissions or you can make some original work in SL. Like make a prim. Everyone can proof you made it with llGetObjectDetails then register your prim on the blockchain. When you sell it on the blockchain then transfer it to the buyer in SL. Then they be able to do the same, sell on blockchain and transfer in SL. Eveybody will make heaps of money absolutely for sure, or not. But hey! thems the market
  8. is as Rowan says. With the LInden Viewer use your mouse to right-click on the item and choose 'Detach item' from the menu
  9. yes. Is just that when we reflect on these kinds of situations from both the gallery owners and resident/creatives respective' then we are better able to understand why the path is as it is and why we need to stay on the path
  10. demo is your friend. Get the Skylar head demo, wear it when trying on demo hair. When you can see that they fit together properly then you're good. Check your ears, nothing worse than having what looks like ear hair
  11. is best to get a mesh head first if you can as mesh hair is predominantly generically rigged (not made for a specific head in the same way that clothes are). And some generically rigged hair will not fit our mesh head as we might expect
  12. some thoughts is not that we, as residents and as creatives, go out to test the boundaries as such what we do is push the boundaries. A little bit out here, a little bit more out there. Next person seeing others having pushed a boundary out then push what they perceive as the new boundary (because of governance inaction) a little more. Another next person pushes this new resident-driven boundary a little more, and so on. When this incremental boundary moving by residents/creatives remains unchecked then we all end up a long way from where the boundary was to begin with this is what happened with the earlier themes. If Belli is to not end up a mess of conflicting standards then resident/creative incremental boundary setting/pushing has to to stop we don't set out to push boundaries to test LDPW or Governance to see what we can get away with. It goes deeper than this as creatives we often push the boundaries of our own work, push on the boundaries of our creative limits. The urge to push ourselves further so that our work stands out as an artwork in its own right, stands out from our previous works, and/or stands out from the works of other creatives. And it hurts when our work is subsequently invalidated by being removed from display by the gallery owner. It becomes about how we feel, and not about the fact that we are beyond the boundaries set by the owner of the gallery in which we hope/desire to display our work
  13. if this is happening on all regions then it means that you are wearing the AO script that is playing the animation when so then use the AO's scripted controls to stop the animation
  14. here is a quick code example to get you started (and anyone else reading who maybe is interested) this example script is for a single owner driver vehicle which can be dropped into a vehicle and works independently of the vehicle's other scripts there are a number of ways to this, I just typed this way up off the top of my head default { changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION) { // stop the vehicle from moving llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); // wait for the owner driver. + 60 means wait for upto 60 seconds integer wait = llGetUnixTime() + 60; while ( wait < llGetUnixTime() && llGetLinkKey(llGetNumberOfPrims()) != llGetOwner() ); // the owner driver is now on the vehicle, or // after 60 seconds the owner driver still hasn't arrived on the region (maybe crashed) // // in either case, change status back to physical llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); } } }
  15. as you indicated you are able to mod your own vehicles scripts. A way to ameliorate this issue is flip the vehicle status to non-physical on region crossing (which will stop it cold). Flipping status back to physical when the driver/agent has completed the crossing and is sitting on the vehicle
  16. is not so much that parcel owners should restrict access, is just that they can and some do. When so then is best to not stress about it, and detour round the blockage also too about banlines. Seasoned travelers know to edit/move their vehicle stuck in a banline, back onto the road while they are still sitting on it, to avoid having the parcel return objects kick in for sure it would be great should Linden one day implement bouncy parcel banlines for vehicles, til then right-click edit it is but then a traveler's story about driving somebody else's vehicle, which means we can't edit/move it when the vehicle gets stuck in a banline Starchild Rally beginning on Sistiana region. I had another go at this when Belli first joined the southern continent, just the one time. The journey ended when I hit a banline on a 4-corner crossing which also had a bend in the road. I was inching really slowing to do this crossing, but what happened was that my avatar was slow to complete the region crossing, the vehicle on crossing ahead of my avatar still had some tiny (tiny for that vehicle) power on, and it keep moving and ran itself off the road into the banline, upon which my avatar caught up, got seated, and oh! well i had a quick look at the Starchild Rally leaderboard just before, I am now second on that one, Elysian (the rally owner) since has made it to lands end looks like
  17. on the first i have noticed this as well, more perople getting into being small scale land barons. Two reasons I think. 1) newish people buying into the Metaverse asset hype. 2) people coming to Belli from the rental estates and beginning to take mainland parcels as well (due to their now being Premium) something they have never done before on the second that big baron has properties all over the grid, even on Sharp (G) continent a speculation how could someone own so much mainland and be able to afford the tier. It could be a too-big-to-fail situation from which the person could obtain Atlas-like status thru group tier under-payment. A thing is that tier is easily contributed. Top up a group to buy land, reduce the tier contribution after the land is bought this tho brings our under-tiered group to the attention of Land Linden. A thing is that the group land reclamation process is not automated. It is a manual process. Therefore, don't reclaim these groups' parcels unless signed off by Boss Linden this is most likely all wrong, but when speculating about how paying less tier for mainland than expected, then this is a way it could be done is equally, if not more so likely, that our big baron has more money than we could ever imagine, and just likes owning virtual land. In the same way (on a smaller scale) that people who can afford too, own 10,12,15,more Belli properties just because they can
  18. the TPV minimap shows us where the parcel boundaries and region boundaries are. And when we use this information to stay on the public right-of-ways then we will never get caught up in banlines or get killed by an orb the operative words are 'stay on the public right-of-ways'. When we choose not to do this and get killed then oh! well to stay on the public right-of-ways then (same as in RL) we have to drive for the conditions. Which means continually adapting our speed. When the region has lots of objects on it then we need to slow down. When a region has fewer objects then we can go faster. The more objects on a region the harder our viewer has to work, and the longer is the delay in our vehicle responding too our keyboard controls. Lag. On a SL moving vehicle lag is like a gusty wind in RL going too fast for the conditions is what kills most drivers in SL (same as it does in RL)
  19. Lucia will know more about it, just that as I remember Linden asked for feedback from residents at the time, both here on the forums and at the inworld user group meeting. The overwhelming response from resident scripters was that it would be unsuitable for general release, given its open-endedness
  20. as a vehicle enthusiast myself then I think that we, the enthusiasts, have to take responsibility for our own safety when travelling on mainland we can use a TPV with a travel (parcel info) minimap, like Catznip, FS, etc. Or if we use another viewer then there are a number of HUDs that serve a similar purpose, we can obtain. And if we choose not to do this then oh! well when we choose to travel over private property on mainland and we get munted by no-script, parcel full, banline, or killed by an orb then oh! well a thing about orbs if I was a seller of an orb then I would script my orb in the timer event to broadcast my location/position on channel -1935. llRegionSay(-1935, "<X,Y,Z>") where <X,Y,Z> is the region position of the orb. So that a traveler can pick this message up with their own radar script i pick channel -1935 as 1935 is the year that radar came. And I would encourage other orb makers to use this channel for the same purpose given the known location of an orb then the traveler can give it a wide berth (i.e. don't go onto that parcel)
  21. if Linden did want to stop land flipping then they could do it quite easily. Make the sale price for all/any size mainland parcel L$0 not that Linden would do this ever as far as I can imagine. Just that it would be easy to do (at least technically)
  22. orrrr !!! can make a orb just for Our Frenemy. Like: timer() { if (!~ListFindList(llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []), Key_Of_Our_Frenemy)) llAddToLandBanList(Key_Of_Our_Frenemy, 0); else llRemoveFromLandBanList(Key_Of_Our_Frenemy); } kehehehe 😸
  23. i use the Linden Viewer because it is limited. If I do want to know about an object then I will right-click Edit. Is rare for me to want to know anything about any object that I have no interest in editing when Linden Viewer is too limited for what we want to do then use a TPV like Firestorm as you mention
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