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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. It's possible that they are not "really" sending $L20,000 and only 20. If 20k was actually deducted from their account that they contact support and see if they can see what happened.
  2. You probably won't be happy to know that people can derender your clothing if you use firestorm without you even knowing.....though maybe not BOM layers - not sure. If it makes you feel better I've never had anyone IM me to tell me I'm naked or to make lewd comments. I just chalk it up to "stuff happens"
  3. Thank you! Sometimes you don't need an alt, to reinvent yourself. It just "feels right"
  4. Emoji's - Is it a scorned laugh or a laughing with you laugh. Also, we need more emoji's or get rid of ....emoji
  5. First you can't find people to chat with and now people are following you home? You've got problems for sure.
  6. I'm pretty sure the internet has already been uploaded to other planets so never say never!
  7. My thoughts exactly. Besides if I did a spreadsheet for SL I'd have to redo my RL spreadsheet and then it just starts getting messy.
  8. Maybe this was a legitimate post when it began however, since the OP has shot down every reasonable suggestion given it's now turned into simply trolling. They don't want advice, they just want to whine. Don't go shopping at Walmart if what you really want only Target sells.
  9. TBH, I think you are just trolling. SL got boring so now you are invading the forum for your entertainment. Please find something constructive to do.
  10. It could be that Second Life isn't for you and maybe a MMO might be a better fit. As for keywords? I type in senior citizen and end up right where I should be. I have never been disappointed.
  11. I totally agree with this. I do think it will be a huge mistake for stores to drop Maitreya and rig only for Lara X. I do think there will be a market for Lara X but creators will lose out on a lot of sales if they drop Maitreya completely. I have way too much invested to switch and am not one to jump on the next new thing just because. It's just crazy to take the most successful body, change it and then stop supporting it. This change has actually stopped me from spending so much RL money in SL.
  12. What I get from this is you are a rule breaker or rule stretcher. You know that your avatar would be ejected from many clubs yet you go and then complain they kicked you out. You say you couldn't care less yet you created a thread to discuss it. I also could name 10 guys off the top of my head that indeed "would not like to get with that"
  13. Plus it's hard to keep track of if you claim it on your taxes as a charity contribution.
  14. Expensive though I bet! Peeve: Access to affordable dental care is about Nil in the US. If you have no insurance and don't have the money to pay up front you might as well kiss any dental work goodbye. The last time I went to the dentist I had to have a tooth pulled and grafted. It cost me $1500.
  15. The price changes based on your subscription status. Why is it so expensive? Your guess is as good as mine but I assume to bring in revenue. How much does it cost to change my username? The fee to change a username varies based on your current membership subscription: Basic USD $49.99 Plus USD $49.99 Premium USD $34.99 Premium Plus USD $14.99
  16. One probably shouldn't bring attention to oneself by chastising others after doing something wrong on the forum themselves. Don't you think? Peeve: Those that think they are above others.
  17. Pancakes for breakfast? What about waffles? No maybe french toast? Do you know when you just can't decide what you want? Now you don't have to. have all of the breakfast classics in one bite. This waffle pancake French toast, called a Panwaffle, brings together all of these together. And if you haven't tried it yet, you are missing out. There! I solved it!
  18. Peeve: When you are on the forum and all of a sudden get 10 scorned laughs or confused reactions within 1 minute. They obviously did not read any of the content but chose to just reaction bomb all my posts. *knowing I can see who they are. SMDH.
  19. Why though? Aren't there better things to discuss than this? Are people really this bored in life?
  20. What theme are treehouses. I think I missed that.
  21. You also want to keep in mind that 150Li usually won't be enough for a house and furnishing.
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