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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. I wonder what would happen if in real life everyone's coffee machine suddenly stopped working? I think we can all be glad that doesn't happen!
  2. I'm sorry? You have certainly posted way more about your sex life than I care to read about.
  3. Is that really a good deed? It's like saying "I fed my kids lunch today" lol
  4. Permanently change my name. At least I can turn it off so I don't see it. Would you rather have the choice of everyone being able to view your entire inventory or only being able to buy G rated items.
  5. I was just going to post this same thought. Is it really a good deed if you brag about it?
  6. AH, light bulb moment. Now I know why they made Alpine win second place.
  7. I'm curious how the snow covered parcels on the mainland do? Are they full or sparely occupied? I'm sure someone here has some idea.
  8. Personally I find it hard to believe that Alpine won the second spot over some of the other choices but we'll never know for sure. I already find the Mediterranean and Ranch homes are too large for the amount of prims you get so I hope Alpine is Premium and not PP
  9. Well, it would be really hard to do a combo if Tiki wins so I predict that mid-century modern will be the one that wins.
  10. That's just the way the forum is. Takes getting used to. I found your question a legitimate one. When you are over 60 (I'm 62) there are just certain things you have in common that you wouldn't have with someone that is under 40. Some don't care, some do. Neither is right or wrong but I get why you want to hang out with your age group. I think the suggestion to make a group is a great one but please, please don't use the words, elder, gray, golden, etc in the name. Make it something snappy and send me an invite. We can get a group together and go crash the clubs 30 somethings go to!
  11. But aren't you a female in RL. I thought I read something like that. With everyone's alt's and multiple avatars on here it's hard to keep track. Is it possible she was using a voice changer?
  12. Seriously? They are scanning people now to see what attachments they are wearing. This is about as ridiculous as checking under your skirt to see if you are wearing panties.
  13. It's probably along the same lines as "why did the chicken cross the road"? Because they can.
  14. Totally agree! I had to revert back to the old FS viewer because it just would not run on my computer. Once FS is blocked I will no longer be in SL either. I am currently weaning myself off of it now. The mobile app sucks too. LL might be moving forward to stay with the times but they will lose a lot of their long term customers who aren't willing to jump through hoops just to log in and have a good experience. There will surely never be enough new customers to replace the ones they lose and it will be a ghost town. Most regions are beautiful empty places.
  15. You don't mind your own business. You write all about it on the forum for attention. No wonder SL is the way it is because there are asshats like you that look for ways to get people in trouble for your own enjoyment.
  16. If you start making the later clothing reportable in G, LL employees are going to busy only checking AR's for that. IMO, both the dress and the swimsuit should be fine for G rated area's. I wouldn't wear this to my kid's school or to see my grandma but it's perfectly fine to wear in a G rated region. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-Power-Play-Tucked-In-Tops-Extra-10/18799500
  17. Why wouldn't they just buy a region from LL for the same price Less what you owe on it? Your logic doesn't make sense. There is no upside to this at all. If I were you I'd just let it go if you can't afford it.
  18. Well, I tried this and it "sorta" worked. I removed what you said and put my graphics to low and my FPS went from 11 in my linden home to 30 so that was good. Rezzing objects took forever and if I looked away It had to rez all over again. Some things never did rez at all. So I'll go back to the old FS until I can get a new computer, which will be never so when I have to go to PBR hopefully there will be a viewer that you can turn it off. I am rather disappointed though because even on the lowest graphic setting all the textures seemed to Pop. My leather couch actually looked like a leather couch and not plastic and I was getting 30 FPS.
  19. Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe graphics What is the best wind light or EEP? Right now I'm using midday 1 which seems "ok" but if there is a better one please let me know. These are the settings I have and I'm getting about 11 fps at Rockin' Robin, which is not great.
  20. Can someone who is computer literate (there are many here) tell me if I will have an issue running the FS PBR version? 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P 2.10 GHz 16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable) 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor I run at about 30 FPS now on med graphics Also, what settings do I need to change or disable right out of the gate? Sorry, I know this is in all the posts but I'm having a hard time putting it all together.
  21. What you are asking for is nearly impossible. How would anyone know what race a person is behind their avatar unless you actually talked to them and they told you.? Even then they could by lying. The best you can do is put a pick in your profile specifying what you are looking for and hope someone that matches IM's you. I must say that it's a bizarre request. I get the idea that you want to hang out with people of your race but to require that they actually be that race behind the avatar? That baffles me. Also, your profile gives no indication at all what race you are. Looking at the picture in your first life tab, I'd assume your avatar was white. You've been in SL for almost 17 years. You know that is not how it works. Also, forums are for discussion so no one is going to "can" anything. Once a thread has been created it's fair game for anyone to respond how they see fit.
  22. I don't quite think that's what they mean by the TOS saying not to give out your SL account information. How would LL even know you used your SL password on another site? I mean, it's stupid to do it but not against the TOS.
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