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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Why? They should have read the TOS. Just because it's common practice to just check stuff doesn't mean you should. Ever sign a contract? If you are in the habit of signing them without reading them then I suggest you don't do that.
  2. This all isn't really anything new except... for no child avatars on adult land *which they shouldn't have been anyway* no more family friendly nude beaches which never should have been a thing Question for those that are scared, nervous, afraid of getting banned, etc. IF they totally got rid of the modesty layers being required would that change anything for you? Because if they got rid of the back and sides for the layers then all you have is a bit covering the breast area and underwear. Are you really going to leave because of that? Laws and rules aren't made because the majority are following them. They are made because the minority isn't. I SO wish I could give RL examples that would mirror this but I can't so I won't. It would cause too much of a BANG.
  3. You really are not getting it are you? When it hits you let us know.
  4. Well this is their own fault. Yes, LL issued a general alert to everyone. It's called "read the new TOS and agree to it." Also there are 3 blog articles on the main dashboard. What else would you like them to do. Also the TOS is not a boilerplate. It's VERY specific regarding the new Child Avatar portion of the TOS.
  5. perhaps I don't need to explain anything to you. Ask LL if you are concerned and/or make yourself taller.
  6. hmm, I have never seen it. I was part of Beyou for 2 years and everyone there was nice, as far as I could tell. I honestly do get wanting to play a child avatar. It was always fun to interact with them, at least the ones I came across. There is a child avatar that has multiple child alts that frequently comes to the club I go to. She plays a child anywhere from a very young toddler to a teenager as well as a dolly. The only time that she is not allowed in the club is if it is doing an event that allows us to be topless which really is only the Woodstock theme set. Everyone treats her with respect and caring.
  7. There are some people that really need to go back and read the TOS and comprehend it.
  8. BUT the TOS changes have nothing to do with contempt for child avatars. ***play isn't a kink, sexualized situations with children is not a kink. I've never seen so much pushback from a company trying to do the right thing. It's really rather mindboggling.
  9. I'd put money on that people are actually not logging in because they died or they ended up in the hospital rather than being upset with a sensible TOS. It hasn't even been a month. Come post this in a a year and we'll see if the number logged in changes much from today till then. I doubt it.
  10. What if SL shut down tomorrow? You'd be losing ALL the real life dollars you put into it. We all know it could happen any day.
  11. Ok, so I get maybe being a bit nervous to commit to a subscription until this all pans out and we see what the implications really are but why leave? What does leaving do but affect the person leaving. I mean if you get banned you essentially aren't here either so I don't get it. I think the people that say they are leaving are just not logging in maybe for now. The real question would be "how many people have left AND deleted their account" Even that doesn't say a whole lot as you can always get your account back.
  12. As it should be. I'll vote for that. Might be hard to prove though. I mean it's not like people are admitting on the actual SL forum that they didn't report a TOS violation. That would just be stupid right?
  13. Actually this is wrong. Bans should need evidence but an AR doesn't. You are reporting the situation/avatar based on your perception. If you think something is going on better to AR it than ignore it. LL can do their investigating and if they don't find anything nothing will come of it. But one should not assume they need concreate evidence to submit an AR.
  14. Peeve: When people say they block you and then keep responding and reacting to your posts. Geez, you can't even trust blocks around here now.
  15. Thanks for pointing that out about the search. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for LL to do something about those venues. IMO,, they should be disappearing or with at least a name change pretty quickly.
  16. Can you both stop? If you want to hash out your previous relationship take it out of the forums please.
  17. I would not expect to see most of these activities on a M rated sim with the exception of a swimming pool/beach sim.
  18. Well you obviously didn't block me or at least read the post. lol You aren't a snitch? Do you think maybe if you had been reporting illegal activity to LL that you wouldn't have to worry about how short you are now? IMO those that ignore this behavior should be banned as well. Permanently, but I'm not an employee of LL so I can't make that call.
  19. I'd have to second that sometimes moving on is for the best. I have an ex-partner who flits around from girl to girl, often partnering the same one over and over. In our 2 year relationship we broke up 3 times. He gets bored, has to cause an "issue" and then some drama. Personally I think he just likes the make up sex. We frequent the same club nightly. What he did and said to me was very hurtful. I don't think either one of use should have to leave the club as we both have friends there, however he doesn't understand why we can't be friends or friendly. I basically ignore him. I don't say hi and I try my best not to acknowledge his comments in local. He, on the other had goes out of his way to say Hi and make it obvious. I think a lot of people in SL believe that even if someone hurts you or does something unforgiveable you HAVE to forgive them and continue with some sort of relationship. In RL it's easy to avoid the people you don't want to hang out with. In SL it's a bit more difficult. I don't see any issues with people just walking away. In my case not literal but in my mind. Reestablishing toxic relationships just is not necessary. Anyway, sorry for the ramble but it's sounds like you are starting to enjoy your SL a lot more than you used to.
  20. And you find that funny why? Doing the nasty with a kid is nothing to laugh or joke about. It's disgusting. Also, if you knew that he came back with a new account and didn't report him then shame on you. I won't even ASK why this person is a friend of yours.
  21. Well good. Only took ya five days too. Are you sure you have trouble making friends? Just a word of warning. 5 days does not make a solid group of friends. I have found to really have a nice friendship it can take at least six months. My bestie, I call her and I have known each other online starting from Opensim and reconnecting on SL and have known each other for 5 years. I feel that she is the one person I can trust with anything SL or RL.
  22. Using Claude.ai for this is like using Web MD for medical advice or getting your news from the Daily Mail, however everything this states is what LL has done.
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