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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Well, someone ended the letter prematurely. LOL
  2. Does asking for friends in world on the forum really work? No. it's not about friendships here compared to RL. I think I see where the problem lies now.
  3. Ok but am I pretty or not? That's all need to know. LOL
  4. Yes but this is a specific issue. Not about general friendship anywhere else. Yes, this particular problem IS specific to SL.
  5. I'm so confused. I though OP stood for Original Poster but it means quoting someone's Original Post? Help a gal out!
  6. I don't think we are. I had a linden home about a year ago and had my alt set their home there. Every time my alt logs on they land there. It's been in maintenance for a year. Do not know why.
  7. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: I used bacon
  8. People couldn't play nice so they nipped it, rightly so. Every single thread turned into a bar brawl. LL got tired of it. This site is to discuss things related to Second Life, not your political or religious views. If you want community discussion about that there is the actual platform you can do that on. Forums are here to enhance the enjoyment of the platform/game it mirrors, not replace it. Have to add a peeve: Privately owned forums are not the "free world". Where people get the idea that free speech applies everywhere is beyond my comprehension.
  9. I like big balls and I cannot lie...whoops wrong song.
  10. Yes! This is what I was thinking too. Too many people say things like "i love to shop and dress up my avatar and go dancing" That's just not a big enough pull toward me to someone as those are activities most people enjoy, at least part of the time. Put more information when crafting an ad in too like: 1. What country/state you are from. If you are from Australia we most likely will never be online at the same time. 2. Age or age range. I know everyone in SL is 25 years old but I probably am not going to have a lot in common with a 30 year old as I am 61. Not to say it couldn't happen because I do have younger friends but again, they happened as I was in-world and we don't generally hang out together. 3. Say what time commitment you are looking for. If you want to go explore or shop whatever it may be then put that in. Something like "Hey there is a cool mini golf venue I'd love to go to. Do you want to join me and play? I've got Thursday free. I'm more likely to get together like that rather than just randomly adding people for chats or activities anytime. I like to socialize but I want to know when it will start and stop. I think that is why people like to go to clubs because they typically give you an out after a set for you to go do something else without it seeming awkward to just leave. I didn't quote you @Orwar but I really liked what you said about friendship on a silver platter. I've had friends that have IM'd me and said hi and it's quite obvious that they just IM'd everyone on their friends list to see who bites. I'll get a IM saying "Hi there"! and then 15 minutes later they will respond "Sorry was AFK. how are you?" Those friends get deleted off my list rather quickly.
  11. I've seen quite a few posts of people asking for someone to hang out with and be friends and wonder "does it really work out"? I added a couple people a long time ago and they either didn't try to keep up the friendship or we were so far apart in interests that we had nothing in common. Normally I make friends organically in world because then I know we'd get along and have similar interests. What are your thoughts? Have you ever advertised for friends and became close with someone or formed a lasting friendship from an ad on the forum?
  12. Good luck. When I first started I bought a bunch of no copy things and did the same thing. Hopefully if you submit a ticket you'll get them back. I didn't even know you could submit a ticket and I did lose a very expensive Intan dance system. Trust me I never did that again.
  13. I have quite a few friends but we don't really "hang" out together. We'll hang at certain clubs and IM each other but not get together. The only exception was a group of us formed a Wed night greedy group and whomever could come would play for an hour or two. Most couples tend to do things together or hang on their own. So it's not you guys, it's just the way it is I think. I wish I had better suggestions for you. Maybe start with a game group or gather people for movie night and see how that goes. Invite a few people. Also everyone in the group has to like everyone or at the very least tolerate them for a short period of time.
  14. When someone starts a thread saying all alts should be banned yet the account they posted on is just over a year old. Then they write "not new, been here since 2011" Eyerolls
  15. Just as a warning to people about discussing RL on SL. Even the most innocent of things could have dire consequences. I once met someone who told me what city and state they were from. Innocent chat as we were talking about the weather. About 3 months later he told me he'd won a Christmas decorating contest from the city and they gave him a prize and were going to post pictures on their website. Out of curiosity, because I wanted to see the pictures, I went to the site and lo and behold his real name AND address was posted. It also showed his RL picture. If I was the sort that was out to harm people I very easily could have done it. I made sure he knew to not share that kind of info with anyone. So giving access to your real PC wasn't smart but just assume everyone here "could be" out to harm you in RL and act accordingly.
  16. I have these and they are free. They are pretty nice looking for the price and have lots of options https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sheer-Shade-Curtain-b2/5258046
  17. The only sure way to never talk to him again is make a new avatar. Turn off IM's for anyone not a friend or group and leave your profile empty with no payment info on it. You can always transfers $L to your new avatar from your old one. You are probably thinking that it isn't fair you have to do all this but if you really have been stalked for 3 years and he keeps finding you then this is the best way to go. If anyone has experienced or heard of someone going this far to stalk someone in SL I'd love to hear of the experience.
  18. I don't know where you get your information but this simply is not true.
  19. Is there a reward given if we turn him in?
  20. I might add that because you have been so descriptive on every single thing he has done and what you have done to combat it he now knows who your current avatar is. If he's smart enough to find you despite you doing totally unnecessary things to stop him, such as buying a new computer, then he is smart enough to know about the Second Life forums. If I were you I'd delete this before he gets wind of it. If it hasn't been 24 hour otherwise you are out of luck. Then only speak to avatars that you initiate conversations with. Also turn on only receive IM's from friends and groups.
  21. My daughter who actually has a PsyD degree and runs her own practice might disagree with you.
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