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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. But that will cover up my tattoo that says "sl*t babe"!
  2. One of the reason why I don't just jump on any Tom, Harry or Dick until by chatting with them I can tell they are older. I will even test them by asking some obscure question that unless you are older you wouldn't necessarily know about the event or whatever I'm asking about. I'm 61. My youngest child is 37 years old. I don't go lower than that and yes, I know it's hard to tell but I do my best.
  3. Interestingly I don't find Meryl Streep to be a very versatile actress. When you can watch several movies of an actress/actor and not think of their other roles, that's what I call a good actress. I.E. Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Morgan Freeman.
  4. Not sure who came up with discussing specific pictures that are in another thread but personally I think it sucks. It's way too hard to follow what picture you are talking about.
  5. Watch this series where this actress plays 17 different characters, male and female in the movie SO convincing I forgot they were all the same person. RPing on a computer is like acting in front of people. A good actress and a good RPer have one thing in common. They are VERY good at what they do.
  6. Are you seriously insinuating that women are attracted to abusive relationships and would be lost without them? Are you saying that this is a good thing or through virtual play she can realize that and get out of the relationship in real life...because you know that's what she should do.
  7. You respond to posts as if the OP actually said this rather than it being your opinion. Nowhere did Bill say that at all.
  8. Like most D/s relationships IN Second Life. That's the part that is scary. You might be a responsible adult and know how to navigate these types of relationships but men playing Master and Women playing victim are dangerous things to play in Second Life.
  9. $250 Re-read the thread. I didn't see where anyone said that. You both need reading comprehension lessons. LOL, sorry I am very bored this morning apparently.
  10. I would assume you are on some type of region that is set up for that purpose, because if not, then your "right way", if done at a K9 event will probably get you reported if you were the one asking. At the very beginning you need to set up rules which is done (OOC). I'd give an example of what happens if you don't but this is the GD forum and not a place to put that.
  11. LOL, I'm not sure you get it. I didn't block you.
  12. Ok, I'll give you this however the problem is that ^^^^ people seem to get off on it to the extent that they drag in people that are NOT here for that. Many times on the pretense that they are not here for the fantasy, escape and RP - until they are. This is where the abuse and mistrust of people come in and simply pressing the X doesn't just end the abuse. Granted you are involved in a environment (kink) that is inherently abusive in Second Life while at the same time advertising the abuse as comforting, respectful and loving. No I don't need a lecture on D/s relationships or BDSM.
  13. You want to take away one of the most important aspects of the platform and RESTRICT creativity? I am not 12 years old and do not need someone to tell me what is and isn't adult looking. If I choose to ignore it or "play on the edge" then I would be prepared to face consequences. I have no lack in confidence with thinking LL taking the ban hammer and frivolously start banning people. At one point I had a stalker...well it was only a few days but he said in IM some of the most vile things a person can say to someone as well as threatening to stalk me till I quit. I reported it along with the detailed IM and what do you think happened to the person? Not a darn thing. As far as I know when an account is permabanned it is gone from the grid completely. This avatar has an account to this day. So now that you are getting all this push back the OP was tongue in cheek? Usually there is some indication in the post and with yours, none.
  14. Smiles Nope not RP. I'm on a forum not in avatar form. You're welcome.
  15. In a perfect world this would be awesome. Can you imagine the chaos though if they don't keep their descriptions up to date? The emails to support would be overwhelming. Even some stores have the TP's in the group profile and they don't bother changing it if they move. Ever TP'd from a group profile, a creators profile or the inworld store link from the MP and you are just falling though the sky or at a totally different place. Now imagine that X1000.
  16. Oh you DO get it. Thank god for the 'block element" feature of the forum.
  17. Definition of vindictive the way it's used in this sentence. residents that want to use the platform for what's its there for, not some sick behavior of some adults.
  18. You didn't really think he was serious when he made that thread did you? You are more gullible than I thought you were.
  19. I think people like the adult side of SL, even if they rarely use it, because it's there if they want to. Take it away and SL FAILS.
  20. Plus if it's a gift they usually give the gift in some god awful color so you will buy the real color you want. Black, White, Brown, Beige, or patterned.
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