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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I want a button that, when I push it, a hand holding a knife comes out of the other person's monitor and jabs them in the face with it. I've been told that this would be too difficult to implement currently.
  2. Realize, of course, that having saved outfits (even if you haven't copied all of the items for each) counts in your inventory tally. Each and every item linked and saved in an outfit counts as another separate item. Every time I see my inventory is over 15,000, I look and see what outfits I have saved that I don't really bother wearing anymore, and when I get those cleared out, I'm back in the 14,000s, which is fine. Bear in mind also, that it's really easy for stuff to just pile up, and for copies of things to stray and add to the count. As for a better way to organize, well, do you need someone to do it for you? I don't see a need. Just make folders and subfolders, put things in the places they seem to go best, and you're organized. If they did it all for us, there would be something wrong with it, and everyone would be complaining about that, too. It's bad enough when I check my Received Items folder for something that got sent to my Objects folder. An example of how I organize my stuff: my Body Parts folder has subfolders in it for avatars, pieces parts that go with more than one kind of avatar, and old stuff I never use anymore but want to keep. My Clothing folder has subfolders for each of the avi bodies I keep a wardrobe for, a folder for BoM layers and things that go with multiple avatars, etc. My main avi body's subfolder has all of the clothing arranged in subfolders too: Tops, Bottoms, Delicates, Full-Body, Footwear, Dresses, and such. Below the system folders, I have folders named Attic, Playroom, Garage, Footlocker, Closet, Workshop, etc. I'll bet you can guess what these folders are used for. I would be ashamed of myself if someone asked me about my motorcycle or some ordnance, and I couldn't find anything for them right then and there! When I get anything new, I sort it. After that I always know where everything is. And it helps that I take anything I never really use and shove it all into big boxes, and store them in my Backups folder. That turns hundreds of items at a time into a single object. Just have to remember not to delete the backup boxes, and take them out now and then and look inside them to see if there's anything in there that I want back currently.
  3. Despite my system having a very widely comprehensive set of fonts (almost too many), I still sometimes just see boxes with numbers or question marks, instead of whatever rare, ineresting, and fun wingdings people decided to use to get my attention. It's bad enough when the title of a forum topic tries to freeze my browser; if the MP starts doing it, I'll just have to make ALL my own stuff, I guess. Saves money, so hey, no biggy.
  4. Seconding. The popup gets in the way when I'm trying to copy the URLs for videos and download them to watch later. Stingy jerks.
  5. There is this, yes. I'm just not the most up-to-date and expert scripter, so I can only relate what I know works. I've used llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast for a lot of stuff, actually, but I haven't really looked into using it to spin linked parts around so much yet. Heck, I still use separate scripts for headlights on my motorcycle. When learning, my philosophy is keep it simple and learn what works first, then learn how to do it better. I'm still in the learning to do it better phase, myself.
  6. I should have given you one of my Elder Wands last time we met. My bad.
  7. It's part of why I like hardbass so much, the people all around in my neighborhood could hear it blasting from a car as someone drove by, and would probably headbop to it, without even knowing what they were headbopping to.
  8. My first "real job" was as a telemarketer. I used to sabotage the auto-calling machines, because the beeping sounds they made gave me nightmares and I hated my job. Mysteriously, they got raided by the state attorney general's office (for illegal use of automated calling machines) shortly after I left their employ. I swear I have no idea why that happened to them. Honest. Now I ask friends to hand me the phone when it's a telemarketer. I can usually either make them cry, or get them to waste twenty minutes, knowing they're not going to make a sale, because they hate their job.
  9. As regards the above post, I sorta have to agree, though I would help a person out with links to, say, my freckle layers, stuff like that. As for really copying my skin, I wish people luck. I picked the nicest one I could find, and made my own BoM layers to go over it until I got the exact tints and shades I wanted, and how I wanted them. This is the whole reason I got into SL in the first place; being able to customize every single detail of my appearance exactly how I want. It's my same old internet paper dolls hobby, but on hyperdrive. Building environments and structures and stuff just sort of evolved out of that, at least for me.
  10. Trying to get Hangman Hill sorted out before Halloween. These are placeholder nooses, I hope to have nicer ones made soon, maybe give each its own custom animation. I've been meaning to rebuild this hangout for a while. Ba-dum-tshh.
  11. Seconding the above reply. I sometimes accidentally click Wear and end up pantsing myself. Thank goodness for alphas.
  12. If you're using the llTargetOmega thingy, it only appears to rotate the prim that the script is actually in, which is nice also. It's a client-side animation, so if people have that turned off in their viewer (for some weird unknown reason) it won't appear to rotate, but everyone else can see it move. It only appears to rotate, which is fine too, because even if someone is sitting on it, they'll rotate with it. If you need to use it to rotate a linked part of a build via interaction with a different part (like a switch of some sort) you can use the llMessageLinked function to make a script in one linked part talk to any or all other linked parts that might be listening for a command, like "ON". The script in the rotating part can then "hear" the message and turn on (or off) the rotation. It might seem complicated at first, but it's just a sequence of simple little things, in the right order, that makes it all go. Hope it helps you get a start~
  13. Setting environmental stuff via script is of great interest to me. I can't answer your question, but I'm seconding it, and am also interested in seeing what answers might come.
  14. Spread like a virus, and start showing up all over the grid, so nobody anywhere could escape seeing my perfect likeness everywhere they went? This is very tempting. My alt is already my identical twin. I'd have to draw the line at sharing my custom Hello Kitty bikini though, I'm not sure Fair Usage covers the sharing of delicates and other apparel with cat heads all over it, even in an educational or historical context.
  15. And a pretty, non-remixed, non-cover song. Are you scared?
  16. Begging is unseemly, and can lead to bad habits throughout one's SL. Hard to come back from waving that free cardboard sign I give out at welcome hubs. Shame on me for doing that to people, too. Realizing this, I now give out free guns, so people can simply take money instead of having to beg for it. If that doesn't work, I have some virtual drugs, you can give those to someone and their avatar will never know what hit them. Then it's a simple matter of convincing them to buy you everything on your wishlist. Way more socially acceptable than begging.
  17. That was nerve gas! I just had the particle emitter aimed the wrong way! Seriously though, if you like shooty stuff and explodey things, HMU inworld sometime. I'll give you one of everything. Empowering the youth of the virtual world to make their own choices is a big deal to me. And I have firecrackers.
  18. Half of the people in SL can't stand me. Doesn't stop me. Don't let it stop you either, this land was made for you and me.
  19. *shoots you* *blows you up* *accidentally farts for real and runs away, embarrassed*
  20. It's how I go incognito. When people think I'm off doing dark and dastardly deeds, I'm usually just boogie boarding with Hello Kitty. Don't tell anyone. They'll think I'm some kinda monster.
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