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Everything posted by PixelBerry

  1. What if they "hired" users who have time and doesn't mind getting paid in lindens to do marketplace check up on wrong tagged items? They are not losing money that way, they will also give someone something to do, and maybe make the marketplace a tiny bit better when it comes to that. Actually... never mind that would be stupid, if that ended up in the wrong hands :U
  2. I play only on pc sadly 😅
  3. Hi there! 😃 I have tried this before, but I'm trying again! I'm looking for some new buddies, preferably someone with common interests, especially for gaming, I do have some already but I thought it would be nice with someone who also use Second life. You may call me Pixelberry or Pixel for short, I'm a 27 year old female from EU, I have been on Second life since 2007, I have been struggling with social anxiety for decades so I'm mostly stuck at home, having a lot of time to waste really. I really love the autumn season, autumn colors, the cold weather, halloween and horror movies, my favorite horror icons being Jason Voorhees and Micheal Myers. I also really like anime and manga, but I do not watch or read it as often as I used to, my favorite genres being Horror, Psychological, Shoujo, Romance, Fantasy, scifi and *Cough* Hentai, but mostly just the "art" tho. I love games such as Call of duty: Warzone, Hunt showdown, 7 days to die, Don't starve together, Dead by daylight and other games, I'm the chill type of person who just plays for fun, so I tend to not like people who turn toxic towards others because they can't handle losing, or handle people doing mistakes. I have always been tomboyish when it comes to personality, I get along better and feel more comfortable around male friends rather than female friends, I'm not crossing you out, but I'm saying it is more likely that we will not get along, or at least it will be hard to. I'm also quite shy at the start, but I usually warm up to people, unless they are introverted and awkward like me lmao, so I prefer people who are the opposite of me honestly, because it is easier that way. I of course got flaws, such as having trust issues with strangers, being paranoid and really disliking crowds of people, but I do consider myself kind and caring, so I hope it balances it out. You usally can see me wearing my anime avatar or human avatar, but it has mostly been my anime avatar recently, I also do not dress uh "casually" so to speak, so if you dislike that then, you will either have to cover me up with a big paper bag or something else I guess! Anyhoot. I don't think I need to say anything else, I think it would be more fun to get to know each other rather than writing a whole bible about myself! 😅 ( In short, I'm looking for gaming buddies, with common interests preferably males or other tomboyish girls who speaks somewhat fluent english, I tend to be picky on who I befriend with, it's not your fault but my own, because of how I am as a person. What I'm not looking for is romantic relationships, as I am already in love with my RL boyfriend, hopefully you can respect that. ) I prefer getting contacted trough IMs ( Pixelberry resident ). Thank you, have a wonderful day! 😁
  4. Snarky people, I really cannot stand people who are being snarky for no good reason. 😟 And people who only befriend you to use you in some way or another.
  5. ...It was just a suggestion, a stupid one I guess :U Let me just hide back in my cave where I do not get stomped on for giving one. Splat.
  6. Eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Let's just not forget that there are 16 years old and younger people on Second life, I'm not a anti adult person by any means, and I do not get disturbed easily but I do react on what people decide to do in a pg or a mature area, where potentionally young people hang at, and not everyone are into seeing those kinda things and can get scared off per se. I'm just thinking in a way that would make Second life more inviting for new people in general.
  7. The amount of items that got those scripts are very low and are only uh nether bits as far as I'm aware, and I know that it wouldn't solve the whole twitch thing but it would make it better if it was improved, don't you think?
  8. Such as people dressing very skimpy in a pg sim, people walking around naked in stores, people walking around in bdsm gear and being leashed at stores or any sim that they like, spankers, moaners in pg sims etc. Having pg, mature and adult sims don't really seperate them, which is why I'm wondering why they didn't implement pg, mature and adult tags for objects and clothes, like they did with copy, modify and transfer, that way people wearing adult tagged items can't access a pg or a mature sim for example, or people wearing pg items, or toddler items or being a toddler can't access an adult sim. If they did, you would be less likely to see lewd stuff in a pg or a mature sim, and would make Second life more streamable among other things, and would actually seperate it better for the people who doesn't want to see those kinda things. After all 16 year olds can join Second life, and I bet there are people who are younger in it as well, seeing how I was 13 when I first joined Second life in 2007. It wouldn't be perfect of course, how can Second life tell whenever a person is simply naked, but it would be far better I think that way regardless.
  9. Second life got a whole lot of more issues than the ones already stated, there are four things that I see as important to fix to make Second life enjoyable for newcomers, performance, a better way to seperate pg and adult content/sims within Second life, a better viewer that is easier to understand for newcomers, why is there not a built in tutorial rather than huds? And having less sims kicking out newcomers because their account is not 30 days old, saw a youtube video that demostrated that very well.
  10. I think its one of the genus heads and perhaps her own skin, or one of the skins she sells in her store.
  11. Now I haven't read trough all the pages of comments, but I will assume that this will affect a lot of creators who mainly focuses on gachas, I personally used to love them when the whole gacha thing started to blossom within Second life, but over the years I realized it is basically an easy way for stores to earn in some cash, and is basically a scam. So I'm happy to see them go. However I do understand how this can affect the stores who mainly focus on gacha. I have noticed over the years that some creators put more work, quality and creativity into their gachas than regular releases. With the same work, quality and creativity, your regular releases should do just as well, if I like something and want something, I will buy it regardless if it is a gacha or not. heck I will be more likely to buy it if it isn't from a gacha, I have been avoiding gachas for at least 2 years now. ( But no I won't pay 5k for a fatpack of gachas, I rather want to be able to pick and choose what I purchase, I think you are more likely to sell more like that, not everyone got 5k to spend on a fatpack, when they simply just want one color or one item from said gacha fatpack. ) Let's not forget there are people/customers who do not play gachas, so when you start selling your content as a regular releases, those people will start purchasing your content, depending on your pricing I can imagine. I also think one month is too little, it will probably take more time for creators to do the changes that needs to be done, and also figuring out what to do with already released gachas. I do hope that this doesn't affect the SL economy too much. Good luck for those who need it 😅
  12. It will have to be maitreya for me, big shocker. I was fine using it when we didn't have much other options when it came to bodies, but over time I just found more and more issues I personally had with it, then came belleza and slink hourglass, I used belleza for a good while before I switched over to slink hourglass, and over time just switched between belleza and slink hourglass but mostly used slink hourglass until legacy came out, I was kinda off putted since it's tmp were talking about here so I didn't buy it right away when it came out, I did eventually buy it and it's my favorite body out of them all, the only Issue I have with it is the way the hud is made to work and it's creators and how they tend to treat some fellow bodypart creators, I did end up buying kupra as well after pondering about it because it is body for a specific group I would say and I like flexibility which it doesn't really have, but I found out that it just worked well for the anime hentai vibe I was going for on a outfit, but then again I'm not so picky about a body being realistic or a more sex appeal, since I like to switch body types. But in general maitreya for me is the body that didn't stay on for long, however maitreya lovers won't get any judgement for me, it's just that it didn't work for me and it's pretty bland and meh compared to other bodies in my own opinion, but is a good body for newcomers and people who dress casually and like to have a slim petite body type, it wasn't flexible enough for me and felt lacking and I didn't enjoy using it, so tbh I deleted it from my inventory as well as any maitreya sizes I get with clothes lmao, I just like to save space where I can.
  13. Since she couldn't handle that or the help that she got, she wouldn't of lasted long in SL anyhow with that attitude, Second life isn't for the impatient, never has been.
  14. Even the ones who seems nice and innocent, can judge you and do other *****ty things behind your back, even if you don't notice it, it does happen no matter what really. Just don't end up like me, sticking to your own home 24/7, growing unhealthy paranoid over time. But to be real, everyone judges everyone, some more than others and in a less *****tier way than other ways, heck you might not even realize that you do. Ignore the judgement, and just have fun, even if it won't last as long as you would want it to.
  15. I have always just had general information like gender and age, birthdate and whenever I'm taken. I used to have a RL picture of myself years ago but learned the hard way that it wasn't a good idea, bad people will use it against you.
  16. Not to sound mean but... it is not cute to beg for money and will scare people off instantly, play linden realms or something to save up some lindens, or try to find a job within sl, or simply purchase lindens yourself if you can, obliviously there are kind people out there, but they surely won't hand out money to a stranger that solely looks for cash.
  17. I would of loved to see some moss or something on the bottom of the fences and the buildings so they would not be so right in your face against the ground, so it would fade with the ground a bit, maybe a little less trees and replace those with some more mesh grass so the ground is not so flat. However I do love the idea of the place.
  18. I think it also depends on how you dress, how mature/young your face looks, breast size, it all comes down to a little bit of everything, even if you say that you are an adult and your character is an adult, but your avatar is wearing lots of pastels, frills, got small breasts or no breasts at all and have a very young looking face, perhaps wearing baby girl themed things, it comes to a point where you end up looking like at least a young teenager and even sometimes a child. Obliviously breast size should not matter, neither height because there are adult females being short and barely have any chesticles, but then again I think it depends on the rest as well, heck even how you behave, short avatar, small breasts, pinks and frills, young face, baby girl themed items, childish personality, all that combined ends up looking and seeming questionable. I'm not assuming what you are wearing and all that, I'm just showing examples on perhaps some reasons why people will assume that some are a child or a young teenager because of a combination of things, sometimes the height is not the sole reason for it, giving us a picture of your avatar would probably help us giving you a better answer on what to do, but if the land owner is just super against short people then there really isn't much to do since it is their land and rules.
  19. That is pretty normal, I sometimes crash in the middle of teleports when I have been standing at a spot for a while, so I find moving a little bit before tping helps at times.
  20. I would totally use Flickr for that if I were you, there are some nice advertisement groups that you can join, also having a pic on your profile for advertising what you do. I wouldn't bother much with Instagram, I think barely anyone use Instagram for Second life, at least not as much as people use Flickr. If you get a bigger audience you can probably make a Second life Facebook account to try and advertise there as well, but I don't know how affective that is.
  21. I took myself the time today to delete the sizes of bodies that I don't use, with gachas as an exception. I will probably go trough my inventory more, because I totally have things that I do not use or never will use. It takes time but I think it is worth doing now and then, it is like cleaning in real life, the result is satisfying! 😁 I have my inventory sorted by lots of sub folders, but I made an legacy folder when I got it, that needs more sorting, so that is another project mhm.
  22. I feel like the adult content part has become more normalized over the years, I mean there has always been adult content in SL but I feel like it's become so normal compared to the earlier days.
  23. Sometimes I like to imagine myself as a new user, to imagine the first impression people would have when finding out about Second life. What is the first thing people usually do when finding out about a game or something along those lines? YouTube, a trailer, or something that can give people a visual of what Second life is and what you can do within it. I'm still waiting for a video that shows Second life for what it really is, There hasn't been a video for me personally that really hit the nail for me, that made me scream "Yeah that is Second life alright! ". The video with the most views is the video by Videogamedunkey that came out in 2016 which doesn't really paint Second life in a good way at all, shows clips of trolling, mocking and bad avatars, and the comment section of it really shows what people's first expression of Second life is/was. On the other hand, it probably did attract "weirdos" or people who are curious and got interested in Second life, but for most part it probably weirded them out, making them not give Second life a chance at all, I do assume that most people who know of Second life thinks it's a *****ed up "game" for "outcasts" with only sex and weird kinks in mind, or "outcasts" who doesn't have a life and takes this "game" too seriously ( like the typical MC people who ends up being the victims in the trolling videos ). Sadly the more positive videos never really get the views or attention that the other types of videos does, but even then as I said earlier, the videos that exists doesn't really show what Second life really is, they don't really hit the nail, perhaps it's only me that sees it that way. But let's imagine as a new user, finally finding a decent video of Second life, and get's interested. Now I will have to create an account, the Second life webpage has always looked bland to me, it's probably one of the least important things to care about, but it does leave an impression, even the Second life page in my opinion doesn't showcase what Second life is about, it doesn't even scratch the surface. As a new user, I probably expect to look alright right away, the decent videos shows decent avies, the pictures on the webpage shows decent avies... then you logg on for the first time, with a not completely Ruth but still a Ruth avatar and yeah I would probably feel tricked and confused as to why I look so different compared to what I have seen so far. So then I probably realize, ah that is probably because they have spent money on this "game", but where the ***** do I go now? How do I do this and that? How do I make myself look better? Alright they have learned me the basics with these tutorials, but I don't know what to do now, everyone is quiet and standing there like dead penguins. There is another issue with Second life and that is how scattered it is, for people to stay up to date with events better is via the seraphim website, for people to stay up to date with products is via the flickr website, to share the snapshots with other Second life users I will have to use the flickr website because that is the more popular alternative, we have the forums of course but it is dead compared to flickr, for people to ask for general Second life issues they have to use the forum, but from my own experience a lot of the responses that people have gotten is snarky, the forum itself doesn't get used much by the people within Second life either, so people's impression is that Second life is pretty empty, people don't know where to go or where to find people. Heck even the groups doesn't even work and made creators make discord channels to give people help and news for their products. So yeah scattered. For new users to know these things, they will need to find people or ask the forums, perhaps they don't even know if there are alternatives like that to begin with so they never ask, basically Second life turns into a confusing mess for new people that even bothered to give Second life a chance and probably scared them away right away, unless they meet someone really nice that uses time to learn them things, of course there are youtube videos but even then people have a lot of confusion and questions. Sorry for the long post. :U
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