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Everything posted by PixelBerry

  1. I honestly find older users more spooky in my opinion, there are bad eggs no matter how old of a user you are of Second life, I become happy whenever I see new people, but the question then is if they are an alt or not.
  2. I do wonder, is Second life fixable? If someone had the passion for Second life, the money and what not, if someone hired a team of coders, would Second life be fixable? Or is it impossible because of the "ancient" and messy coding?
  3. I have never felt that I could share my Second life with my friends or family, because to be honest it is not family friendly at all, even with the adult, mature or pg regions, you can still find people walking around with their tiddies and *****s out. There are a lot of issues within Second life that needs to be solved, I have an idea that could potentially solve the mature items being out in pg areas, just like how you check modify, transfer and copy. What if you could check adult, mature and pg on objects and layers or anything that you can wear? Might be a stupid idea, but why not share it anyhow. But that is just one of many issues Second life has. There are some youtube videos of normies visiting Second life, and their first impressions are usually wack, and usually paints Second life into this virtual world that is only about weirdos and sex, making it hard for me and others to share the wonderful world of Second life. Linden labs themselves don't really or haven't tried hard to advertise Second life well, first time in years I feel like they are trying something new with the site layout, but it is unfinished or maybe it is finished? I don't know. I feel like Second life needs to have it's reputation changed before anyone really can advertise it well, and I don't know how people can do that. I do want more people to join our world, even after all these years, even if Second life is old and not robust, Second life is still the only world of it's kind, there's nothing that can replace it for me, at least not currently, I have been here since 2007, and I'm not quitting before it's literally dead.
  4. Compared to Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra and Belleza freya, Slink got less support overall, it has always been that way, even when I was still wearing Slink hourglass, which is understandable because there is a ton of bodies out there now, and solo creators simply do not have time to create sizes for every single body there is, which is probably the reason why bigger brands with multiply people working on said brand still creates sizes for less popular bodies, either that or creators painfully goes trough hours of hours of work to try and satisfy every single costumer.
  5. Oh those are really good! I live in Norway so when I could travel over to Sweden for some shopping I would buy some of those. 😄
  6. Just as the title says I'm looking for fantasy/medieval/armor apparel for the female legacy body, I already know of Pucca firecaster creations, Antaya, P.0.E, Noble creations and Plastik ( or whatever their new name is ) but haven't really found much, at least not something that covers more than just the nip nops and the private parts. So I was hoping that you guys had more store suggestions for me, because so far I have really just peeked on the marketplace and I'm probably missing out on stores that I don't know about, I prefer smaller pieces over full outfits so I can mix and match stuff, oh and is there a decent bom chainmail somewhere? Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you! 😄
  7. I do not miss pure flexy hairs to be honest since it clips trough your body and everything else, and got a unnatural movement in my opinion, but I do think it would of been nice if creators added some flexy strands with their hairs, so there's some movement going on, like for example barberyumyum's 47B hair, which is a rigged hair with a few flexy strands.
  8. I think the safest thing to do is to just remove the name from your profile, I don't know how serious linden labs takes that kind of thing. But just know that you are not the only one, I have had my profile copied twice and probably more that I know of, but there really isn't much you can do about it other than to tell the person doing it to not do it again, or show them that you actually know that they did that to you. Instead you could just make a profile pic and write down that you do not appreciate people copying your profile or other things, at least that is what I have done, if it it will work or not is not for certain but at least people will know. I know from experience that people who does that kind of thing or worse, copybot or steal people's stuff, tend to not stop or grow out of it of it, because they are filled with jealousy, greed or both, and can't tell the difference between right and wrong, if they are young then yeah maybe they will understand as they grow older, but as an adult... probably not. So I just avoid them as much as possible, well to be honest I avoid people as much as possible unless they are my friends, but it got more downsides than positives. 😅
  9. I don't know if anyone remembers this store, but I found this corset a while back on my old account from the store TheAbyss that I bought back in 2010. it was my favorite corset for many years while a mix of system layers and sculpts were a thing, I remember they had a really cute white/pink scifi outfit for sale that I never had the chance to grab, I do wonder what happen to the creator. Anyhow, I still love and appreciate the creators who aren't around anymore. 😄
  10. Eh yeah, whenever I draw something I tend to avoid the seams as much as possible, thankfully I didn't have to touch the torso seam when I added the abs, however the normal maps I'm modifying was made for the belleza freya body so that is probably why there are slight seams at the connection of the upper body and the lower body, however when I try to correct that, smudging and blending the seams via blender with the standard avatar model it doesn't seem to work at all, it only makes it worse than it was, but I also do not have a dev kit for legacy to be able to do that on the legacy dummy, so I have no idea how the legacy body works with normal maps and how to be able to make it seamless. But I'm grateful for your information, thank you! ^^
  11. Pet peeve shopping event edition~ - I dislike when people wear really unnecessary items in events that causes lower performance. - I dislike when people bring more than one friend at events and rather uses time on chatting and gesturing instead of grabbing demos or purchasing whatever they came to purchase. - I dislike when people uses spankers, or moaners and walks around pretty much nude at shopping events that are not 18+. -I dislike when master/mistress's drag their pets/slaves with a leash and slamming them into people or walls, which is hilarious to watch but I don't think that belong in events that aren't 18+ in my opinion. - I dislike when people are standing right in front of vendors, making it hard to purchase anything. - I dislike people who complain about an item or the event trough voice at the event itself. - I dislike events that are overly decorated, got a confusing layout and a low performance because of said decoration. - This is probably not a shopping event only pet peeve, but when people are wearing the catwa lollipop with the sounds on! That's all I came up with at the moment, I'm pretty sure there is more that tends to annoy me. 😅
  12. Hello! So I love playing around with textures as a hobby, but I'm by no means good at it, I'm pretty much a headless chicken just doing whatever I think works. I do have a few questions regarding this subject tho. So I have heavily modified a normal map for the legacy body (with permission of course), and have created abs for it, however I want to make the legs and arms appear more toned, I have tried hand drawing muscles and tried looking for images or textures that could be used but without luck, so my questions are is there any websites with high quality full body pictures from all angles of a muscular female that doesn't cost me my liver and all that? I also have issues with making the textures seamless, even after using blender with a model of the standard avatar, there still are seams when I test them in world at least where the torso and the waist connect and in a few other areas but they aren't as noticeable. Honestly any tips and tricks when it comes to creating normal maps for the body, especially muscle details are welcome, I really want to learn more when it comes to normal maps and specular maps. 😄 Thank you!
  13. I really miss the hair store KIN by Kin Keiko, used to be my favorite hair store back in time. 😄
  14. The pants in the top picture is from Rebel Gal but that is all that I can help with, good luck
  15. That shouldn't matter no, But yeah contact the creator Utilizator Mode, he is online most of the time in European times. ^^
  16. I have never had this problem with my kemono avatar, so I'm wondering are you wearing anything else other than the kemono avatar? If not try that, take everything off and only wear the kemono body to figure out if there's anything else that causes it, If not I would suggest contacting the creator of the avatar for help, they will usually know the causes for most things.
  17. I do not mind the body at all, but how the breasts were shaped just looks very weird to me, how it sinks in above the breasts as if you were wearing a corset pushing your breasts up 24/7, there are a few things that I do not like about it, but it is a matter of opinion and what you are looking for in a body, I've seen some people really pull it of but that is usually with some deformers. While demoing the body I found waist/belly + breast deformers a nice way to make it look more pleasant ( in my eyes ). But then again kupra is not a body for everyone, if you are a person that switches body types I would go for another body.
  18. Doesn't happen to me at all, but I think it might be because I wander around as a fellow pillow in public to avoid getting copybotted, I've had my share of bad luck regarding that, but I don't mind seeing people wear the same top, dress etc. It is another thing if they have the exact same outfit you have spent your time on putting together, or if their avatar look exactly like yours, that's when I start to feel uncomfortable and feel suspicious of it, since I never tend to follow any trends or look up for some inspiration from bloggers, I just stick with my own style that I made up over the years, what I discovered that I feel most comfortable with. It might sound silly to some that some people might take that kind of stuff more seriously, but it is a way for people to really express themselves, I don't feel like I have that luxury to really express myself via fashion and what not in RL, so it's way easier for me to do so on SL which I really adore about it.
  19. Maybe you can try and go to clubs for example, I personally don't, but I know that most people in clubs are pretty social and friendly Also write more about yourself in your profile, like hobbies and what not, doesn't have to be too personal or anything.
  20. I know that the Apricot paws store is going to release some lower leg hooves at a event, their bom enabled but you will most likely need some kinda bom leg fur since you have a human skin. The description of the ad * Hoofy Toes! SLUV hoof-feet that join to your mesh body's ankles, so you can still wear pants. Fits Maitreya, Slink, Belleza & Legacy female bodies. They are Bakes on Mesh by default but will take Omega skin appliers - needs extra purchase of system kit to enable. These will be available at the [Mod]ify event starting May 1st. I'll add a link once it opens! *
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