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Everything posted by PixelBerry

  1. Double packaged stuff is so annoying, especially if its a demo, and the scripts it leaves behind. I have around 70.000 items in my inventory, and I feel like it's already too much, a lot of it I don't use because I have moved on to a different body, but I probably also have stuff I will never use, I feel like Second life is such a shopaholic world, you feel like you need something every time there is a event which is all the time, so I buy stuff without a second thought at times, however I have for the most part stopped playing gachas at least and I try to think over if I really need something or if I will end up using whatever it is.
  2. PixelBerry


    There are two venus heads, M4 and M3, so you have to make sure that the skin you are buying is for the same version of the head that you have, the uv/layout of the head is different on the M4 so if you have bought a M4 venus skin, it will look weird. Good way to figure that out is to read the description of the product you are buying if you are buying trough the marketplace, however I'm not sure how much information you can get if it was a in world purchase, you can always ask the creator of the skin if you are unsure.
  3. From my experience, the anime community in second life is pretty *****ty but it has been a few years since I was in it, now I don't know how other communities are in comparison, but it sounds like you have been surrounded by awful people regardless, I know this is a typical response, but you should ignore what other people think about your avatar, it is your way of expressing yourself and nobody should get in your way of that. Besides, we are a ton of people with different opinions and preferences, so it is impossible to please everyone's eyes, as long as your happy with how you look, that is everything that matters, if someone got anything to say, simply just block them and move on, they are not worth your time at all. 😄
  4. I don't know what they had in mind while making it, but from what I understood they are probably trying to say " Make your fantasy a reality " But I might be wrong, they are probably trying something new to see how people react to it, trying to make it a bit different compared to how they did things before to bring new people to Second life, since what they used to do probably doesn't work now days. Even if the video doesn't really hit well with most, I do appreciate the effort of them trying to bring Second life to light again.
  5. Yeah they should! 😄 It would be nice if they added different kinds of avatars. I really do not mind them using real people in it as long as they show some actual avatars in it as well.
  6. ^ Forgot to quote you, but my response is above.
  7. Silent when did I ever say that it was made in Second life? I said that they might be adding parts from second life in the finished video, since they are taking so long to actually publish the finished product. " the video is a work in process so they might be adding avatars in there to mix it up "
  8. I honestly do not mind the new colors and the look of the page, the video is a work in process so they might be adding avatars in there to mix it up, creating videos in Second life is not easy and that might be the reason they are taking so long to finish up the video, the whole fantasy thing is probably a way to show " you can be whatever you want to be " so adding scifi and fantasy themed people in the commercial is a easier way to show that compared to just adding normal looking people. It is also possible to make that blue elf, if you are creative enough. And that is a big part of Second life, to be creative and create, have some fantasy etc, I've seen avatars that are way more complex than that blue elf would be. Also saw someone wonder why they are hanging, they are probably trying to recreate the flying we fellow second lifers do now and then. In the end I do like the changes, however I do agree that it can be misleading, but most people can see that it is a real person and probably won't expect Second life to look like that, especially if they do research before joining.
  9. I used to have my rl picture in my profile years ago, but some someone decided it was a good idea to take my rl picture and someone elses and make a offensive meme out of it and post in a public group, and yes that someone was my bff back then, and I had no idea it was them because they used an alt to do it, mind you I didn't do anything towards them. So after that I decided to just stop having my rl picture on my profile, I have also had my fair share of crazy people who can use pretty much anything against you if they don't get what they want, so having any sort of rl stuff in your profile is in my opinion a bad idea. But I'm very open to voicing and like to voice with people.
  10. Check out the store Deetalez, they got bom skin for genus and slink.
  11. Not my cup of tea, but I can see that some might like it.
  12. Hmm... nope! I have always thought that clowns look too goofy for me to be scared of, I can't ever take scary movies with clowns in them seriously. They can be a bit creepy but not in a scary way for me.
  13. Violent seduction, Sweet thing and Insomnia angel got some lolita themed clothes and accessories.
  14. I would suggest a lelutka evolution head and the maitreya body, the genus heads tend to be clunky at times, however the lelutka ones are pretty smooth in various ways, would suggest trying a demo and playing around with the shape sliders to make sure the lips look the way you want them to.
  15. If your planning to stay in Second life for a long time then yeah you should probably invest in a good avatar, it is of course not necessary and by choice. However if you feel like it's just a temporary thing then I would suggest not to invest in it, making a decent looking avatar can be really expensive depending on what you buy. I don't know if your a female or a male but I will give you some suggestions regardless. In the long run I would not suggest on buying the first or the cheapest things you find, especially when it comes to bodyparts. When it comes to a body I would suggest Maitreya if your a female, and Signature gianni ( At least from what I know. ) if your a male as they are the most supported bodies out there, you will also most likely find more freebies and group gifts for those bodies which saves you some money as you don't have to invest in clothes and other things if you find something for free that you like. Maitreya body: 2750 Lindens. Signature gianni body: 4000 Lindens. When it comes to heads it really depends on what type of face you want, but I would suggest taking a look at the Lelutka store as they have permanently lowered their prices for their Lelutka evolution line, there are both female and male heads. Why I suggest Lelutka is because the function, the quality and the animations are all top notch for what you pay, and is not lacking in any way I would say, compared to other heads that I feel like you need to invest in extra stuff for it to be working properly. Lelutka head: 3990 Lindens. Everything else you will have to do some research, please try demos before buying anything to make sure that you will like the items that you buy. I would suggest taking a look on the marketplace, put the sorting on best selling and you will most likely find promo products that are decently priced. Also do not rush when your making your avatar, take your time. Other bodies you can check: Slink hourglass, Belleza freya, Female Legacy classic or perky, Male Legacy classic or athletic ( There are others, but aren't as supported. ) Other head stores: Catwa and Genus. Skin store suggestions: Pepe skins, Amara beauty, Deetalez, The skinnery, Stray dog, Bold & beauty and Mudskin. Hair store suggestions: Magika, Stealthic, Doux, Yumyum, Tram, Moon and Dura.
  16. I joined Second life back in 2007 as a 13 year old, my mother found Second life and thought I would like it, since I had a joy for virtual worlds like IMVU. My mom however wasn't aware of the adult items it contained, neither did I before I accidentally landed in a orgy sim when I was looking for freebies, yikes. Anyways. I was struggling with daily bullying since I was 6, so it had taken a toll on me throughout the years, so the internet and the virtual world was my escape. Second life made it easier for me to cope trough my struggles, if I hadn't had Second life in my life I think I would of done something to myself that I would regret or have been in a worse state than I am currently ( I struggle with social anxiety and evasive personality disorder to this day because of my childhood. ) I was a lonely teen in real life, so it really helped me socializing with people on Second life, it gave me freedom to be whoever I wanted to be, and to be myself 100% without feeling any shame, I also met a lot of amazing people throughout the years whom I have lost contact with but I still appreciate the time I got with them. I would say that my English wasn't the greatest either when I started, but Second life made me really improve a lot, which I'm really grateful for. The things I have experienced, the people I have met and Second life in itself made me more mature and more thoughtful of my actions in a early age which I'm also grateful for. Second life also gave me a platform to be creative in many ways, the way I express myself, the way I dress, the way I decorate, playing with edit mode and inspired me to try making my own textures, which I'm not the greatest at but it is still a skill that I'm glad that I have archived. I have so many things that I'm glad that I learned and experienced in Second life, to much to even mention. I have of course had bad experiences in Second life, since it is a world of people regardless how you turn on it, I have been back stabbed, lied to, stalked, used, stolen from etc. But it doesn't spoil the good memories I have had and still have, it has just learned me to be more strong and careful. I'm now 26, I still have issues and probably will for a long time but Second life still helps me cope trough it and is still my happy place, so thank you linden labs for giving us a platform.
  17. I'm not 100% sure but it might be from Clef de peau ^-^
  18. You can always try and adjust the windlight to your liking
  19. It is the windlight that is doing that, I get that sometimes too depending on the windlight and what angle the sun is at, but it doesn't have to be the sun, it can be another light source that does that too, try changing your windlight and move to a different location and see if that works. The lip curve of some heads are pretty defined so it can get lighted up like that. As well as the skin your using, the upper lips are smaller than the head's upper lip, making that line more visible, at least from what I can see.
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