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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Now I am beginning to think SL is responsible for my backyard.
  2. I'm a Patriots fan but rooting for the Bengals since they are underdogs and I really like that they beat the Chiefs xD.
  3. They are more prevalent than you think. More so with clothing considering a few of the popular body makers require you to be "established" prior to granting you access to their rigs. Meaning you're stuck with generic rigs or premade mesh in the mean time. Anytime I see an outfit offered in like 10 different rigs, most of which aren't even used much anymore, that's a huge sign to me that it is a premade. Even original creators use premade mesh time to time
  4. Lag is going to be a thing until technology catches up with what they are trying to produce. Not very much of SL is stored locally. It's all on the internet. Secondlife is basically a webpage and you are walking through a 3d rendering of it. It's constantly rendering and derendering. If we could somehow have some of our favorite places and things stored locally it would run similar to how high end games run. But that would basically make it easier for creative content to be datamined than it already is. So it's quite the catch 22. edit: * I'm not a techy by any means. I am just looking at it logically and basing it off what little I know *.
  5. I am not sure exactly what SL needs to update. Sure they could modernize the code and fix a few kinks but in terms of its progress it has always been limited to and restricted by such things as internet speeds and the graphic capabilities of computers. I can see if someone plays mostly on a laptop and low speed internet how they would have these feelings but the game looks pretty dam good on a gaming computer. I really don't see anything that is dated on a regular basis in SL.
  6. Just reading some of the comments on that youtube video.... "No thanks. A friend had a virtual extramarital affair on second Life. Broke his wife's heart, she kicked him out and dissolved the marriage." 🤣
  7. I’d like to see sim instances for events that can sometimes take days to get into. When demand is high a temporary copy or copies of the sim would appear to accommodate overhead. Something like this could be subsidized by and only accessible to premium+ members and not affect the tier of whoever is hosting the event.
  8. Let alone the fact quite a few people play on not the best computers or with settings as such that they may not even notice the difference in quality between your avie and theirs.
  9. Actual thought process. A. Do it today while the snow is still fluffy and easy to move. B. Wait 'til Wed or Thurs when it's 40 degrees and rainy to see how much it cleans up. Chose A. But only because Friday is going to be single digits and will ice all the rain.
  10. It's always been tough for guys however it's not as bad now as it was in the past. TMD (The Men's Department) and Man Cave are decent monthlies for guys. There's also the Syndicate group that generally has events with a lot of guy stuff. As per the OP, I remember last winter there was a bit of lull after the holidays. Things pick back up again around March when the quarterlies start rolling out again. The monthlies I generally just check to see what creators I like have come out with. Other than that it's the quarterlies (Cyber Fair, NeoJapan ect..) that I save my pennies for.
  11. I got a response when asking someone what head they used for a picture. I got the response of "sorry we don't share our custom skins". As if the felt the need to let me know they use custom skins? I'm like dude I just asked what head you used. (Turned out the skin was Skinnery and not custom). Never did find out what head was used.
  12. Check out SEMotion. I think they do avies. Im not positive though. Their prices are usually reasonable. I agree with you on Rezz Room. Pretty pricy but dam they make good stuff. I have their cerberus dog. I pondered for like a week before biting the bullet though lol.
  13. I don't see how the lower prices effect the economy. If anything it keeps the wheel rolling. Most of these cheap priced items are past releases that initially were much more. More often than not the creator has already recouped what they spent in time (assuming they invested some in advertising and marketing) before an item is released for some discount such as FLF or the weekend deals. Where literally any amount the creator makes from it is just bonus anyways + they bring views for other items at their store that are full price.
  14. The last flight simulator was pretty good I heard. I never played it but it got pretty good reviews and its kind of popular for streams and youtube vids as well. IDK. I think this is a good thing for Blizzard and hopefully gamers as well. It has stagnated quite a bit over the years. MS can't do much worse than what Activision was doing.
  15. Ha you're right! I didn't even notice.
  16. Oo. I didn't realize Caboodle was mod. Is it just the fatpacks? I have some singles from them that aren't mod. This would certainly entice me to buy their fatpacks lol..
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