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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Meva, Asteroidbox, The Forge and R2 Fashion are some of my favorites that are also modifiable. Hotdog, Contraption and Cerberus X-ing too however the later 2 don’t necessarily specialize in only clothes.
  2. What is complaining about people complaining (who aren't actually complaining) called exactly?
  3. MP makes up maybe 5%-10% of my shopping. I think most people shop at events and just use MP when looking for something specific. MP is generally a last resort for me personally. I buy most things at events or in store. I think in the MP you are required to mark the permissions when you list something. But in world it's not a requirement or anything. At least not that I am aware of.
  4. The maps aren't required for doing basic tints or even for adding some roughness or specs to the piece. I do this quite regularly. They're helpful for sure but not required. And I would see no reason why someone wouldn't just include the maps in a folder full perm. They would only work for that mesh and have no value to anyone other than customers who has purchased the product and wanted to personalize it. Worst case scenario, someone makes a custom color/texture changer hud for that one piece and tries to sell they hud to a limited clientele of people who purchased the product. I've bought a couple of pieces recently that included full perm maps that weren't for the intended purpose of reselling. The product was still no trans.
  5. I believe this is part of the issue. A lot of places don't state the permissions. Specifically with clothing items. If you go to any event currently like 99% of the clothing doesn't state what the permissions are.
  6. Most places don't even let you know if it's mod or not and the same vendors get upset when you ask what the permissions are.... This has been one of my biggest gripes ever since mesh became the primary building method. No mod made sense for prims since someone could easily recreate your work if you made it modifiable, but it makes zero sense for mesh other than to hide the fact you didn't actually make it. At least that is my perception when I see no mod on clothes.
  7. I wish all vendors would cater to my Tiger Games handheld. I can’t wait to upgrade to a TI-84 Plus.
  8. idk i felt people were a bit more tolerable in those days. Seems these days those offended by things perceived as PC are the more vocal bunch.
  9. Weird, this is the same usual crew who openly bashed anyone that was against the gacha ban... A lot of your "recommendations" to the OP could have been applied to your own logic in the gacha thread. Just saying...
  10. Person asks: why don't I ever see people in SL? Same person: Shops almost exclusively on marketplace while parking their avie in their cozy, likely mainland plot surrounded by themes and builds from 2008 and prior. Ignores group notices making them blind to anything that might be happening because they don't want to be annoyed by pop ups (but don't mind the free gifts these groups offer). Rarely if ever attends events of any kind whether it be shopping or some other form of entertainment. Rarely if ever sees the current capabilities of SL. Claims SL is dead or dying. Conclusion: No, you are just really bad at this.
  11. parting water and shorter length options for projected light.
  12. These are all fine and dandy. Sure group owners have the right to do whatever they wish. It doesn’t make it more or less BS for being kicked from a group you paid to join for inactivity. Besides how do they determine inactivity other than going by your log in dates? Is it based off of tips? Do they have some spreadsheet that tracks visitors? Seems a bit sketch to me. that being said, I dont think a whole lot can be done about other than just avoiding said group and maybe warning friends or people you know about it.
  13. No no no. She pass the fashion test. Nothing wrong with vintage xD.
  14. Excuse me ma'am... I'm going to have to see some I.D...
  15. Ya this was another thing I was hoping to get into down the line.
  16. Yes I am sure there are other programs I could use. Just upset PS is getting rid of it since I've been using Adobe products since like 2009? It's what I am more familiar with. I do mostly 2D. I don't do anything in 3D software however it's on my list of things to learn. Sometimes I'll tinker with textures to get an effect I am looking for in game for a picture or just to wear around. I'm not working with actual models or anything.
  17. It also has uses in 2d. Here's a project I did for a class a few years ago (I still have hanging on my wall).. I placed a 3D sphere in the hands of this 2D picture and added a globe 3D texture to it.
  18. Oh it's pretty useful for plebs like me who can't do materials in Blender or Maya but can simulate them using various textures in PS. I am not a 3d builder or anything. I just like to tinker with things. Currently trying to make a glass visor for this helmet I got.
  19. Already use photoshop, illustrator and indesign. Trying to teach myself aftereffects. Now Adobe is planning on disabling 3D features in PS which I use to generate normals. So now I have to learn Substance 3D? https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/3d-faq.html 😰
  20. I decided to AFK for the night in one of my favorite sims while in a little Dinkie ninja kitty avatar using one of the DinkieDo hud dances. I checked the next morning and someone had IM'd me asking if I had a bikini Oo... Really dude a bikini?
  21. Also one thing I like to do is export the prim and reimport is as a mesh. That way when you link all 4 sides it counts as 2Li instead of 4. Just have to make sure to set each side of the cube a different color before exporting so that the game see it as having 6 faces instead of just one which would cause issues when trying to texture it later.
  22. Could be a worn mouse? I know the springs in them only have a finite lifespan. That lifespan determined by the quality of the mouse. I've had this issue before with a mouse I prefer because it's the right size for my hands. Every now and then I have to replace it because it's a relative cheapo compared to other similar mouses.
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