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Everything posted by Finite

  1. It's actually about 2 hours. Generally this kind of labor is $50-$60 per hour and up depending on who you are working with.
  2. Yes and scripting can be expensive and time consuming too. My friend who scripts got paid 25k lindens to script something for a creator.
  3. Just look at 3d sites like turbosquid and cgtrader to get a sense of what 3d products are typically sold for. Let alone of the extra work needed to get them to function in secondlife.
  4. It doesn't necessarily have to be reported. A mod could happen to be monitoring the thread. I was accused once of reporting posts when in fact it was a mod doing mod things in a thread.
  5. Hmm you're more than welcome to check out my gacha store. I never claimed to profit from gacha and I kind of doubt anyone actually did just from my own experience. I recouped a very small % of what I spent sure. But most of my extras are either still in my inventory or were given or traded away to friends or other gacha players trying to complete sets. I'm not a creator or a merchant. I am a consumer.
  6. Ha that's a whole issue in itself. I had day surgery a few years ago. I pay for insurance through work and I still got hit with a $2500 bill. They charged my insurance 8800 for this day surgery that was literally in and out. Didn't even get a lollipop. For $8800 I feel I should have gotten at least a night stay with breakfast in bed and a mimosa. And this is small potatoes compared to people with more severe issues.
  7. Yes and I thought I made that clear. Sorry but you seem to be confused. I never said they were the same country. I used the two in a scenario to explain why comparing US politics and social issues to the UK was like comparing apple to oranges and I even explained why I used Malta and the Uk for said scenario. If you can’t get past one sentence of a post please don’t reply to them.
  8. *coughs*(?) I never said they were but thanks for pointing that out if some people didn’t already know that or even cared… I honestly couldn’t imagine needing a passport to travel outside of New England which is about the same size as the UK. So grats? I guess?
  9. Ya I can certainly see that. I just think lawmakers are having trouble finding away to regulate such things without indirectly effecting other things such as trading cards and what not. Hence why they already failed at passing regulation in 2018. And why lawmakers are simply requesting that Euro policies be applied in US markets and not putting their signatures on any actual laws.
  10. Isn't MTG cards PG13? Oo.. In looking up the reasoning in the changing regulation is because of it's (loot-boxes) similarities to gambling AND the fact the games involved are also played by children. They also seem to take issue with items that give you advantage in said games and not so much with items that are just aesthetic. They only point to anti-consumerism on the issue that they did not list the odds of getting whatever the desired item is. This is something I actually felt SL should have already required for gacha even before the ban and don't understand why it was never required. Even a deck of cards, whether baseball cards or MTG cards will list the odds of getting specific "rares" or for baseball or sports cards in general they call them "inserts". Both of which are perfectly legal for even kids to buy.
  11. This is assuming the ban was because of predatory tactics and anti-consumerism and not because of a "changing regulatory climate". And even with anti-consumerism as a base for argument there is far better targets than gacha or this conveyer system ongoing in SL. Like body makers who won't give rigs to clothes makers unless they are "established" meaning they have to use only premade mesh in their stores or generically rigged clothing for years before being given access to rigs. Or stores that bully other stores at events because they sell their original mesh for cheaper than other brands sell their premade mesh. This seems far more anti-consumer to me.
  12. Yes but also like gacha you can walk away or if you absolutely want it then buy it 2nd hand off the MP. The only issue at play here is that you desire the item but don't want to play the game or wait in line to get said item. And now we need another soapbox here in the forums to discuss it because of it. And why cant you turn to the secondary market in this scenario? Are they no transfer? If so why are you even playing it? Seems the thing gives off plenty of vibes not to play it. And I enjoyed playing gacha, the scenario you are describing doesn't seem like something I would play regardless of how nice it looks. Especially if I can't even give extras I have to friends or place in my MP store. PS> Off topic but did you see this at Neo? Space Bunny
  13. Ya I understand that but I just feel anti-gambling people here on the forums are targeting the wrong thing when there's something far worse that's been allowed since like 2007... And because of this I question whether it is truly about gambling and not because some people can't get the thing they wanted in the manner they want said thing. Again I say gambling and gimmicky sales aren't even one of the Ten. Envy is twice. Doesn't really makes sense to question the morality of something you're grandstanding against when the manner and reason of which you are doing it is etched in stone immoral.
  14. Call it whatever you like. They were approved by SL before they were ever implemented. I was just playing one that doesnt show you anything but what you are buying at that moment. When you buy it, it switches to another one. The price lowers the longer you wait. No conveyer or anything. You buy it or wait for someone else to buy it to see the next item. and PS LL never said they banned gacha because of gambling. Gambling is allowed in SL currently in the form of skilled gaming which simulates gambling far more so than gacha ever did.. And if in fact there are people susceptible to gambling habits they are scratching their itches on skilled gaming sims. Not gacha or these new conveyer systems.
  15. Just because you are playing for what's being revealed, doesn't mean that everyone is. What I find funny about this entire topic is the question of morality and ethics of it all. Gambling nor even having gimmicky sales practices are even part of the Ten. You know what is? Envy....twice... You want the thing but can't have the thing unless you play this silly little game to you so now you are upset and think the entire system should be banned because of it.
  16. I think you missed the point. Search the counter argument, compare them to your argument and form an opinion and make a statement. Just randomly posting links that support your own point of view won't win any arguments either.
  17. I resemble this statement... Me on a shopping binder at an event I probably over anticipate months before it opens. Oh it feels so good tho...
  18. Just because I can do a google search and post links that supports my agenda. https://askanydifference.com/difference-between-gacha-game-and-loot-box/ Just because.. https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2016/jan/26/earth-totally-flat-conspiracy-bob
  19. For instance, if the UK and Malta (where abortion is illegal) fell under a single government and decisions made in Malta that were confirmed at the federal level could have a direct impact on people in the UK the issue would be a quite a bit more contentious than what you experience. The reason I chose UK and Malta is because the distance between the two is nearly identical to the distance between the US region of New England where are majority of people are pro-life (and is roughly the same size as the UK) and Texas where the issue is quite a bit more contentious (and is 3 times the size of the UK). 76% of people in the UK are pro-choice. In New England its between 63% (Rhode Island) and 74% (Massachusetts) pro-choice. On average New England is around 70% pro-choice. With that kind of majority views obviously there wouldn't be any contention. Texas however is 45% pro-choice and 55% pro-life (this is actually an improvement) so there is contention there and contention in other parts of the country since what's decided in Texas and ruled on at the federal level could impact people who have entirely different views. UK doesn't have this issue. And likely doesn't even concern itself with what happens in Malta. Am I surprised or think it's strange the UK has nearly zero contention on abortion? No, since nearly all of it have the same view. Am I surprised or think its strange that abortion is illegal in Malta? No, 95% of the country doesn't think it should be legal. Am I surprised or think it's strange that there's contention in the US over abortion? No, overall it's nearly 50/50 pro-choice and pro-life. Do I think the issue would be more contentious if the UK and Malta somehow fell under a single government? Absolutely.
  20. I think it's contentious because issues like this in the US can have ramifications that last decades. Comparing US politics to other parts of the world is like comparing apples to oranges. US regions and some states are the size of some countries. States can govern themselves for the most part but have to adhere to a single federal government. EU nations for instance only have to answer to themselves. If certain laws are passed in the US they could directly affect other parts of the country that are as culturally different as say Germany and France. Especially if they go up to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justices can serve as long as they live. Meaning what they decide likely won't be changed for the foreseeable future.
  21. It had nothing to do with any laws. There's potential to be laws or a law down the line. There's at least some rumblings of that but no laws exist currently locally, statewide or federally. It's more to do about scrutiny. They don't want to be regulated a certain way and the less scrutiny they get the more they can stay in their comfort bubble in operating SL. As consumers of and creators of content within Secondlife we probably also don't want Secondlife to be regulated as say something like Tilia is.
  22. Smoking can be attributed to 3 of the top 4 causes of death in the US. Not that I am siding with anyone here. To each their own. A friend of mine who smokes has a good line whenever someone tells him "smoking is bad for your health".. He just responds "So is not minding your own business"...
  23. You can throw the "greed" term around anywhere. I don't see how every gacha creator gets the label. Sure some were greedy. But some also weren't. Some did gachas because they knew they had a base of customers that enjoyed them. Me personally have only came across less than a handful of ones I'd consider greedy. But I also generally shop in an ever growing bubble of merchants and events that I know and trust. So I can only see from my perspective.
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